Greg Johnson, Angelo Plume, and Gaddius had a discussion on the pros and cons of voting for Donald Trump in this year’s election, and addressed some other topics as well. Their chat is now available to download or listen to online.
5:44 – Is Trump any better than the Dems?
19:03 – Creating a white voting bloc
24:47 – If voting is irrelevant, then what’s the harm?
26:57 – Won’t Trump just lull white people into complacency?
33:45 – On Indians
46:02 – Neo-cons back Kamala
49:56 – You’re not voting for Trump, you’re voting for what he represents
50:24 – America’s Two Party System
54:00 – Israeli influence in the US
1:09:03 – What can we do right now?
1:10:20 – Volunteering at the county level
1:13:40 – Creating local networks
1:15:22 – On interracial couples
1:36:18 – On the film L’Auberge Espagnole 1:39:18 – On William Pierce
1:49:51 – Question on migrant minors in Europe
1:54:54 – FEMA and the Hurricane Helene disaster
2:00:18 – Trump on Ukraine
2:01:14 – Question on ancient European religion
To listen in a player, click here or below. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 611
Vote for Trump. Yes, Really!
I remember my mother saying she was opposed to race mixing couples because it was unfair to the child. I also remember thinking she was old fashioned in her thinking and maybe even a little bit racist. I was too young to understand her very logical reasoning. I remember her father telling me to stay away from the black boys down the street. I also remember thinking my grandpa was more than a little racist but didn’t take into account the years of disrespectful and destructive shit he was accustomed to with all of the black kids in his neighborhood and also the foot traffic from the nearby junior high.
It took many years and many of my own encounters and experiences to realize that everything they told me was true. Now as a father of two beautiful young white girls I hope that I can get these things through to them without turning them away from my wife and I before they have to learn these things the hard way. I can at least point to my step-sister and her two mixed race(and admittedly wonderful) children with no father in their lives as a cautionary tale.
Great discussion. I have a nephew who married a bi-racial woman and his children have all the physical traits of their black grandfather except with lighter skin. They’re delightful children, but they look like they came out of the uncanny valley. It’s off putting and my Reagan-conservative normie family notices it too, but is afraid to admit it. They just talk around it.
St. Paul somewhere permitted “a nonbeliever to marry a believer” and how there was no difference between “the circumsized and the uncircumsized” and that’s where I checked out of Christianity.
There’s a propaganda leftist talking point that you share no genetic similarity with your distant ancestors so why bother caring what they thought; but even if true you do share genetics with an ancestor halfway between those two points, and him with another ancestor halway from there, which is more than you can say for race-mixed children in relation to their parents.
Good podcast, although I think William Luther Pierce deserves some more recognition and respect. The National Alliance was. despite its faults, the premier White Nationalist organization in the United States at the turn of the century, without which the newer generations of White Nationalism (including the alt-right and all its offshoots) would not have been possible.
Also, I’m curious, when will the NAXALT contest results be announced? Thanks.
WhiteManWalking: October 23, 2024Good podcast, although I think William Luther Pierce deserves some more recognition and respect. The National Alliance was. despite its faults, the premier White Nationalist organization in the United States at the turn of the century, without which the newer generations of White Nationalism (including the alt-right and all its offshoots) would not have been possible.
This term podcast that’s thrown around on the internet doesn’t accurately reflect Dr. Pierce’s thoughtful, scripted weekly radio shows — American Dissident Voices — launched in late 1991. I was working closely with him then and remember he would begin preparing his show on a Wednesday, after giving much thought to the subject. By Friday night he was putting on final touches and rehearsing his script for a Saturday evening broadcast.
“Podcast” is a portmanteau of “iPod” and “broadcast”. The earliest use of “podcasting” was traced to The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley, who coined it in early February 2004. Having died in 2002 Pierce never once heard the word podcast. His ADVs were radio shows, first on shortwave radio, then on a few AM stations and not on the internet until 1995 when the Alliance acquired its first domains, and Natvan,com.
When I purchased NA Chairman Pierce’s personal research library from his successor Erich Gliebe in early 2014, then was duly appointed Gliebe’s successor in October 24 of that year, I organized all of Pierce’s ADV master audiotapes and offered 12 volumes in the CD series Power of Truth, each with 20 of his best radio shows. That treasure trove of 240 shows, “all Pierce, all the time,” may not be enjoyed by critics who say he sounded angry, or foaming the mouth, or in a hurry or whatever, but they are timeless and as relevant today as many podcasts, or more so considering this definition:
Podcast platforms are designed solely for the purpose of allowing their users to create and distribute their very own podcasts talking about anything they wish, whenever they want.
Soley for yapping on the internet about anything they wish, whenever they want.
Are the alt-right and their offshoots’ podcasts archived to inspire future generations of responsible Whites? Idon’t know. Power of Truth is available here, in single volumes or the entire series: CDs & DVDs – Cosmotheism (
WMW, I don’t know if Pierce will be respected here at C-C more than two decades after his death. I hope he will be. However, he will be represented as long as I’m here promoting his teachings, his world view and the organization he founded, the National Alliance, again, despite its faults, the premier White nationalist membership organization in the U.S., if I do say so myself as the decade-long current NA Chairman: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (
William Luther Pierce has a special place and hardly could be categorized using common yardstick. The similar situation is with Adolf Hitler, whom it is hardly possible to compare with any other politician. It is the rarest kind of people whose meaning transcends all mundane values and perceptions.
Hitler was harshly criticized by many German generals for his supposed military blunders and for the overall outcome of the war. Manstein, Guderian, Halder and many others expressed those feelings. They were right in their own coordinate system. Yes, according to the mainstream logic the whole National Socialist movement was a failure and brought utter disaster to Germany. But all of those critics failed to perceive the far greater meaning of those epochal events; failed to understand what it would mean in a thousand years’ time.
Adolf Hitler is a kind of man whose meaning goes far above his immediate life. He was an incarnation of the White racial spirit. The real Christ of the White race. We can understand the logic of those events only when looking through this prism. The new racial religion is being born in great pain. It couldn’t be otherwise. All great things require great pain and great sacrifices.
William Luther Pierce was the man of the same mould. In some sense his task was even harder than this of Adolf Hitler. Dr. Pierce started to act at the time of relative quietude and prosperity; the worst time for any spiritual efforts and elevated thoughts. He was almost a lone man in a wilderness trying to wake up his race to its senses. There are very few people who have courage to act in such social conditions. It would be much easier for him to live a middle-class life like all others did.
In contrast to all others racially aware politicians Dr. Pierce understood the religious nature of this struggle. But he rejected Christianity as the foundation for racial ideology. The courageous step that was impossible even to consider for anyone aspiring for any place in nationalist politics back then.
