448 words
Harold Arthur McNeill, born February 15th 1960, is an artist, poet, designer, and bookbinder living in Washington state. I first encountered his work in 2002 on the cover of the limited hardcover edition of Julius Evola’s Men Among the Ruins (Waterbury Center, Vt.: Dominion Press, 2002). I have used a number of his mordant and funny graphics at Counter-Currents. (See the “You may also like . . .” links at the bottom of this page. Click here to view his Facebook graphics gallery. Click here to view his website.)
Not only do I share Mr. McNeill’s philosophical, literary, and political tastes, but I also enjoy his dynamic compositions and dark humor. Heidegger said that every artwork evokes a world, and the same is true of a worldview. An important part of our metapolitical project at Counter-Currents/North American New Right is to find and encourage artists who can express a whole worldview in a single image.
Mr. McNeill makes his living from his art, so if you like his work, please contact him at [email protected] to arrange a purchase or a commission.
Paintings are acrylic on canvas. Sizes are approximate. The borders and titles are not parts of the paintings. They are merely for online display purposes. Unless otherwise noted, all paintings are for sale. For a wider selection of his paintings, visit his Facebook gallery here and his website here.
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