Treason Uncloaked: Jordan & Stokes’ From Major Jordan’s Diaries
Beau Albrecht2,886 words
George Racey Jordan & Richard L. Stokes
From Major Jordan’s Diaries
New York: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1952
Increasing numbers of the public realize the government doesn’t always work the way their civics classes taught. A government is only as good as the politicians and bureaucrats running it. There’s been much discussion about topics such as the Deep State, the globalist oligarchy, and metaphorical “swamp creatures” inhabiting the halls of power. This refers to networking between the rich and powerful effectively forming a supranational power structure that transgresses the boundaries of legitimate government. Some call it the New World Order, a phrase getting much attention since two badly-received speeches by President Bush the Elder.
These swamp creatures are nothing new. An Air Force officer, George “Racey” Jordan, described much malfeasance in the 1940s, in From Major Jordan’s Diaries (New York: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1952). He was involved with the Lend-Lease program and made extensive records of shipments to the USSR. He also noted that Soviet espionage, as well as a very unwise degree of collaboration on our part, was enabled by traitors in the high echelons of power.
That was, of course, during the Second World War. It’s quite evident, though remaining a difficult pill to swallow for the general public, that the “War to Make the World Safe For Democracy” brought the opposite result. Vast regions of the globe quickly turned Red, a process that continued for decades with proxy wars and “people’s revolutions.” The USA soon was faced with a Cold War, including a nuclear standoff imperiling the world. Much of the early gains by the USSR were enabled by FDR’s bad decisions. He was stunningly naïve and out of touch, and becoming decrepit and senile didn’t help. Also, some of the Deep State types high in his administration played a critical role in assisting Communism.
One of these was Harry Hopkins, a close advisor and member of FDR’s “Brain Trust” whose career as a bureaucratic saboteur left behind some unanswered questions. Whether he was a high-placed spy, an unaffiliated “Fellow Traveler,” or merely a useful idiot is a matter of debate. It’s also unclear what motivated him. He had an ultracalvinist background, professed moderate socialism at one time, and was a functionary in social welfare agencies; these factors might’ve been stepping stones to Marxism. One thing is more certain, which John Flynn described in The Roosevelt Myth (New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1948), a characteristic shared by many politicians and bureaucrats even now:
Hopkins inhabited an area of moral and ethical life which does not correspond in its standards of behavior to the area in which most normal Americans move.
He married Ethel Gross, but she divorced him for infidelity about sixteen years later, and the alimony consumed half his salary. (Ridiculously costly divorces are nothing new.) This left him with financial difficulties. Various shady sinecures let him maintain a second wife and a high-rolling lifestyle:
To cure this situation, social workers were brought together to raise a fund of $5000 a year to take care of Hopkins’ alimony. A number of small-salaried little social welfare workers were assessed to discharge Hopkins’ natural obligation to support his own children in order to enable him to indulge in those expensive tastes to which he was accustomed. In theory, the money was collected to pay him for lectures, which he rarely had the time to deliver. It was a subterfuge to mask the real purpose of the levy. And it went on for two years.
Flynn describes some other rackets too. Still, was that all? Notably, his third wife got a jeweled necklace worth $4000 (about $63,000 in today’s dollars) from Lord Beaverbrook. He was only an acquaintance, but also a representative of a country that received over $31 billion in American aid (worth about half a trillion today). This came from the Lend-Lease program headed by “Harry the Hop”. Therefore, that extravagant necklace seems much more like a kickback than a wedding present.
If he took payola from the British, were the Soviets also greasing his palm? That much is speculative, but it seems rather in character. After all he did for the USSR, failing to pay him would’ve been quite miserly.
When J. Edgar Hoover identified Vasily Zarubin as a spy, Hopkins warned the Soviet ambassador that their agent had blown his cover. He also tried to get a defector sent back, which would’ve meant certain death. Those activities certainly weren’t in his job description, which strongly brings his loyalties into question. Still, these services were mere trifles compared to what Harry Hopkins did for the Soviets as head of the Lend-Lease program. (In fact, he’s long overdue for an Order of Lenin medal.) As Major Jordan described:
When Harry Hopkins stood up in Madison Square Garden on June 22, 1942 and said to the Russian people: “We are determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have,” he knew exactly how he was going to do this. It was to be through Lend-Lease, over which he had such absolute personal control that nothing could stop him from sharing with the Soviet Union all that we had.