Dr. Pierce was a pioneer in many respects. He said things that were inconceivable for others at the time. His judgement was proved to be right. His ideas and vision are even more relevant now. William Luther Pierce wasn’t a politician; and, definitely, he wasn’t a popular blogger. He was a religious preacher and visionary first and foremost; a Prophet of the White race (I anticipate sarcastic smirks among many of those who would read these lines but it is normal too in this time of universal cynicism, materialism and moral indifference).
Yes, in addition to this Dr. Pierce dedicated much of his time and efforts to politics. But he always understood the right set of priorities. The spiritual/religious foundation must always be the first. It must always take precedence of all other things. Neither selfish considerations, nor political expediency, nor desire to please anyone in particular must be the guiding principle of the White racial vanguard. For the race to succeed it must be guided by an immutable spiritual ideal. This understanding defined the whole of Dr. Pierce’s work. He has shown the right path to follow; he established the pattern for all White racial groups on the Planet. He aimed much higher than any other racial leaders. Dr. Pierce was much more than being simply “an American”. He transcended all those obsolescent identities. The only identity that really matters is the racial identity. It is the most important factor of life. Only combination of biological identity with spirituality will allow the better part of the White people to create something that surpasses everything that was before.
To follow along this path, you need to abandon the mundane logic and mainstream middle-class set of values. Those materialistic values like a stone on your neck would inevitably drive you down. There are very few people who could dare to do it. It is a hard choice. Only the best few could go along this path. I don’t even blame the mainstream majority for not following along this path. They have other purpose in life. Everyone must do what he can do best in his life.
When Jared Taylor speaks about race, he tries to appeal to the mainstream logic of his audience. He does it perfectly. He is the best in this area. Any normal White mainstream person would agree with his arguments. Jared Taylor is the essence of White America. But not more.
When Kevin Alfred Strom speaks about race, he does it as a preacher; because he is a born preacher. He appeals to the religious feelings of the White people; to the deeper essence that remains untouched by any materialistic arguments. Both Jared Taylor and Kevin Alfred Strom advance the interests of the White race. But they act in very different dimensions. Jared Taylor perfectly describes the downfall of the White America in the last decades. He is understandable and likeable to the mainstream White people.
Kevin Alfred Strom deals with much bigger issues. His scale encompasses hundreds and even thousands of years. He is less concerned with the present-day issues and only touches on them when they have some implication for distant future. For absolute majority of people this approach seems strange; they don’t want to think about something that has no immediate bearing on their wellbeing. It is the main difference between such people like William Luther Pierce on the one pole and the populist politicians like Nigel Farage on the other pole (with Jared Taylor and David Duke somewhere in between).
One of my best friends growing up was of mixed race (white mom, black dad), and he hung himself back in 2018. Ever since then, I’ve wondered to what degree his ethnic identity contributed to his poor mental health. I know there was much more at work with his eventual suicide, but I suspect his ethnicity (or ethnicities) caused him some mental anguish.
And even as a purely white American, I have suffered something of an identity crisis for all of my adult life as a result of my mixed ethnicity from different northern and central European peoples. I have always envied people who can say with certainty, “I’m a hundred percent Irish,” or “I’m a hundred percent German,” et cetera. Therefore, I think even mixed European relationships should be avoided when possible, and we should endeavor to procreate with our own specific kind to the greatest degree possible. A Frenchman marrying a Swedish woman is not ideal.
Greg Johnson: October 23, 2024 …[L]living in America, eating American food, speaking American English. Your ethnicity is American.
Living in present day, racially mixed America, you can say Ryan’s ethnicity is American, but in the segregated southern United States that I grew up in during the 1950’s and early ’60s having a “mixed-race best friend” would have been unheard of.
Everything was all-White in our world then: neighborhoods, schools, churches, etc. — the way Nature intended and the way things can be again for those of us determined to be separate from the multiracial mess. We cannot return to failed “separate but equal” racial segregation or apartheid. It must be total separation of the White race from other races. If we cannot conceive that to preserve our kind, it cannot happen.
A word I learned in Sociology 101 in college was propinquity, or nearness. The context of the word was that people tend to date, marry and have as “best friends” those who are near to themselves in physical proximity, as in their neighborhoods, schools, churches, activities, etc. It’s a commonsense word for racial separatists, as is the word homogeneous (of the same kind), as opposed to heterogeneous (consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents: mixed) — the unnatural world that describes the America Ryan was raised.
Technically speaking, that’s true, but I’ve always found it difficult to truly feel “American.” Even early Americans, born and raised in America, identified first and foremost as English (or whatever their ethnicity was). Even through the 1770s, many Americans were all about their English/European identity, and their colony/state identity. American identity was very much an afterthought (hence the plea to Join or Die). Even today, American identity often takes a backseat to New England identity, or Texas identity, et cetera.
Being a plain old white American is alright, I suppose – far better than mixed race – but it does feel rather superficial. There’s very little to unite white Americans when compared, for example, to the Dutch or the Welsh. As a New Englander, I don’t feel strongly connected to the people of New Mexico, for example, or its alien landscape, and there’s increasingly less to unite us. We’d be better off seceding into smaller countries.
At the risk of sounding a bit leftist, I don’t think there is a “one hundred percent” anyone. I consider myself as German as they come, but I have also Swiss ancestry, and possibly some French and Polish, as well. Of course we should strive to preserve our separate European ethnicities and identities, but I don’t consider some “other White” admixture in any way a hindrance to that.
I had a friend years ago named Sean Mc—— who was very proud of his Irish identity. He was so damn obnoxious about it that when I asked him a question about Ireland he wanted to know “how Irish” I was. Now this is a guy every bit as American as I am, but since I was considered not Irish enough for him(even though my mother’s parents’ surnames are Collen and Kiniry) he didn’t think I was privy to that info. That type of ethnic purity mindset is toxic to our cause.
The funny thing is he was a total wigger. So I wasn’t as pure compared to his ethnic make-up yet he totally immersed himself in Hip-Hop culture and dated black girls. Whatever.
It has become clear to me that the White Mother / Nonwhite Father combo is the worst.
When the dad is White the kids tend to turn out better. The kids tend to identify with the dad. The mother’s role for whatever reason is relegated to nurturer. We take the lead from our fathers. For better or for worse, that seems to be the case.
This is probably why they shill BMWF couples so much in media (movies/advertising etc) and why they’re bringing in an invading army of black men immigrants and so-called “refugees”.
Ukrainian refugees are now common. They tend to be female, young, and of course, White. (You could even add religious/demure/traditional/conservative to that list – broadly speaking, of course.)
Bringing in female, White refugees isn’t a big problem. They will be subsumed by our men and within one or perhaps 2 generations, practically indistinguishable from a Brit/French/German/Swede/whatever.
