Longtime Counter-Currents commenter Alexandra O. recently raised the question of how to help young, racially conscious white men find mates and start families. Since I am married with children, Greg Johnson asked me to offer some thoughts on the topic.
The first I thing I would do is separate the hardcore dissidents from the rest. In any political movement, you are going to find those who make political change their number one priority. And while such people are absolutely necessary for the movement, they should not expect to get married and have kids like normies when they are unable to establish a mainstream career and Antifa is constantly threating them. If marriage happens for them, great. But this should be a secondary or tertiary concern.
For everyone else, however, politics can be a stumbling block. Most women who are marriage-worthy for dissidents may be conservative and want a husband and children, but are likely, as Alexandra points out, to be less than informed about — or even interested in — the issues and ideas which drive young, politically-minded men to sites like Counter-Currents. Furthermore, most dissident ideas are downright frightening to the uninitiated, not least because of the stigma, ostracization, and deplatforming that the mainstream elites wish to inflict on whites who challenge their anti-white, Left-wing worldview. Thus, analyzing Guillaume Faye or diving into the nitty-gritty of IQ research is probably not the best way to break the ice on a first date with a girl who only wants to have a nice evening out with the cute guy from the office.
If a young man in our circles wishes to remain a normie enough to get married and have kids, then politics will have to go on the backburner for a while — unless he gets really lucky and finds that rare female fellow traveler who’s attractive, white-positive, and willing. (Yes, we can all dream.) In most cases, however, he will be dealing with normie women who want to live normie lives despite having voted for Trump. He will discover quickly that within this group, a high IQ and Faustian spirit will more likely be a bug than a feature.
So barring any stroke of dumb luck, here is what he should do.
First, read my three-part “Advice to Young Whites” series from 2019 at Counter-Currents, found here, here, and here. I advise the obvious in it, such as working hard, staying fit and healthy, and avoiding drug and alcohol abuse. I would also add avoiding addictive activities in general to that list, such as gaming and porn. Getting out of debt is a good idea. So is learning how to dress. And no prominent tattoos, especially ones that broadcast your Right-wing political bent (with military tattoos excepted, of course).
Beyond this, a young dissident should make himself useful, and in so doing, make a lot of money. This means establishing expertise in a technical field such as medicine, engineering, computer programming, or other STEM pursuits. Fields that are not technical and yet are potentially lucrative, such as law and finance, are also worth pursuing. Entrepreneurship may be the way to go for some who have the capital, determination, and drive. Any field that requires knowing multiple languages might also be worth a look. As I say in the first part of the series:
Money also serves as insurance against doxxing. If you can amass half a million dollars in savings and investments over the course of twenty years, then having your identity blown would be less terrifying than if you’re living paycheck to paycheck while dragging around a sackful of debt.
This will no doubt cross a young woman’s mind when she’s considering dumping or keeping the cute guy from the office after he tries to red-pill her on the JQ eight months into their relationship.
In taking on the business of finding a wife, young white men should understand that they have two basic avenues to follow, which I call Set Up and Step Up — and these can be pursued concurrently.
The former option, Set Up, entails swallowing one’s pride and going to relatives and friends to put out the word that you’re looking for a spouse. And if they care about you, they may attempt to arrange something. The Indians have done this for centuries to eugenic effect, and the majority of their arranged marriages do not end in divorce. So there is nothing wrong with this approach, and it’s one that I advocated on Counter-Currents in 2019 in the essay “The Nebbish and the Knockout.” Of course you might have to refrain from being terribly picky regarding looks when you finally meet a woman who is bright, kind, and willing to, in the words of the late Robert Palmer, “work to make it work.”
When I was in my mid-twenties, just at the end of another disastrous relationship, my mother offered to help find me a girlfriend. She was well-connected in her line of work and knew many people. She said she could put the word out and attempt to arrange something with the parents of a young woman in similar straits. I turned her down flat. Not only this, but I was indignantly opposed to her plan, and almost offended that she would even share it with me.
Why? Well, I suffered from a kind of generational chauvinism back then which would eighty-six any parental meddling in my love life or lack thereof. Also, I was in the throes of humiliation at the time. Allowing my mother to execute her plan would broadcast said humiliation to God knows how many people across the state. It would swiftly become public knowledge that twenty-five-year-old Spencer J. Quinn was too much of a loser to find a girlfriend for himself.
Looking back, I realize that I was being pig-headed and, yes, chauvinistic towards my parents’ generation. If I had accepted my mother’s plans, who knows how things could have turned out? But one thing I do know is that I limited my opportunities. Young, white, single men should not be limiting their opportunities. Don’t let rejection and humiliation deter you from the extremely important business of getting married and having children. That is so much more important than being a young stud with a rotating stable of girlfriends.
