Why does America seem hellbent on bankrupting itself to “fix” other countries when the United States itself is irretrievably broken?
This nation is so inept that on the day after the Taliban seized control of Kabul, I had to stare at a dozen flabby black asses as I stood in line at a slow-moving post office entirely staffed by black government workers to send a certified letter to the IRS asking them why they have yet to respond to the tax return I sent them via certified mail last year.
Dozens of attempts to contact the IRS via telephone over the past year at first yielded a voice message saying that the IRS was currently too overwhelmed to handle phone calls—after which the IRS would automatically hang up on me—which has recently been supplanted by a byzantine maze of a robotic woman’s voice asking me to make selections that have nothing to do with my inquiry, at which point, a dozen beeps deep into the maze, I wind up hanging up on the IRS.
According to my tax returns, I owed the IRS $8,581—and for what? Exactly what do I get in return for all that money? But they never responded to my filing.
Then, this spring, they sent me a “refund” check for the same tax year to the tune of $9,017.77. There was no accompanying documentation, just the check. I was tempted to cash it but feared it might be some kind of setup designed to jail me, so I simply held onto the check.
So my certified letter the other day contained a gentle inquiry as to why they’ve never responded to my tax return, why they sent me a refund check when I owed them money, and a good-faith bank check to the tune of $5,000 just to stave off whatever interest has accrued simply because government workers are such hopeless bunglers that they can’t even handle a simple tax return.
And again — what do I get in return for that $5,000 except a half-assed promise that they won’t jail me for tax evasion?
The estimated combined cost of the wars of empire in the Middle East and Asia since 2001 is $6.4 trillion — and that’s from two years ago and doesn’t include future interest as well as the medical and psychiatric costs for veterans. Nor does it include the costs to the average taxpayer for housing, feeding, treating, coddling, and giving foot rubs to the endless refugees who will be welcomed home here like missing family dogs.
As of this writing, the official US debt — which doesn’t even include unfunded Social Security and pension liabilities — is $28.6 trillion. So at $6.4 trillion, the unnecessary wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and a smattering of meddlesome forays into Asia account for nearly a quarter of the total public debt.
The cost of those wars amounts to nearly $20,000 for every man, woman, and child in the US. But since fewer than half of Americans actually pay taxes, it amounts to nearly $45,000 for every taxpayer such as me.
But we lost both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The only people who benefited were government workers and private defense contractors. In Afghanistan, that “Graveyard of Empires,” the US spent more than it did to rebuild Europe after World War II — and again, for what?
Why were we trying to teach the Stone Age Muslims of Afghanistan that American values are superior when in modern America, we teach that America was founded on corrupt racist values and that Islamophobia is a sin? Why were we wagging our anti-terrorist fingers at an ancient civilization 7,000 miles from DC when in DC, they’re now teaching that the biggest looming terrorist threats to modern America are the white-male descendants of the irredeemable racists who allegedly stole this land?
To teach those primitive camel-fuckers that it’s wrong to kill the 2,605 Americans who lost their lives on 9/11, we went over there and lost nearly three times as many American soldiers.
That’s not counting the 50,000 or so American soldiers who came back maimed and crippled.
It doesn’t count the 70,000 or so Americans who died every year from 2017 to 2019 from drug overdoses, nor the estimated 90,000 who died last year from ODs, much of it enabled by the fact that Afghanistan is the world’s largest exporter of heroin, and if there was one thing the Taliban was good at besides humiliating the world’s largest military, it was shutting down the poppy fields.
And it certainly doesn’t count the scarred psyches of the ticking PTSD timebombs who’ve returned home and now live among us whose trauma is immeasurably amplified by the realization that they risked life, limb, and their minds for what turned out to be a losing cause.
They’ve returned to a country that is in drastically worse shape than it was 20 years ago. The public debt is now nearly nine times what it was on September 11, 2001. Social media has driven average Americans into such a politi-tarded feeding frenzy that families can’t even have Thanksgiving dinner together anymore lest someone get shanked by the carving knife because a political argument got too heated. We’re on the verge of a multidimensional Civil War that will be fought along racial, ideological, and regional lines.
While we were busy trying to “fix” foreign nations that never asked to be fixed, conditions here got so bad that they are probably beyond fixing.
One of the biggest inanities of the supremely inane year of 2020 was the whole “Defund the Police” movement. It was argued, with no experiential evidence cited, that crime would plummet and black lives would be saved if we merely diverted funds earmarked for law enforcement to social welfare, housing, education, healthcare, and roads. Well, in the year 2018, those things ate up 70% of state and local spending, whereas the combined cost of policing, corrections, and courts only accounted for 7.7%. But they argued that the solution was to throw even more money at the problem. My suspicion all along was that the myopic focus on alleged “racist police brutality” was merely a ruse to supplant local and state policing with a federal police force.
Combined estimated total spending for 2018 for state, local, and federal policing and corrections was around $300 billion.
That is far less than half of the US military budget for 2018 — and what did we get in return for it besides more death, debt, and failure?
I’ve said for decades now that the only real military threat to the United States, at least in traditional terms, has been the porous Southern border. That constitutes a legitimate invasion — far more than the occasional terrorist attacks from Middle Eastern countries in whose politics the US has meddled for decades.
In 2018, the Pentagon spent $72 million in what can only be deemed as a symbolic gesture to pretend it cares about the influx of illegal immigrants at the Southern border. That was a mere one-thousandth of its military budget.
Enough with playing World Police. And enough with pretending that demonizing local cops has anything to do with “racism” and nothing to do with trying to extend federal power.
