“The [scariest] shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” — Albert Allen Bartlett
To procreate, people need to be sociable enough to meet someone and decisive enough to choose them. Similarly, to make money they need to pick a career and shut out all other options. Such people excel in getting into power and then idiotically doing nothing as the world collapses around them.
Other people don’t care about pro-social rigmarole. They look at things for what they truly are. They never have a limited outlook, either. They keep their options open. They suffer for it individually, but they can see so much more than others. The problem is that others are too foolish to listen to them, because they only listen to the ladder-climbers whose sole gift is getting to the top. This is ironic, because so often what helps somebody progress in life is what makes them incompetent in big-picture thinking. It’s a wonder, then, how big picture thinkers come into existence — or, for that matter, why.
Big-picture thinkers know what to fear. They understand that what’s truly scary is not a haunted hayride Halloween event or even a walk through the drug block in a black ghetto — though the latter is unpleasant and risky. What’s truly scary is the big picture — if you’re willing to look at it. Here are ten of the scariest things about it.
1. Sub-Saharan Africans are doubling in population each generation. While Asians, Latin Americans, and North Africans are curbing their fertility, Sub-Saharan Africans are not. During the past 30 years, the lifespan of the average millennial, the number of Sub-Saharan Africans has more than doubled. Because of their prolific growth and hereditary low average IQ, they can’t find drinking water. The white missionaries in Africa would do well to educate them on birth control in addition to well digging. There’s already about a billion of them, and if they keep breeding like they’ve been doing, there will be four billion by 2082. That means four times more trying to cover the Earth, spreading low-IQ thinking wherever they go. The Chinese may get them to follow a one-child policy if they seize global hegemony from the decadent multiracial Western nations, but that may not happen until there’s well over two billion of them. If only whites were sane enough to humanely curb the African birthrate now.
2. Even if immigration to America stops completely, be it legal or illegal, America will become something racially like Puerto Rico or Colombia unless they repatriate non-whites to their places of origin. The way gene flow works is that genes radiate outwards within a geographic boundary until they even out among the population. It may take a long time, and caste systems might slow it down, but it is inevitable. Therefore, even total immigration restrictionists are Puerto Ricanists or Colombianists, because that’s the sort of person Americans will become after they’re done interbreeding racially.
With continued immigration, America’s population will approach something like the Dominican Republic and end up like South Africa. Those who only oppose illegal immigration will merely slow the progression toward becoming South Africa as blacks multiplying in Africa continue to immigrate. People who support legal immigration are South Africanists. Trump is a South Africanist.
The only whites of the future will be ethno-intentionalists. They intentionally make themselves white by rejecting non-white immigrants. This will help the world, as whites are responsible for most innovations in math and science. The world shouldn’t kill off its innovators.
3. Low birthrates among white people are causing their demographic implosion even in white nations that don’t allow mass immigration. Elon Musk claims population implosion is a problem, but won’t specify of whom. Africans aren’t declining; they’re multiplying. Most Asians are growing slowly or have steady state fertility. Demographic implosion may affect the 180 million Asians who live in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, but it affects the billion whites in white countries as well, but Musk can’t admit it because the Jews would punish him with a Tesla boycott. Bounded by his business obligations, he is not free to refrain from being vague. He must cooperate with boycott-happy Jews so he can continue to deliver profits and electric vehicles to Boomers in the top 10% of wealth brackets, who are the ones who mostly own his stock.
4.The developed world has a Singles Epidemic. This is largely due to middle-aged men in upper-class wealth percentiles paying young men half as much, thereby making them seem like unattractive losers to women. The correlation between job performance and experience is only 0.27, and probably lower for high cognitive demand jobs, yet the correlation between age and income is 0.61. Meanwhile, non-white Hispanics are out-earning their immigrant fathers and outbreeding whites, whose family wealth they will probably vote to take. A race that refuses to pay its sons may end up having to forfeit its wealth to immigrants replacing them.