Further, how is this any different from going on WhiteDate.net? The only real difference is that it’s free and you’re working with people you know. Still, if you don’t have friends or family who can help, or if you simply don’t want to go to them for whatever reason, then WhiteDate.net is certainly another option for young white men looking for wives. (As a caveat, I have never tried it and I don’t know anyone who has. Perhaps readers can opine about its services in the comments.)
And then there is the Step Up option, which means hunting down a wife yourself. This is why they call it game. And to become familiar with game, one should look no further than the writings of Chateau Heartiste. Here is his defunct blog. One can follow him these days on Gab.
What I take from Heartiste and his elaborate Game Theory is that a man should never show obeisance to a woman when he pursues her. He must effect a practiced disinterest in her presence, and never, ever take shit from her. He must be self-assured at all times and act as if he has plenty of other women to choose from. Most importantly, he must know what league he is in. Never pursue women out of your league. And never settle.
Looking back, I see how much sense this makes. Just about every time a relationship ended for me, I was showing the girl too much deference and myself too little respect. In other words, I was being too nice of a guy. I was completely ignorant of game, and as a result I was getting burned timed and time again. Furthermore, there were perhaps five women during my late teens and twenties who were really hot for me, but I never pursued them because I felt they were beneath my league. As a result, they wanted me more. Maybe if I had redefined my league in my youth with a keener eye for marriage and children, things would have turned out differently. Thus, game does work. And as soon as I figured that out the hard way, things turned out quite well for me.
There is a danger, however, in practicing game. It can cause you to disrespect women and could potentially lead to misogyny. And that would take us back to the best-not-remembered days of White Sharia. Taking game too far could easily turn a man into a rake. Only pick-up artists, cads, and other sleazy creatures practice game for its own sake. Game is not an end; it’s a means to an end. And that end is to find the right girl.
As for the specifics of the girl in question, that’s up to you. Keep in mind that feminism is trouble, and so is all kinds of PC wokeness — so handle with care. You’re eventually going to have to disclose to her how far outside the Overton window you really are, and it would be a lot easier if you were starting with a gun-owning Trump voter than any shade of Democrat. And when you do this, do it gradually. Start with what’s provable, like racial differences, and see how far you can get after that.
As for race, she should be fully white, or at the very least three-quarters white, with the other quarter not being black or of any aboriginal stock. Here’s why.
For one, competing identities can kill any marriage. It’s fashionable these days for people who are part black or aboriginal to trumpet this part of their heritage and ignore their white ancestry. For example, I once knew a man who claimed he was part of the Cherokee “nation” simply because one of his grandparents was Cherokee. A woman like this should be a non-starter for any white-positive man looking for a wife.
Second, the older you get, the closer to your roots you become. I’ve lived long enough to see this pattern play out. When you’re young, you can afford to experiment with ideologies and lifestyles. Everything is new and fun. But when you get older, you turn into your parents or grandparents. Imagine if you had married a girl who’s American-born Chinese, or perhaps half Hispanic. All the things that bound you together at first, such as equally-matched IQs, compatible senses of humor, and similar tastes in movies will mean nothing ten years later, when you see liberal wokeness as a dire threat to you and your people but she doesn’t because she’s more interested in looking out for her people.
Love can bring you together, but history can very easily rip you apart.
My hat nevertheless goes off to the John Derbyshires of the world who can make it work, but these are exceptions. If you wish to keep your white identity and pass that on to your kids, then your best chance of doing so is by marrying a white. In my opinion, this should come first.
Thank you if you have read this far. I’d like to apologize to any female readers who feel excluded, since I am addressing young men in this essay. Further, I would imagine that if a woman is single and red-pilled, then her biggest problem will be keeping all the dissident guys away from her. But what do I know? Perhaps a female writer or commenter for Counter-Currents can offer the female perspective on this issue. Anything that can help clear the air and bring people together is welcome.
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Decadence, the Corruption of Status Hierarchies, and Female Hypergamy: A Response to Rob Henderson’s Article “All the Single Ladies” pt 2
Decadence, the Corruption of Status Hierarchies, and Female Hypergamy: A Response to Rob Henderson’s Article “All the Single Ladies”
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I sadly dont respect John Derbyshires he like many white men who have fetish for East Asian/Oriental women can never really speak on the issues of Asian Question. And the rise of Asian peril across the western world. They tip to around a lot things because their ‘’weifu’’ = Asian. Many people around the world see white men dating Asian women as a big time laughing stock. Bunch of geeky white weebo nerds with no level of masculinity at all chaising ugly Chinese, Thai, Filipino, Korean etc women. John Derbyshires children look like that physcopat Rodger Elliot who was half white/Asian.
This huge backdrop of white masculinity has made many white men in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany etc chaise Asian women who use them for money, perceived socio-economic status, and money baby to ca$h in case there is a divorce which happens a lot.
