In days gone by during times of economic collapse and social uncertainty, non-white minorities were convenient scapegoats. Looking back on things, some minority groups were actually tremendous scapegoats — they were so effortlessly unlikable that you couldn’t even tell they were being scapegoated. You just naturally assumed they were to blame.
Nowadays, as everything around us falls apart, white people have become the world’s default scapegoats. This turnaround is seen as progress rather than evidence that we’re still stuck performing some prehistoric psychosexual blood ritual where the ancient Hebrews would take a goat out into the desert and, you know, “scape” it or whatever it was those sun-addled desert monkeys did to their goats. I never much followed their religion.
I didn’t even give much thought to being white until you told me I couldn’t, but then suddenly you gave the whole project an unexpected allure. There are a hundred other things I could be doing right now besides being white, but it’s become an all-or-nothing proposition. I’m innocently standing here on the corner, minding my own beeswax and chewing some bubble gum, and they’re all, “Hey, look at that white guy over there chewing the bubble gum.”
They’ve pushed white people to the point where they’re thinking about being white all the time. That sort of thing can backfire. You’ve made white people aware that they’re white — often painfully so — and one day you’ll realize what a dumb mistake that was.
The white man’s burden used to mean having to lift up the rest of the world. Now it means having to be harangued by the rest of the world about how much you suck. Both were burdensome, but if I had to choose a burden, I’d gladly shoulder the older one.
What are we supposed to feel bad about again? Can you kindly refresh my recollection? I mean, major publishers are shitting out books that get celebrated for the fact that they essentially jerk off to the thought of our extinction. That seems a little much, no?
That big, wide rainbow of inveterate white-bashers, a grand coalition that includes many whites and non-whites alike, are absolutely sure that there’s something uniquely wrong with white people, and they are viciously smug about it as well.
And so I ask them: What have white people done that was so bad that no other group would have done it even if they had the technology and the opportunity? You can’t come up with any answer to that because there is no answer to that. Sure, it’s true that no African nation has ever dropped a nuclear bomb on anyone. It is also true that no African has ever developed a weapon as sophisticated as a nuclear bomb, so maybe the main reason that Africans have never dropped nukes on anybody may be entirely unrelated to moral virtue. For the same reasons, it’s not exactly a moral accomplishment to never have invented anything beyond a few exotic strains of peanut butter.
If you want to bring up Hitler, I can bring up the Khmer Rouge, Unit 731, and every square inch of modern Haiti.
On an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm when a man accused Larry David of being “a self-loathing Jew” for whistling a Wagner melody, Larry responded, “Well, let me tell you something — I do hate myself, but it has nothing to do with being Jewish, okay?”
I feel similarly toward white people — there’s plenty that’s wrong with them, but it has nothing to do with being white and everything to do with being people. Saying that white people are uniquely awful is a uniquely awful thing to say.
I think all races are awful to the best of their ability. All races are destructive in the best way they can manage. I think that’s an immensely fair and even-handed way of looking at human nature. I also think it’s nice — too nice.
Clearly, the only answer that would provide the world with even a glimmer of hope that we can avoid some inevitable racial apocalypse is for everyone to just take a deep breath, sigh out slowly, and say, “There’s nothing wrong with white people.”
There’s nothing wrong with white people that’s not wrong with everyone else. You and I know it. And we both know that my plan is the only way to achieve world peace.
But people have a hard time letting their crab claws loose from clutching desperately onto whatever delusion justifies their existence, so the mythology of innate white evil will live forever because it’s protected by a thick force field of cognitive dissonance. Never try to engage in friendly conversation with people who’d stab you in the back the moment they got the chance. There’s no point in proving they’re wrong and you’re right, because they don’t have the gallantry to admit it. It is pointless to attempt engaging them in factual matters. Their entire belief system is propped up on emotions and superstition. Facts will only get in the way. Trying to use facts to prop up your demonic narrative will only convince them that you’re demon-possessed. If logic had any effect on them, they wouldn’t be in the pickle they’re in. You can forget about trying to debate them or persuade them with logic.
So every time they come at me, trying to club me over the head with another rubber mallet forged from white guilt, I yawn so hard that it comes out as a scream.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
How long has this nightmare been happening? They slipped all this bullshit right into the center of the mainstream and cemented it there. How did we get to this insane point where whites are the only group not allowed to happily exist as themselves?
Is it possible that white people have been far too nice for their own good?
The more that white people apologize, the less forgiveness they are granted. Think about that.
The more guilt that white people confess to, the less they get forgiven. Ever notice how that works? Why, it’s almost as if the more you invite people to hate you, the more they hate you.