But with the nonwhites that isn’t the case. And if its their men with our women that’s even worse. The nonwhite men also tend to leave the woman as a single mother.
I can’t imagine dating a nonwhite. This is not ideological in any sense in my mind. I just have no attraction for non Europeans, even for groups that I admire, like Asians. I would prefer to date a low status white than a high status nonwhite. My attraction for Hispanics is directly proportional to how Caucasian they look. And as soon as they get that waxen look to their skin, like mestizos have, the attraction plummets exponentially. This is involuntary reaction on my part.
Italians and southern Europeans you have to go by phenotype. I think the majority of Italians are European, but as you get really south, and they get very mixed with Turkish, there’s some questionable ones, and IQs plummet in the mezzo giorno. Case by case. We’ll have to have some sort of special bureau that investigates this in the white homeland. How could you exclude the people of Dante and Marconi from Europe?
I believe regional connexions to California, Texas, Florida, or your born and raised in city is more identity-forging of the We, the Us, and our Home, more than american is. Same with Germans and Swedes identify as their nation/localized genetic cluster more so than European. “america” is more of a jewish ready-to-wear brand for export and less a legitimate national identity cause there is no ‘We, the People’ in heterogeneity but strong regional and local character formations among american peoples thru which you become by being from that particular place. forgiato blow should not be an american co-equal to Daniel Boone. I have Italian ancestry but where from, how much, and what else I don’t know, nor anything about my family (who I don’t get along with nor was ever close to) besides having parents with definitive Italian surnames and from a NY area where everyone is out of Sopranos casting. It’s humiliating not knowing who you are with only a probable biolink to the old homeland and linguistically isolated from what should constitute a people. The Mediterranean branch of Europa aren’t “not White” as the purists contend, we are antique White. Golden egg, parchment flax, pale champagney, and tan sandy complexions. Non-south Europa is more floral White, porcelain, peachy, linen lace, and seashell-colored. Neither are oriented afro-asiatically in complexion nor behavior. No sane couple would adopt a black boy after having two White daughters as in my family’s case so I had to inwardly let it go and angrily hope for the safety of those two girls. It crushed me when I heard the news, still does, and I refuse to just accept a terrible decision on their (now divorced) part.
Have you thought about doing 23 and me or one of the genome sequencing sites?
Adopting black children into white families was a big fad in the southeast about a decade back. I think it stemmed from the movie The Blind Side, in which a waspy Mississippi couple adopts a black who turns into a football star. So there’s a self interest in it—they expect sports performance, which is a huge cultural focus in the region, but this is really unfair to the child. Most blacks are not sports stars, much as most whites are not Nobel laureates or billionaires. One couple in my hood had adopted like five black kids. I saw them walking by with the whole gang and they tried to engage me with the children once, and I simply walked by without acknowledging, while making eye contact. I suppose they expected praise.
I did consider the 23 & me but I think it’s an israeli company and I’m not comfortable with them having that information or maybe it’s just distrusting paranoia on my part since zog probably knows everything about us anyway. I’m unfamiliar with other reputable DNA sites.
And if your adopted black child ends up being a sports star you run the risk of him suing your ass and dragging your good name through the mud like that ungrateful bastard did to the Tuohy family.
I don’t get Mark Weber’s attitude towards Trump. I watch Weekly Roundup with Frodi Midjord and Mark Weber, and often I can’t believe their attitudes. On one hand I don’t expect them to be all-out Trump fans, but on the other hand I do expect them to see that we are in a high-stakes situation in America — and in the West in general — and that it makes a VERY big difference who gets into office. Trump is not the old-style Republican. The modern Democrats are far more toxic and destructive to America than they were in the past. Times have changed. Attitudes have to adapt to that change.
The White Woman problem: We’re smart and unwilling to pretend otherwise for the sake of some miserable creep and his ego.
This spooky season, I’ve been revisiting the history of Witch hunts. My unfortunate contact with “incel” culture has given me a whole new perspective on those horrific episodes. How do you get sane men to go around murdering whole families, and even whole villages, of women based on a child’s inscrutable word salad? Answer: Of course, you don’t. They were probably sadistic perverts who got off on torturing uppity women to extract a bogus confession and/or watching them swing for twenty minutes after the short drop. Like they say, when you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.
That got me to thinking about something Kieth Alexander said recently. He actually attempted to justify JDV’s race disloyalty by disparaging female students at Yale law school (!) as repulsive and self-evidently unsuitable marriage partners. By all means, whatever you do, don’t make babies with the cream of the crop of White womanhood. Seriously, what to make of this level of stupidity?
I generally make it a point not to believe everything I hear about men and their sexual psychology, but that certainly did leave me with the impression that some men just can’t abide a SIW. (There, I said it!) Is this a common mentality among White men that only slips out when you’re getting on in years and your filter isn’t working as well as it once did? Or is it rather the exception than the rule?
Setting aside Mr. A’s preferences and proclivities, I also can’t help but wonder: with friends like that, just who the hell needs enemies? Here we have a man who claims to be pro-White actively discouraging eugenic mate selection. I have explained this before, but it seems that certain people need a review. In the past, it was believed that women contributed only an incubator and no genetic material to their offspring. We now know that is not the case. Indeed, male children get only one X chromosome from their mothers. The X chromosome is much larger than the Y, which makes a baby turn into a boy and does little else.
I quite agree with you, Mr. Plume, that sometimes it makes sense to overlook things people did in their youth, even when they have very serious consequences that cannot now be remedied. (Very Christian of you, BTW, Mr. Plume.) I also agree with you that race-mixing among those who should know better won’t do at all, and appreciate your clear and unequivocal stand on the matter.
As for the idea that feminism is getting in the way of marriage, and causing divorce by encouraging women to choose men they can’t respect over the long haul, I don’t see how you can reconcile this view with the fact that women’s education is positively correlated with marriage and negatively correlated with divorce.
Moreover, your claim that the problem is not low birth rates, but failure on the part of young people to connect romantically, is not self-evident. Many couples are just living together now. Sweden has a relatively healthy birthrate even though the average age at first marriage for women is ~35. Instead of “first comes marriage,” they just do it the other way around. First comes baby, then marriage. I don’t see this as a problem, so long as the babies get born after all.
Indeed, I’m not entirely sure what the point is if you don’t believe in God as third party to the contract and a simple spit swab will tell you who’s the baby daddy. I suppose it matters for inheritance, but young couples usually don’t have much of anything, and even if they do, they aren’t much in the habit of thinking about dying. After all, that’s something that only happens to other (old) people.
