Tucker Carlson Interviews Lydia Brimelow as VDARE Is Under Siege
Jason Kessler900 words
Immigration patriots Peter and Lydia Brimelow, the husband and wife duo who run VDARE.com, are in a dogged fight for survival in the face of politically-motivated lawfare by white-hating black New York Attorney General Leticia James. Their scrappy resistance received a much-needed shot in the arm Tuesday night when renowned journalist Tucker Carlson interviewed Lydia on the new Tucker Carlson Network [TCN].
Unfortunately, only the first eight minutes and 45 seconds can be viewed online without a subscription on Twitter/X and Tucker Carlson’s own website. To view the full interview, which is over 37 minutes long, viewers will need to purchase a subscription to Carlson’s site. This unfortunately cuts down on the reach of the Brimelows’ call for help. I have viewed the full video, however, and will report on its contents.
Mass immigration is completely destroying our country. Why is no one doing anything about it? Because they’re afraid of ending up like Lydia Brimelow. pic.twitter.com/B5B0bh6t5O
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 20, 2024
VDARE is under attack via a nebulous lawfare campaign being waged by James. No specific charges have been filed, and yet due to an endless stream of legal demands and document requests, VDARE is bleeding legal fees of about $30,000 a month and has spent approximately $500,000 since June 2022. This is what is meant by the phrase “the process is the punishment,” which is a fatal indictment of our broken “justice” system’s susceptibility to politically-motivated selective prosecutions. Nationalists are being targeted by moneyed interests that can essentially afford to hold dissidents under siege, akin to a medieval town where the inhabitants are deprived of food and water by a hostile force until they give up.
To the extent that any actual allegations against VDARE have been disclosed, they apparently relate to the organization’s purchase of a historic castle in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, where the Brimelows now live with their three daughters. The investigation seems to be aimed at determining whether the purchase was a misuse of donor funds for the purpose of enriching the Brimelows or their associates. But as Lydia explained to Tucker, the property was acquired for the legitimate purpose of holding conferences for their organization; the next one is in April. The transaction was carried out in accordance with all the applicable laws, under the full supervision of lawyers.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.
Lydia also described to Tucker the harassment and stalking that has been carried out against her and her family by local Leftists who are working with a pest from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Michael Edison Hayden. The Leftist “resistance” to the Brimelows — who are simply living in quiet harmony with the surrounding Berkeley Springs community — is headquartered in a local business that is festooned with the usual garish Black Lives Matter propaganda and Pride flags. As Lydia tells Tucker in the interview, they are “like tropical fish: the more colorful they are, the more poisonous.”
Hayden, whom I have profiled at VDARE, has what some might call a preoccupation with sexual deviancy. He specialized in writing about heroin addiction and transsexual prostitutes while living in India. Then, after marrying an Indian woman, he wrote a play depicting his wife in sexual bondage situations with other men. To the surprise of no one, she has now divorced him, so he is back on the prowl on the streets of Berkeley Springs, asking insinuating questions of the Brimelows’ friends, neighbors, and even their priest. Hayden went so far as to surreptitiously purchase a tickets to a Christmas event that was held at the Berkeley Springs castle so that he could talk to the Brimelows’ underage daughter without consent.
Hayden has a reputation for supporting antifa and issuing thinly-veiled threats to the targets of his obsessions. Since he showed up in Berkeley Springs and began agitating among the small coterie of local Leftists, transgender and non-binary lunatics have begun approaching the Brimelows’ children while carrying guns in an attempt to frighten them into not going out in public. The alleged reason Hayden is doing all this is as part of “research” for a book about the Brimelows’ purchase of the Berkeley Springs castle.
As Lydia explained to Tucker, VDARE is caught in a trap of vague yet endless legal harassment from New York because they had incorporated in New York out of convenience back in 1999, when the United States had a much less politically hostile climate. The problem today is that incorporating in New York is rather like checking into the Hotel California: You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave. Non-profits cannot leave New York or even close down and transfer their assets elsewhere without the explicit permission of the state’s Attorney General — the vindictive Leticia James.
The Brimelows have been courageous and resilient patriots who have refused to back down on many controversial issues or desert their friends due to political pressure. If we want to continue to have allies with such integrity in the future, we must support them now before it is too late. Visit VDARE.com, read their articles, share the Carlson interview, and consider making a donation to help them out in their time of need.
Follow Jason Kessler on Telegram, Twitter, Odysee and Gab. Kessler’s new book, Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech, will be published in April by Dissident Press. Visit Dissident Press for more information and to sign up for e-mail updates.
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I googled this Michael Edison Hayden dude and to tell the truth he makes me think of Valerie “the Obama-whisperer” Jarrett.
I guess maybe it makes sense that Hayden married an Indian girl, because honestly he looks like he might be part South Asian Indian himself. But what do I know? Without seeing the results of a full DNA test on the guy, I can’t really say for sure what his heritage might be — which is why he reminds me so much of Valerie Jarrett, because I could never tell what the hell she was either.