Where African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and even East European men maintain their manhood and masculinity. The white westerner lost It with increasing feminization, LGBTness, Transgender etc. Attractive and fit looking white women are moving to black men and even lust/desire to be with them. I even see a lot Asian, Middle Eastern, South Asian look at black men as the epitome of male masculinity when conversing at university with some. Because they get overwhelmed by black masculinity and manhood which many women desire of any race when in contact with real men of any race. If Western men are absent in that area women look at men who do portray alphaness. Asian men look and behave weak hence why many of these Asian women date white, black, latino, mixed-race etc men consistently and leave Asian men behind. There lack of social skills, manliness, assertiveness, confidence seen often in Black men makes Asian men the weakest group of males. While white westerners are somewhere in the middle but moving more towards the ‘’Japanese’’ and if that happens its over. Japan = perfect example of extreme lack of manhood.
Well, here we go, the eternal “white men aren’t stepping up for these precious white women” vs “you marry the whores”…let the perennial argument begin!
I don’t think that Northern Eurasian/New World (‘Laurasian’) admixtures are necessarily a bad thing in moderation. The peoples involved are of an approximately equal level of civilisation and culture, and in a few generations matters even out. Many Russians have a faintly discernible eastern steppe ancestry presumably deriving from the epoch of the Golden Horde. With the Southern (‘Gondwanan’) admixtures I have reservations: African/Negrito/Aboriginal characteristics such as the bulging forehead and flat nose seem to dominate European physiognomy, and disharmonious personalities may be the norm rather than the exception. And of course outlier cases may negate any of the above considerations. Nowadays these matters are taboo in polite society, but we should be able to discuss them here. Thoughts?
I get that White-Asian crossings aren’t as disharmonious as some others. Still, the less genetic confusion there is, the better.
Where African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and even East European men maintain their manhood and masculinity. The white westerner lost It with increasing feminization, LGBTness, Transgender etc. Attractive and fit looking white women are moving to black men and even lust/desire to be with them.
The issue is the fertility rate. White couples in the US, Canada and Britain have fewer than 2 children per family. The reason they have low fertility rates is because the average age at which women first give birth has been increasing, which limits the number of children it is physically possible for a woman to have.
Since women are choosing to delay childbirth until their late 20s/early 30s, it doesn’t matter how many trees white men are chopping down, how much they can bench press, how many fist fights they’ve won etc. That’s irrelevant. The question is why women are delaying childbirth well past the years when they have the most fertilizable eggs.
If white couples were having 2+ children per family, it wouldn’t matter that some white guys marry Asian women. If the white guys who marry Asian women married white women instead, they wouldn’t have many children. How do I know that? Because we have a test group – the apparently masculine guys who marry white women have a sub-replacement fertility rate. And it’s because of what I just said. Here’s an article about the increasing # of women in the UK having kids when they’re in their 40s:
“All of this information isn’t surprising, given that the number of women who give birth over the age of 40 is now consistently higher in the UK than the number of women who gave birth under the age of 20. That switch has only happened in the last few years, and reflects some key changes in society. It indicates both that sex education is perhaps becoming more effective, and that women are likely focussing more on their careers before embarking upon motherhood.”
There are so many points here and I’ve commented on the topic before, so once more. Older women historically had much more children than they do today. For example there were significantly more births to women aged 30 or 40 and older in 1900’s than today. My own thoughts: a large part of it is planned medical intervention and lingo. Child is a problem, risk, pregnancy needs prevention, geriatric pregnancy; etc. and general attitude is extremely negative, even here (hello?). Any government funded long term contraceptives for women after one or more children should be immediately defunded. Instead there is a very strong pressure “to be responsible” and effectively sterilize yourself for those few precious remaining childbearing years on government’s money! May I ask why such programs even exist, why is it being very actively pushed by doctors?(government funded hormone spiral or a slow releasing hormone shot under-skin). Also we are basically bathing in a propaganda directed why it is bad to have children especially after 30 or 40, this needs to be called out and examined. A woman can have children as long as she can, until menopause.
Data to support my claims:
Read it and analyze, for example: in 1901 if the only women having children were aged 30-49(not counting younger mothers) they were sustaining population at about 2,1 children per woman; or: “Interestingly, the average age (~31 years) for women at childbirth was almost identical in 1901 and 2014.” It’s from Denmark, but same applies elsewhere. Other sources linking to pre-modern era are hard to find, few years ago there were more and surprise-they are all gone.
On interracial marriage: don’t be ridiculous that some of it is ok, no really no, a mixed race marriage is a mixed race marriage. Period. One: you remove yourself from a dating market, leaving a white woman somewhere alone; second: you produce more non white individuals (as a “bonus” twice as likely than any other group to be mentally diseased) to compete for resources; third: you devote your own life (and of your parent’s and of all past generations) to a group of non-white and extremely white hostile individuals. And all of this you consider ok? Really not ok.