In other words, Hopkins wrote them a blank check that taxpayers would have to cash. The USSR, soon to be America’s arch-rival, was the second greatest recipient of Lend-Lease funding. This totaled nearly 11 billion dollars, worth roughly $170 billion today. That was quite extravagant, especially for a nation struggling to recover from the Great Depression. Overall, the “War to Make the World Safe For Democracy” was funded by exorbitant tax rates and borrowing against future prosperity via the relatively new Federal Reserve. Therefore, it became the cornerstone of the USA’s national debt.
The Lend-Lease program was a large part of all that. Again, the great majority was used to save the Soviet Union and to prop up Winston Churchill’s ambitions after he bit off more than he could chew. The name of the program was misleading, because very little of the equipment “borrowed” by other countries was returned. Major Jordan wrote:
In addition to a merchant fleet, we gave the Russians 581 naval vessels. Though they agreed to return all the ships at the conclusion of war, they are still holding most of them. Among the few returned: the radar-equipped light cruiser Milwaukee, 4 frigates, and a couple of badly used icebreakers. The original list included 77 minesweepers, 105 landing craft, 103 subchasers, 28 frigates, 202 torpedo boats, 4 floating drydocks, 4 250-ton pontoon barges, 3 icebreakers, 15 river tugs, and the light cruiser.
That’s not how FDR sold the program to the public, of course. He made a folksy analogy about lending a garden hose to a neighbor battling a house fire. That was quite a costly figurative garden hose, and we didn’t even get it back.
America “loaned” other types of military hardware too: aircraft, trucks, ammunition, explosives, and so forth. If not for this lavish aid, the Soviets would’ve lost the war and ceased to exist as a regime, likely a fatal setback for world Communism. Stalin himself acknowledged that at one point they were two weeks from collapse. We may conclude that American support was instrumental to pull the Soviets back from the brink.
Therefore, without America’s intervention, the USSR wouldn’t have survived to enslave Eastern Europe. They wouldn’t have been around to export revolution and destabilization propaganda around the world for decades. That would’ve meant no Red China, no Korean War, no Vietnam War, no perilous and massively costly nuclear standoff, and no bungling in Afghanistan. The 1960s would’ve stayed pretty normal if there had been no war to protest and without ideological subversion fomented to a fever pitch. By extension, FDR propping up America’s future opponent eventually paved the way for Clown World and its civilization-wrecking trends.
Still, we should look on the bright side; at least we’re not speaking German, right?
FDR’s Soviet buddies turned out to be first-rate ingrates. Their public was led to believe that the USA’s measly support for the Great Patriotic War only amounted to some cans of tushenka (stewed meat). Major Jordan lists $4.8 billion of Lend-Lease aid other than munitions: generally petroleum products, agricultural products, and industrial materials and products. An entire chapter meticulously itemizes some extremely generous Lend-Lease shipments.
That indeed included tushenka — 166,650,966 pounds of it. There were also 297,186,838 pounds of canned pork. (That’s the biggest collection of Spam until the flood of Nigerian “419” advance fee fraud emails.) Other types of meat added up to about three billion pounds. Also, 217,660,666 pounds of butter were sent to the USSR, a product then under short supply in the USA’s domestic market, as well as much greater quantities of lard, margarine, etc. Shipments included half a billion pounds of beans too. The list goes on for pages.
Other items seem rather unlikely as war supplies, exceeding the scope of the Lend-Lease program. Some of that included 9,126 jeweled watches, $400 of lipstick (present value roughly six thousand dollars), 55 proof-gallons of rum, 373 gallons of other booze, assorted fishing tackle costing $57,444 (surely an impressive collection), amusement park and playground equipment, luggage, miscellaneous office supplies, several tons of grass seed, etc. For Soviet smokers, the Lend-Lease program sent $11,959 of cigarettes, $109 in nickel cigars, and 4,079 pounds of smoking tobacco, but curiously, only a single pipe.
The extensive list makes it clear that the USA became the Soviet Union’s procurement department. This is oddly reminiscent of Marx’s prediction that goods will be available as needed when Communism comes into full fruition. The twist was that Americans were the chumps providing for the great socialist paradise back then. It seems that the globalists also envisioned this as what the world’s peacetime arrangement should’ve been too, with their utopian experiment funded by taxpayers in capitalist countries.