There’s no use in groveling. We’ve actually groveled our way into this mess, so there’s no way we’ll grovel out of it. No one is attractive when they’re constantly apologizing, and it’s rightly interpreted as a sign of weakness rather than virtue.
If white people were one-billionth as racist as is alleged, they wouldn’t allow themselves to be institutionally taunted like this. The bad guys at the beach, the ones who show up on motorcycles wearing leather jackets and wielding switchblades, don’t let themselves get sand routinely kicked in their faces like this; those sort of indignities are for the 90-pound weaklings.
They wouldn’t say the things they say if they didn’t know we’ve been way too nice for far too long.
How about we make a deal? We don’t have a problem with anyone who doesn’t have a problem with us. But if you have a problem with one of us, you have a problem with all of us. I’ve seen that policy work wonders with other groups, and I think it’d work especially well with white people.
We’ve been cool. Too cool. Maybe we’ll stop being cool. I don’t want us to start being uncool — just to stop being too cool. In fact, don’t be cool at all, so long as you don’t venture into the realm of the uncool. There are dangers in being too cool. Dangers that you don’t realize until it’s far too late.
This is not a call to violence, for cripes’ sake. It is merely a demand to immediately cease all unnecessary and self-destructive niceness — and to be funny while doing it.
Imagine actually thinking racism is a problem. Imagine thinking the media, the government, and the schools are biased in favor of white people.
With a huge smile flashing all your pearly white teeth, tell them they’re crazy. Because they are. Look right through them as if they don’t even exist, because as individuals, they don’t. Deep in their hearts, there’s nothing deep in their hearts. Remind them that they wouldn’t even have underwear if it weren’t for white people.
Their smugness, their moral convictions, are all a result of peer pressure and cowardice. They know not what they think, they know not what they feel, they only know what they’re not supposed to think and feel, and that keeps them safe from thinking or feeling anything.
I’ve spent a good deal of this crisp autumn evening coming up with insults for white people who try to shame you for being white. You can use any or all of these at your discretion:
“I was thinking about becoming a white supremacist, but then I thought about white people like you who fuck up the whole program.”
“Look, I understand that you think blacks won’t rape and kill you if you badmouth white people, but they will rape and kill you even harder — but you look like the kind of person who would like that sort of thing.”
“Your ancestors would have cried at the very thought of your existence.”
“You weren’t fit to carry Adolf Hitler’s jockstrap.”
“Your mother went through all the pain of pregnancy and childbirth just to wind up with you?”
These are some lines for non-whites:
“If you’re going to blame me for slavery, you’re also going to have to credit me with inventing the lightbulb. It’s a package deal.”
“There’s a clear reason that God chose you not to be white, but it’s really none of my business.”
“Look, trust me, I understand that it has to be horrible being born non-white and being unable to change that.”
And here are some all-purpose putdowns for people of any race who try to immobilize you with white guilt:
“I’d really like to sit around for another one of your lectures about racial justice, but I need to go home and shave my asshole first.”
“If your sweet, loving parents could have seen what you’d turn into, they would have gladly jerked each other off instead that night.”
“You aren’t qualified to judge me. You’re barely qualified to speak to me.”
Don’t assault or threaten them, no matter how tempting it is. Don’t show the slightest wisp of annoyance or anger at them. Show them only amused pity. Come at them with a torrent of disinterested condescension. Treat them with the guarded condescension with which you’d greet a schizoid homeless person.
And when they start listing off all the things that are wrong with being white, start smiling like they’re crazy and you feel a little bit sorry for them. Then slightly wrinkle your nose as if you smell something unpleasant. Then start making fart sounds whenever they try to speak another word.
Look at them, shrug, and say, “We’ve been so nice to you. You really have no . . . idea . . . how nice we’ve been to you.” And then walk away, leaving them trapped in their incurably lonely misery.

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Rwanda was very instructive on how a huge body count can be achieved with mere machetes. No nukes required.
Practise by saying these wise words to your wives, children, grandchildren, inlaws. Like charity, ridding yourself of the vice of compassion begins at home.
“I was thinking about becoming a white supremacist, but then I thought about white people like you who fuck up the whole program.”
“Look, I understand that you think blacks won’t rape and kill you if you badmouth white people, but they will rape and kill you even harder — but you look like the kind of person who would like that sort of thing.”
“Your ancestors would have cried at the very thought of your existence.”
“You weren’t fit to carry Adolf Hitler’s jockstrap.”
“Your mother went through all the pain of pregnancy and childbirth just to wind up with you?”
Jim Goad is the best writer here on counter currents.
He is the reason I check this online webzine from time to time.
Thanks for another great article.