Child is a problem, risk, pregnancy needs prevention, geriatric pregnancy; etc. and general attitude is extremely negative, even here (hello?).
Ridiculous. The entire culture, from older celebrities giving birth in vitro to Cosmopolitan, is telling women not to worry about age-related infertility issues. Women care more about what popular culture tells them than what doctors have to say, unless they’re tv doctors.
Where did you get the idea that the culture is telling women not to wait until their 30s to have kids?
“‘Don’t believe the hype’ says Zita West. ‘Everyone is different – and some women will have better fertility than others for their age.'”
in 1901 if the only women having children were aged 30-49(not counting younger mothers) they were sustaining population at about 2,1 children per woman
Europeans were already practicing birth control by the 20th century. According to those graphs, the fertility rate in the early 1900s had declined to 4 births per woman, which indicates either that some form of birth control was being used and/or women were getting married later than they had been. British women in the early 20th century got married later than women in the 1800s and were using birth control. You can see from the graph below that the UK’s fertility rate declined from 1875 until the 1930s. It was even declining even in the prosperous interwar years of the 1900s and 1920s.
In 1900, 20% of births in Denmark were to women younger than 25. The average age of childbirth was the same as it was in 2014, but only 5% of births in 2014 were to mothers younger than 25. 30% of births were to women 35-44, which is why the average age of childbirth was 31. My guess is that the age of first pregnancy in 1900 was much younger than it is today and that births were spaced out due to birth control. It’s not because girls went to university for 4-6 years, then worked 10 years paying off their student loans before getting married.
The birth rate for women 35-39 and 40-49 was about the same in 1900. Separately, the rate was 0.6 births for women 35-39 and 40-49. That proves my point – the older a woman gets, the fewer fertilizable eggs she has. The more older women there are having kids the fewer children a society will have. Early 1900s Denmark had 4 times as many young mothers as it did in 2014.
If all women waited until age 30 to have children and practiced no birth control, then they could feasibly have 2-3 children per family but the lion’s share of births would be to women in their early 30s. And even then, a society whose women started families in their 30s would have more birth defects birth complications like uterine prolapses. It would be less healthy than a society whose women started families in the late teens or early twenties.
The Amish have created their own community, therefore, so can we.
Btw, check out their health, this thing called covid hardly even affected the Amish.
I’d gladly support white extinction if we could achieve 75% of what Japan has.
My problem is I’m so far out on the right tail of so many bell curves, IQ, attractiveness, wealth, physique, that I despair of finding any woman to match me. I fear many of them are intimidated too. I’m worried I will never find my soulmate. She may not exist. What do you guys suggest?
You will find her. She’s looking for you, too.
I’m sure most dissidents have the same problem as you — we are just so impressive that attractive women are intimidated.
Believing in soulmates is beta. Got to be ruthless these days (covertly).
Aww guys, thank you for your sweat replies. That really helps!
Very nice essay, SJQ. Thank you. It’s very important to keep all these things in mind while looking to the future.
I’ve recommended this book before in comments somewhere else (I can’t remember where), and I hope you all won’t mind if I repeat myself here. It’s a book written by a psychiatrist who is not particularly sympathetic to the women’s movement/feminism. He notes that most psychology–well, our culture generally–is geared to women’s needs, and he’s l0oking out for the guys. And how the guys should avoid the crazies in the dating market. This is not necessarily written for the Dissenter, specifically, but there is still some good stuff in this short book. I think women should read it, too. I wish I had when I was a young women (even though I wasn’t crazy).
The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage
by Shawn T. Smith
Thank you for reading and for the book recommendation, Desert Flower.
Dissident, not Dissenter. Typo!
I don’t have a Whitedate membership, but I do know of at least one SJW who signed up for very malicious purposes: https://archive.is/l9FFE Wait for my next book review, probably in a day or two, for more details.
OMG, I had not heard or read about that. That Talia Lavin creature is pure evil. My heart breaks for the sincere White guys who reached out to her fake lure.
The way she described it in the book at least, the Whitedate men dropped contact when they started getting pumped for information.
However, in a later event, she managed to entice some guy from Ukraine. She lied her ass off as usual, then after he fell in love with the fake persona she was method-acting, she doxed him and sold the story to another journalist who had a mutual gripe with him. How’s that for journalistic ethics?
The full write-up is online now:
I really think you need to take a peek outside your window onto the world out there.
