Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “Why Men Die Younger Than Women,” on the real reasons, as opposed to those one finds in popular wisdom, why men on average die several years younger than women do. See below.

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“The injustices against fathers are not just symptoms of misdirected feminism but more specifically misandry”
“The exploitation of the American male by the American female would be a purely American affair were it not a [growing] model for women all over the world. Unfortunately, the economic hegemony of the U.S.A. influences not just the politics, science, research, and culture of all other capitalist countries but, to a great extent, the social behavior of their populations”- Esther Vilar
Under the present american family justice system, If a woman cannot find the man she wants, God help the man she gets.
Mr. Goad, I’m a huge fan of your articles, your videos are well-produced, and you have an outstanding speaking voice… but you really need to do something about the background music, or just remove it entirely. The 4-second-long music loop in this video rendered it unwatchable. Despite the interesting subject matter, I had to tap out after ~2 minutes as the droning loop became torturous.
I produce music and would be happy to volunteer my services if you’re interested.
Thanks for your positive comments.
Regarding the eight-second music loop—c’mon, you’re a music producer and should be able to recognize chord changes—I’ve gotten multiple positive responses to it. Yours is the only negative one. The deadlines under which I produce these videos are insanely tight, so handing them off to someone else to scrutinize and then add a backing track is out of the question.
“The 4-second-long music loop in this video rendered it unwatchable.”
It’s dark, Gothic, sinister and sepulchral – fully appropriate for the grave subject matter of this video along with it’s visual images.
A few people have been able to identify the source of that sample, which comes from what has to be the creepiest song ever to hit the Billboard Top 40.
Bloodrock – DOA. I thought it sounded familiar. I haven’t heard it in a long time. Always look forward to your musical justice segment on Hardballs.
Does anyone have an idea as to the identity of the (supposedly dead) young man in the photograph?
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