On Sunday, February 24th, 2019, Amazon.com — the world’s book marketplace — banned my book The White Nationalist Manifesto.
Amazon did not merely decide to no longer stock the book. They also removed the product listing pages. So it is as if the book never even existed.
Orwell called this the “memory hole.” It is not enough for totalitarians to kill their enemies. They must also be erased from history.
Not only did Amazon suppress my opinions — which are protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution — they deleted the opinions of the customers who reviewed the book.
Amazon does, however, continue to sell the following works:
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto — the manifesto of a movement that murdered more than 100 million people, specifically targeting an entire class of people — the bourgeoisie — for destruction; for sale in many editions from the richest capitalist in the world
- Leon Trotsky’s Terrorism and Communism — a defense of political terrorism
- Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf — also available in many editions — which is apparently less threatening to the current world order than my book.
- The Unabomber’s Manifesto — which does seem to create a moral hazard. Want to get your book published? Start mailing out package bombs. Kill three people and injure 23 others, and your book might also be fit to stock at Amazon.com.
- Valerie Solanas’ S.C.U.M. Manifesto — S.C.U.M. being an acronym for Society to Cut Up Men. Solanas published her manifesto in 1967. In 1968, she attempted to murder Andy Warhol.
- The Anarchist’s Cookbook — corrected and updated to make it extra lethal
- Osama Bin Laden’s Messages to the World — mastermind one of history’s greatest terrorist attacks, and you too might be fit to stock at Amazon.com
- Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah — apparently there’s a whole library of books by Islamist terrorists for sale at Amazon.com
- Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State — the blueprint of the Zionist movement, which spawned the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine through terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and wars that continue to this day
- Black Nationalist Manifestos by such writers as Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad
- Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don’t: The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof
- Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare
- Al-Qaida’s Doctrine for Insurgency: Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin’s “a Practical Course for Guerrilla War”
Really, one has to ask: Is there a book written by an honest-to-God terrorist or mass murderer that Amazon.com does not stock?
And let’s not even get into Amazon’s vast selections of pornography, sex toys, and drug paraphernalia.
But you should not conclude that Amazon.com is applying its rules for banning radical political works in an inconsistent way. For, in truth, Amazon does not have any rules at all for banning radical political philosophy and even outright how-to manuals to commit acts of terrorism. Here are Amazon’s Content Guidelines for Books:
These guidelines apply to book content, including title, cover art, and product description.
One can, of course, ask what falls under “other inappropriate content” but we already know that it does not include The Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, and a host of statements by outright terrorists.
Interestingly enough, Amazon restricts “Offensive and Controversial Materials,” but specifies that “Amazon’s Offensive Products policies apply to all products except books, music, video and DVD.” In short, they do not apply to The White Nationalist Manifesto.
What happened, then?
I believe that an SJW burrowed into the Amazon machine simply decided to target the Manifesto for an arbitrary ban. Perhaps the same SJW who sabotaged the paperback listing of the Manifesto by showing the back rather than the front cover.
What can we do?
I am appealing the decision. But frankly, there is no explicit appeals process in place. That means that I am going to have to put a lot of effort into this.
Corporations do, however, respond to public opinion. So it would help a great deal if all of you would make this ban into a cause célèbre. It really is outrageous: arbitrary and Orwellian and somewhat scary. People need to know. So share this story on Facebook. Meme it. Tweet it. Troll with it. Have fun.
Tag everything #TheWhiteNationalistManifesto.
Send me your memes at [email protected] and I will reward you with free copies of the paperback of the Manifesto.
If you want to buy the Manifesto, you can order it here at Counter-Currents. It is also available at Barnes and Noble. Better booksellers around the world can order if for you. We will make an ebook and also an audiobook version available in the coming days.
This is deeply upsetting to me. I have been buying from Amazon.com for 20 years. The only company I truly love is Counter-Currents. But Amazon comes in a close second. Amazon made a good business by selling all books, even those that only sell a few copies a year. That model laid the foundation for Amazon basically becoming a global marketplace for practically everything. Amazon’s algorithms and search functions, as well as its reviews, were enormously helpful in expanding my intellectual horizons. I visit the site virtually every day. And second only to the pride of opening the first carton of a new Counter-Currents book is the pride I felt seeing our titles pop up on Amazon. Even if Amazon completely deplatformed me, I don’t think I could bring myself to never look at it again.