To the extent that young people are indeed failing to connect, I suspect that part of it may have to do with geography. Now, I haven’t done a lot of research about this, but I’ve been bouncing it around in my head lately. Men think there aren’t enough good women; women think there aren’t enough good men. Is it possible that both perceptions are correct, depending on where you live? In most states, there are more young men than women, but then you have to consider incarceration, drug addiction, and the numerical preponderance of gay men over lesbians.
Women are known to be more gregarious and extroverted than men. I suspect this tendency makes them more tolerant of, and perhaps even prefer, higher-density city living. Still, some may be willing to relocate. To find them, I recommend a dating site post something like this:
Move to Alaska and marry me! There aren’t many jobs for women here, but don’t worry. I will support you as long as you’re willing to have children and take care of them full-time. Moreover, I won’t Lord it over you, treat you like a child, call you a gold-digger, or expect you to feign stupidity just because my work is paid and yours isn’t. We’ll be partners, 50-50.
Of course, you’d want to add relevant information about religion, hobbies, interests, etc. to make sure it’s otherwise a good match.
Lexi: October 25, 2024 The White Woman problem: We’re smart and unwilling to pretend otherwise for the sake of some miserable creep and his ego…
That got me to thinking about something Kieth Alexander said recently…. [Something like] By all means, whatever you do, don’t make babies with the cream of the crop of White womanhood. Seriously, what to make of this level of stupidity?
Thank you, Lexi. White women are not the problem.
I think this Mr. Alexander, whoever he is, is not really “one of us,” though he may be right that some of the females who strive to be accepted and “educated” at an indoctrination factory like today’s Yale are a “problem.”
Our Cause desperately needs women, especially intelligent ones of exceptional stock. I just received my copy of the Fall 2024 issue of The Occidental Quarterly journal and enjoyed the piece by Dr. Robert Griffin, “A Commentary on the Life of Jeanette Rankin.” She was the first woman elected to the U,S, House of Representatives, serving two terms from Montana — 1919-1919 and 1941-4943. She voted against the U.S. declaring war against Germany and entering WWI in her first term and was the only member of Congress to vote against Roosevelt’s resolution to declare war against Japan (actually against Japan’s ally, Germany) after Pearl Harbor. The combined Senate and House vote for the resolution was 470-1 for the U.S to enter WWII, with Jeanette’s being the only vote against.
Why have we never heard of her “profile in courage”?
How much better off would our country and the world be today had all of those easily led male legislators followed this intelligent, courageous female’s lead to keep us out of those disastrous Jew wars?
“As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.”
Ah, Mr. Williams, I appreciate the fond sentiments you hold for smart, principled women politicians, but unfortunately, they are often quickly swapped out for very mediocre, to sub-par ones, female ones.
We ladies generally have the most influence over the families we’ve created with our husbands. Sadly, I don’t believe I’ve succeeded in JQing anyone in my home, & not for a lack of trying, or lack of creativity. Without that, the best I hope for is that my sons marry & make families of their own, with good racially conscious, non clot-shot, White women.
Kim: November 17, 2024 Ah, Mr. Williams, I appreciate the fond sentiments you hold for smart, principled women politicians…
I only mentioned the one, Mrs. Rankin. Principled, racially loyal, separatist-minded White statesmen can lead our race with a purpose. Politicians who mainly care about winning their next election, rather than the welfare of our race, will not.
We ladies generally have the most influence over the families we’ve created with our husbands. Sadly, I don’t believe I’ve succeeded in JQing anyone in my home, & not for a lack of trying, or lack of creativity…
Keep trying, Kim. You have the right stuff. We love and protect our racially loyal mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. It is your place in life to raise the next generation of warriors, not to fight in unnecessary wars that are not in our interest.
Thanks, Wolf. It can’t hurt to emphasize to C-C readers the important position William Pierce occupies in any discussion about preservation of the White race.
While Judeophile Donald Trump is stupidly being called “Hitler and a “Nazi” by Jew-controlled media and his simple-minded Democrat Party opponents — we should wish, Hitler was arguably the greatest racial leader of our race in the first half of the last century and before. Pierce will be recognized as our greatest racial leader of the second half of the 20th century and since. Of whom else can that be said? Maybe the Jew-controlled media and Democrat nitwits should be trying to scare the electorate by calling Trump William Pierce instead of Adolf Hitler.
Wolf Stoner: October 29, 2024 William Luther Pierce has a special place and hardly could be categorized using a common yardstick. The similar situation is with Adolf Hitler, whom it is hardly possible to compare with any other politician. It is the rarest kind of people whose meaning transcends all mundane values and perceptions…
Adolf Hitler is a kind of man whose meaning goes far above his immediate life. He was an incarnation of the White racial spirit. The real Christ of the White race. We can understand the logic of those events only when looking through this prism. The new racial religion is being born in great pain. It couldn’t be otherwise. All great things require great pain and great sacrifices.
William Luther Pierce was the man of the same mold. In some sense his task was even harder than this of Adolf Hitler. Dr. Pierce started to act at the time of relative quietude and prosperity; the worst time for any spiritual efforts and elevated thoughts. He was almost a lone man in a wilderness trying to wake up his race to its senses. There are very few people who have courage to act in such social conditions. It would be much easier for him to live a middle-class life like all others did.
In contrast to all others racially aware politicians Dr. Pierce understood the religious nature of this struggle. But he rejected Christianity as the foundation for racial ideology. The courageous step that was impossible even to consider for anyone aspiring for any place in nationalist politics back then.
Dr. Pierce was a pioneer in many respects. He said things that were inconceivable for others at the time. His judgement was proved to be right. His ideas and vision are even more relevant now. William Luther Pierce wasn’t a politician; and, definitely, he wasn’t a popular blogger. He was a religious preacher and visionary first and foremost; a Prophet of the White race,,,
Yes, in addition to this Dr. Pierce dedicated much of his time and efforts to politics. But he always understood the right set of priorities. The spiritual/religious foundation must always be the first. It must always take precedence of all other things. Neither selfish considerations, nor political expediency, nor desire to please anyone in particular must be the guiding principle of the White racial vanguard. For the race to succeed it must be guided by an immutable spiritual ideal. This understanding defined the whole of Dr. Pierce’s work. He has shown the right path to follow; he established the pattern for all White racial groups on the Planet. He aimed much higher than any other racial leaders… The only identity that really matters is the racial identity. It is the most important factor of life. Only combination of biological identity with spirituality will allow the better part of the White people to create something that surpasses everything that was before.
To follow along this path, you need to abandon the mundane logic and mainstream middle-class set of values. Those materialistic values like a stone on your neck would inevitably drive you down. There are very few people who could dare to do it. It is a hard choice. Only the best few could go along this path….
While we’re discussing the “On William Pierce” portion of this C-C podcast, readers might find the following from back in July from the great Douglas Mercer:
WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come.