Major Jordan also noted 1,420 pounds of uranium compounds shipped to the Soviet Union. (Like most Americans in 1943, he didn’t know what it was, or how it could be used.) The USA also sent large amounts of supplies useful for nuclear engineering, such as thorium compounds, aluminum tubes, and neutron moderators like graphite and heavy water. The USSR could’ve mined its own ore, but still, they were getting it for free.
They would’ve been able to round out the uranium shipments to an even ton if General Leslie Groves hadn’t found out about it and interfered with their requisition. He was one of the few higher-ups in the Manhattan Project who was wise to the Soviets. Otherwise, the dream team of anti-Fascist scientists included several spies: the Rosenbergs, Morton Sobell, David Greenglass, Klaus Fuchs, Theodore Hall (Ted Holtzberg), etc. Not only was the USA giving away uranium and all the rest of it, we effectively were the USSR’s research and development department.
Also, the Soviets were engaging in a lot of general industrial espionage too, which went unhindered during FDR’s watch. Major Jordan noted large numbers of black suitcases that weren’t supposed to be inspected for customs since they were classified as diplomatic pouches. One time he looked anyway; they held blueprints, nuclear engineering diagrams, maps of sensitive installations, and curious memos. One note appears to have been from the troublesome bureaucrat Harry Hopkins.
He was a very compliant problem-solver for the Soviets, according to Major Jordan. Whenever they wanted something or ran into a snag, they’d make a call to Washington and FDR’s top advisor would take care of it. When the Soviets demanded that the Newark Airport be closed to civilian use, it was done within a few days. Afterward, the American government came up with an excuse for public consumption which was the opposite of the truth.
The Lend-Lease program ended with the war, and Stalin personally told off Hopkins because the party was over. They weren’t even going to send a “thank you” note for the $11 billion in aid. Even so, by then the Soviets already had devised another racket at America’s expense. At their request, the USA sent currency plates to the USSR for printing occupation scrip in East Germany, which was redeemable for dollars. (This was unprecedented, and we did not give printing materials to the British and French for their occupation zones.) After the money plates, paper, ink, etc. were delivered, the Soviets claimed that their plane crashed. Obediently, the American government sent more printing equipment.
The problem with Communism is that money doesn’t grow on trees, but the USA solved that one for them. Naturally, our Soviet friends went on a printing spree not seen again with American money until the Obama administration, and our taxpayers had to foot the bill. This also means we were paying the salaries of their occupation troops. It’s particularly horrifying since they were responsible for mass murder and loathsome crimes, but don’t expect any TV docudramas about any of that.
The person who facilitated the funny money scheme was Harry Dexter White (Weit), a tricky high-ranking Treasury Department bureaucrat. Among other things, this confirmed Soviet spy also helped Chairman Mao rise to power in China. I briefly described his role in Deplorable Diatribes:
An early part of that bungle was when Harry Dexter White (Venona codenames JURIST, CASHIER, and others) exceeded his authority to block aid to the Kuomintang regime. He was one of the figures in the Treasury Department later outed as a Communist, and also had globalist connections. This certainly wasn’t the only time he misused his position; the full extent of his treasonous acts is infuriating.
Another one who took particular interest in facilitating this was Henry Morgenthau, Jr., who was Secretary of the Treasury during these times. That cockroach was guilty of a lot more than abetting massive graft at the expense of American taxpayers, and his close associate Harry Dexter White had a role in that. If there were such thing as a Robert Mugabe Peace and Progress Award, those two swamp creatures would’ve been excellent nominees.
Did the Soviets show a scintilla of gratitude? The testimony of Victor Kravchenko, who defected in 1944, makes their intentions clear:
In conversations which I had with officials of the Central Committee of the Party, I was told repeatedly: “You are going to the capitalistic United States. We are allies today because we need each other, but when the war is over and we shall have won victory-and we are sure we shall win it-we shall again become open enemies. We shall never modify our philosophy and our doctrine. We are allies in trouble, but both partners know that they hate each other. Sooner or later a clash between the two is inevitable. Until then the Allies will remain our friends and we shall cooperate in our mutual interests. For this reason and with an eye to the future we must study carefully the industry in the United States, the military industry, the civilian industry, all technological and industrial processes, and we must get hold of their secrets so that we can achieve similar results in our country and when the time comes we will be ready for the fight.”
The conclusion leads to a universal truth. Appeasing your enemies doesn’t make them your friends; it only makes them think that you are weak. Never do that.