5. Judeo-Machiavellians are a consortium of Jewish and Machiavellian white elites who manipulate well-meaning followers (most of them religious) to further enrich the rich and enslave everyone but them. “Judeo-Machiavellian” is a better term than their own preferred one of “Judeo-Christian” because their ideology entails manipulative nostrums meant to increase their power. Judeo-Machiavellians believe in the freedom of the old to economically cannibalize the young, democracy for people dumb enough for them to manipulate, wars to benefit Israel and profiteers, feminism and affirmative action to suppress upstart middle-class white men, cultural alienation of whites via ethnic diversity, and pursuits of happiness for people old enough to afford them but not young enough to fully enjoy them. They aren’t self-sacrificing, honest, or humble like Christ, so they have no business calling themselves Judeo-Christian.
6. The organized Jewish community’s ability to suppress all discussion of Jewish power comes not from Jewish belligerence, intelligence, or money, but from the fact that most whites are either complicit with Jews sitting atop their hierarchies at greater rates or passively submissive to it. Whites no longer seem to possess the necessary instincts to keep these civilizational cuckoo birds from laying their eggs in their nest. Intermarriage rates may slowly weaken Jewish efforts to quash discussion of their power, but by then most white-majority nations may be like the Dominican Republic or South Africa, and the remaining cuckoos can take flight to Israel, their giant desert shtetl.
7. All nations that don’t have up-to-date nuclear missile systems may be invaded by other nations. To ensure protection from invasion, white nations must either arm themselves with nuclear missiles or ally with a white nation that has them. Nuclear missiles are a nation’s true defense. Everything else is just security for them. This is disturbing, because most white nations don’t have nuclear missiles today, and multiracial ones like the US and Russia do.
8. Whites’ genetic deterioration may play a role in their widespread political incompetence. Half of all people died in childhood prior to the twentieth century, but now nearly all live to adulthood, and the survivors may be spreading harmful genetic mutations which, according to Ed Dutton, may give rise to individuals who are physically sick and similarly politically demented. A population increasingly suffering from chronic diseases resulting from their DNA’s shortcomings is not a happy one. The great sorrows of people too sickly to partake in life may cause them to resent their race.
9. Corporations are pushing whites into one-size-fits-all roles for every occupation because they can easily replace a white who refuses to conform or who can’t conform with one of the billion people from India or China. They make no exception for gifted whites — not even geniuses. Regimentation benefits the mediocre because it centers on the average, and mediocre people tend to be average in most ways. This is partly why the correlation between IQ and income dissipates above an IQ of 126. Soon, it may dissipate at lower IQ levels as corporations become more regimented and too mediocre to match Western nations’ declining intelligence levels.
Corporations gladly make exceptions for the poorer performance of women, minorities, mentally ill transgenders, and so on as long as they accept paltry pay and all agree to support diversity, act happy despite disliking their jobs, and flatter the egos of the psychopaths and Machiavellians who manage them. Their reasoning isn’t entirely unjustified, as intelligent white men such as Henry Ford find ways to wrest money from shareholders and distribute it to workers.
Corporate shareholders are mostly super-rich Boomer Jews and whites. Growth in the stock market mirrors declining individual wealth for young whites. To some extent, the elites’ gain is young whites’ loss. Some might point out that GDP per capita, a measure of living standards, is going up, but people having fewer children in the West artificially boosts it because the same amount of wealth is divided among fewer people, and most of the growth is not benefiting the common person but a super-rich global geriatric elite. Their fun may soon be over, however, because improvements in technology cannot outpace increasing stupidity in the workforce indefinitely.
10. The inhumane conditions which Chinese factory workers must face may become the global norm for blue-collar workers. Boomers who have been out of the workforce for decades have no idea what it’s like out there, but older people nearing retirement can see how things have decayed. It’s just the same as what George Orwell accused the Soviets of doing in Animal Farm: making things slightly worse over time so that no one ever revolts against it. Now, it’s happening in the supposedly free nations. Companies can’t even get white people to work in blue-collar jobs since the pace is so grueling and the work is so mind-numbing, so they recruit non-whites to work in their stead. Consequently, the majority in a warehouse’s workforce is often an immigrant group.
