The Young Turks‘ Ana Kasparian recently raised a few eyebrows with her rejection of wokeness and the Democratic Party. Tim Pool provides an excellent rundown; but long story short, Kasparian was forced to deal with the malignant dishonesty of the Left and didn’t like it one bit. She was sexually assaulted in her neighborhood and had the temerity to write about it. She was then shamed by her fellow leftists into keeping quiet about the incident in order to protect the reputation of black people. And when she rightfully refused, leftists began to viciously smear her as a racist online. Funny enough, she never disclosed the race of her assailant. He was white.
NEW: The Young Turks producer Ana Kasparian says she left the Democratic party after she was mol*sted by a homeless man with an er*ction in Los Angeles.
Kasparian said she was shamed by liberals for stating that she felt fearful to leave her house after the incident.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 12, 2024
This has caused Kasparian to reject the Soviet-styled extremism currently devouring the Left—even to the point of defending Donald Trump against unfair aspersions. Good for her. Even better is that her transformation has now caused a few acrimonious moments with her Young Turks colleague Cenk Uygur, who remains committed to many aspects of left-wing insanity. A particularly hot moment occurred when both he and Kasparian were pushing back against hyperbolic anti-Trump language of Michigan Representative Debbie Dingell, who believes Trump will build internment camps for his enemies if elected.
Here is the exchange, as edited by the Liberal Hivemind. Read till the end, which I have highlighted. What Uygur says is absolutely amazing:
Ana: Am I losing my mind in feeling that this hyperbolic rhetoric is not helpful?
Cenk: Yeah, well, fifty-fifty, in my opinion. So, when Debbie Dingell says he’s going to start internment camps, he never said that. That is not helpful. On that you’re 100% right. Because once she says something that he didn’t say, then not only the right-wing but independents will discount every other thing you’ve said. Not just every other thing you’ve said, but every other thing that anyone on the left has said. He never said internment camps. Don’t say that!
Ana: I want to make a distinction between Donald Trump the person, who says and does racist things, and the notion of a fascist. Because, look, if we’re just going to use fascist toward anyone we dislike, all right, then the word doesn’t actually mean anything.
Cenk: Okay, what do you want me to say Anna? You want me to say wannabe dictator?
Ana: Sure, you can say wannabe dictator, but I don’t even think he wants to be a dictator.
Cenk: Of course, he does! That’s what you do when you lose an election, and you go, oh, I got fake electors, and I’d like to terminate the Constitution—
Ana: Okay, so if you think he’s a fascist, wouldn’t that justify taking physical action against him?
Cenk: No! Because that doesn’t help. That devolves us further into fascism.
Ana: Yeah! Yeah, exactly.
Cenk: But there’s a difference between somebody shooting someone—that’s fascism—and saying I disagree with him, don’t elect the fascist prick, who says only white people are awesome and everybody else is garbage and should be banned. No, I’m not going to take a chance with a monster like that!
Only white people are awesome and everybody else is garbage and should be banned? Wow. I’m a White Nationalist and even I would not say something so ridiculous.
I think Cenk Uygur unwittingly revealed something crucial about his hatred of Donald Trump. But before we break it down, we should recognize a couple of things. First, Uygur is a famous hothead, with the above video clip being only a mild example of how he tends to fly off the handle. This means that when he loses control of himself, he’s likely saying what he really feels to be true. There’s no Mephistophelean manipulation coming from Uygur when he is in rage mode. Perhaps this explains his appeal on the Left. Second, if the name of his program is not indicative enough, Cenk Uygur, who is Turkish, is not white and does not seem to identify as such. Like many non-whites on the Left, Uygur seems to view white people—especially racially non-apologetic whites—as outgroup members.
With this in mind, we can interpret Uygur’s admission as an astounding example of projection. He really believes that “white people are awesome,” and he really resents them for not accepting him as one of their own. How else to interpret how personally and scornfully he takes all this? Recall one of the opening paragraphs of W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk wherein the author explains how being rejected by a white girl as a child led him to realize that was he an outgroup member among whites, as well as part of a problem:
It is in the early days of rollicking boyhood that the revelation first bursts upon one, all in a day, as it were. I remember well when the shadow swept across me. I was a little thing, away up in the hills of New England, where the dark Housatonic winds between Hoosac and Taghkanic to the sea. In a wee wooden schoolhouse, something put it into the boys’ and girls’ heads to buy gorgeous visiting -cards—ten cents a package—and exchange. The exchange was merry, till one girl, a tall newcomer, refused my card,—refused it peremptorily, with a glance. Then it dawned upon me with a certain suddenness that I was different from the others; or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from their world by a vast veil. I had thereafter no desire to tear down that veil, to creep through; I held all beyond it in common contempt, and lived above it in a region of blue sky and great wandering shadows. The sky was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination-time, or beat them at a foot-race, or even beat their stringy heads.
“Beat their stringy heads,” huh? Looks like Cenk Uygur is not the only one with race-rage issues.