Amazon is as indispensable in today’s world as banks, hospitals, and utilities. And just as the gas company should not be able to make you freeze because they disagree with your politics, Amazon and other natural monopolies like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook need to be regulated. In fact, to safeguard freedom of opinion, we need a complete ban on politically correct terms of service and employment throughout the US economy. The First Amendment needs to rein in corporate as well as government tyranny.
We are never going to get to that world, however, without making a fuss, and every time one of these corporations hands us an outrage like banning The White Nationalist Manifesto, we need to jump on it.
I will make myself available for press interviews, podcasts, livestreams, whatever. Just contact me at [email protected].
Frankly, I take this ban as a compliment. Leftists are afraid of my book. But we can’t let them suppress it.
If, however, I can’t get the Manifesto back on Amazon, the effect will be dramatic.
Of all the things I have written for our cause, the Manifesto has the most potential to change minds.
Beyond that, it is our best-selling title, and based on its sales projections, I took the step of hiring a fourth full-time person to work at Counter-Currents. I will honor that commitment come hell or high water. But the increased financial uncertainty means that I am not going to wait until our ninth anniversary, on June 11, to launch our annual fundraiser.
The fundraiser starts today. Last year, we raised over $80,000. This year, we are going to aim for a nice round $100,000.
I am asking all friends of Counter-Currents to help out on this. Do what you can to make this outrage go viral. And support our efforts. Help us stay in this fight.
In gratitude,
Greg Johnson
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Эаметки о суверенитете и международном порядке
Damn! I see the manifesto has also vanished from Amazon.co.uk .
Luckily I bought my copy as soon as it became available.
I’ve just now ordered Greg’s “The Alternative Right” in case that also disappears down the memory hole.
Buy everything from Counter-Currents as soon as you see it available, because it might not be there for long.
Hopefully, this will bring more attention to the book, and Counter Currents. There’s a good chance this will backfire on Amazon, and you’ll get a boost in sales.
Just checked to make sure my copy of WNM was still on the kindle; that Amazon hadn’t deployed software somehow to disappear titles it wishes to memory-hole. (It was.)
On a happier note, with respect to the cameo of Counter-Currents in ‘Alt-Right: Age of Rave’, I was delighted to see included James J. O’Meara’s ‘Green Nazis in Space’, which I am reading at present.
What a disgrace!
Coincidentally, I ordered the kindle version literally days before Amazon’s ban came down.
Some time ago, a number of books from Vox Day’s press were removed from Amazon. He did, however, manage to get them back. His conclusion was similar to yours: a SJW employee in just the right position, rather than wholesale company policy. Check out the relevant entries on his blog, his books were reinstated real fast once the situation was made known to those higher up in Amazon’s chain of command.
This is disgusting and I will write and complain to Amazon about this, I bought a copy ( kindle ) a month ago and its fantastic. Like Greg says everyone ought to do what they can to complain.
‘Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State — the blueprint of the Zionist movement, which spawned the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine through terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and wars that continue to this day
Black Nationalist Manifestos by such writers as Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad’
I thought you respected Zionists and black nationalists alike?
The anarchists cookbook? Used to be you could only find it on the deep web. Has to be a honey trap-mien kamp might be there for legitimate educational reasons. I recommended The White Nationalist manifesto to someone over at Unz.com and included the amazon link so I hope that had nothing to do with it.
I would have thought when amazon banned the holocaust revisionist books (gerald menuhins tell the truth and shame the devil amongst them) that a lot of those others would be banned too. Its crazy to think what you can buy on kindle.
At least counter currents other titles are still available though right?
You have to understand that it is the combined efforts of leftwing activists reporting online content and not necessarily the platforms themselves.
Greg is simply brilliant, and (((the Tribe, their sycophants, and their bedfellows))) CANNOT have his writings available to the average White person. Even his adlibs on threads are better than anything any Politician has ever said.
Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer posts a photo from time to time which features a (((PERSON))) in response to the sort of information such as Greg’s book has in abundance, speaking into a phone and the caption says:
Just spoke to a technician on amazon (1888-280-4364) regarding availability of kindle content and he said that content is only withdrawn by the author and or publisher. Anyways, the techs don’t know anything about it and just told me to email customer support.
I think a media outlet has to take this up.