Major Jordan became concerned about these odd activities, but his superiors told him to keep his mouth shut. He even went to the State Department, but got the runaround. That’s not surprising, since Alger Hiss was heading it up and (hardly different from recent years) the agency was crawling with swamp creatures. He did get an opportunity to tell his story a few years later.
Not long after, the era of McCarthyism began. That’s when a mentally deranged senator, motivated by malice and paranoia, began bullying innocent Americans who didn’t do nothin’. At least that’s how the MSM characters of the time described it, such as Isidor Feinstein Stone (Venona codename BLIN), Walter Lippmann (codenames IMPERIALIST and others), Edward R. Murrow (who had some very interesting globalist ties early on), and so forth. Before the Venona decrypts and other findings became accessible to the public, there was much more plausible deniability. Still, the media went to great lengths to muddy the waters. Who were they protecting, and why? To ask is to answer.
What did McCarthy find? When he attempted to drain the swap in the early 1950s, he did identify a number of Communists, as he’d set out to do. He also discovered a homosexual underground. In retrospect, that wasn’t too concerning; back then, nobody was sending odd memoranda about handkerchiefs with pizza-related maps and all that. Finally, he encountered the internationalists, known as globalists in recent times. This might have been his undoing.
Professor Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966) was a revealing account of the early New World Order types, though rather whitewashed. He had a few unkind words about McCarthy. Still, he did confess that internationalists helped Communists into the Deep State and collaborated with them until it became politically unfashionable. He criticized McCarthy for mistaking internationalists for Communists. (Apparently, they were hard to tell apart, since both were sabotaging American foreign policy for benefit of Marxist revolutionaries.) Still, getting rid of the internationalists was the right thing to do, since they were exceeding their authority and working against the interests of their own country.
In conclusion, swamp creatures are nothing but trouble, be they Communists or globalists, WASPs or Eskimos, and that remains true today.
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I read this book when I was a teenager in the 1960’s. It was obvious to me even then that the United States went into WW2 on the wrong side. I vividly remember the Korean War, Viet Nam War, Berlin Wall, Cuban missile crisis etc. Of course the multi-billion dollar arms race and, at the same time, the annual votes in congress on approving grain exports to the USSR…at the same time I had a draft card and was reading about the war in Viet Nam, in which some of my less fortunate friends were killed in action…”making the world safe for democracy.”
Now, half a century later, white Americans have lost the protection of the law, lost the protection of the 1st Amendment and many other rights as well. It was all a fraud and people who tried to sound the alarm bell half a century ago were denounced as “paranoid” and “McCarthyite.”
What a shock to this this book reviewed now on CCP.
That sounds like it was quite a trip down Memory Lane. It also must’ve been quite an experience to witness the 1960s while having an awareness of what was going on behind the scenes to spur all that.
Good book, I read it, but (((deep state))) goes back much farther that that. Read “The Nameless War” by Captain Ramsay, (((deep state))) has been operating at least since the British Civil War.
“Franklin Delano Roosevelt, My Exploited Father In Law” by Curtis B. Dall has lots of interesting stuff, a great primer for how the behind-the-scenes stuff in politics works. It says those characters were rigging the primaries since Woodrow Wilson’s day. (Not much has changed.) Back then, Bernard Baruch was an important liaison / handler. I kinda figured he was a tricky character…
Bernard Baruch described Eisenhower as “a fellow fighter in the tall grass” in A. K. Chesterton’s “The New Unhappy Lords.” But, as I said before (((deep state))) has left tracks since 1642.
An interesting hobby of mine is to compare books of today with those of yesterday. Used bookstores are dying out, unfortunately, but libraries still have some oldies. Using the index, you’ll find:
FDR bios published before 2000 or so: Hopkins on every other page; the co-president; indispensable, unsung hero. Politically motivated, baseless, disproven accusations leveled against him during the hysteria of McCarthy.
FDR bios published in the present: 1000 pages and Hopkins’ name may only appear once or twice
I am glad to see articles such as this. Our young cannot make sense of the present absurd conditions without understanding the past events that ‘got us here’.
Lindbergh in his Wartime Journals discusses the futile day-by-day fight to keep FDR and Hopkins from jamming Lend-Lease through. We today owe much to him and Jordan and the many others who had the foresight to chronicle these events and crimes.
Wilson’s blackmail, the Hiss-Chambers revelations, FDR’s phony charm, the destruction of McCarthy, the massive and unrelenting social subversions of Jews, the betrayal of atomic secrets by the Cohens…
So many things our young people must learn about, to see the whole picture.
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