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On October 30, 2024, agents from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (currently led by commissioner Sean Mahar, who is Jewish), raided the home of Mark Longo, where they captured an orphaned squirrel named P’Nut and a pet raccoon named Fred. The two woodland creatures were removed from their home after the five-hour raid and executed under the pretext that they needed to be tested for rabies. During the raid, P’Nut bit at least one of the NYS DES agents, in a futile but heroic attempt to save his life and that of his raccoon friend, Fred.
P’Nut the squirrel had been orphaned after his mother was hit by a car and killed. Once old enough to be released into the wild, Longo allowed P’Nut to go free, only to find him back the next day with a badly wounded tail. For the next seven years, P’Nut would remain an indoor pet and become a popular persona on social media.
A man had his home raided and torn apart. His two rescue pets were stolen and exterminated, all under the pretext of a concern for public health.
All of these actions were taken by a liberal regime in what is often called a “free and democratic society.” These actions were authorized by liberal women and their Jewish boss, neither of which should ever have any position of authority over European-descended Americans, animals, or the environment.
It is important to note that rabies in animals is incredibly aggressive and usually kills an infected animal in a week to ten days. It becomes obvious after a short quarantine if an animal is rabid or not. P’Nut and Fred were in the custody of the NYS DES for two days before their execution. That was long enough to see that neither were rabid.
The “authorities” and liberals on social media further claim that these animals did not have “permits.” Their paperwork was not in order. They were “undocumented.” That seems like an awfully petty reason to kill two animals.
This saga immediately brought back the memory of something similar that happened to a woman in Michigan who was charged with caring for wildlife without a permit. Julie Hall of Petoskey, Michigan had her home raided in 2021, and authorities took her blind raccoon, along with five other animals, and executed them.[1]
In response the story of P’Nut and Fred, I made the following post on X (Twitter) which went rather viral with over 750,000 views and over 60,000 likes.
Upon making this post I received hundreds of comments which gave me a real understanding of the “feeling” people had about this issue, from liberals wishing my death, to cries of racism, and those in total agreement with my even further-right comments on the story.
The first issue many people found with the story was clear evidence government overreach. For many, the actions of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation brought to mind visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge, with some noting that Randy Weaver’s dog was killed during the Ruby Ridge raid. Unlike migrants into the West, the squirrel and raccoon were not harming anybody physically, financially, or culturally. If anything, they positively contributed to the collective culture and highlighted an interesting bond our people often have with animals, even unorthodox ones.
There is a strain of what I call “hall-monitor liberalism” that fits into the notion of anarcho-tyranny, where liberals gleefully bring the full power of the government against us for minor issues, such as not having the appropriate paperwork for a harmless animal, yet will allow diseased and undocumented migrants to flood into the country without thinking twice. These hall-monitor dweeb types are ever excited and ready to spring into action over arbitrary laws such as what the length of your rifle or shotgun barrel is, as in the case of Ruby Ridge, or whether you filled out the right form with the right agency in the case of P’Nut. But they will purposefully ignore true threats to society: individuals and groups doing legitimate material harm.
Next, we have the disease issue which was the heart of my viral tweet. If P’Nut and Fred were killed because they might carry rabies, or they did not have their proper documentation, when can we start killing migrants at the border whom we know have diseases and no paperwork? My post on X featured two photos hordes of dark-skinned men flooding across a border. It could be the US border, somewhere in Europe, or Australia. It’s happening the same all over our countries.
Liberals defending the action of the state cited health concerns and appeal to the fact that Longo had ample time to obtain the correct paperwork. We can apply the same idea to something far more dangerous to public health, migration from the global south.
X users snarkily asked me if I was “really” comparing a squirrel to black immigrants as depicted in the photo. And the answer is, of course not. No squirrel could ever damage a society as much as mass non-white immigration. There’s simply no comparison.
When it comes to diseases, according to the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, only 0.04% of squirrels are rabid. This figure is robust, based on testing 21,977 squirrels, finding only 9 to be with rabies.[2] Raccoons have a higher national average of rabies with around 10%-40% being rabid, depending on the part of the country (oddly enough, Washington D.C. raccoons are the most rabid).[3]
In the United States, at least 14% of new immigrants have some sort of chronic health condition requiring treatment.[4] France reports that 13% of their undocumented migrants have an infectious disease. Of those arriving in the United States, at least 4% have tuberculosis. About 9% of sub-Saharan Africans have HIV or AIDS. A global map of neglected tropical diseases shows Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, most of Africa, and Southeast Asia with serious prevalence rates.