Get money (6 figure income, house hacking, online business, leveraging social media, crypto – market is going to go up again 2021/2022). Career options: – IT & Programming has grown a lot in these circumstances and will continue to, quickest to get into. Other STEM fields take too long. – Sales, everyone should learn some sales (this makes you much better with women and potential acolytes) – Trades, very quick to access if you already know someone and you want something that is perceived as dangerous, remote, contract/seasonal and needs some brainpower.
Build muscle in the gym. No need to explain this one.
Learn Game – Do not skip this. There are many more up to date guides to game than Heartiste. The reason AA males do well is because they have better game as they are higher in dark-triad traits and they are less prone to monogamy for some reason (this could also be caused by the ghetto environment which is adverse).
Adopt unbreakable Masculine Frame. This is the most important thing when it comes to long-term relationships. Without this your relationship will not survive. Even many Cucked Christian families can still have a dominant masculine father and hence the family can stay together despite their ideas. With that said, many more Cucked Christian families fall apart because of those modern ideas.
I do not respect John Derbyshire, because he had kids. I myself am in a long-term relationship with a Southeast Asian woman whom I met in high school, before I was fully redpilled. Two white girls also expressed a romantic interest in me but I picked the one I had the closest friendship with, which was this cute little Asian chick with a punk nerd streak. Imagine my regret ten years later.
She’s been a great partner and support in my life but as I grew racially aware over the years I decided then and there that I’ll have no offspring with her, to which she agreed. If I ever have children I wouldn’t want them to be anything but white. And while on the subject, as we’ve gotten older she has indeed nestled herself much deeper into her East Asian heritage than she did as a fully westernized teenager, much like Mr. Quinn describes in this article, something that inevitably feels alien and even degrading to me in turn. Why would a white man consign himself to being subjected to a partner’s racial identity but not vice-versa? We made clear that Asianness is “her thing” and that Whiteness is mine, which works out well, but inevitably creates two different worlds in one relationship. Given the political landscape of the day, I have no question as to which side of their heritage our offspring would be sucked into, not in the least because her family is much more traditional, proud and racially aware than mine is. They would claim the child, I know this much, and I would fight it, which would lead to a broken home. All this aside: look no further than her aging Asian mother to see what she’ll turn into in a few years time. We might have been a match in looks in our teenage years but this difference in attractiveness is expanding at an exponential rate over time.
May this post reach some white guy who’s maybe thinking that his future might lie with the Asian cutie he goes to school/class with. Don’t bother, grow a pair and engage a white woman for courtship instead. You might not run into the right one straight away and get burned a few times, but the end result is going to be a white family and an untarnished continuation of your European bloodline. What could be greater than that? As for me, we’ll see where this ship runs aground, if ever, but if you find yourself in my situation, either break up if the racial contrast becomes stifling and leaves no room for your whiteness, or stick together and remain childless otherwise. No child is better than bringing another mutt into the world.
Thanks for sharing that, Vauquelin. Yours is a sad story. I hope you find proper closure one day.
Your honesty and your self awareness are inspiring. And uncommon.
I imagine it must be very difficult at times for you (your home life) as time goes by. But you are looking reality right in the eyes now–and that will carry you through. I hope my comment here doesn’t come across as vacuous. I just mean that a lot of people don’t look at the wider landscape or to the distant future, and evidently you do, now.
Sometimes I wonder about John D, too. He’s obviously a decent man, and he has been brave and honest all through his years in the public eye, which is admirable, but there is that choice of wife that has me scratching my head sometimes. She is no doubt decent, too, if she was lucky enough to attract and marry such a good man. This isn’t a criticism of character, just a question about his choice in light of what he represents on the public stage. I appreciate that Vauquelin is sharing another perspective on bi-racial marriages, which is totally on point here at CC.
Ironically, interracial relationships have a way of redpilling both partners on race, while at the same time fostering understanding. How would I feel as a hyphenated American? The Founding Fathers aren’t my people.
It was interesting and moving to read your perspective. I respect you greatly for being sincere, and for understanding why it would be immoral to bring hybrid children into the world. You are right about Derbyshire. He’s a traitor. having no kids at all is far better than hybrid kids. In fact, we have more in common genetically with a random White child on the street, or any White child anywhere in the world, than with a hybrid produced from half our DNA. This is even evident in our looks, a mixed child is nothing like the parents, it’s alien. A hybrid destroys our genetic interest and culture. Having mixed children is self-destruction, betraying our ancestors and our evolutionary purpose. And you understood that despite your own difficult situation. That is commendable.
How do you manage to survive in this miserable state – and for what? Why don’t you end this disgrace and find yourself a White woman instead? Why don’t you free yourself from a mistaken and shameful choice made a decade ago? By staying in that relationship, you prevent yourself from joining White dissident social circles, you prevent yourself from giving the gift of life to beautiful White children, the joy of being a father and continuing the noble bloodline of your ancestors… That’s an obvious conflict with the loyalty to your people. And to your social circle and any people who meet you two together as a couple, even random people, you make it seem like interracial relationships are acceptable. They are not acceptable and you have already understood why.
