Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “Why Men Die Younger Than Women,” on the real reasons, as opposed to those one finds in popular wisdom, why men on average die several years younger than women do. (more…)
Tag: sex differences
It’s commonly known that women outlive men, a statistical fact that no one ever seems to cite as evidence of systemic injustice. You never hear that the reason women live longer than men is because we live in a toxically misandrist matriarchy that unfairly favors chicks and disadvantages dudes.
A study released on Monday reveals that the American “death gap” — the chasm in longevity between men and women that has persisted for more than a century — is wider than at any point since 1996. Whereas women lived 4.8 years longer on average than men in 2010, the gap in 2021 stretched out to 5.8 years. (more…)
1,420 words
This is a follow-up to an earlier article, which began with a look at the theory that sex differences are due not to nature, but to society or men. I’ll skip the preamble this time, nor will I argue that the listed differences are due to nature. Take it from me, they are.
1. When a couple walks hand-in-hand, sometimes the woman leans on the man. You don’t see men leaning on women. (more…)
Some people think that the sexes only differ because of discrimination, “society,” or “the environment.” Were it not for the way they are treated, their upbringing, or the advertisements they see, women would be just like men. (more…)
899 words
All people have a tendency to project their own attitudes and sentiments onto others. Thus, for example, it has often been noted that untrustworthy people are the most inclined to mistrust others. One special form of psychological projection is the tendency of each sex to assume the other thinks like itself. This leads to a lot of frustration and misunderstanding, because the evolutionary history and brain functioning of women and men are in fact very different. Thus arises the common female complaint that men are “jerks,” and the corresponding male lament that women are irrational and/or impossible to understand. (more…)
Audio Version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.”
It’s an old meme based on a comedy sketch that gave me my introduction to this question. But it raises a perfectly serious, important point. Namely, it gets right to the heart of why the supposed ideal of “equality” is nothing but a misdirection and a myth. If men and women are equal, then how come women have never successfully oppressed an entire gender? (more…)
1,628 words
It has baffled me for a long time why scientists, among all people, are among the most fervent proponents of egalitarianism and race denialism. This phenomenon is more salient in the humanities and social sciences, on which many would have a second thought before qualifying them as “science.” (more…)
February 24, 2016 Michael J. Polignano
Différences sexuelles
1,358 words
English original here
Cet essai est extrait du livre de Michael Polignano, Taking Our Own Side [Prendre parti pour notre propre camp], disponible en version reliée, en version brochée, et en PDF à télécharger ici.
21 octobre 2003
Il y a quelques jours, j’ai eu une discussion mouvementée sur les différences sexuelles avec une amie à moi qui se proclame féministe. (more…)
May 2, 2011 Michael J. Polignano
1,200 words
Übersetzt von Deep Roots.
Vorwort von Greg Johnson:
Dieser Essay ist aus Michael Polignanos Buch Taking Our Own Side das hier in gebundener Ausgabe, als Paperback und PDF erhältlich ist.
21. Oktober 2003
Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich mit einer Freundin von mir, die sich als Feministin bezeichnet, eine hitzige Diskussion über Geschlechterunterschiede. (more…)
4,368 words
Editor’s Note:
The following is from Anthony M. Ludovici, Confessions of an Anti-Feminist: The Autobiography of Anthony M. Ludovici, ed. John V. Day, ch. 3, “My Education, Part.” Unless otherwise indicated, all notes are by Ludovici. John V. Day’s notes are marked JVD, and additional notes are marked GJ. The book remains unpublished, but we hope to raise funds to finally bring it into print later this year.
Part 4 of 4
Translated by Greg Johnson
Specialists in evolutionary psychology claim that there are important differences between the sexes, and that these were acquired during the evolution of the species. To what does the New Right appeal to support its “differentialist feminism”?
I am all right. I tell myself this at the grocery store when, in the midst of an apparent manic episode I begin chatting inanely with the mixed-race store clerk in the designer frames. He is cordial, but it is clear that he thinks I am not quite right. But I am.
Sometimes I blurt things out on the subway. I might be having an imaginary argument with a co-worker, or with Barack Obama, or with someone I’ve just dreamed up. “Pigs!” I mutter. (more…)
2,355 words
Part 6 of 6. For the whole series, click here.
Now, some might respond to Lawrence’s description of marriage by asking, understandably, “Where is love in all of this? What has become of love between man and wife?” Yet Lawrence speaks again and again, especially in Women in Love, of love between man and wife as a means to wholeness, as a way to transcend the false, ego-centered self. In a 1914 letter he tells a male correspondent: (more…)