In his little tantrum, Uygur mindlessly ends up doing what he says the Left should not do: make up lies about the Right. Donald Trump never said that “only white people are awesome;” he also never said that all non-whites are “garbage and should be banned;” and there is no evidence whatsoever that Trump believes either of these preposterous things. Donald Trump only said this in Cenk Uygur’s fevered imagination because this is how Uygur interprets the end result of Trumpism: racially-aware whites forming a white ethnostate, which will exclude ethnic aliens like him and W.E.B. Du Bois.
In this, I dearly hope he is correct.
A white ethnostate, that is, a place which a supermajority of whites can call their own, would be good for white people in the same way that having a supermajority of Turks in Turkey is good for Turkish people. All peoples need a homeland in order to preserve themselves for posterity, regardless of how this may hurt Cenk Uygur’s touchy feelings. Would he approve of Turkey being inundated with, say, with 10 million high-IQ and industrious Indians and 10 million low-IQ and violent blacks, all in a 4-year span? Would he approve of granting these people full political rights so they could vote for their interests, which will likely run counter to the interests of the Turkish majority? I kind of doubt it. Yet, this is exactly what Cenk Uygur promotes for white Americans when he expresses his deep-seated hatred of Donald Trump. He actually wants what’s bad for white people, hence his anti-white racism.
In his fit of pique, Cenk Uygur inadvertently revealed something profound about the ugly racial animus of the Left. It’s largely fueled by non-whites hating whites for doing what’s best for white people. It was perfectly natural and healthy for that young girl to reject W.E.B. Du Bois, and it would be perfectly natural and healthy for a white ethnostate to reject Cenk Uygur—although, to be fair, his poor impulse control and loud, tendentious bellicosity would have a lot more to do with it than his ethnicity. That Uygur doesn’t seem to realize this not only intensifies his own anti-white racism, but that of many thousands of others as well.
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With their hatred of Germans and the Holohoax lie, the Jews and their American helpers have made most Americans and other people in the west and beyond into complete morons.
“But there’s a difference between somebody shooting someone—that’s fascism…”
So, democracies and commies don’t shoot people? Sorry to say it, but the US has started most of the wars over the last 35 years, and most of the countries attacked were thousands of miles away from the US. Millions of innocent people have been killed. In WW II, the commies were gang rapists, raping millions of German [fascist] women, and the Americans and Brits were not innocent either. I guess if you’re a “fascist,” anything you do to that person is justifiable, and if you’re a disgusting murderous democrat, it’s immoral to do any harm to that person.
Didn’t Cenk wrote a piece about how turkish-goatish romance is the best?
I had no idea WEB DuBois’ political career began with inceldom. I wonder if the girl in the story actually rejected him because he was mulatto. Under the circumstances it would be funny if she actually just found him very ugly regardless of race. Perhaps his entire life’s work was an elaborate cope because it was easier to accept the notion of living in a white supremacist state than to accept being unpopular with women.
One can’t be certain, though I do find it plausible that the girl returned the card because she didn’t find him suitable for obvious reasons and didn’t want to encourage him. What I do find remarkable is that, if we take WEBdB’s words at face value, this ignited his Luciferian degree of resentment, ultimately leading him to become an anti-White skintellectual.
Some people are thin-skinned and just can’t take a hint. If I came unglued like that every time I got snubbed, I’d be an absolute wreck.
DuBois and Booker Washington were contemporaries. Each offered a very different version of White/Negro relations. DuBois thought that Whites should give Negros everything for free. Washington thought that the Negro would not grow as a person from being given something over and over again, but only from taking care of themselves and being of use to each other and, hopefully, someday, to Whites. With rare exceptions, Negro politics has been guided by the DuBoisian grievance-gimme approach, not Washington’s. The tolerable Negros I have know in my life were all Booker’s people. DuBois poisoned the Negro and the Negro loves him for it.
Speaking of Turks, who invaded and stole the land of the Greeks, who had lived in Anatolia for millennia, where is the campaign for reparations? To say nothing of their slave raiding for centuries among Europeans, filling their harems with White Christian women and dragging off White Christian boys to convert by force and serve in their army. When do we get reparations from them for that?
Oh, wait. Turks are not white. Never mind. P
S. And forget about what they did to the Armenians. Again, Turks are not white.
Years ago Jared Taylor was on TYT. (It might still be on youtube.) Don’t think Cenk knew who he was. Not long into the interview, Cenk exploded in “race-rage” & kicked JT off the show.
IIRC, Cenk started to get obnoxious and lose his temper and Jared just hung up on him. They were arguing race realism so I am pretty sure Cenk knew who he was.
Ah, OK…& thanks! Ironically, I kinda like Cenk. He seems sincere in his hatred of corporate Leftism, Clintonism, even Kamala-ism, versus pure, unadulterated Marxism. Sort of a Bernie Sanders of podcasts.
I popped over to their election night stream to taste the salt, and found their “party” platform on their website. I was surprised to find that I agreed with all of it. I don’t like Uygur though.