George Lincoln Rockwell deserves all of our praise, but he was a swashbuckler and a performer and did not have the intellectual weight of Pierce, something which is necessary to see us through dark times.
Revilo Oliver was an unparalleled intellectual; it is said of him that he had the mind and the manners of a Renaissance prince or polymath combined with the untethered and weaponized language needed to decimate our opponents; Oliver was also not a religious man and as such was unable to go all the way down the path needed.
Pierce was of another ilk; a true intellectual, but a practical one also, concerned with our survival in the real world — and here his background in physics held him in good stead. But in addition to being a thinker and writer and speaker, Pierce was also a visionary, a seer and a holy man, the prophet of our time; he always kept his eyes on eternity; he knew that our destiny was in the stars and that in order to achieve this we needed to plan for the long future. He knew that, for our Creator, the Aryan race was its special and Promethean people; the only people who could bring the Creator’s fire to the Earth and usher in the completion of the cosmos. As such, Pierce, in addition to being a polemicist of rare vehemence, and an artist in words, was also a far-seeing man with the organizational skills to prepare for this endless future.
The National Alliance is now the vessel of the Creator on Earth, its members the worthy heirs of Pierce’s philosophy and religion — the only ones on the path.
All throughout American history, the idea of Utopian or intentional communities has been prevalent; there was Brooks Farm of the Transcendentalists; but our great precursor Poe saw their un-serious nature and their other flaws, and scathingly called them “frog-pondians.”
In our own time, such “communes” are more likely to be of the ilk of “Burning Man” — dedicated only to pleasure and frivolity; or like Jonestown, monuments to one man’s ego, ending in death and destruction. But the impulse to separate, to keep oneself pure, is a noble one; and the National Alliance has first and foremost kept its thought pure with its book Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future and its other equally uncompromising publications; it is building this separate community, and building a library dedicated to its founder and its ideals; it is a community dedicated to keeping the White race pure, and keeping it separate.
Any hope for the future depends upon us being thus separate — in more ways than one; the world today is addicted to its phones and its money and its greed, and is mired in corruption; it has no culture to speak of; it is steeped in immorality and degeneration and degradation; its rulers are vampires and bloodsuckers when they are not inept stooges; it is a world with no beliefs other than “lifestyles” or “comfort” — a fake world of the Potemkin Village. It preaches a weak form of “love and tolerance” and has race mixing as its credo. It has no purpose and no goal, other than political or economic domination; as such, it is a desecration of our lovely blue Earth.
Unlike all previous Utopias or intentional communities the National Alliance community is bound to succeed; the blood is pure and the thinking is pure. And it has aligned itself correctly with the cosmos and the Creator of the cosmos; when the time is right and ripe, this perfect confluence will bear its fruit.
Indeed, so rotten is the world from which we have separated ourselves, it will collapse from within, having no vision and no goal except to produce more and more trash of all kinds.
As such, the National Alliance is uniquely positioned to be the inheritor of the Earth and to achieve the only thing that matters in the end: victory….
Read more of Mr. Mercer “On William Pierce” here: “The Vessel” at
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On interracial couples…
I remember my mother saying she was opposed to race mixing couples because it was unfair to the child. I also remember thinking she was old fashioned in her thinking and maybe even a little bit racist. I was too young to understand her very logical reasoning.
I remember her father telling me to stay away from the black boys down the street. I also remember thinking my grandpa was more than a little racist but didn’t take into account the years of disrespectful and destructive shit he was accustomed to with all of the black kids in his neighborhood and also the foot traffic from the nearby junior high.
It took many years and many of my own encounters and experiences to realize that everything they told me was true. Now as a father of two beautiful young white girls I hope that I can get these things through to them without turning them away from my wife and I before they have to learn these things the hard way. I can at least point to my step-sister and her two mixed race(and admittedly wonderful) children with no father in their lives as a cautionary tale.
Great discussion. I have a nephew who married a bi-racial woman and his children have all the physical traits of their black grandfather except with lighter skin. They’re delightful children, but they look like they came out of the uncanny valley. It’s off putting and my Reagan-conservative normie family notices it too, but is afraid to admit it. They just talk around it.
Speaking of interracial couples:
St. Paul somewhere permitted “a nonbeliever to marry a believer” and how there was no difference between “the circumsized and the uncircumsized” and that’s where I checked out of Christianity.
There’s a propaganda leftist talking point that you share no genetic similarity with your distant ancestors so why bother caring what they thought; but even if true you do share genetics with an ancestor halfway between those two points, and him with another ancestor halway from there, which is more than you can say for race-mixed children in relation to their parents.
Good podcast, although I think William Luther Pierce deserves some more recognition and respect. The National Alliance was. despite its faults, the premier White Nationalist organization in the United States at the turn of the century, without which the newer generations of White Nationalism (including the alt-right and all its offshoots) would not have been possible.
Also, I’m curious, when will the NAXALT contest results be announced? Thanks.
We will announce the results on the 31st. Happy Halloween.
WhiteManWalking: October 23, 2024 Good podcast, although I think William Luther Pierce deserves some more recognition and respect. The National Alliance was. despite its faults, the premier White Nationalist organization in the United States at the turn of the century, without which the newer generations of White Nationalism (including the alt-right and all its offshoots) would not have been possible.
This term podcast that’s thrown around on the internet doesn’t accurately reflect Dr. Pierce’s thoughtful, scripted weekly radio shows — American Dissident Voices — launched in late 1991. I was working closely with him then and remember he would begin preparing his show on a Wednesday, after giving much thought to the subject. By Friday night he was putting on final touches and rehearsing his script for a Saturday evening broadcast.
“Podcast” is a portmanteau of “iPod” and “broadcast”. The earliest use of “podcasting” was traced to The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley, who coined it in early February 2004. Having died in 2002 Pierce never once heard the word podcast. His ADVs were radio shows, first on shortwave radio, then on a few AM stations and not on the internet until 1995 when the Alliance acquired its first domains, and Natvan,com.
When I purchased NA Chairman Pierce’s personal research library from his successor Erich Gliebe in early 2014, then was duly appointed Gliebe’s successor in October 24 of that year, I organized all of Pierce’s ADV master audiotapes and offered 12 volumes in the CD series Power of Truth, each with 20 of his best radio shows. That treasure trove of 240 shows, “all Pierce, all the time,” may not be enjoyed by critics who say he sounded angry, or foaming the mouth, or in a hurry or whatever, but they are timeless and as relevant today as many podcasts, or more so considering this definition:
Podcast platforms are designed solely for the purpose of allowing their users to create and distribute their very own podcasts talking about anything they wish, whenever they want.
Soley for yapping on the internet about anything they wish, whenever they want.