Hello Greg and co.,
I had one of Jared Taylor’s books on my wishlist on Amazon and noticed it had disappeared. Many of his titles are unfindable all of a sudden, and ‘White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century’ is ‘unavailable’ all of a sudden. I think Taylor may be being attacked too.
Unlike the issue where your book didn’t ship with Amazon Prime in the US (which you talked about on a stream with Dolittle and NoWhiteGuilt), this ban also extends to amazon.de. The manifesto still shows up under “Meine Bestellungen” for me, but when I click on it I just get an error message.
It might be worth talking to the guys over at conservative German publisher Antaios about this. They ran into a similar problem with Amazon a few years ago and might have some advice:
Amazon help seems only semi-English-speaking. I registered a complaint, but even after repeated explanation, I’m not sure it was understood.
Is anyone having better luck getting a useful response, or at least clear and definite comprehension?
We must protest this through all available channels.
I hope that the note about Vox Day also proves true for Counter-Currents.
On the positive side, The Manifesto is still listed on Book Depository.
I bought Greg Johnson’s White Nationalist Manifesto on Kindle for $3.49 on Kindle in mid-November when it first come out. My Coontent & Devices page says that I got it but now I can’t get the thing to re-show up on my Kindles no matter how often I keep requesting it be downloaded.
It will let me read my book I bought on my PC though. But I simply cannot find The White Nationalist Manifesto at all on Kindle #3 and #6. It has been deleted from off the Kindles.
Maybe it is time to sue Spamazon and Baalzebezos and seek to pull they’s business charter for tortious interference of contract.. I buy a book then I should have access to my purchase and on the Kindle. If Baalzebezos can by flipping a switch deprive me of what I purchased in good faith then by law Baalzebezos and Spamazon have committed an act of theft and should as a corporation be penalized with the loss of their corporate charter..
A federal lawsuit costs $400 to file and then you have to have it served. I suggest that the Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri be a co-plaintiff and having standing as a customer because I bought this book to read on my Kindle(s) and didn’t leave it on the cloud but downloaded in my Kindles and now I can’t find it via searching my Kindle all of a sudden. Can’t download it now even though there is a record of purchase except as a PC file and I prefer to read it n my Kindle(s). I refuse to hire a lie-yer because it is one to me whether I lose another federal lawsuit or not, but it can go 3-4 years or more and cause massive embarrassment to Spamazon. You would line up your own lawyer and then we can make totally different briefs in a lawsuit made by two different parties as plaintiffs against the same corporate defendant, seeing as how you want to be a White Nationalist and I much prefer to be known as a White Supremacist. Bowel Movement 1.0 vs Bowel Movement 0.1 or 0.2.
You might want to add Jared Taylor as a party seeing as his books have been censored as well. You maybe can get some lawyer other than the ZOGbot Poverty Flaw Center hacks as Dickie Spencthwer and Bryan Reo are part of the ZPLC and we are suing each other in Lake County Ohio and I’m intent of taking down they’s law licenses.
Reo v. Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri 16CV-ooo825.
Now I’ll have to read it on the PC in order to work up a reply manifesto:
The White Supremacist Manfiesto.
I think you are much too soft on the blacks and jews. I can say “Racial Federalism” with the rest of them but when it cum-cums down to it only 10% of such should have a reservation in the Kamps. And 9999 of the Ten Thousand Warlords won’t be bothered with a “slow cleanse” or giving them 40 acres and a goat in Africa. So how is there going to be any alternative other than extermination in most areas and reservations in others?
In any case, $400 can start up in taking down Baalzebezos & Spamazon via litigation or at the least embarrassing them.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
Very recent piece on exactly this topic. Perhaps (((the lying press))) have been on the phone to Amazon a lot over the last few weeks?
If you’ve purchased this and any other content by Counter Currents, it might be a very good idea to download all of them now, directly from Amazon’s main site, so that you at least have the files on a computer.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a public email at “[email protected]” that actual people read. I will be writing to “Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company” to complain! At the very least they ought to know that people noticed their totalitarian behavior.
(posted to the “Amazon Continues to Ban” as well)
Can anyone provide practical advice on countermeasures or even retaliatory acts against Amazon, YouTube, Twitter, et al? How do we fight this?
I sent e-mails to all mainstream conservative outlets about it (doubt it will go anywhere), and e-mailed amazon directly.
If you’re lucky the situation is similar to Vox Day’s (sjw employee and not an actual top down decision). If not, this could be difficult to resolve.
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