Simply put, the places migrants are coming from have a vast number of infectious and communicable diseases.[5] Even in the USA, sexually transmitted disease rates vary widely based on race, with 40% of blacks carrying genital herpes.[6] The numbers in Africa must be staggering.
Upon pointing out these disease rates, I was met with very angry non-whites and liberals telling me that white people are the original “diseased” race. We brought all sorts of diseases to the globe from Europe. This isn’t even a half-truth. Apparently smallpox came to the New World from Europe. But syphilis, apparently, came from the New World to Europe. The plague came to Europe from the Orient.
Infectious diseases travel with people. Because Europeans explored, traded, and traveled more than other races, we were simultaneously the biggest victims and spreaders of infectious diseases. This stimulated us to develop ways to cure such diseases and prevent their spread, including border controls and passports. The rest of the world just stood around doing nothing.
If infectious diseases are carried by immigration, and today’s immigration is primarily from the non-white world to the white world, it stands to reason those people are bringing diseases. And there is massive empirical evidence to back it up. Today, the majority of epidemics originate in Asia and Africa, and are carried to white countries by migrants.[7] There are random measles and various pox outbreaks on airline flights, in movie theaters, in and amusement parks in the USA. The Centers for Disease Control announced that syphilis is the highest it has been in the USA in thirty years with an increase of more than sevenfold in the decade between 2012 to 2021. Tuberculosis is now making a huge comeback.[8]
By contrast, in the USA, only 1-3 humans contract rabies from animals per year.[9]
So yes, it is far safer to live with a raccoon or squirrel than non-white immigrants. Tax dollars went to the execution of two small harmless creatures in a state swarming with Third World diseases. Last year, New York City alone had 684 cases of tuberculosis.[10] It’s almost too absurd to comprehend.
Allegations of my “racism” spread as quickly on X as HIV in Botswana. Being in public in a First World country now carries a risk of running into a Third World disease that we had once eradicated. Am I racist to point that out? Perhaps. But that doesn’t make me incorrect. I do not need to apologize to groups who feel bad about accurate depictions of what they are.
My X post confused some liberals. My concern for animals as a whole, and animals over certain humans, were points of contention. One comment even suggested my care for animals was merely performative for the sake of politics. Others still were unsure why this issue was “political” at all. I will clarify those positions.
The issue is political because a government agency and public policy killed those animals, and government agencies and public policies dictate mass migration. Further, the people in charge of these agencies are political agents. The ranking members of the NYS DES are liberal Democrats, Jews, and women who have no place in a stewardship role. These people are in positions of power due to the prevailing politics of the age. No other reason. Not because they are the most competent, the best people for the job, or anything of the sort.
My outrage, and the outrage of others, is not performative. We truly care more about our pets and woodland creatures than we do about so-called refugees. I wouldn’t trade my cat for all the Haitians on the planet, or one squirrel for all of New York’s post-1965 additions. Nature hates equality and does not believe in such madness. Neither do I. I’m making a value judgment with a clear mind. Nature being at odds with egalitarianism is one of many reasons liberals have no place in positions that deal with the natural world. The two systems are at fundamental odds and cannot coexist without tragic consequences.
The outrage felt over P’Nut and Fred is legitimate and is born from extreme government overreach, the blatant hypocrisy of liberals feigning concern over diseased animals while permitting the mass migration of diseased humans, and, on some level, the horrid types of people with such power over our lives.
After two days of quarantine, when it was clear the animals were not rabid, they could have been returned to their owner and home. Instead, they were liquidated in an action that was not just stupid, not just contemptible, but simply evil: nothing short of intentional malice.
Those animals brought joy to many folks. They were killed by an illegitimate agency of an illegitimate state, by people with more power than is good for us. Invading people’s home and callously killing pets over a non-issue—An undocumented squirrel? Is this real?—is the hallmark of a very deranged group of people.
During my time at university, I carried nuts and cracked corn in my bag for some of the local wildlife after noticing they kept coming near me when I would eat lunch outside. Many of them became rather friendly to me, and we greatly enjoyed our afternoons together having lunch.