You already regret it, so why stay a slave to a past mistake? Why stay with her? Is there anything that would justify continuing that relationship once you’re aware that it’s against your people? You still have a chance in life, don’t you? Look in the mirror and appreciate what your ancestors gave you… You can be a free, strong and respectable man, you can be a father, you can share your story and be an example for others who found themselves in a similar situation, you can guide them in time out of the darkness that could devour them and their offspring, back into the light, back to our White heritage. Believe in yourself and in your future as part of the future of our glorious Folk. You saw the light, and I sincerely hope that you will make a step in its direction.
I wish you the best. That one day you will look in the eyes of your precious White wife and at the happy faces of your White children, and never regret the right decision.
Here was what I was planning to post before I decided that men themselves were far more qualified than I to write on this subject. But still, here’s a few stray comments from an older woman (married and divorced twice, no children due to an early medical problem).
So, we’re back to square one — nice, intelligent White men, worldwide, need to get married in their 20’s, have 3 to 5+ kids early, and then begin building a career and learning personal finance so they can be independent of the whole stupid civilization we find ourselves sidetracked in during these times. Then you’re in a position to live anywhere because you have ‘moveable’ skills and the ability to handle money wisely. Then you can buy land, hopefully with a nice home, or skills to build your own, and start a clan of your own. Working anywhere for ‘good money’ and getting your kids raised while you are gaining knowledge to start over at age 45+ with a career you really love. All of these ideas apply to women as well. We are pushing them right from high school into studying for a career, then pushing them into the career ladder, without allowing them marriage and children. That ‘career track’ has to end, but that’s all another can of worms for another day. Just keep Nationalism in mind, but don’t get pedantic about it at home or work. Counter Currents is here to keep you educated on the latest scholarly turns.
I also think we need to create small groups regionally in which to get together to talk to a few people at a small unadvertised meeting. I know that’s hard to do because of doxing, but let’s find a way. And finally, I think we need to stop focusing on ‘racism’ and whining about it. That’s a dead horse for us. Only Jim Goad is tasked to continue writing his hilarious dramas about life in the minority lane — Where does he get this great stuff?!
I have sure enjoyed reading the original post above and the comments. Keep the ideas flowing.
Maybe this will not sound as stupid to you as it seemingly does to everyone else i share this with.
I have a niece and a nephew. She’s 18 he’s 21.
They’re good kids. No real trouble to speak of. Neither has a care in the world about anything i think. It sure does seem that way.
So…1 have 160k in life insurance. 3 policies. Less than 35 bucks a month. 160k ain’t much as you know.
I’m willing to bet i could find any 50 something or older a 100k life insurance policy for 20 bucks a month. I encourage every guy i know to do his this. I know what I’m talking about.
As an aside i mostly know older White guys(50 plus most older) that really have no one. Yeh most have a kid(s) that they never see or even better prolly didn’t even really know that all after ya know the divorce and then what with the re-marriage…
I can’t think of a better way to help the specific people in our cause than by leaving our life issuance to, well, they are out there somewhere and I’m gonna find either a single struggling mom that’s actually trying to raise their White kid(s) or a young White couple that has or wants to have a family that i wish i had had.
No i fucked up. I chose to get divorced and then went full on mgtow because after 8 years hey i was spent and 33 and didn’t have the mojo left to get back on that horse again. My bad. Too late tho.
No way and i mean no way to my niece or her brother. No way that happens. They burned their bridge with me and i hope they live happily ever after but that’s not gonna happen for either i figure because of the disappointing decisions they’ve made that i will never say 👌.
Anyway…I’m rambling but i don’t see how this is a bad idea.
It could be loosely controlled by real actual gatekeepers. Hell id feel better leaving my paltry life insurance to Alexandra who would spend the time in an honest attempt to get that money to the ones she and her cohort surreptitiously meeting at coffee shops across country. Hey they can’t sue us for discriminating because we don’t exist any longer.
It could be set up 2 ways i figure. Some might say no i think it’s best young couples work for what they have. Me and mine sacrificed and no one gave us anything. However, i will leave Alexandra my life insurance if she(and her reliably honest cohort) seeks out candidates that will fight for our cause. I’d split the difference and say Alex o do your best to get this money into the right hands 80k to help advance the life of that young single White mom or couple and 80k to that candidate that will fight down and dirty for us.
Can you imagine what 80k would do in a Soros led da race? It’s a chance at least.
I don’t know. It’s all i can think of. I ain’t fucking protesting shit. That’s stupid. I don’t think writing yet another column on obscure (some would say) hate sites is gonna help. Not from me anyway.