With the Internet making hiring people easy, workers are replaceable, so companies can treat them badly. Employers can afford to run them into the ground and replace them with a fresh batch — as long as they make the jobs mind-numbing and simplistic enough that they don’t require training. If they run out of people to run into the ground, the Biden Administration will ship in more from Mexico. Meanwhile, the rich sneer at US white middle- and working-class people, calling them lazy and incompetent for not wanting to stoop to the level of immigrants coming from the Third World. Middle-class whites will see their children fall into these prisons despite their college degrees. The global economy is their jailer.
Saving the Day
Napoleon said, “A leader is a dealer in hope.” It’s not leader-like to leave people in horror of the big picture with no solutions, so here are some:
- The primary concern of the United Nations must be overpopulation in Africa.
- Whites should become ethno-intentionalist and found and maintain homogeneously white nations which prohibit non-whites from immigrating.
- Good whites must stop pursuing wealth above subsistence level, and must instead focus on outbreeding bad whites. To paraphrase Napoleon, “Forgiving those who revile me, I can always outbreed them.”
- Income must be redirected from petered-out, unintelligent old men who don’t deserve it and toward intelligent young men who do.
- “Judeo-Machiavellians” must become the new term for libertarians, Trumpists, neoconservatives, and their misled Religious Right followers. Alternatively, they can be dubbed South Africanists, Dominican Republicanists, etc. for where they are leading their followers.
- The truth of Jewish power in all places must be exposed, and their greater rates at which they occupy positions of influence elucidated.
- All white nations must commence plans to build state-of-the-art nuclear missile defense systems and update them routinely.
- More extensive studies on mutational load and demented political beliefs must be conducted.
- Whites must come up with an alternative to the corporation that is more effective. The Internet can be used to strengthen freelancers, co-ops, etc. Corporations may be unavoidable in order to produce some products, such as refrigerators, but whites need to pioneer a way to destroy their own creation that is destroying them.
- Laws must make the hiring and firing employees much more difficult in order to prevent companies from viewing them as disposable.
* * *
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Good whites must stop pursuing wealth above subsistence level, and must instead focus on outbreeding bad whites.’
These two things are contradictory. As a K-selection subspecies, it’s the presence of abundance that encourages Whites to breed above replacement.
Income must be redirected from petered-out, unintelligent old men who don’t deserve it and toward intelligent young men who do.
This is really just another form of anti-Whiteness: Pitting the generations against one another. It’s not called ‘IQ nationalism’, it’s called White Identity Nationalism. Find a better way to solve this problem than playing into the Jews’ tactic of using scarcity to turn the White generations against one another. The Jews don’t allow this crap among themselves and Whites shouldn’t either.
“Judeo-Machiavellians” must become the new term for libertarians, Trumpists, neoconservatives, and their misled Religious Right followers.
The ‘Judeo-‘ prefix can be wielded in a lot of ways more productive than ‘Judeo-Machiavellians’. First of all, Machiavelli wasn’t such a bad guy. How about the following? Judeo-Left, Judeo-Right, Judeo-capitalism, Judeo-socialism. These are usages that are more precise. The Jews are everywhere. Reminding people that the Jews are instigators of certain – Judeo-supremacist – versions of their preferred ideas keeps the Jews in the spotlight. Exactly where they do not want to be.
You must be unaware of the K selection implosion in developed nations. I should have put the figures in the article. People who need to wait till their late twenties to finish education and their mid forties to top out in income will die out and be replaced by somebody, so it might as well be other whites who don’t practice that lifestyle. You can be graveyard peacekeeper for the whites dying out. I’ll be the one for we the living (pun intended).
Genetically, a generation is traditionally thirty years. Monkeying with that by trying to make the average 35 will kill off any people with accumulated mutations or eternal age. They’ll be too genetically sick to keep their genes going.
We need to incorporate age into the progressive tax to rectify the market failure in wages. It should fall most heavily starting on the top tenth percentile of those over 40.
There is empirical evidence for the Peter Principle. Petered out old extroverts essentially exploit the young of young intelligent introverts. I plan to write an article with the relevant studies as evidence. White people deserve just wages not a demographically imploding gerontocracy.
The altruistic position is to tell the truth at one’s own expense and anger one’s moneyed elders who can benefit him financially. The selfish Machiavellian position is to suck up to one’s rich elders and let the race implode around him.
