Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 567
The First Meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club
Counter-Currents Radio

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.
236 words / 1:57:46
Every month in 2024, Greg Johnson will invite some of our authors and friends to read and discuss some of the best material from our catalog and more in what we are calling The Counter-Currents Book Club. The first meeting was held in place of our most recent Counter-Currents Radio broadcast, where Greg was joined by Margot Metroland, James J. O’Meara, and Kathryn S. to discuss our latest publication by Jonathan Bowden, The Cultured Thug. It is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:02:23 How The Cultured Thug came about
00:05:54 Margot on the history of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
00:17:31 Was Orwell a Rightist or Leftist?
00:22:47 The chapter on plays
00:29:54 Bowden saw Counter-Currents as a university
00:32:37 Should we rewrite Nineteen Eighty-Four?
00:35:46 Franz Kafka thought he was a comedy writer
00:38:45 The all-white rendition of Porgy and Bess
00:41:27 James’ favorite parts of the book
00:54:29 On the Robinson Jeffers chapter
00:58:06 Were there any parts of the book that weren’t good?
01:02:29 On George Steiner
01:07:47 How Bowden would compose his essays
01:15:30 James’ criticisms of the book
01:17:53 On Left-wing companies that publish Right-wing books
01:27:04 When will Jonathan Bowden’s biography be published?
01:32:11 Bowden lied about his own life
01:33:23 On Bowden’s psychotic episode
01:46:39 Was there a Bowden connection to Stuart Holroyd?
01:49:15 Comment on Leon Trotsky
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I thought it was a smashing success. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Lots of interesting info.
1) I had forgotten about Alex Kurtagic. I recall now he was an extremely talented writer from when I first started reading this stuff. So he went back into the matrix! Why did he quit the movement? It would be interesting to have an interview on the psychology of an apostate. It’s hard for me to believe that a person of his mental level would “realize” that Blm and antifa riots and looting and continuous wars for Israel were a “positive good” and that we had been wrong. More likely he decided ”Rome is invincible” and looked to short views. I miss him.
Thank you, Greg, Margot, James, and Kathryn for your contributions to this enjoyable podcast.
I picked up many insights from the panel I was unaware of; one example, James’ comments at 00:35:46, and through his Franz Kafka article link, about the comedic side of Kafka!? That’s something I have never picked up on. Kafka’s demeanor (see picture in the Kafka article), and stories, makes it hard to believe he could think of himself that way. A real magician.
I enjoyed the panel discussion around two of the Angry Young Men: Bill Hopkins and Colin Wilson. Bowden was a friend of Hopkins and wrote several articles for C-C, including a eulogy, about him. See Jonathan Bowden, Western Civilization Bites Back, C-C Publishing.
But with Wilson, Bowden is somewhat amazed (perhaps envious) by Wilson’s writing output. After the initial success of Wilson’s, The Outsider, the critics started to turn against him, and Bowden wrote: “[Wilson] is despised by the intelligentsia and is despised by the mass culture, even after sort of 400 books translated into nine languages. And yet, he’s unbelievably productive. Unbelievably. Almost to a logorrheic degree. It’s sort of churned out of him.” See Western Civilization Bites Back, p. 131.
Bowden led an interesting life. I like to listen to his speeches, maybe a little more than reading the transcripts, but I’m glad to have both. Kudos to The Jonathan Bowden Archive.
I hope his biography does happen.
Great show.
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