Hell if james goad ain’t getting any revolutions going i aint either.
I don’t know what to do. I know damn good and well this country is overflowing with old White guys with pretty much no one and they’ve got 20 bucks a month to buy some life insurance to just straight up will to Alex o and her cohorts would be a bettee plan of action than sitting on their busted arses feeling dejected.
How else can we fight back? 20 goddamn dollars a month and you’ve got something to leave. Go for broke. Get all you can get and go rough on alex o and her cohorts. Tell them how important this is and their enemies can bite their arse in death because throwing 160k at a cause or young family is significant.
The typical response i get, invariably, is, no, i raised my kid(s) to take care of themselves just like my parents did. They have to take care of themselves. ALWAYS. Most of what they say is bs. So…if they won’t spend for less than a cup of joe per day for their kud(s) grandkids then who is gonna leave it a total stranger on (to many) a hate web site.
My guess is i will end up leaving it to pause for paws; an animal sanctuary in st louis mo. If it’s still there. I ran into those people in 2006 when i realized my dream of living in the lou for the sole purpose of being a Cardinals groupie. And i was. And I’ll be damn…we fucking won the title. How great was that?
I lived in the ghetto. Like seriously. In my tiny little hood 3 people were murdered in the time i lived there(april-Nov) which is kind of alot.
I lived in a 2 story shotgun. My bottom right neighbour was a crack dealer. His “womanv was some guy in a wig. The neighbor on the left blew up the kitchen in a meth explosion. Really gutted that apt. The neighbor on the right of me, well, he was the 3rd person in that hood kia. Stabbed to death. I moved the next day. But hey we world champs.
Yeh i know what the fuck did that have to do with anything? It was fun. I got what i wanted. To see my team win.
And i had to live somewhere fucked up to see it but i never minded because, i believed. I’m a believer.
I believe people like Alex o can organize without gov’t interference and people like me can close out their accts worth at least some hope that’s it is better than anything else we got.
Also…it’s always possible others die before me but I’m saying it’s got to begin with an idea and hopefully someone says yeh we could make this work for us.
It’s not against the law to give your money away to whomever you want.
What’s wrong with old White guys that have nothing or anyone but wish to make as big a contribution as possible to something that represents your values?
Get busy having those meetings and tell people to start listing you as their benefactor.
My neice and nephew naw no way. Forget that.
Your neice or nephew? With my money? Maybe. Maybe. It takes leaders. It takes people willing to give up a cup of Joe a day for some life insurance(and you know you’re fucking dying right?) That really could make a difference.
Just think if 100k White people did that very thing over the next 5-6 years at a 100k a pop. That’s serious money for a movement. You can win school boards and da races with that money.
You can get a young White couple that some folks like Alex o says yeh they’re vetted…ok cut them a check.
I don’t know what else to do.
So i guess animals whose owners are no longer able to care for them will get the money.
I’d rather help people. I love my animals but I’d rather help my peoples cause(whether they like me or not i want to help them) and i mean White people’s.
Preferably Southern. Or at least Appalachian. Southern Appalachia.
But yeh…i would take that leap sight unseen to leave it to a perfect stranger without any legal oversight to(with help from like minded individuals with no desire to profit over this like no corruption this time sure it cost money to run a thing but it’s nominal to the endeavour right) at the minima hope i had done something that’s gonna matter for my soon to be defeated people’s. If they aren’t already.
I’m a millennial in his early 30’s. My wife and I recently got married and we have a child with more on the way hopefully. I’m kicking myself for not doing it sooner but we have a degenerate culture that promotes all the wrong things. I got wrapped up in the vanity and selfishness of it all until taking the red pill. I can’t help but think how lonely and sad some of my friends I grew up with, and still associate with, are going to be without a legacy to pass on to any children. Currently, they’d rather thrill seek and spend their currency on bread and circuses. I joke, while being completely serious, that they’re going to be abused and killed by minorities in the nursing home. Furthermore, think of all the future white children who could be exceptionally talented, intelligent and gifted that we our depriving ourselves of. I think that’s the biggest disappointment for me. I know many guys who are incredibly smart and active who would rather continue selfish and empty pursuits in this rotten consumerist culture than have a family. It’s not normal and it needs to end.
I also should say that ideology isn’t as big a deal as one might expect. Of all my girlfriends, they were apathetic or leftist, with only two exceptions. I just can’t keep my mouth shut, so I wasn’t hiding anything, but it’s possible to disagree respectfully. As for my current two, one started as mildly liberal but did NOT react well to Obama, and I’ve helped fill in the pieces. The other actually is more hardcore than I am.
“As for my current two…”
You dawg!!
Beau Albrecht making his mark on the dating scene. This is great!
