1,512 words
If any modern President would be the one to start mass deportations of illegal immigrants, halt legal immigration to a trickle, build a wall, and at least try to end birthright citizenship, it would have been Donald Trump. When Mr. Trump won, both his supporters and his detractors expected as much. For white advocates, Mr. Trump’s victory felt like a miracle that might save white America from total defeat. This “miracle” was something Peter Brimelow had been writing about for years:
Miracles actually happen quite frequently in politics . . . Herb Stein had this famous law known to all economists: “Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.”
And this situation really can’t go on forever. Americans can’t go on being dispossessed and immiserated, with a very visible reason why it’s happening, without some kind of reaction.
I don’t think that politicians who want to win elections can ultimately avoid this issue [immigration]. Maybe they won’t address it directly — but I find it hard to believe they won’t address it in some way at all.
. . . the point at which American Whites — known, for most of the nation’s history, as “Americans” — became a minority in the country they created has gone from being a hypothetical abstraction to (barring a miracle, which can happen in politics, by the way) a mathematical certainty.
Now I want to say, to emphasize here, that I haven’t given up on the idea of Patriotic Immigration Reform happening — of immigration being cut off. All it would take to get this issue into politics is one speech.
In Britain — the British people in the audience will testify to this — the impact of Enoch Powell’s 1968 “Rivers of Blood” speech was absolutely enormous. And it did stave off mass immigration for a generation. He was denounced, of course, but at the same time the politicians were too frightened to increase immigration — until Tony Blair was elected. That’s when the floodgates were really opened in Britain. . . .
It’s just that suddenly one spark starts the conflagration. And that could still happen in the U.S. All it needs is a spark — and all it needs is one ambitious politician.
Mr. Brimelow was right on all counts. Immigration did become an important political issue after just one speech –namely, the one Donald Trump gave to announce his candidacy. Suddenly, politicians hoping to win elections did start talking about restricting immigration. We also got our miracle: Donald Trump won the GOP nomination and then won the general election.
And yet after four years in office, not much changed. America’s immigration system was not overhauled, the media and academy became only more anti-white, violent crime increased, and so on. The Dissident Right got its miracle, and the miracle did not deliver. Today, those of us hoping to save our country’s dispossessed majority find ourselves in much the same position we were for the 20 years before Donald Trump’s emergence as a political figure: We back a handful of immigration-restrictionist Congressmen (e.g. Paul Gosar) and local politicians (Kris Kobach) who have no national support, and put faith in the idea that Congressional Republicans will obstruct Democrat presidents. In 2014, Mr. Brimelow advocated that the GOP-controlled legislature impeach Barack Obama over his executive action on amnesty for illegals. In November of 2021, Mr. Brimelow suggested that if Republicans retake the House in 2022, they should impeach Joe Biden on more or less the same grounds.
It’s hard not to see a repetitive futility in all of this. It’s even more pronounced in discussions about future presidential candidates. The majority of Republicans favor Donald Trump, hoping that somehow a second term will prove more productive than his first. Most of the rest of us are hoping for a “Trump with brains” — perhaps senators Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. It would take a miracle for another one of those men to enter the White House — and as we’ve learned, that miracle in and of itself wouldn’t guarantee much.
Meanwhile, America’s rising tide of color keeps rising — and Western Europe’s, too. And as Peter Bradley (channeling Instauration magazine) notes, when it comes to the white race’s longevity, “The estimates look bad, but the reality will be far worse.” How much more evidence do we need to conclude that demographic survival won’t be decided at the ballot box? This might seem fatalistic, but the reality is more complicated.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here
Whites around the world can still do a lot to work towards a future that’s livable for their descendants. Choosing between inaction and working in fringe politics is a false dichotomy. What advocates of our people should focus on is birth control in the Third World, especially Africa. In 2018, the average cost of a victorious Congressional run was over two million dollars; winning senators spent an average of 15.7 million dollars. That’s to say that having 30 Paul Gosars in Congress would cost 60 million dollars every two years. Those 30 Congressmen could create a “Patriotic Immigration Reform” caucus that would be stymied by the Republican mainstream and the entire Democrat Party over and over again. This caucus would not increase white birthrates, nor would it lower non-white birth rates. And again, actually sending this caucus to office — even at that steep cost — would be a political miracle.