Are the alt-right and their offshoots’ podcasts archived to inspire future generations of responsible Whites? Idon’t know. Power of Truth is available here, in single volumes or the entire series: CDs & DVDs – Cosmotheism (
WMW, I don’t know if Pierce will be respected here at C-C more than two decades after his death. I hope he will be. However, he will be represented as long as I’m here promoting his teachings, his world view and the organization he founded, the National Alliance, again, despite its faults, the premier White nationalist membership organization in the U.S., if I do say so myself as the decade-long current NA Chairman: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (
William Luther Pierce has a special place and hardly could be categorized using common yardstick. The similar situation is with Adolf Hitler, whom it is hardly possible to compare with any other politician. It is the rarest kind of people whose meaning transcends all mundane values and perceptions.
Hitler was harshly criticized by many German generals for his supposed military blunders and for the overall outcome of the war. Manstein, Guderian, Halder and many others expressed those feelings. They were right in their own coordinate system. Yes, according to the mainstream logic the whole National Socialist movement was a failure and brought utter disaster to Germany. But all of those critics failed to perceive the far greater meaning of those epochal events; failed to understand what it would mean in a thousand years’ time.
Adolf Hitler is a kind of man whose meaning goes far above his immediate life. He was an incarnation of the White racial spirit. The real Christ of the White race. We can understand the logic of those events only when looking through this prism. The new racial religion is being born in great pain. It couldn’t be otherwise. All great things require great pain and great sacrifices.
William Luther Pierce was the man of the same mould. In some sense his task was even harder than this of Adolf Hitler. Dr. Pierce started to act at the time of relative quietude and prosperity; the worst time for any spiritual efforts and elevated thoughts. He was almost a lone man in a wilderness trying to wake up his race to its senses. There are very few people who have courage to act in such social conditions. It would be much easier for him to live a middle-class life like all others did.
In contrast to all others racially aware politicians Dr. Pierce understood the religious nature of this struggle. But he rejected Christianity as the foundation for racial ideology. The courageous step that was impossible even to consider for anyone aspiring for any place in nationalist politics back then.
Dr. Pierce was a pioneer in many respects. He said things that were inconceivable for others at the time. His judgement was proved to be right. His ideas and vision are even more relevant now. William Luther Pierce wasn’t a politician; and, definitely, he wasn’t a popular blogger. He was a religious preacher and visionary first and foremost; a Prophet of the White race (I anticipate sarcastic smirks among many of those who would read these lines but it is normal too in this time of universal cynicism, materialism and moral indifference).
Yes, in addition to this Dr. Pierce dedicated much of his time and efforts to politics. But he always understood the right set of priorities. The spiritual/religious foundation must always be the first. It must always take precedence of all other things. Neither selfish considerations, nor political expediency, nor desire to please anyone in particular must be the guiding principle of the White racial vanguard. For the race to succeed it must be guided by an immutable spiritual ideal. This understanding defined the whole of Dr. Pierce’s work. He has shown the right path to follow; he established the pattern for all White racial groups on the Planet. He aimed much higher than any other racial leaders. Dr. Pierce was much more than being simply “an American”. He transcended all those obsolescent identities. The only identity that really matters is the racial identity. It is the most important factor of life. Only combination of biological identity with spirituality will allow the better part of the White people to create something that surpasses everything that was before.
To follow along this path, you need to abandon the mundane logic and mainstream middle-class set of values. Those materialistic values like a stone on your neck would inevitably drive you down. There are very few people who could dare to do it. It is a hard choice. Only the best few could go along this path. I don’t even blame the mainstream majority for not following along this path. They have other purpose in life. Everyone must do what he can do best in his life.
When Jared Taylor speaks about race, he tries to appeal to the mainstream logic of his audience. He does it perfectly. He is the best in this area. Any normal White mainstream person would agree with his arguments. Jared Taylor is the essence of White America. But not more.
When Kevin Alfred Strom speaks about race, he does it as a preacher; because he is a born preacher. He appeals to the religious feelings of the White people; to the deeper essence that remains untouched by any materialistic arguments. Both Jared Taylor and Kevin Alfred Strom advance the interests of the White race. But they act in very different dimensions. Jared Taylor perfectly describes the downfall of the White America in the last decades. He is understandable and likeable to the mainstream White people.
Kevin Alfred Strom deals with much bigger issues. His scale encompasses hundreds and even thousands of years. He is less concerned with the present-day issues and only touches on them when they have some implication for distant future. For absolute majority of people this approach seems strange; they don’t want to think about something that has no immediate bearing on their wellbeing. It is the main difference between such people like William Luther Pierce on the one pole and the populist politicians like Nigel Farage on the other pole (with Jared Taylor and David Duke somewhere in between).
One of my best friends growing up was of mixed race (white mom, black dad), and he hung himself back in 2018. Ever since then, I’ve wondered to what degree his ethnic identity contributed to his poor mental health. I know there was much more at work with his eventual suicide, but I suspect his ethnicity (or ethnicities) caused him some mental anguish.
And even as a purely white American, I have suffered something of an identity crisis for all of my adult life as a result of my mixed ethnicity from different northern and central European peoples. I have always envied people who can say with certainty, “I’m a hundred percent Irish,” or “I’m a hundred percent German,” et cetera. Therefore, I think even mixed European relationships should be avoided when possible, and we should endeavor to procreate with our own specific kind to the greatest degree possible. A Frenchman marrying a Swedish woman is not ideal.
You are of mixed European ancestry, living in America, eating American food, speaking American English. Your ethnicity is American.
Greg Johnson: October 23, 2024 …[L]living in America, eating American food, speaking American English. Your ethnicity is American.
Living in present day, racially mixed America, you can say Ryan’s ethnicity is American, but in the segregated southern United States that I grew up in during the 1950’s and early ’60s having a “mixed-race best friend” would have been unheard of.
Everything was all-White in our world then: neighborhoods, schools, churches, etc. — the way Nature intended and the way things can be again for those of us determined to be separate from the multiracial mess. We cannot return to failed “separate but equal” racial segregation or apartheid. It must be total separation of the White race from other races. If we cannot conceive that to preserve our kind, it cannot happen.
A word I learned in Sociology 101 in college was propinquity, or nearness. The context of the word was that people tend to date, marry and have as “best friends” those who are near to themselves in physical proximity, as in their neighborhoods, schools, churches, activities, etc. It’s a commonsense word for racial separatists, as is the word homogeneous (of the same kind), as opposed to heterogeneous (consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents: mixed) — the unnatural world that describes the America Ryan was raised.