Don’t whites who call other whites racist for a living obviously feel blacks are so pathetic and inferior that they need cloistered white them to speak for them while finger-pointing all the way to the bank?
Are you noticing things? That’ right wing extremism, buddy
“There are dangers in being too cool. Dangers that you don’t realize until it’s far too late.”
This is what I was referring to the other day when I mentioned being worried about my young daughters having to learn a valuable lesson the hard way. Growing up in a diverse North Omaha neighborhood and hearing the constant diversity drumbeat constantly in school(named after MLK), I desperately sought acceptance with black kids out of a sense of showing them I’m cool and definitely not a racist. “Hey dudes! Any of you like the Wu-Tang Clan?” I was that kid growing up and luckily for me, the worst that ever happened to me was being looked at like a mark or taking my kindness for weakness and being taken advantage of. Some of my friends weren’t as lucky. I have to teach my kids how easily it can be to end up a victim of the people you are trying to befriend. The good thing is there are hundreds of videos available to show them what a group of young fellas and fine ladies are capable of and how dangerous a seemingly harmless situation can change dramatically in an instant.
Just wondering – which videos? Do you mean true crime stuff? Or is there anything out there instructing suburbanites on how to be streetwise or the like?
@Beau Albrecht – I think the “young fellas” and “fine ladies” indicates that the commenter, Lee, is referring to the Colin Flaherty’s foundational body of work. As the dearly departed gentleman said, “Don’t make the black kids angry!”
There’s an abundance of videos on the interwebs of blacks behaving badly that will be great teaching tools. Also, you gave me a good idea about pointing out the fine ladies with a brood of chirren that all look different with no father around.
From Middle English nyce, nice, nys, from Old French nice, niche, nisce (“simple, foolish, ignorant”), from Latin nescius (“ignorant, not knowing”); compare nesciō (“to know not, be ignorant of”), from ne (“not”) + sciō (“to know”).
@Dr ExCathedra – Now that is interesting!
I think this entire article by Jim Goad is some plain-talking, home-truths that is both instructive and inspiring. Most Counter-Currents readers know, intellectually, all of those points mentioned; even so, it is immensely valuable to have the highly-effective strategy of dismissive, yet amused, scorn and snappy comebacks laid out in black and white, and in such a humorous manner. Probably the best advice column yet for dealing with the pernicious anti-White haters. Loved it!
Approximately 2600 homicides in Baltimore since Soros-backed prosecutor Marilyn Mosby became states attorney in that city in 2015.
More than 1200 homicides in St. Louis since Soros-backed circuit attorney Kimberly Gardener took office in 2017. 200+ homicides in Portland Oregon since Soros-backed Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt took office in August 2020. Slow motion genocide perpetuated by the same people black Americans vote for.
There are three possibilities with Soros. The first, which imo is by far the most likely, is that his long-since fading mental faculties have made him into something of an exploding armory: an undirected yet spectacularly dangerous cookoff of lethal weaponry racking up an impressive home-team body count.
The second, less likely but far from impossible, is that the 92-year-old is still roughly the unrelenting genius he was at 45. This means his designs are foreseen and foresought, making him a weird but highly effective enemy of non-allies.
The third is the frazzle-haired scientist has simply lost control of his experiment.
I cannot tell if you’re being sarcastic. There are two problems with normal whites facing someone like Soros. Either they are the all too many normies who cannot face the existence of evil, and so assume the guy is really misguided – when in fact what he does might well be intentionally malicious (though I think his objective is upending white America, not maximizing blacks killing mostly other blacks). Or, they are fully awakened, in which case they assume he must be evil, and cannot imagine that maybe he sincerely thinks he’s advancing “social justice” and not merely sewing social disorder.
I have met many sincere liberals who really do believe their own delusions. Soros, however, I think intentionally wants to hurt whites as payback for his suffering at the hands of the Nazis in WW2.
I view as outside consideration urban leftist whites who under present or foreseeable conditions are unlikely to acknowledge or be swayed by reality, thereby continuing to pose an active barrier to restoring an order compatible with long-term survival.
Starting from the view that we are engaged in war, we can choose a kill ratio above which virtually any strategy producing it becomes attractive. I choose 10:1. Going much lower is questionable unless the circumstances are dire. But one much higher starts looking utopian and unserious, running serious risk of opportunity cost.
Given the above constraints, has Soros’ specific project of “rethinking criminal justice” (RTCJ) attained a 10:1 enemy:friend kill ratio? I don’t know. But I strongly suspect it did long ago and has kept dialing up since.