Those 60 million dollars could be much better spent. Consider the average cost of an abortion in the US: $320 to $500 at ten weeks, $500 to $700 at 16 weeks, and $1,000 to $2,000 at 20 weeks or later — and 88% of abortions are carried out before week 13. In America, for every one white woman who aborts, six non-white women do. With that in mind, I would happily forfeit Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional seat to any Democrat in exchange for a new abortion clinic in Los Angeles. Don’t like abortion? No problem. Condoms, IUDs, and oral contraceptives are all even cheaper options. Making them readily available to teenagers and the poor today will do more to improve the quality of your grandchildren’s high school than a President Trump, Jr. ever will.
But while expanded access to “family planning” is needed both at home and across the pond, we need to go further. Sub-Saharan Africa is the biggest demographic threat the world faces. In 2015, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke clearly about this in the European context:
The countries of North Africa once functioned as a defence zone protecting Europe, absorbing the masses of people coming from Africa’s interior. And the real threat is not from the war zones, Ladies and Gentlemen, but from the heart of Africa. With the disintegration of North African states this line of defence has been spectacularly breached, and North Africa is no longer able to protect Europe from a vast flood of people. As a result, a problem has developed on a truly unimaginable scale. I agree with former President Sarkozy, who said on French television just the other day that the current wave of mass migration is only the beginning. There are one point one billion people in Africa today, more than half of them under the age of twenty-five. According to Mr. Sarkozy, before long hundreds of millions of people will have nowhere to live, and insufficient food and water. Following in the footsteps of today’s migrants, these people will leave their homelands. In other words, what is at stake today is Europe and the European way of life, the survival or extinction of European values and nations — or, to be more precise, their transformation beyond all recognition. The question now is not merely what kind of Europe we Hungarians would like to live in, but whether Europe as we now know it will survive at all.
The only error PM Orbán makes is in assuming that all of those black Africans will go to Europe simply because of its proximity to their home continent. But if Somalis can make it to Maine and Haitians can make it to Santiago, Chile, then in the decades to come, plenty of Nigerians will surely find a way to arrive en masse in America as well. Indeed, this process has already begun: In 2015, America let in more Congolese “refugees” than Syrian ones. Distance is not the protection against migratory influx that it once was.
Moreover, a cursory look at national fertility rates shows that Latin America does not need Planned Parenthood almost at all — and certainly not in comparison to black Africa:
Guatemala 2.67
Mexico 2.17
El Salvador 2.07
Honduras 2.05
Nicaragua 1.81
At the same time, these are the ten most fertile countries on Earth:
Niger 6.91
Angola 5.90
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5.70
Mali 5.63
Chad 5.57
Benin 5.47
Uganda 5.45
South Sudan 5.43
Somalia 5.41
Burundi 5.10
Already, black Africans are heading to Mexico as a pit stop en route to America. No member of the Trump family or the Republican Party can do much about these fertility differentials and what they portend for the West. But abortion, reliable condoms, and “the pill” could make quite the impact. Let’s stop wasting so much of our time and resources on domestic politics and instead focus on something more concretely productive: lowering Africa’s fertility rate.
Here’s a list of organizations worthy of our support toward this end.
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Excellent!! You state exactly what we must do. The problem is how can we do it. Can any western politician give a speech summarizing your key points? I don’t see how. Enoch Powell gave such a speech in 1968. Free speech was freer then. And Powell didn’t really change anything, did he? I expect the US Repubs will take both houses in November and maybe even the presidency in 2024. But the topic of your article will never even be mentioned no matter how bad things get. Sorry to be so pessimistic but as much as I admire VDARE and PB, nothing much has changed during its 20 years in existence.
I think the opportunity to solve things through electoral politics is essentially over now. Even if we got someone into the Oval Office who’d do exactly what we wanted, the problem is already deeply entrenched within our current demographic reality. This severely inhibits our ability to course correct. We need a white baby boom to increase our numbers in western countries coupled with the encouraging of birth control in the 3rd world. But even these measures will not entirely fix the demographic problems that were created 60 years ago.
Birth Control programs have been promoted in Africa for 50 years, but it hasn’t taken. I think we all know why.
On the flip side, birth control has worked too good with Whites.
Blacks in the US and the Caribbean have taken to birth control. Africa should come around. The problem is whites are too busy trying to keep up with petty contests between each other to put forth the necessary effort to get African doctors to put women on the pill at age 18. The population of Sub Saharan Africa has doubled in 28 years, and whites were too busy trying to get a nice car and house in the burbs to care. We invented modern technology, but we’ve been irresponsible in allowing low IQ people to multiply with it.