I hereby proclaim forthwith a new taxonomic classification so that we may have the proper terminology for future descriptive purposes:
Mysterium cibum
Jason Kessler provided a link in this article to a Vdare article he wrote profiling Hayden. Hayden’s father in the photograph appears to be White (of Irish origin I guess due to the surname) and his mother is an Egyptian immigrant. Both of his parents make 6-figure salaries. Michael Hayden was a child of upper-middle-class affluence, like so many Antifa types.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering whether he is one of the Tribe, but this proves you don’t have to be on of them to be truly disgusting and evil.
He and his more thoroughly mixed offspring will be the future of the managerial class in the world empire of ZOGAE. As a child of colonial oppression, brought up in the propaganda environment he was, he had little chance of being any differerent. These people are being pumped out of well-to-do schools at warp speed.
Yup, Indians especially are fit for this managerial caste you spoke of. They are clever, docile, sneaky, and ambitious all at the same time. Witness the CEOs of major Tech companies (Google, Microsoft, IBM, …) as well as a couple of Presidential candidates in the Republican party. They know who their masters are and shamelessly serve them to prosper.
Thankyou Jason Kessler for posting this on CC.
I thought his wife was his daughter at first.
This is unbelievable! I am cognizant of the fact that free speech has come under tremendous attacks from the likes of SPLC and ADL, but to watch a beautiful family go through a horrendous lawfare just breaks my heart and fills me with rage. I can’t believe how much America has fallen in the past couple of decades.
Tucker is never going to advocate for white interests, but someone of his shade giving a platform to people like the Brimelows would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. It’s akin to Alex Jones giving a platform to open, vocal “anti-Semites,” which he has now been forced to start doing.
I know some might see this as a cope, especially with no clearly articulated plans to get out from under the mess we’re in, but there is no denying public attitudes are changing monumentally in our favor. Regardless of what happens, what we know for sure is the current state of affairs is not going to continue indefinitely. Something is going to give, and relatively soon, I suspect.
Thank you Jason Kessler – very good, well written article about a great woman Lydia Brimelow who’s running Vdare.
She’s the real American deal. Beautiful, smart – a great wife and mother and a good businesswoman, good at fundraising.
A higher court needs to put a stop to this. It’s absolute harassment. I hope their story continues to be shared more places.
Also, Tucker Carlson needs to interview Jared Taylor too. I hope he also tries to debate him, since it would make the content go viral (and because Taylor would win).
WeEnjoyRVTrips: February 25, 2024 Tucker Carlson needs to interview Jared Taylor too. I hope he also tries to debate him, since it would make the content go viral (and because Taylor would win).
That wouldn’t be much of a debate if the moderator should ask, “Are Jews White?” ;o}
I had hope for the 27-year-old Tucker when he wrote the article exposing the turd Morris Dees for Jew-owned The Weekly Standard magazine in 1996. Find that here::
WITH FRIENDS LIKE DEES . . . – Washington Examiner
Dr. Dalton brought us up to date about Tuck back in 2020 on TOO with this: Dissecting Tucker Carlson – The Occidental Observer In that revealing essay Dalton makes clear that, like Jared Taylor, Tucker perpetuates the “Jews are White” myth, writing, On many occasions, for example, he has stated or implied that Jews are White—that they benefit from “White privilege” or that they are targeted “because they are White.” Let me make this as clear as possible: Jews are not White—not in any relevant sense.
While on the subject of sleazy barrator Morris Dees and how the SPLC hate group destroys White dissidents’ lives, read this other revealing article at TOO from a year ago by attorney Glen Allen: The SPLC: A Threat to Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law.
While Hunter Biden is squirming in his chair today, “behind closed doors,” being grilled by Republican House members Jordan and Comer, it is good to revisit what Dr. Dalton had to say about him and the entire Biden family in the above-linked article:
… [Joe] Biden, who has long had a cozy relationship with Jews, dating back at least to his fond memories of meeting Golda Meir in 1973. In early 2007, he famously stated that “I am a Zionist,” adding “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist” (true enough).[6] This certainly helped his political future, considering that the Judeophile and Judenknecht Obama soon thereafter chose him as his running mate.
But what secured Biden’s support among the American Judeocracy was surely his family connections. Joe had three children by his first wife: Beau, Hunter, and Naomi. The wife and one-year-old Naomi were killed in a car crash in 1972, but the two boys lived to adulthood (Beau died of brain cancer in 2015). Joe then had a fourth child, Ashley, by his second and current wife, Jill. Ashley married a Jewish doctor, Howard Krein, in 2012. Beau married a Jewish dry-cleaning scion, Hallie Olivere, in 2002; they had two children before he died in 2015. After his death, Olivere (now Hallie Biden) shamelessly began an affair with the alcoholic and married younger son, Hunter—he of the Ukrainian Burisma scandal fame. Hunter then divorced his first wife (Kathleen) to take up fulltime with the Jewess Hallie, but that relationship fell apart in 2018. After getting a stripper pregnant, Hunter then took up with another Jewess, “filmmaker” Melissa Cohen. They married in 2019 and had a boy in 2020.
Bottom line: All three of Biden’s adult children married Jews, and he has at least three Jewish grandchildren. This is remarkable, and surely not accidental. Jews flock to power, and those in power, at least the most depraved and corrupt ones, are only too happy to cement their Jewish family connections. The same holds, as we know, for the Clintons, Trump, and Nancy Pelosi, among many others.[7]
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Would I be out of line to speculate that this Indian woman only married this douchebag Hayden for a green card?
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