Technically speaking, that’s true, but I’ve always found it difficult to truly feel “American.” Even early Americans, born and raised in America, identified first and foremost as English (or whatever their ethnicity was). Even through the 1770s, many Americans were all about their English/European identity, and their colony/state identity. American identity was very much an afterthought (hence the plea to Join or Die). Even today, American identity often takes a backseat to New England identity, or Texas identity, et cetera.
Being a plain old white American is alright, I suppose – far better than mixed race – but it does feel rather superficial. There’s very little to unite white Americans when compared, for example, to the Dutch or the Welsh. As a New Englander, I don’t feel strongly connected to the people of New Mexico, for example, or its alien landscape, and there’s increasingly less to unite us. We’d be better off seceding into smaller countries.
At the risk of sounding a bit leftist, I don’t think there is a “one hundred percent” anyone. I consider myself as German as they come, but I have also Swiss ancestry, and possibly some French and Polish, as well. Of course we should strive to preserve our separate European ethnicities and identities, but I don’t consider some “other White” admixture in any way a hindrance to that.
I had a friend years ago named Sean Mc—— who was very proud of his Irish identity. He was so damn obnoxious about it that when I asked him a question about Ireland he wanted to know “how Irish” I was. Now this is a guy every bit as American as I am, but since I was considered not Irish enough for him(even though my mother’s parents’ surnames are Collen and Kiniry) he didn’t think I was privy to that info. That type of ethnic purity mindset is toxic to our cause.
The funny thing is he was a total wigger. So I wasn’t as pure compared to his ethnic make-up yet he totally immersed himself in Hip-Hop culture and dated black girls. Whatever.
It has become clear to me that the White Mother / Nonwhite Father combo is the worst.
When the dad is White the kids tend to turn out better. The kids tend to identify with the dad. The mother’s role for whatever reason is relegated to nurturer. We take the lead from our fathers. For better or for worse, that seems to be the case.
This is probably why they shill BMWF couples so much in media (movies/advertising etc) and why they’re bringing in an invading army of black men immigrants and so-called “refugees”.
Ukrainian refugees are now common. They tend to be female, young, and of course, White. (You could even add religious/demure/traditional/conservative to that list – broadly speaking, of course.)
Bringing in female, White refugees isn’t a big problem. They will be subsumed by our men and within one or perhaps 2 generations, practically indistinguishable from a Brit/French/German/Swede/whatever.
But with the nonwhites that isn’t the case. And if its their men with our women that’s even worse. The nonwhite men also tend to leave the woman as a single mother.
I can’t imagine dating a nonwhite. This is not ideological in any sense in my mind. I just have no attraction for non Europeans, even for groups that I admire, like Asians. I would prefer to date a low status white than a high status nonwhite. My attraction for Hispanics is directly proportional to how Caucasian they look. And as soon as they get that waxen look to their skin, like mestizos have, the attraction plummets exponentially. This is involuntary reaction on my part.
Italians and southern Europeans you have to go by phenotype. I think the majority of Italians are European, but as you get really south, and they get very mixed with Turkish, there’s some questionable ones, and IQs plummet in the mezzo giorno. Case by case. We’ll have to have some sort of special bureau that investigates this in the white homeland. How could you exclude the people of Dante and Marconi from Europe?
Dead Can Vote
I believe regional connexions to California, Texas, Florida, or your born and raised in city is more identity-forging of the We, the Us, and our Home, more than american is. Same with Germans and Swedes identify as their nation/localized genetic cluster more so than European. “america” is more of a jewish ready-to-wear brand for export and less a legitimate national identity cause there is no ‘We, the People’ in heterogeneity but strong regional and local character formations among american peoples thru which you become by being from that particular place. forgiato blow should not be an american co-equal to Daniel Boone. I have Italian ancestry but where from, how much, and what else I don’t know, nor anything about my family (who I don’t get along with nor was ever close to) besides having parents with definitive Italian surnames and from a NY area where everyone is out of Sopranos casting. It’s humiliating not knowing who you are with only a probable biolink to the old homeland and linguistically isolated from what should constitute a people. The Mediterranean branch of Europa aren’t “not White” as the purists contend, we are antique White. Golden egg, parchment flax, pale champagney, and tan sandy complexions. Non-south Europa is more floral White, porcelain, peachy, linen lace, and seashell-colored. Neither are oriented afro-asiatically in complexion nor behavior. No sane couple would adopt a black boy after having two White daughters as in my family’s case so I had to inwardly let it go and angrily hope for the safety of those two girls. It crushed me when I heard the news, still does, and I refuse to just accept a terrible decision on their (now divorced) part.
Have you thought about doing 23 and me or one of the genome sequencing sites?
Adopting black children into white families was a big fad in the southeast about a decade back. I think it stemmed from the movie The Blind Side, in which a waspy Mississippi couple adopts a black who turns into a football star. So there’s a self interest in it—they expect sports performance, which is a huge cultural focus in the region, but this is really unfair to the child. Most blacks are not sports stars, much as most whites are not Nobel laureates or billionaires. One couple in my hood had adopted like five black kids. I saw them walking by with the whole gang and they tried to engage me with the children once, and I simply walked by without acknowledging, while making eye contact. I suppose they expected praise.
I did consider the 23 & me but I think it’s an israeli company and I’m not comfortable with them having that information or maybe it’s just distrusting paranoia on my part since zog probably knows everything about us anyway. I’m unfamiliar with other reputable DNA sites.
And if your adopted black child ends up being a sports star you run the risk of him suing your ass and dragging your good name through the mud like that ungrateful bastard did to the Tuohy family.
Regarding opponent for Trump debate: Frodi?
Or maybe Mark Weber?
He seems like more of a Trump-agnostic, i.e., both candidates are bad, voting is pointless. But I think he would still be an interesting opponent.
I don’t get Mark Weber’s attitude towards Trump. I watch Weekly Roundup with Frodi Midjord and Mark Weber, and often I can’t believe their attitudes. On one hand I don’t expect them to be all-out Trump fans, but on the other hand I do expect them to see that we are in a high-stakes situation in America — and in the West in general — and that it makes a VERY big difference who gets into office. Trump is not the old-style Republican. The modern Democrats are far more toxic and destructive to America than they were in the past. Times have changed. Attitudes have to adapt to that change.
I completely agree. I’ve said just that at the GtK chat and got ripped to shreds.
A debate with one of them would be illuminating. Greg must be in deep thought about it.
The White Woman problem: We’re smart and unwilling to pretend otherwise for the sake of some miserable creep and his ego.
This spooky season, I’ve been revisiting the history of Witch hunts. My unfortunate contact with “incel” culture has given me a whole new perspective on those horrific episodes. How do you get sane men to go around murdering whole families, and even whole villages, of women based on a child’s inscrutable word salad? Answer: Of course, you don’t. They were probably sadistic perverts who got off on torturing uppity women to extract a bogus confession and/or watching them swing for twenty minutes after the short drop. Like they say, when you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.
