Video of the Day Charles Krafft at the 2015 London Forum: My Life as a Dissident
Video of the DayThis is a recording of Charles Krafft’s speech at the 2015 London Forum, on the heels of political agitators canceling his third exhibition of his porcelain in the city. In it, Charles discusses his art, his political worldview, and his awakening to white identity politics.
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Video of the Day Charles Krafft at the 2015 London Forum: My Life as a Dissident
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We have Odyssey embeds now? That’s really cool!
Is this the guy who did the Aleister Crowley bust you featured in one of your past articles?
Oh wow, I’ll have to listen to this interview in that case.
I also must say, thank you for going out on the limb and being the *only* dissident right wing website, of note, that promotes Sir Aleister Crowley and Thelema.
Far too many people on our side of the aisle have bought into the wholly fabricated propaganda that he was some kind of pedophile, “satanist”, crypto-Jew, proto-SJW, or what-have-you. He is almost universally hated and scorned among those in our scene for those reasons.
It is bizarre that a scene (the CC audience I mean, as opposed to the Christian-centric America First movement) which is generally neutral to hostile towards Christianity has bought into the predominantly Catholic propaganda lines regarding “the occult”, Freemasonry, and such.
I always look forward to your yearly “Remembering AC” post, as well as the commentary of James J. O’Meara in general.
Speaking of podcasts, you should go onto Red Ice Radio for another interview, its been a few years. Or have Henrik or Lana come onto your site. They’ve been really hurting since all the crackdowns on right-wing thought online. Many of their YT videos were getting close to 100k views this time a year or two ago, and now that they’ve been banned from payment processors and forced onto the “digital ghetto” of alt-tech, they’re very lucky to even get 10k views. Most only get a few thousand.
It would be great to see more coming-together of those in our scene rather than each media outlet staying in their own segregated boxes and echo-chambers. Bring back something like the style of MP3 interviews you did a lot of back in 2015-16, when everyone was talking to and interviewing everyone else.
Also, Carolyn Emerick (Oakwise Becoming) has recently re-located outside of the USA, due to personal safety fears, but has started making content again. I remember your interview with her a few years back, IIRC on her channel (Volklore series), which was very good. Try to get her on for another interview, or Styxhexenhammer666 (Tarl Warwick) to talk about paganism or the occult. The latter is very open-minded and appeared on Red Ice for their yearly Christmastide special, so he’s not allergic to interfacing with the “far-right”.
93 and god bless!
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