So, for any who posit that my above stated scenario 2 is in fact the case, that Soros is still the unrelenting genius that he was at 45, then they must admit that it would be a mental cakewalk for the man who cultivated among the highest market returns in history by correctly predicting the vagaries of global markets to foresee the same RTCJ hellscapes that any random Zerohedge poster could have predicted with decimal-level accuracy. In the unextrapolably narrow scope of this conversation, he sounds a lot like the enemy of our enemy.
Keep in mind that Soros’ entire philosophy rests on empirical updating, similar to how modern, and ancient, navigation systems work. It could be said that the centerpiece of Soros’ philosophy is the statement, “but I could be wrong.” Yet these lethal policy “mistakes” have persisted for decades.
Given the above, one who posits that we are dealing with a bond-villain Superjew in full command of his once ear-popping heights of mental acuity must also conclude that the entire program of stacking black bodies by the morgueload is a feature.
And our all-seeing high fiend would certainly realize what encouraging the most naturally violent to remove themselves through an Africa-like reversion to nature — but with modern weaponry and low birth rates — might look like: The long-term results would be a likely outsized decline in violent criminality because of the Pareto-skew reality of criminogenesis. “Either you don’t do crime or crime’s all you do.”
Or he’s just gotten so old he doesn’t know where he, much less his billions of ghetto-lotto free money, even is.
“Soros, however, I think intentionally wants to hurt whites as payback for his suffering at the hands of the Nazis in WW2.”
I’m not so sure that’s what drives Soros.
This article offers an interesting perspective by his fellow Jew:
“…Soros is not difficult to understand. He’s defined by his youth in WWII Hungary, watching with pride as his attorney father outsmarted the Nazis, keeping his family out of the camps and providing forged papers to keep other Jews out of the camps.
Soros frequently describes the war years as his happiest, and he’s lived a life of trying to replicate those years. He still sees himself as under occupation by gentile racists. Hungarian Jews during the war were not like Polish Jews; they weren’t impoverished and ghettoized. They were prosperous and integrated. Hence, Soros’ personal prosperity doesn’t lessen his fantasy; he doesn’t associate occupation with destitution. There’s still a Reich to defeat, and the Nazi-fighting torch has passed from father to son.”
It’s difficult for whites to understand how insanely vindictive Jews are. All their holidays involve a clash with an enemy (Pharoah, Haman, Antiochus). They see blacks running amok and killing whites as revenge for all the wrongs done to them through history. Even though Muslim immigration, in the long run, is bad for Jews, they still support it out of sheer spite toward the goyiim.
Exactly! So hard for gentiles to fathom the hatred the Jews hold against them. This is precicely what makes them so unhappy and miserable despite they unparalleled material success.
Instead of looking at the positive side of the Soros backed prosecutors facilitating all the black on black homicide, we should look at the negative affects Soros has had with his financing of organizations that attack, defame and undermine our white western society.
We have the same problems here in Los Angeles, though we are greatly spread out in this town, and can thus avoid going near the trouble. Avoidance is the easiest way to skirt ‘racism’. But we have not only Blacks, but myriad Hispanic varieties — from Mexico to the Panama Canal mainly, but also including a massive invasion of Venezuelans, along with the Haitians, truly the dregs of the south.
“Imagine actually thinking racism is a problem. Imagine thinking the media, the government, and the schools are biased in favor of white people.”
The uproar over the “It’s OK to be white” signs from POC’s and the chuckleheads on the left should tell us all we need to know about their mindset. If it is OK to be white they can’t justify their genocide.
“Imagine actually thinking racism is a problem.”
Agreed. People confuse “it exists” with “it matters.”
The progressive logic asks you to believe that American sports c. 1950 was a less racist environment than academics is today, if we judge by outcomes (as they insist we do).
“There’s a clear reason that God chose you not to be white, but it’s really none of my business.”
“Look, trust me, I understand that it has to be horrible being born non-white and being unable to change that.”
When I read these two I instantly thought of Jews, not blacks!
And then I fell out of my chair laughing.
I’m remined of the episode of <i>All in the Family</i> where Archie tells a couple of black burglars in his house “It’s not your fault. After all, you guys can’t help it if you’re black.”
A great episode! The burglars laughed at and mocked The Meathead for being a libtard.
Mr. Goad’s comebacks are hilarious and comprise a readily available list so that we will never be caught flatfooted for a zinger.
I suggest a competition among C-C readers to enhance Mr. Goad’s list. Humbly, I will start.
One of these days I may ask for your opinion. Hopefully, it will be during a long distance phone call to Africa.
( To a black woman) If you really believe that mask you’re wearing protects you from contaminants, why don’t you wear one over your crotch?