There were always a couple of squirrels that would come down from their treetop perch to visit me at ground level. Sometimes they would chatter, but I never knew what they were saying. There’s a Norse myth about a squirrel called Ratatoskr, who carries messages from the high-soaring eagles down to the snakes living underground. Ratatoskr the squirrel is the traveler, the messenger; he knows many things above and below.
In my hundreds of interactions with squirrels, I was jumped and climbed on a lot, yet never bitten. I’d like to believe that is because the squirrels know many things, including things about me.
Our world is on fire, and the hall-monitors are screaming at us for running in the halls while telling us there is no smoke. If a day comes when the liberal hall-monitors face judgment, let it be at the hands of men who understand P’Nut and Fred deserved more, and that their lives mattered.
[1] Jared Leone. “Michigan woman charged with caring for wildlife without permit, animals killed by state officials.” WFTV 9. February 27, 2021. https://www.wftv.com/news/trending/michigan-woman-charged-with-caring-wildlife-without-permit-animals-killed-by-state-officials/3H4WISFLIZCYFDKCJ556XKQIYM/ [https://archive.ph/xVQ76]
[2] Fitzpatrick JL, Dyer JL, Blanton JD, Kuzmin IV, Rupprecht CE. Rabies in rodents and lagomorphs in the United States, 1995-2010. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2014 Aug 1;245(3):333-7. doi: 10.2460/javma.245.3.333. PMID: 25029313; PMCID: PMC5763497.
[3] Dobson A. Raccoon rabies in space and time. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Dec 19;97(26):14041-3. doi: 10.1073/pnas.97.26.14041. PMID: 11121013; PMCID: PMC34094.
[4] Drishti Pillai et al. “Health and Health Care Experiences of Immigrants.” KFF. September 17, 2023. https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/issue-brief/health-and-health-care-experiences-of-immigrants-the-2023-kff-la-times-survey-of-immigrants/ [https://archive.ph/OLJuU]
Vignier N, Moussaoui S, Marsaudon A, Wittwer J, Jusot F, Dourgnon P. Burden of infectious diseases among undocumented migrants in France: Results of the Premiers Pas survey. Front Public Health. 2022 Aug 4;10:934050. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.934050. PMID: 35991026; PMCID: PMC9386354.
Burden of non-communicable diseases from infectious causes in 2017: a modeling study. Coates, Matthew M et al. The Lancet Global Health, Volume 8, Issue 12, e1489 – e1498
[5] Bhutta, Z.A., Sommerfeld, J., Lassi, Z.S. et al. Global burden, distribution, and interventions for infectious diseases of poverty. Infect Dis Poverty 3, 21 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/2049-9957-3-21
[6] Pouget ER, Kershaw TS, Blankenship KM, Ickovics JR, Niccolai LM. Racial/ethnic disparities in undiagnosed infection with herpes simplex virus type 2. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Sep;37(9):538-43. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3181d9042e. PMID: 20502391; PMCID: PMC3066059.
Fenollar F, Mediannikov O. Emerging infectious diseases in Africa in the 21st century. New Microbes New Infect. 2018 Sep 21;26:S10-S18. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2018.09.004. PMID: 30402238; PMCID: PMC6205565.
[7] “Why so many epidemics originate in Asia and Africa – and why we can expect more.” March, 4, 2020. https://theconversation.com/why-so-many-epidemics-originate-in-asia-and-africa-and-why-we-can-expect-more-131657 [https://archive.ph/kn3o5]
[8] “Ohioans may have been exposed to monkeypox on recent flights.” ABC 5 Cleveland. July 23, 2021. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/state/ohioans-may-have-been-exposed-to-monkeypox-on-recent-flights-ohio-dept-of-public-safety-says [https://archive.ph/MnFq5]
Alexa Lardieri. “Illegal Chinese migrant exposed hundreds in Louisiana to rare TB strain.” Dailymail. October 23, 2024. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13993573/Illegal-Chinese-migrant-infected-Louisiana-rare-tuberculosis-suing-mayorkas.html [https://archive.ph/AfNGK]
Bethany Blankley. “Public health alerts issued about communicable disease spread tied to migrant crisis.” The Center Square. December 20, 2023. https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/article_48c3d29c-9f77-11ee-b520-7b4db38dac09.html [https://archive.ph/hfL3v]
“Moviegoers in California potentially exposed to measles at Avengers: Endgame screening.” CBS News. May 2, 2019. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/moviegoers-in-california-nj-potentially-exposed-to-measles-at-avengers-endgame-screenings/ [https://archive.ph/thgG9]
Hannah Wiley. “L.A. public health offices issue measles exposure warning for Universal Studios, other locations.” Los Angeles Times. April 13, 2024. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-13/public-health-officials-measles-exposure [https://archive.ph/FSuBC]
[9] National Park Service. “Rabies.” https://archive.ph/AUJRj
[10] Maya Kaufman. “As tuberculosis cases rise, city boosts disease control efforts.” Politico. March 25, 2024. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/weekly-new-york-health-care/2024/03/25/as-tuberculosis-cases-rise-city-boosts-disease-control-efforts-00148739 [https://archive.ph/Ny9Ng].
