The Counter-Currents 2020 Fundraiser Okay, I’m Starting to Get Nervous
(& a New All or Nothing $5,000 Christmas Matching Grant)
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents is trying to raise $150,000 this year, and we have made great strides toward that goal since our last update. We have now received 842 donations totaling $132,093.60 for which we are enormously grateful. We are thus $17,906.40 from our goal.
Frankly, though, I’m starting to get nervous. To meet our goal, we have to raise nearly $1,000/day before our deadline, and two of those days are very hard to compete with, namely Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Beyond that, we are in a global COVID recession, and the United States may be on the brink of civil war. So people are understandably being careful with their money.
On the other hand, times of instability present enormous opportunities for dissidents. If things fall apart, we would like some say in how they are put back together. But to do that, Counter-Currents needs to stay in the game and expand our reach. We need to change more people’s thinking from anti-white to pro-white. For dissidents, times of instability are not occasions to hold back but to go all in.
Fortunately, one of our generous supporters has offered us a new $5,000 matching grant. This grant is an all-or-nothing affair: we have to raise the full $5,000 to receive the match. Beyond that, there is a deadline: Christmas Day. Since most of our donations now come in the mail, we will count all donations postmarked between today, December 11th, and December 24th toward the goal. We will also count all other donations, whether via Entropy, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency received between now and Christmas. A full list of ways to help appears below.
A New Way for Americans to Do Tax-Deductible Donations
- Normally, American taxpayers have to itemize their deductions to write off charitable donations when filing their federal income taxes. This means that people who file the 1040EZ form cannot take advantage of deductions for charitable giving.
- The CARES Act, which went into effect in the spring of 2020, allows you to write off $300 in charitable donations even if you do not itemize your deductions on your 2020 income tax return, which you’ll be filing next spring.
- This means that any US taxpayer can deduct up to $300 contributed to the Counter-Currents Foundation, a non-profit 501c3 educational corporation that promotes scholarship connected with the European New Right and allied schools of thought.
- All you need to do is send a check or money order to the Counter-Currents Foundation, PO Box 22638, San Francisco, CA 94122. (The Counter-Currents Foundation is a different institution from Counter-Currents, so please make sure your check or money order specifies the foundation.)
- Please email me at [email protected] for more information.
There are several ways you can donate to Counter-Currents.
Credit Cards
Currently, we are unable to take credit card donations except through Entropy. Entropy is a site that collects “paid chat” or “superchat” donations for live streamers.
Just go to our Entropy page and select “Leave Paid Chat.” Entropy allows you to donate any amount from $3 and up. (You can make a donation even when Entropy says that we are not currently livestreaming. Just click the button that says Leave Paid Chat.)
If you want to leave a question or comment, they will be read and discussed on the next Counter-Currents Radio livestream, which air on Sundays at noon PST/3:00 PM EST on DLive:
Money Transfers
If your bank does free money transfers to other banks in the US, please contact [email protected].
Gift Cards
Gift cards are a useful way to make donations. Gift cards are available with all the major credit cards as well as from major retailers. You can either send gift cards as donations (either electronically or through the mail) or you can use them to make donations. If you can find a place that sells gift cards for cash, they are as anonymous as sending cash and much safer.
Checks and Money Orders
Sometimes the old ways are best. The least “de-platformable” way to send donations to Counter-Currents is to put a check or money order in the mail. Simply print and complete the Word or PDF donation form and mail it to:
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
[email protected]
Thank you, Boomers, for keeping your checkbooks, envelopes, and stamps. There are youngsters reading this site who have never written a check or put a letter in the mail.
Bill Payment Services
If you wish to make monthly donations by mail, see if your bank has a bill payment service. Then all you need to do is set up a monthly check to be dispatched by mail to our PO box. This check can be made out to Counter-Currents or to Greg Johnson. After the initial bother of setting it up, you never have to think about it again.
In addition to old-fashioned paper donations, those new-fangled crypto-currencies are a good way to circumvent censorious credit card corporations.
- Click here to go to our crypto donation page.
- Click here for a basic primer on how to get started using crypto. Do not, however, use COINBASE. COINBASE will not allow you to send money to Counter-Currents. (Yes, it is that bad.)
The Counter-Currents Foundation
Note: Donations to Counter-Currents Publishing are not tax-deductible. We do, however, have a 501c3 tax-exempt educational corporation called The Counter-Currents Foundation. If you want to make a tax-deductible gift, please email Greg Johnson at [email protected]. You can send donations by mail to:
The Counter-Currents Foundation
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
Remember Us in Your Will
Finally, we would like to broach a very delicate topic: your will. If you are planning your estate, please think about how you can continue helping the cause even after you are gone. The essay “Majority Estate Planning” contains many helpful suggestions.
Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today.
Thank you for all you do to make Counter-Currents possible.
Greg Johnson
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Trump: Without Illusions or Apologies
just donated $100 via entropy. worth every penny. keep the faith.
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
Put it 100, broke as a joke but happy to contribute.
RP- “redpill”
I finally watched Withnail and I. I thought it a bit gross at first, but it grew a little. There is a theme of revolting food or food in inappropriate places. I think this symbolizes Marwoods reaction to the homosexual designs that the other characters have upon him. Particularly the weenie in the bathtub scene has subtext about homosexuality. Marwood hands it away “I don’t want it.” It must have been slightly autobiographical.
Fear not ,I bring you tidings of great joy
The check is in the mail
I just donated $100. I wanted to give more, but I’m just not in a position to right now.
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
Put $20 in the mail today. Sorry it couldn’t be more.
Many thanks to the team for a great year’s work.
Thank you so much for your support, and Merry Christmas!
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