1,376 words
Counter-Currents is trying to raise $200,000 this year to sustain and improve our work. Since last week’s update, we have received 46 donations totaling $8,290.45 for a total of 66 donations and a total of $14,827.45 since we started our fundraiser on March 10th. This is an astonishing outpouring of generosity, for which we are deeply grateful. Full information on how to donate appears below.
Our latest fundraising outreach is our “paywall.”
Beginning Monday, April 12th, Counter-Currents will be extending special privileges to those who donate $120 or more per year.
First, donor comments will appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue. (People who abuse this privilege will lose it.)
Second, donors will have immediate access to all Counter-Currents posts. Non-donors will find that one post a day, five posts a week will be behind a “paywall” and will be available to the general public after 30 days.
Naturally, we do not grant permission to other websites to repost paywall content before 30 days have passed.
I think of a paywall subscription as analogous to paying extra for priority mail. We are routinely willing to pay out more money to get things delivered two or three days faster. In this case, it is 30 days faster.
What will go behind the paywall? The short answer is: stuff you really want to see, including:
- Most of my new articles and reviews
- The reposts of our weekly livestreams
- Selected works by our most popular authors like Jim Goad, Robert Hampton, Spencer Quinn, Collin Cleary, Beau Albrecht, Nicholas Jeelvy, Morris V. de Camp, James O’Meara, Kathryn S., Richard Houck, Margot Metroland, and more.
We generally won’t put things behind the paywall that deal with current events. Instead, we will focus on evergreen material that won’t seem irrelevant after 30 days.
How do you access these privileges?
First, if you have given $120 or more since the beginning of 2020, you will be automatically enrolled for one year. This program is primarily designed to get new people to contribute. We don’t want to ding longtime generous donors for extra money.
Second, because of credit card deplatforming, we can’t take your payment instantly. So we will not institute the paywall feature until April 12. That should give you enough time to dust off your checkbook or learn about cryptocurrencies and money transfers.
Third, without credit cards, we cannot do recurring monthly charges for the paywall feature. Furthermore, it would be an administrative nightmare to take monthly payments by check or cryptocurrencies. Thus we simply have to charge you for a single year all at once: $120. That’s less than 33 cents/day.
This is a lot to take in, I know. But you’ve got until April 12th to think about it and prepare, and we will put out weekly reminders.
As an incentive to act now, everyone who joins the paywall between now and Monday, April 12th will receive a free paperback copy of my next book, The Year America Died, which collects together writings — some of them not yet published — from the annus horribilus 2020 about the globalvirus, the race war, the Trumpocalypse, and how white advocates can use them to advance our agenda. The volume also includes some essays from 2018, 2019, and 2021 dealing with related issues. This book will be released on June 1st.
All paywall subscriptions will count toward our fundraising goal.
To subscribe to the paywall, we need three things from you: your name, your payment, and an email address. Naturally, the most secure address does not contain your real name and is from an encrypted email provider like Protonmail. We will then set you up with an account to which you can log in to comment and access paywalled content. To register, just fill out this form and we will walk you through the payment process.
Since we first announced the paywall, friends have suggested that we add other options, including two year subscriptions at a discount ($220, a savings of $20) and lifetime subscriptions. I’ve decided on $1,400 for lifetime subscriptions, since that is the amount of the recent American COVID stimulus checks. Stimulating white identity politics might not be exactly what the Biden administration was hoping for, but it’s your money now.
Thanks for being “another brick in the paywall.” We appreciate your loyal readership and support.
Greg Johnson
How to Donate to Counter-Currents
Counter-Currents, like all advocates of dissident ideas, depends upon the generosity of readers like you to survive and thrive. If you are a past donor, welcome back. If you are contemplating making your first donation, do it in thanks to the past donors that made it possible for you to find Counter-Currents, and pay it forward so others can experience the same delight in discovery.
There are several ways to help out.