If the problem is birth-rates, then make the issue about birth-rates.
If the issue is about wages, then talk about wages.
It’s hard to see how living longer while getting old is a crime against the young except in circumstances of extreme scarcity.
In which case, the scarcity is the problem.
The ‘altruistic’ position only makes sense if such altruism is rewarded. Otherwise it’s just suicide on the installment plan.
‘You must be unaware of the K selection implosion in developed nations.’
I’m fully aware of the dramatic claims about reduced birth rates for Whites. I’m also fully aware that the problem of stabilizing or declining demographic groups is true in the USA for almost every demographic group except recent immigrants.
White civilization all on its own is capable of inducing K-selection birth patterns in non-Whites.
‘We need to incorporate age into the progressive tax to rectify the market failure in wages. It should fall most heavily starting on the top tenth percentile of those over 40.’
First of all, just get rid of taxes altogether. And usury. And the setting of national monetary policy by privately-owned central banks.
Your solution assumes that transfer of wealth from older persons to younger persons would solve a problem for all persons. I’m not seeing how that would be the case.
All it does is increase generational friction by benefiting the people who’ve lived fewer years versus those who have lived more years.
Your approach seems to ameliorate one problem while creating three more less-easily-solved problems.
Whites need to take control of their political economy. Until we do, we’re not going to be able to successfully engage with the problems created by that loss of control.
I’m a socialist. I’d be happy to pay White people to breed and care for themselves and their families. I don’t need a justification beyond ‘It’s good for the Whites.’
I don’t mean to be obtuse about choosing one policy or another, but what’s certain is that if good people listen to the mainstream and do what they’re told, it has bad collective outcomes on demographics. The system isn’t working. Alternative ways of thinking are needed.
By “subsistence” I’m not advocating a back to the farm movement. I’m saying women should make their middle/working class boyfriend become an LPN instead of a doctor so he only has two years of schooling instead of 8+4 in residency, and he will earn enough in their 20s to support a family. LPN is better for people who can’t live off their parents’ income for the first decade of their adult lives. If whites could just side-step the family killing traps they could regenerate their populations. A They won’t have as much family wealth and the ratio of income to people will be lower, but you can’t take family wealth to the grave with you. Big families > big headstones.
Some things to consider regarding point 9.
We should be poised to take advantage of:
The transformational impact of distributed manufacturing (enabled by 3D printing)
Economic localization resulting from supply chain deterioration
Decreasing willingness to rely on strangers for goods and services as a consequence of multi-culti, lowered social trust
Potential resurgence of bartering, informal economy as the economic situation deteriorates further
All of this will facilitate freelancing and entrepreneurialism. However, the freedom and flexibility these offer dissidents come with tradeoffs for those looking to start families (lack of benefits, stability, health insurance, time off, etc). Even formerly stable “traditional” jobs are increasingly lacking in these areas, and the healthcare/health insurance system in many Western countries is rapidly deteriorating anyway. Solutions for getting healthcare, pensions, et cetera outside of the system are needed.
Above all, I believe we can improve the ease of finding and supporting existing pro-White businesses and grow this economic space even further.
8. Whites’ genetic deterioration may play a role in their widespread political incompetence.
Now you’re talking. But you skip over the reason why long ago so many children died but nowadays a much larger portion of people live a long time – namely, the development of medical technology which keeps even the most inferior alive instead of allowing them to perish from acute syndromes, ie, socalled “infectious” diseases. Prior to about 1930 or so, these syndromes were treated with whatever method was at hand, applied by the family at home or by a doctor who didn’t consider death of a patient a monstrous failure on his part. A basically strong child lived, and the others didn’t.
Nature does not make mistakes. She/It knows when persons are worthy of life (carrying on the race) and when they are not. Look around you for the results of ignoring the natural order.
I know this is a controversial point, touched on in the article under the heading ‘feminism’, but is not the proliferation of white-collar non-technical make-work ‘careers’ for women, such as in HR (and allied workplace ‘roles’ enforcing the managerial centre-left consensus), another dysgenic factor? I am not asserting that the ladies should aspire only to be ‘barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen’, but it does seem to me that bearing white children in wedlock is a more valuable use of their prime reproductive years, and should be incentivised.