When Cenk complains about how subservient Dem politicians are to their donors and how spineless they are, it reminds me of how we on the right often feel the same way about our RINO representatives in government. I think Cenk is a straight shooter in many ways, which may be why people on the left like him. But his judgment is clouded by his hate/love/envy of whites and his bad temper.
The term fascist was hardly used, it seems, until about a decade or so ago. Prior to that it seemed everyone who was disliked was a Nazi. Not sure if I am misremembering or if this is the case. I wonder why it suddenly became the insult to use. Is it a coincidence it was around the time trannyism start to take over?
Communists always use that term to label anyone who is against them. For example, they called Richard Nixon a “fascist” for exposing Alger Hiss. And of course they called Reagan a “fascist” for resisting the USSR.
They don’t care what it really means, they just use it as a term of abuse – for propaganda, to demonize their enemies. Anyone using such words as “fascist”, “nazi”, “racist”, etc. – is an enemy of the White race.
The term “fascist, ” in the sense of someone the Gutmenschen—the latte-sipping ladies of leisure and their barely male, soyish “partners”—don’t like, has been used for a very long time. Here’s Orwell on the topic:
C. S. Lewis echoes the general sentiment at the end of The Silver Chair, the fourth book in the Narnia series, which is worth quoting in full because it is one of the few places in at least his children’s books that Lewis allows his healthy political prejudices to shine through:
“He led them rapidly through the wood, and before they had gone many paces, the wall of Experiment House appeared before them. Then Aslan roared so that the sun shook in the sky and thirty feet of the wall fell down before them. They looked through the gap, down into the school shrubbery and on to the roof of the gym, all under the same dull autumn sky which they had seen before their adventures began. Aslan turned to Jill and Eustace and breathed upon them and touched their foreheads with his tongue. Then he lay down amid the gap he had made in the wall and turned his golden back to England, and his lordly face toward his own lands. At the same moment Jill saw figures whom she knew only too well running up through the laurels toward them. Most of the gang were there—Adela Pennyfather and Cholmondely Major, Edith Winterblott, “Spotty” Sorner, big Bannister, and the two loathsome Garrett twins. But suddenly they stopped. Their faces changed, and all the meanness, conceit, cruelty, and sneakishness almost disappeared in one single expression of terror. For they saw the wall fallen down, and a lion as large as a young elephant lying in the gap, and three figures in glittering clothes with weapons in their hands rushing down upon them. For, with the strength of Aslan in them, Jill plied her crop on the girls and Caspian and Eustace plied the flats of their swords on the boys so well that in two minutes all the bullies were running like mad, crying out, “Murder! Fascists! Lions! It isn’t fair.” And then the Head (who was, by the way, a woman) came running out to see what was happening. And when she saw the lion and the broken wall and Caspian and Jill and Eustace (whom she quite failed to recognize) she had hysterics and went back to the house and began ringing up the police with stories about a lion escaped from a circus, and escaped convicts who broke down walls and carried drawn swords. In the midst of all this fuss Jill and Eustace slipped quietly indoors and changed out of their bright clothes into ordinary things, and Caspian went back into his own world. And the wall, at Aslan’s word, was made whole again. When the police arrived and found no lion, no broken wall, and no convicts, and the Head behaving like a lunatic, there was an inquiry into the whole thing. And in the inquiry all sorts of things about Experiment House came out, and about ten people got expelled. After that, the Head’s friends saw that the Head was no use as a Head, so they got her made an Inspector to interfere with other Heads. And when they found she wasn’t much good even at that, they got her into Parliament where she lived happily ever after.”
Wow! I think I would have skipped over that bit as a nine year-old but it helps explain why Narnia makes the left’s heads spin.
I recently heard some poncey shitlib git professor at the University of Chicago proudly proclaim his and his wife’s (“partner’s”) love of the His Dark Materials trilogy of fantasy novels by Philip Pullman precisely because they are apparently deeply opposed to the spirit of C. S. Lewis and Narnia. “Jeanette [not real name, I forgot that] and I have gifted the series to other parents. We always ask if there are any Christians in the house, though, because they might be offended,” the soyish, sneering professor said with a smug, self-satisfied leer. The feeling Himmler expressed about what overcame him when he heard the word “culture” welled up in me at that moment. The tenured twat at least deserved to be beaten, like Edith Winterblott’s bottom was, with the flat of a Narnian sword.
WEB DuBois eventually gave up his pro-integration activism and moved to Africa. Let us hope that Mr. Uygur follows DuBois’s fine example and emigrates to Turkey.
We can only hope.
DuBois didn’t leave in time to save the Negro from their worst impulses. His ideology is the mainstream ideology of nearly every Negro skintullectual in the world.
White people are awesome and everybody else is garbage and should be banned?
Is there ANYONE on the Left who believes that white people even have the right to exist?
Yes, I know there are leftist whites. They think they agree with the Left that BAD whites have no right to exist, not realizing that the Left puts ALL whites in that category.
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