America needs to slash the federal military budget, send what troops remain to the Southern border, let the states and cities keep funding their own police, and keep its beak the fuck out of the world’s business.
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Yeah that’s a good call. Put the army on teh southern border.
Stopping the southern border invasion is a start. However, without a complete halt to nonwhite migration both legal and illegal, combined with incentives for nonwhites already here to self deport, it’s all over for us as a nation of Westernkind.
As the Baby Boomer generation goes off the cliff of life, the demographic shift is going to be appallingly quick. If you think things are falling apart now, you haven’t seen anything yet.
Some White Guy: Good comment. As I’ve said elsewhere repeatedly, all immigration, legal and illegal, could be stopped dead tomorrow and it wouldn’t change a thing. More than 50% of ‘American’ schoolchildren (k-12) are already non-White. Add in differing birth rates plus differing average ages (Whites are by far the oldest) and all the boomers who will die in the next 10 years, and immigration is utterly irrelevant. Without massive deportation and/or death of the millions of non-Whites already here, America is done.
Putting the Army on the southern border would entail combat arms – lots of White guys (who shouldn’t be in the army of a country that hates them anyhow). Rather let them all go home and see what immigration (of all types) has done to their home towns. It’s not Shaniqua the clerk and Trystal the trannie who will be sent to the border, and they’re the ones we’d rather eliminate anyhow.
If the Taliban were to join up with Antifa and BLM, and other such ‘Defenders of Human Rights’ (ACLU, ADL, etc.), I think they could pretty much take over the U.S. and Europe. The ‘woke’ crowd wouldn’t let us ‘patriotic types’ even lift a finger to defend ourselves. We really have to turn this around and soon.
Knocked it out of the park.
Things are beyond dire and what are Biden and the laughing cow going to do about any of it?
Barry McGuire was right.
Every aspect of the ever ballooning, bloated federal government is completely inept and incompetent, not to mention absolutely corrupt to the core. Coincidence, or by design? I would definitely say the latter. The right hand does not know what the left is doing and the military is a perfect example of that. This enables a lack of responsibility and/or accountability to we, the people and therefore nobody ever gets fired. Every once in a while they do sacrifice some poor bastard just doing what he is told and throw him to the wolves. Most of the time with full pension and bennies no less. Again, all by design.
One thing, maybe a little off subject, but I think ties into the current debate of the decline of western societies, is the slow but steady involvement and placement of women in high government positions. I realize this will anger and offend at least half the populace (not my problem and not my care), but women tend to operate on feelings, which more oft than not are calculated, manipulative, and mostly short sighted. Most of this began when Hilary was elected to the presidency in the early 90’s, you know, back when “Baby on Board” stickers and signs inundated the American roads and highways. The whole premise of this movement was constructed around feelings and has thus created a whole generation of weak, wimpy, and whiny people who are now finding their way into positions of power and policy, all based off an ideology of feelings, not reality. Over the last 20 years men have been neutered, castrated and shamed for thinking and acting as men have for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. If this phenomenon isn’t addressed and dealt with accordingly, it will lead to the ultimate demise of our society. There is always a chance that we can curb this trend and get back on a more stable course, but honestly I don’t think that there are enough real men left in the western world.
NONE of that could have happened without men willingly allowing it to. Women had only the rights given to them by White men. The demise is collectively your fault more than it is the women who took advantage of what was offered.
“Social media has driven average Americans into such a politi-tarded feeding frenzy that families can’t even have Thanksgiving dinner together anymore lest someone get shanked by the carving knife because a political argument got too heated.”
I’m guessing even chop-sticks would be too dangerous as culinary implements at this point in time.
I also have to write one of those fucking certified letters to the IRS after having pretty much the exact same experience Jim Goad had. I’ve tried like five or six times to call them, only to get told (no matter what time of day I call) that their call volume is simply too high for them to accept calls “at this time.” So I try the website, only to be told I can’t enter into a payment plan via the website, and I will have to call them. Meanwhile, I keep getting letters threatening levies and garnishments. But hey, at least I know the money I end up sending them will go to worthy brown folk. ::whistles happy globohomo citizen tune
I had my Kafkaesque run-in with bureaucracy lately although not as twisted as your story. It was really on the nose being told by a fat Mexican lady at the post office that I’d have to submit my child’s emergency passport along with the application. The emergency passport expires soon and we need it in our possession to go back abroad as I’m currently working overseas. Even expedited it takes 4 and a half months to get a passport now because of Covid. It’s next to impossible to schedule appointments at any consulate or embassy abroad. So I’m basically in a catch-22 of wanting to renew a passport while in the US but needing to submit the old passport with it that I’ll need to exit the country with my child before I could get a new passport. When I go back to work abroad and my child’s passport expires I literally don’t know when I’ll be able to come back to the US. Meanwhile, hordes of the Mexican Post Office lady’s ilk are being let in the country with no documentation whatsoever. Bureaucratic technicalities for thee, Gringo, and not for mi La Raza. The lady was so dumb, she said maybe there’s a US embassy in the city I could go to to help me out. The lady literally thought there was a US embassy on US soil.
Cash the check for $5K and still send the letter. Take it from me, they won’t arrest you. You can always tell them Nicolas Bourbaki (an imaginary French mathematician from the early 20th century) advised you. Whatever you do, DO NOT let them keep it and put it towards next year’s returns. They’ll find some fee or something, using up the whole $5K, and the money will disappear.
What’s the matter with “Team America: World Police”? I loved that movie, particularly when Michael Moore blew himself up with a suicide vest. I try to use valmorphanize in all my everyday conversation.
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