If I accept that race is a social construct, will you accept that the average white IQ was constructed 15 points higher than blacks?
How about this…..
Purple haired BIPOC- You’re raycisss!”
You- N.o, I. G.ladly G.ive E.veryone R.espect
Mine for chris rock to will would’ve been, “You swing like your great-grandmother,” and brought the Dolby down.
“If you’re going to blame me for slavery, you’re also going to have to credit me with inventing the lightbulb. It’s a package deal.”
I liked that one especially, but, thinking about it, even that isn’t a fair comparison, because slavery existed all over the world and would certainly have existed without white people, but white people alone created the lightbulb and, without white people, it’s not at all clear it, and countless other technologies, would ever have been invented at all. Still a good line to use though.
Know who loved slavery? Injuns. Horrific sick torture and mutilation was heap good fun, too. Not isolated incidents but their way of life, especially the Plains tribes.
Tribes like the Comanches considered blacks “bad medicine” (look who’s talking) and blacks were the only people they wouldn’t scalp.
There’s some fallacy about Injuns helping runaway black slaves.
Absolute bullshit. They skeeved blacks. Just like they hated Mexicans and virtually every other Indian tribe but their own.
I got over ‘White Shame’ after about 15 or 20 minutes of thumbing through “White Fragility”, the ultimate ‘shame and blame’ tome pointed directly at ALL White people ever born. I got up, went to the closet and fished out my bridesmaids’ rhinestone tiara, and planted it firmly of my gold and silver locks, and exulted in my superiority and supremacy! Then I read through all her exercises to exorcise the White demons plaguing me and thus laughed my way through the rest of the book. And I’ve kept that tiara on my mantle to remind me daily of my place in life, thank you very much!
BTW, I don’t subscribe to being either superior or a supremacist, but you have to set up a barrier against the dreck being expected of us to absorb in lockstep nowadays in books such as “White Fragility” and the entire woke outlook and agenda.
Kudos to Goad for writing something of a credo or mission statement for this site, or at least an extra for an expanded edition for his “Whiteness” book.
This is obviously too big a topic for just one article and the website should consider a dedicated section of strategy to hold one’s ground in the wave of anti-whiteness that abounds. The details are important and there is no one size fits all response. Once upon a time things were settled with might or fists, but it is now a war of well spoken words, optics, and ranking of victimhood instead of achievements (usually ‘proven’ by cherry picked statistics in the way Mark Twain cautioned against).
A year ago or so I remember a comment thread talking about how to deal with left-wing workplace initiatives that anti-white, anti-right under the surface. One commenter suggested showing such attention and precision to the details of executing it correctly that it might never get off the ground or create such inefficiency to be unfeasible. It wouldn’t work in every circumstance, but an interesting idea that goes beyond sneers and flexing biceps.
“Just to stop being too cool” sounds about right, though it’s unfortunately more a message for the mainstream than this website. I do think it pays to be “nice” but also firm, maybe a bit turgid and tumescent, but not too dick-ish to the other side. Insults and mockery builds morale but in real life just motivates the other side, just as when some leftist starts proposing to end whiteness, etc. No need for being sappy or reaching for platitudes like “compassionate conservatism”. The true facts of what the other side creates are often ludicrous enough that additional mockery becomes overkill. Take that chick in NY, still unjailed after numerous arrests, went out and stole the wallet from the guy pinned under truck. Not much else need be said… at least until the left stops printing their mugshot and insists they should instead use a photo suggesting a generic white man.
“They’ve pushed white people to the point where they’re thinking about being white all the time. That sort of thing can backfire. You’ve made white people aware that they’re white — often painfully so — and one day you’ll realize what a dumb mistake that was.”
Indeed. More and more Whites are stirring, and more importantly hitting our enemies where it hurts most.
“I don’t think this guy knows what blacks and Mex are really like.I hope he doesn’t find out the hard way.There ARE major differences between Whites and blacks–the fact that he doesn’t acknowledge or realize this, indicates he [Goad] is an unworthy person to read in the future.”–comment on the Nicholas Stix blog about this article, The Last Nice White Man
The comment was made by GRA (Grand Rapids Anonymous), someone who has the tone of a crusty “Get off my lawn, you damn kids” stereotypical WWII, silent, or boomer, yet still has the energy to comment 24/7 365 fifteen times a day, at least. He writes 60% of that blog, and 100% of his comments are only about blacks and “Mex” (even when he writes about PRs and Dominicans, he calls them “Mex,” to be consistent with his contrived Archie Bunker persona). It’s laughable that someone on his “beat” would pretend not to know about CounterCurrents or Goad until now.
One of my favorite essays by Jim.
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