The solution is quite simple: Insulate White communities as much as possible from exterior forces. We need to focus on cultural change–not politics, which is basically trying to change the direction of a river by erecting a steel wall.
Creating more social media content, articles, documentaries, and hopefully soon; entertainment (novels, films).
The DR needs to change tactics for the time being, with the Left failing in every single way both in the media and IRL.
I very much agree with your proposal. Population stabilization is the best and maybe only solution to mass migration, especially from sub-Saharan Africa.
Your list of organizations “worthy of our support” is unimpressive though. They seem mostly the usual liberal efforts — “education” about birth control for populations that don’t give a damn about birth control, supporting women who have undergone abortion, etc. Such causes may be fine in one-on-one terms, but they are too weak to have any significant impact on birth rates.
More decisive action is needed. For starters, stop the aid that enables overpopulation. The only aid programs we participate in should be providing contraceptives and advertising to encourage their use.
Collins is correct of course about the danger of African fecundity. I have always been a militant birth controller, especially where it’s most needed – in the Third World. I would strongly support a President using tax dollars to subsidize Third World population reduction efforts (which must include inflicting feminism onto, er, promoting female empowerment in, foreign nations). Such efforts can be considered as both environmentalist and national security policy.
I think this is one of the most-needed articles I’ve read in a long time. I have always viewed overpopulation as the biggest cause of ALL ecological problems on earth, but none of the large conservation groups have ever mentioned ‘overpopulation’. It’s the biggest taboo, but we should be up to the task of confronting it, without tipping our real concern
First of all, know the major drivers of overpopulation — the three major religions: Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, which includes all its Evangelical splinter groups; Islam- ditto; and Hinduism. As well, in all of Africa, the myriad tribal cults. Each of these forbid birth control. That’s about 5 billion people. And each of their women are encouraged to have as many kids as possible. But I seriously do not think most people in Europe or North America are aware of this — the major factor of religious involvement in the Third Word, or the belief systems of these countries. Somehow, the sob-sisters in the West think it is all our fault for not treating the poor people better. That has to be addressed.
The main issue we must never touch is abortion. Leave that to the screaming feminists. They’ve held the line on Roe V. Wade for many years, and we should regard them as our unlikely allies. Leave that snakepit untouched.
It is true we can hope for no help from either major or minor political group on this topic, it is pure poison to a political career. Don’t waste your time, and certainly not your money on politics.
I’ve posted some simple one-liners on Facebook, such as “Third-World overpopulation is the major cause of Climate Change”. It’s innocuous, but probably something a good many people have never thought of. Think of some yourselves and post daily. Little by little, the idea will take hold. We need to keep posting ideas on Counters Currents on this subject by our best writers, as well. Keep focused on this topic.
Africans reducing their birth rates would be both helpful for themselves and the world. However even if their birth rates were negative, they would still come to western countries due to the enormous comparative wealth between them and us, freedoms and social safety nets offered here. Ultimately our countries need to be under the control of people with dissident right beliefs so that all necessary actions can be taken to secure our future existence
Lothrop Stoddard tried to warn the world about the “rising tide of color” in the 1920s, but he’s ended up as a footnote to the Great Gatsby, his book parodied as being among WASP Tom Buchanan’s book collection. White people know about fictional love stories like the Great Gatsby but are totally ignorant of the threat Africans, who have a maximum average IQ of 83, pose to the world as they multiply. Whites and the rest of the world are now paying for this ignorance.
AFRICA: A vast wasteland where trillions of hard-earned American dollars are sent to pathological altruists to be lavished on ‘saving the lives and souls’ of a billion useless eaters.
Thank heavens for Counter Currents where the truth may be told.
This Hubert Collins fella sure is one hell of a writer. The African birthrate is the elephant in the room. The elites have incubated an inexhaustible horde of replacers. They must be stopped or our people may be completely obliterated. The Haiti scenario worldwide.
I think this is misguided. The widespread contraceptive mentality among white women and white families is a primary contributor to the dire situation we are in. No one ever points this out. I understand your point about non-whites, but it’s a little empty. If we returned to the most important part of restoring white culture–having children, taking up space, and growing our race– we’d be 80% there. We can’t complain about the no- replacement rate, the great replacement, and evaporating white births until we dissolve the feminist, anti family, mass contraceptive culture. It will never work.
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