Ask A. Wyatt Nationalist The Great Reset & The Great Replacement
Greg JohnsonEditor’s Note:
As part of our new Commission an Article feature, A. Wyatt Nationalist will give a White Nationalist perspective on your questions for a donation of $100 or more. New Paywall subscribers can also commission one article per year. Just send in your questions to [email protected]. A. Wyatt Nationalist can be any Counter-Currents writer, depending on your question and which writers are available. This week’s questions comes from Jay Zee and is discussed by yours truly.
Greg Johnson
Jay Zee asks: “What are your thoughts on the Great Reset? Do you think it is anything new? Is it connected with the Great Replacement?”
The Great Reset is the idea promulgated by the World Economic Forum to turn the Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity to implement a greener, more sustainable, more egalitarian economic system under the tutelage of wise and caring people like Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, and Justin Trudeau. It is high-minded limousine liberalism, and there’s nothing new in what it preaches: namely, more power to the globalist elites. Nor is there anything new about the opportunism with which it was put forth. If I recall correctly, British linguist Geoffrey Sampson described in one of his books the excitement of modernist architects and urban planners during Hitler’s Blitz. Each morning, they would emerge from their bomb shelters eagerly scanning the ruins and imagining the soulless concrete monstrosities they could then erect. If only Hitler would level all of London, then they could build utopia! Utopian zealots and social planners welcome disasters as opportunities to reshape society according to their schemes. It is a sinister phenomenon, but nothing really new.
The Great Reset has become a fixation of conspiracy theorists who deny that Covid is real and thus need an explanation for the fact that governments all around the world, in different and competing geopolitical blocs, all trumpeted the threat of Covid and reacted with similar measures: lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, etc. The simplest explanation for why radically different governments around the world reacted the same way to Covid is that Covid is real and they reacted according to the consensus among scientists and public health officials. If Covid is unreal, however, then the unified response needs another explanation. Conspiratorial thinkers explain it as a power grab by shadowy and unaccountable global elites that have the power to dictate the same reactions to governments that otherwise appear to be enemies. The idea that globalists seek to grab power based on lies is not implausible. I think global warming is just such a fraud. The problem with this particular theory is that the underlying premise, that Covid is fake, is obviously false.
Are the Great Reset and the Great Replacement connected? Yes and no. Aside from the word “great,” not really. Pretty much the same types are pushing both, but the Great Reset is more of a short-term gambit, whereas the Great Replacement is a long-term plan. The Great Replacement was hitched to the Covid pandemic, which was never going to last forever. Indeed, now that Covid is fading, the people who were pushing the Great Reset are now pivoting to “climate change,” i.e., the weather, which will always be with us and can always be tortured into an excuse for giving more power to unaccountable elites. The Great Replacement is a much longer-term plan, which has been in operation for more than half a century. Beyond that, various “green” utopian schemes are actually incompatible with the Great Replacement. Green utopianism is a white thing. It works best in prosperous, homogeneous, high-trust white societies. It is undermined by the multicultural chaos promoted by the Great Replacement. But the Great Replacement is an imperative that trumps such Left-liberal agenda items as environmentalism, feminism, and gay rights whenever they conflict with multiculturalism and white race replacement.
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You can kind of see that whenever Muslims attack gay bars, like the recent shooting in Oslo. The minister refused to acknowledge that it was a gay hang out and that was the most likely reason it was targeted. Or after Omar mateen, there were the strange arguments that he was in fact himself gay. I’m not sure what that was supposed to indicate, except to obscure his motivations. The liberal coalition doesn’t want us to realize that one of its darlings may hate another. Or they don’t want gays to realize that the great replacement may not be in their best interest.
In Mateen’s case, it’s fairly clear that he was a morally conflicted self-hatred case. So he went postal on a bunch of people who didn’t deserve it, probably because he thought it would purge his sins. In general, though, I agree that the MSM prefers to keep inter-leftist schisms under wraps by mischaracterizing them or not publicizing them.
Could anyone provide links to articles on this site that provide introductory content on white nationalism? Subjects pertaining to replacement theory and white population decline would be very much appreciated.
Just use the search function and links. Those are a good start.
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