1. Credit Cards
In 2019, Counter-Currents was de-platformed from five credit card processors. We applied to a couple of other processors but were turned down. In the process of applying, we discovered that Counter-Currents has been put on the so-called MATCH list, a credit card industry blacklist reserved for vendors with high rates of chargebacks and fraudulent transactions. This is completely inapplicable to Counter-Currents. Thus our placement on this list is simply a lie — a financially damaging lie — that is obviously political in motivation.
Currently the only way we can take credit card donations is through Entropy, a site that takes donations and comments for livestreams. Visit our Entropy page and select “send paid chat.” Entropy allows you to donate any amount from $3 and up. All comments will be read and discussed in the next episode of Counter-Currents Radio, which airs every weekend.
2. Bank Transfers
It is also possible to support Counter-Currents with bank transfers. Please contact us at [email protected].
3. Gift Cards
Gift cards are a useful way to make donations. Gift cards are available with all the major credit cards as well as from major retailers. You can either send gift cards as donations (either electronically or through the mail), or you can use them to make donations. Simply buy a prepaid credit card and click here to use it. If you can find a place that sells gift cards for cash, they are as anonymous as sending cash and much safer.
4. Cash, Checks and Money Orders
Sometimes the old ways are best. The least “de-platformable” way to send donations to Counter-Currents is to put a check or money order in the mail. Simply print and complete the Word or PDF donation form and mail it to:
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
[email protected]
Thank you, Boomers, for keeping your checkbooks, envelopes, and stamps. There are youngsters reading this site who have never written a check or put a letter in the mail.
5. Bill Payment Services
If you wish to make monthly donations by mail, see if your bank has a bill payment service. Then all you need to do is set up a monthly check to be dispatched by mail to our PO box. This check can be made out to Counter-Currents or to Greg Johnson. After the initial bother of setting it up, you never have to think about it again.
6. Crypto-Currencies
In addition to old-fashioned paper donations, those new-fangled crypto-currencies are a good way to circumvent censorious credit card corporations.
- Click here to go to our crypto donation page.
- Click here for a basic primer on how to get started using crypto. Do not, however, use COINBASE. COINBASE will not allow you to send money to Counter-Currents. (Yes, it is that bad.)
7. The Counter-Currents Foundation
Note: Donations to Counter-Currents Publishing are not tax deductible. We do, however, have a 501c3 tax-exempt educational corporation called The Counter-Currents Foundation. If you want to make a tax-deductible gift, please email me at [email protected]. You can send donations by mail to:
The Counter-Currents Foundation
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
8. Remember Us in Your Will
Finally, we would like to broach a very delicate topic: your will. If you are planning your estate, please think about how you can continue helping the cause even after you are gone. The essay “Majority Estate Planning” contains many helpful suggestions.
Remember: those who fight for a better world live in it today.
Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.
Greg Johnson
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There’s a Pink Floyd song called another brick in the wall. Your title made me think of that. It’s a pretty good song.
Lol! You must be very young. Everyone past a certain age (and perhaps beneath age 90) is very familiar with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I’m sure Dr. J. titled this post with that song in mind.
He may indeed be very young, but that’s great in a way. The younger Whites / Europeans realize what’s going on, pick up and run with the White identitarian movement ball the better ! 🙂
No I’m just really slow. I’m 56 years old.
No worries, pal, I hit the Big Six-O later this year. What I found funny about your comment was the implication (maybe it was simply my own “jumping the gun” imputation) that you seemed to think that perhaps Greg Johnson was NOT familiar with the Pink Floyd song, and thus that this post title was simply coincidental, when it seemed obvious to me that Johnson was precisely riffing off that song’s title.
The reason I thought it was funny was that it reminded me of a growing internet phenomenon, one actually apposite to our purposes here. As you may or may not know (I – lol! showing my own age, I suppose – only discovered this during the pandemic), there is a whole YouTube sub-genre in which young people, often black or other nonwhite, video record their reactions to hearing classic, often white, rock songs – from Sympathy for the Devil, to Dream On, to Sweet Child O’ Mine, etc – for the first time. To me, at least, this is very funny because a) I grew up listening to this music thousands of times, and thus find it humorously bizarre that there are persons in their 20s or older who have literally never heard, say, Stairway to Heaven; and b) related to (a), these “reaction vids”, assuming their legitimacy, actually demonstrate how racially parochial these minorities, especially blacks, really are.