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In sum:
Squirrels are less likely to negatively impact the culture than “migrants.”
Squirrels are less likely to spread disease than migrants.
Squirrels are more likely to be self-supporting than migrants.
Squirrels need less social services than migrants.
Therefore squirrels > migrants.
I forgot to mention that:
Squirrels have tendencies to steal and vandalize, as do migrants.
But squirrels are much less likely to rape or murder you,
Therefore squirrels > migrants.
No one writes about this kind of story like the inimitable Richard Houck.
Brilliant observations!
A little squirrel story of my own.
I first encountered a black squirrel in the late 1980’s while visiting friends who were attending Kent State University. Today I live four counties to the west of Kent State and virtually all the squirrels I see are black. Nary a brown or grey squirrel in sight. Just another tale of uncontrolled immigration.
Why pick on Botswana? That’s the only Sub Saharan country I’ve ever read nice things about.
The case is a complete travesty. There’s no way that a couple of pets that have been living indoors for years are going to get infected. I know what their owner is going through, since I love my cats and dogs. The bureaucratic munchkins who executed a couple of innocent animals deserve to lose their jobs over this. They deserve a lot more, but I’d better stop here.
I should add that in ancient times, smallpox came from Cush, travelled up the Nile, and then spread into the Middle East. Malaria, yellow fever, and scarlet fever came to the Americas via Africa. Most varieties of influenza come from China. This is also where the Fauci Flu made its first outbreak, of course, though I’ve heard rumors about a mysterious respiratory bug making its rounds near Fort Detrick MD prior to that. Those who believe that pathogenic bacteria only come from Europe are pushing an agenda.
Crazy story. I don’t like squirrels, but this was definitely government overreach. Mark Longo and his wife also run an animal sanctuary.
There is a more sordid side to the story in that Longo and his wife have an OnlyFans account, and they seemed to use their pet’s social media presence as a way to draw in viewers. Things could be worse, but it casts a gross pallor over the thing. That might have inadvertently signed Fred’s and Pnut’s death warrants.
This does not diminish the great value of this article but indeed I had found the owner of Peanut and Fred quite dubious, ( without knowing this story about only fan) : typical tattooed low life and hyper narcissistic guy spending his life on social medias, Peanut ( and other animals ) being a pretext. ( And a donations magnet ).
But , if he did good to the animals, we will pass over his faults. Although his aberrant behaviors could have triggered this investigation because of exasperated neighbors.
This doesn’t diminish the scandal of this murder of adorable animals by a clique of disgusting activists. (This Mahar is the typical and ugly semitic parasite owning his sinecure to the nepotism of his tribe and usurping the place of a competent white American)
Apparently it wasn’t exasperated neighbors but a woman living in Texas named Monica Keasler who tattled on Longo and got Peanut and Fred killed. Every pet video on the internet always has a handful of people in the comments crying about animal cruelty or something. This woman took it to a new low.
Ok. Thanks for your clarification.
A sad story.
Not sure why everyone forgets about Fred the Racoon. My thoughts on this can be found here:
Fred was mentioned in the beginning.
I realize that. Most of the commentary on this matter hardly mentions Fred at all.
Fred was less-known, and less present.
True. We will have to post every year and make it into one of our traditions like we do for Sky King or Mary Phagan.
A profound and beautiful essay, Rich. You did it again. Thank you.
