Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 210
Interview with Michael Walker
Michael Walker
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Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and Michael Polignano reconvene for a new weekly Counter-Currents Radio podcast. This week, we interview author and founder of the British New Right magazine The Scorpion, Michael Walker.
- Introduction: 0:17
- What led Michael Walker to create The Scorpion: 3:05
- What was the rationale for naming the publication “The Scorpion“: 10:45
- What kind of circulation did The Scorpion have: 18:00
- Was anyone else involved with the production of The Scorpion: 19:27
- The issue of Anglo-Saxon anti-intellectualism: 21:30
- Walker’s opinion of populism, the Alt Right, and alternative media: 23:45
- How the Right in Britain today compares to how it was in 1981: 32:25
- How most people are only concerned with peace and prosperity: 37:42
- The extreme reaction of the Left to Brexit and Trump’s election: 41:07
- Nigel Farage’s call for a second Brexit referendum: 53:52
- The Austrian election: 57:55
- How the Austrian election and the new ÖVP is an example of ideological hegemony: 63:20
- Walker’s career as a playwright and what he hopes to accomplish with it: 69:03
- The importance of making political and metapolitical work financially possible: 81:40
- Walker’s recollections of Jonathan Bowden: 87:00
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Excellent talk. The Scorpion introduced me to Evola, Junger, de Benoit, et al and the European New Right and I knew of no publication like it in the Anglophone world.
Really great interview both for “normies” and WNs.
Bravo, a truly wonderful interview! It’s content such as this that truly puts Counter-Currents head and shoulders above anything else on the Anglophone new right; very well done and I can’t say that enough.
Some great points made by Michael Walker. Comments on Brexit – and the risk of reading too much into it – very accurate, I think.
Nigel Farage, by calling for a consideration of a second Brexit referendum, wants to commit a colosal blunder a la Ms. May’s call for election in which she lost a comfortable majority !
What a sorry state of british political class !
Dear Friends,
I’m known to have what the French call “an elephant’s memory”. Michael Walker had a first contact with Georges Hupin’s small bulletin “Renaissance européenne” at the end of 1980. He received a copy of the first or second issue of the “National Democrat” that he immediately gave me as I was almost alone in the group to understand English at that time. I wrote to Michael and we only met on March 15th or 16th, 1981, in Paris, the very first day I arrived there to be the redaction secretary of Benoist’s glossy magazine “Nouvelle école”. Michael was thus the very first person I welcomed in my office at Square La Bruyere in Paris’ 9th “arrondissement”; the second person was also an Anglo-Saxon, a certain Mr. Hewitson, who published a equivalent bulletin in English-speaking Canada.
This is very funny to discover your interview as I just have had lunch with Eric, who Michael one day hired as a chairman for one of his IONA’s conferences and that I will have dinner within a couple of hours with the guy who welcomed me in Paris the day before I met Michael and Hewitson ! My past is alive again !
Enjoying the interview. Notice how much low-tech and high-cost stuff it took back then in the “boomer” days just to get out a publication that might reach 250 people. He mentioned “light tables”.
I have little patience with the millenials who blame “boomer cucks” for the state whites are now in. Millenials have the benefit of the internet. Boomers did not. “Boomers” had 3 television networks and a few (((newspapers))) to read and didnt suspect yet they were being targeted for elimination as whites. They might get a letter-to-the-editor published once in awhile as long as it was kosher enough and within the bounds of (((respectability))). Boomers didn’t have the benefit of hindsight nor the internet, and they were mostly too naive to suspect anything as ghastly as white genocide, since they still believed they ran the country.
Frankly I think the anti-“boomer” stuff that one commonly sees now in the WN and “alt-right” spheres is another divide-and-rule strategy and those who try to drive that division of white people by generation are probably mostly Jews. A way to make white people hate their relatives.
How big a cast are needed for each play? We might be able to do a reading at Radio Aryan with some of our hosts.
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