How is it possible to be an American, even if nonwhite, in your 20s or older and never have heard Stairway to Heaven??! Especially when blacks seem to spend more time on “things musical”, at least in terms of listening, than whites? I often drive with music on, but otherwise, I almost never listen to music. Blacks, OTOH, seem to be constantly “moving to the beat”.
The answer, so relevant to the CC enterprise, is that minorities, esp blacks, inhabit very different mental (intellectual, entertainment – almost certainly also psychological) worlds from whites. I’m sure there are thousands of black, mostly rap, songs that are known virtually by heart by huge swaths of black America that I, in turn, have literally never listened to. So this goes both ways – which is CC’s point. Different races are different in so much more than just complexion and facial anatomy.
Finally, I then jumped to the assumption that you must be young – as it occurred to me that the young white generation has not only been utterly deprived of the proper knowledge of its own magnificent white cultural and civilizational patrimony, but perhaps even has missed the opportunity to sample “classic” white musical pop culture, having been forced to endure so much exposure to nonwhite cultural samplings (for purposes of “inclusivity”, “diversity”, “raising minority/lowering white self-esteem”, etc). From there I jumped to the thought that maybe you were a young white person so deprived of even his white pop cultural patrimony as to genuinely think that even very literate and culturally conscious people just might possibly not know that there was a cool song called “Another Brick in the Wall”, by an ‘archaic’ band called Pink Floyd.
Once again, we experience the ‘joys’ of living in ‘diversity’.
I’ve never met a black who liked Led Zeppelin. I think on average whites know a lot lot more about black music than blacks do about white music. In a way whites are the least racist of the racial groups, as we like other cultures and learn from them.
A few years back there was this cool looking Chinese chick with a guns and roses shirt on. I told her “you’re the first Asian I ever met who liked guns and roses.” She said in broken English, “oh I did not realize was a band.” Lol!
As someone with intimate knowledge of the postal system, DO NOT PAY for priority mail. The service has entirely collapsed due to all competent whites retiring. Only use mail as a last resort now.
A couple of additional observations about possible improvements that could be made to the site.
1. I’m reading Collin Cleary’s 5 part review of Duchesne, The Uniqueness of Western Civilization, from April 2013. I notice that, unlike with more recent multi-part essays or reviews, each of the five sections offers no link within the section to access either the next section or, if past the first section, an earlier one (ie, no “Part 1, Part 2, Part 3” etc clearly delineated as hypertext links). Reading the review sequentially requires one to click repeatedly on “Cleary” and then search out the next instalment.
2. I’ve also noticed that the ability to offer comments on long past posts is restricted to those past posts already containing comments. If a past post had elicited no comments, it is impossible to comment now. I’m not sure how far in the past an uncommented upon post must be in order for the commenting option to have been disabled, but it would be a nice feature if one could always comment upon any post. After all, up to the minute posts often link back to much earlier CC web content (eg, I found Cleary’s multipart review of Duchesne via a link back embedded in Quinn’s very recent “Racial Whiteness” post).
I do have some questions and concerns about this and other recent changes. Rather than writing everything I could, I’ll stick to one question and ask, why is this is necessary?
The last fundraiser was a success as you’ve said and asking for donations did in fact work. You’ve made a case that nationalism, and nationalist publications needed to be supported and people listened.
This is necessary to raise money, to thank donors for their support, and to build donor loyalty and engagement.
Hey did you guys notice, in his post on the Atlantic article that was on Unz yesterday, Steve sailer said “in my article on takis which does not have a paywall”. Was that a dig at you guys?
Probably he is referring to the Atlantic.
…”Blacks, OTOH, seem to be constantly “moving to the beat”.
And even on the hottest of days, they are compassionate enough to forgo the air-conditioner in their car, scroll down their windows and share the love with others around them.
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