Here’s an enjoyable image from recent days–the squirrels get their revenge…. https://x.com/nickdixoncomic/status/1854026579745153159
Great find. Je suis P’Nut!
Loved this one. It really needs to be said that whatever force we are opposing these days is nothing short of pure evil whose sole mission is to suck any and all joy out of life. We should genuinely look into actually legislating a 10 day quarantine over suspicion of rabies when it pertains to pets and call it P’Nut’s law. These hall monitors need to be stuffed back in their locker, our patience is running out.
If the allegedly mass-murderous global plague that was Covid made none of the liberal ninnies rethink open borders, nothing will.
Wonderful article.
Indeed, as soon as I heard this story, I immediately thought of the millions of HIV-carrying Haitians, antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis carying south Asians and hordes of South Americans with the most terrible diseases, who crossed the US borders without medical inspection or quarantine or any measure intended to protect the public health.
What a farce.
I have quit eating meat, milk and eggs out of my love for animals. I believe that it is the harm we do against animals that is the root of all evil in this world. When we harm animals, we also harm ourselves, since we then understand subconsciously that we ourselves don’t deserve to live for the evil that we do. I doubt that there would be any White guilt at all if we all went vegan. Same thing with war. When we start wars, we slaughter ourselves, and thus spare the animals.
I’m suspicious that if P’Nut and Fred’s owner had been black or identifiably Jewish, the authorities wouldn’t have killed them. I could envision headlines in the media referring to the “extermination” of P’Nut if the owner had been Jewish. Maybe they think Mark Longo is a racist, so they killed his animal friends. Everyone knows that no blacks or Jews are racist, and thinking such a thought could be a thought crime.
Most animal rescuers are White. A special relationship with animals is one of the remaining strengths of our racial and cultural heritage. Thus, it is probably highly unlikely that a Jew or a Negro will be caught rescuing North American wildlife.
Both this and the Haitian cat eating allegations have revealed (although most of us already knew) the way in which liberals devalue all life except for their beloved blacks and to a lesser extent browns. We knew they valued these people over their own families, now we know they value them more than innocent animals. Truly there is nothing sacred in the eyes of the liberal except for blacks.
Great piece, Rich.
“For many, the actions of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation brought to mind visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge, with some noting that Randy Weaver’s dog was killed during the Ruby Ridge raid”
Note: The Feds also murdered Randy Weaver’s 14 year old son, Samuel, who was with the dog. Plus, his wife, Vicki, was shot in the face and killed, Standing on a porch holding her baby daughter by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi.
Yet you can keep dogs like pit bulls that routinely maul people and other animals to death or disability. Clown world!
Absolutely terrific article! Very well articulated and argued, with deft handling of the inevitable are-you-really-comparing-(illegal!)immigrants-to-animals-morality-ploy. Total agreement on the answer to that one, too!
I was immediately captivated by the P’Nut the squirrel videos when this terrible travesty first surfaced. Like the author, I have always felt a very special bond with the wildlife that is only slightly hidden in plain sight to anyone who is willing to quietly watch and carefully interact. My specialty is feral cats; “community cats”, as they are euphemistically called where I live. Cats, too, have a very low rabies infection rate, but are required by state law to be vaccinated anyway. The feral cats come and go, each an absolutely unique and complex creature. Outside cats living without human support have very short lives, and I have encountered more than a few who were too far gone to save. Even so, there is a core group that I have fed for five years, and they are still thriving. (Cat-lady jokes and memes are greatly enjoyed by me!) I would be devastated if they were seized and destroyed.
Squirrel lives matter!! White lives matter !!
was immediately captivated by the P’Nut the squirrel videos when this terrible travesty first surfaced. Like the author, I have always felt a very special bond with the wildlife that is only slightly hidden in plain sight to anyone who is willing to quietly watch and carefully interact. My specialty is feral cats; “community cats”, as they are euphemistically called where I live. Cats, too, have a very low rabies infection rate, but are required by state law to be vaccinated anyway. The feral cats come and go, each an absolutely unique and complex creature. Outside cats living without human support have very short lives, and I have encountered more than a few who were too far gone to save. Even so, there is a core group that I have fed for five years, and they are still thriving. (Cat-lady jokes and memes are greatly enjoyed by me!) I would be devastated if they were seized and destroyed.
Squirrel lives matter!! White lives matter !!
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