Spencer thanks for bringing up Chateau Heartiste. He (as a result of a humiliating breakup that eventually led me to CH in a desire tp learn Game and begin dating again without being a clueless, wimpering simp) was my gateway to the dissident right.
For the young (and still bluepilled older men on this site) men here i would also highly recommend girlschase.com. its doesnt have the humorous, breezy style that only CH could do so well, but its packed with dense, actionable knowledge.
On a side note, i recommend all men here read CH’s entire back catalogue. Its massively entertaining and his james bond like charisma oozes out of every page. Ive cribbed lot of my personality from him…going from a nerdy introvert to, well, something very far from!
Oh boy, I’m yet another Derbyshire clone prowling on this site, feeling guilty about my two hapa kids and what could’ve been. The kids are fine mind you but where do they really belong? Probably in California, where we made them, or perhaps Hawaii, where they can be around other Eurasian people. Certainly not in Europe or Asia proper, where they will never be fully accepted.
Where do I belong? I belong to an America which has died. That makes me sad, but perhaps I can lure the missus, with luxurious images of expansive granite countertops, to a majority white area in the Pacific Northwest to live out my last days in peace. Boise? Bellingham? Not sure yet.
And what about the missus? Where does she belong? Certainly in her birth country of China. The Chinese of course are an international clan, establishing pods all over the world and quietly dominating business and bureaucracy to their own benefit. I suspect California in 100 years will look a bit like Malaysia. Call it Alta California: Mexico with Chinese characteristics.
My advice – marry your own. My marriage is happy and seemingly a case study in harmonious race mixing. However, beneath the surface, there’s a missing element of cultural and ethnic understanding – the story we carry within our genes, that leaves a void that can never be filled.
Some might say, well if she were, Asian American then that would bridge the gap. But no, even my ABC (American Born Chinese) relatives have confided in me that they don’t feel completely American (nor Chinese). They are their own tribe now, stranded in the New World, and we are ours, the former conquerers who made a hospitable climate for others out of naivete, but now a stateless people with a target on our back. We even drew the target ourselves, the absolute madness of it all, I can’t even fathom.
Hi Max,
Red pills are bitter when they are swallowed too late, aren’t they? Thank you for posting. I hope many young whites heed your advice.
“They are their own tribe now, stranded in the New World, and we are ours, the former conquerers who made a hospitable climate for others out of naivete, but now a stateless people with a target on our back.”
My God, bulls-eye.
Good article. By the way, speaking of Heartiste and Gab, his Gab account seems to have either been compromised, or he’s been blackmailed. It has no posts now other than a bio that says, “couldn’t even restart my shitty blog. A 50 year old childless loser who screams in cuck agony about a world where I have lost.” He will be missed.
Excellent article.
I’ll have to wholeheartedly agree with the below statement, being married and divorced to someone from Latin America.
“All the things that bound you together at first, such as equally-matched IQs, compatible senses of humor, and similar tastes in movies will mean nothing ten years later, when you see liberal wokeness as a dire threat to you and your people but she doesn’t because she’s more interested in looking out for her people.”
I sent in a donation to AmRen and they mailed me a receipt back for some inscrutable reason. She opened the mail and found that I donated to a vicious, KKK, Hitlerian, Beyond-Nazi, Evil-Supremacist, Satanic, organization, which caused some problems.
I’d have to say that working out is a good thing as it enhances one’s long-term health, concentration, attractiveness, & self-esteem. I particularly like the book “Men’s Body Sculpting” by {Dr.} Nick Evans. A lot of these gym trainers are Black guys in their 20’s who don’t have to do anything to look fit. These are beyond worthless: even before the era of Black Indignation Against Whites. Get the above book, written by an MD.
On jobs, I’m uncertain that science & engineering are good routes. I’m in this profession myself by there is a virtual deluge of supposedly brilliant Chinese & Indian engineers and scientists sought for all jobs in the industry. “No problem”, you say, “I’ll just work harder and undercut them on price”. Well, the reality is that even if you want to work for 2/3rds the price of a H1B, American companies still won’t hire you. One would think that espionage issues would keep Sandia and The Office of Naval Research from hiring Chinese, but apparently not. This may change in the future if the supply of Chinese & Indian engineers dries up but when is anyone’s guess.
Also thanks for the blog link to “Chateau Heartiste”. It’s a shame that site is non-active; it’s brilliant.
To correct:
Actually, the reason behind sending a receipt in the mail wasn’t inscrutable. It was for tax purposes in case I wanted to deduct my donation as a charitable donation off of my 1040 IRS form. At the time there were articles showing that the IRS selectively targeted conservative filers for audits, so my ex-wife & I decided not to use the receipt.
For the 2020 tax period, I’m going to try claiming {small} contributions to C-C & AR off on my taxes, but I’m not documenting which organizations unless the IRS gets back to me with a request for more info.
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