Here’s a great link that helps in understanding what Bartlett meant about the exponential function. My calculus teacher helped me understand it this way: let’s say you have a piecewise function where anything less than 0 is y=ln(-x) and anything 0 and greater than 0 is y=e^x. While both would have the limit of infinity as x approaches minus infinity for the first function (the natural log of -x) and as x approaches infinity for the second function (the exponential function of x), the exponential function though would arrive to infinity first.
I’d have to check my notes for more context but it was an interesting concept of abstracting infinity. The natural log of x for example can also approach infinity but the exponential function of x approaches it faster.
“With the Internet making hiring people easy, workers are replaceable, so companies can treat them badly. Employers can afford to run them into the ground and replace them with a fresh batch ….”
Loyalty is an old and out-of-style virtue that used to exist in in companies decades ago. The last I heard of loyalty being a reciprocal company/employee value goes back to the 1970s. Disloyalty and treachery is the modern corporate way. Modern corporations do prefer a “fresh batch” of workers. Corporations don’t like mere employees remaining for too many years, and the manager winds up demanding unattainable ‘standards of performance’ that are impossible to achieve, so that the employer can gives bad performance reviews to demoralize the employee. Overloading the employee with too much work, as well as being overly critical and failing to give any appreciation for competence and hard work is the new way of making the workplace toxic in order to run an employee into the ground. I used to take this backstabbing personally, but discovered these practices are very common throughout the corporate world. There is nothing unique in my experience. There are techniques that have been honed to perfection to purge the workplace of employees the company doesn’t desire any more. “Fresh batches” is one of the values of a voracious parasite as well as the modern corporate employer.
Leftists did not turn me against capitalism. My employers did.
We had a purge in the REIT apartment management company I was working for. I was still employed as a “temp” through a staffing agency despite having been working there for almost four years. Their way of avoiding having to pay me vacation time and insurance. A new senior VP came in, they wanted to revamp the whole call center from being sales focused to customer service focused. Things started to get really “what the !@#$ is going on?” when we started having lunch meetings with the manager and the mid-level VP who probably was wondering, “what the !@#$ is going on?” Place started having a sort of “cult of personality” vibe to it with these lunch meetings and get togethers. Eventually the mid-level VP got canned and the senior VP was running the show. Funny thing was despite being a “temp” I had a membership at a swank athletic club and invited the VP that got canned to play racquetball. He of course turned me down but of course what better place to network than at a swank athletic club? The CEO was a big time Republican and this was back when Obama was in office. Won’t be surprised if he was tanking the company on purpose while shorting it and to report profit losses to avoid subsidizing Obama.
Totally with you on the, “Leftists did not turn me against capitalism. My employers did.” It’s interesting to see this alliance between the modern left and woke capitalism. Republicans and conservatives like to crap on FDR and his tax policies but it seems as though those very policies helped create the America that they long for. The inconvenient truth is that a lot of CEOs are fine profiting off of cheap immigrant labor which in turn sucks dry the American, read, the white American middle class.
You know 30 years ago as a National Review Con I thought all we needed was another Ronald Reagan as President, another Newt Gingrich as Speaker, another William F. Buckley as chief intellectual polemicist and another Milton Friedman as lead economist. I NEVER SAW THIS WOKE CAPITALISM coming. I guess I was just a little slow!!
This was a great article with a couple of astute observations that I don’t see written about that often – particularly the economic points. Avoiding the black-pill is a mistake, but wholly embracing it is as well. Only once whites can get past the pain of realizing the full extent of our collective peril can solutions begin be implemented that take advantage of our race’s strengths and exploit our enemies’ weaknesses. Certainly, the stubborn resistance of the average “go along to get along” white against opening their eyes to information concerning the war against them can be frustrating, but we cannot give up on them. For years now, many have pointed out and lamented the success of the left’s long march through the institutions, yet seem to think that our successes should come overnight and become demoralized when this is not the case. Only through continual strategizing, networking, advertising, and implementation of plans – maintaining a constant tempo all the while – can we hope to achieve the same success in the coming years and decades.
Typo in #9 of “Saving the Day”:
“Tha” instead of “that”.
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