That got me to thinking about something Kieth Alexander said recently. He actually attempted to justify JDV’s race disloyalty by disparaging female students at Yale law school (!) as repulsive and self-evidently unsuitable marriage partners. By all means, whatever you do, don’t make babies with the cream of the crop of White womanhood. Seriously, what to make of this level of stupidity?
I generally make it a point not to believe everything I hear about men and their sexual psychology, but that certainly did leave me with the impression that some men just can’t abide a SIW. (There, I said it!) Is this a common mentality among White men that only slips out when you’re getting on in years and your filter isn’t working as well as it once did? Or is it rather the exception than the rule?
Setting aside Mr. A’s preferences and proclivities, I also can’t help but wonder: with friends like that, just who the hell needs enemies? Here we have a man who claims to be pro-White actively discouraging eugenic mate selection. I have explained this before, but it seems that certain people need a review. In the past, it was believed that women contributed only an incubator and no genetic material to their offspring. We now know that is not the case. Indeed, male children get only one X chromosome from their mothers. The X chromosome is much larger than the Y, which makes a baby turn into a boy and does little else.
I quite agree with you, Mr. Plume, that sometimes it makes sense to overlook things people did in their youth, even when they have very serious consequences that cannot now be remedied. (Very Christian of you, BTW, Mr. Plume.) I also agree with you that race-mixing among those who should know better won’t do at all, and appreciate your clear and unequivocal stand on the matter.
As for the idea that feminism is getting in the way of marriage, and causing divorce by encouraging women to choose men they can’t respect over the long haul, I don’t see how you can reconcile this view with the fact that women’s education is positively correlated with marriage and negatively correlated with divorce.
Moreover, your claim that the problem is not low birth rates, but failure on the part of young people to connect romantically, is not self-evident. Many couples are just living together now. Sweden has a relatively healthy birthrate even though the average age at first marriage for women is ~35. Instead of “first comes marriage,” they just do it the other way around. First comes baby, then marriage. I don’t see this as a problem, so long as the babies get born after all.
Indeed, I’m not entirely sure what the point is if you don’t believe in God as third party to the contract and a simple spit swab will tell you who’s the baby daddy. I suppose it matters for inheritance, but young couples usually don’t have much of anything, and even if they do, they aren’t much in the habit of thinking about dying. After all, that’s something that only happens to other (old) people.
To the extent that young people are indeed failing to connect, I suspect that part of it may have to do with geography. Now, I haven’t done a lot of research about this, but I’ve been bouncing it around in my head lately. Men think there aren’t enough good women; women think there aren’t enough good men. Is it possible that both perceptions are correct, depending on where you live? In most states, there are more young men than women, but then you have to consider incarceration, drug addiction, and the numerical preponderance of gay men over lesbians.
Women are known to be more gregarious and extroverted than men. I suspect this tendency makes them more tolerant of, and perhaps even prefer, higher-density city living. Still, some may be willing to relocate. To find them, I recommend a dating site post something like this:
Move to Alaska and marry me! There aren’t many jobs for women here, but don’t worry. I will support you as long as you’re willing to have children and take care of them full-time. Moreover, I won’t Lord it over you, treat you like a child, call you a gold-digger, or expect you to feign stupidity just because my work is paid and yours isn’t. We’ll be partners, 50-50.
Of course, you’d want to add relevant information about religion, hobbies, interests, etc. to make sure it’s otherwise a good match.
Lexi: October 25, 2024 The White Woman problem: We’re smart and unwilling to pretend otherwise for the sake of some miserable creep and his ego…
That got me to thinking about something Kieth Alexander said recently…. [Something like] By all means, whatever you do, don’t make babies with the cream of the crop of White womanhood. Seriously, what to make of this level of stupidity?
Thank you, Lexi. White women are not the problem.
I think this Mr. Alexander, whoever he is, is not really “one of us,” though he may be right that some of the females who strive to be accepted and “educated” at an indoctrination factory like today’s Yale are a “problem.”
Our Cause desperately needs women, especially intelligent ones of exceptional stock. I just received my copy of the Fall 2024 issue of The Occidental Quarterly journal and enjoyed the piece by Dr. Robert Griffin, “A Commentary on the Life of Jeanette Rankin.” She was the first woman elected to the U,S, House of Representatives, serving two terms from Montana — 1919-1919 and 1941-4943. She voted against the U.S. declaring war against Germany and entering WWI in her first term and was the only member of Congress to vote against Roosevelt’s resolution to declare war against Japan (actually against Japan’s ally, Germany) after Pearl Harbor. The combined Senate and House vote for the resolution was 470-1 for the U.S to enter WWII, with Jeanette’s being the only vote against.
Why have we never heard of her “profile in courage”?
How much better off would our country and the world be today had all of those easily led male legislators followed this intelligent, courageous female’s lead to keep us out of those disastrous Jew wars?
“As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.”
Ah, Mr. Williams, I appreciate the fond sentiments you hold for smart, principled women politicians, but unfortunately, they are often quickly swapped out for very mediocre, to sub-par ones, female ones.
We ladies generally have the most influence over the families we’ve created with our husbands. Sadly, I don’t believe I’ve succeeded in JQing anyone in my home, & not for a lack of trying, or lack of creativity. Without that, the best I hope for is that my sons marry & make families of their own, with good racially conscious, non clot-shot, White women.
Kim: November 17, 2024 Ah, Mr. Williams, I appreciate the fond sentiments you hold for smart, principled women politicians…
I only mentioned the one, Mrs. Rankin. Principled, racially loyal, separatist-minded White statesmen can lead our race with a purpose. Politicians who mainly care about winning their next election, rather than the welfare of our race, will not.
We ladies generally have the most influence over the families we’ve created with our husbands. Sadly, I don’t believe I’ve succeeded in JQing anyone in my home, & not for a lack of trying, or lack of creativity…
Keep trying, Kim. You have the right stuff. We love and protect our racially loyal mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. It is your place in life to raise the next generation of warriors, not to fight in unnecessary wars that are not in our interest.
thank you
Thanks, Wolf. It can’t hurt to emphasize to C-C readers the important position William Pierce occupies in any discussion about preservation of the White race.
While Judeophile Donald Trump is stupidly being called “Hitler and a “Nazi” by Jew-controlled media and his simple-minded Democrat Party opponents — we should wish, Hitler was arguably the greatest racial leader of our race in the first half of the last century and before. Pierce will be recognized as our greatest racial leader of the second half of the 20th century and since. Of whom else can that be said? Maybe the Jew-controlled media and Democrat nitwits should be trying to scare the electorate by calling Trump William Pierce instead of Adolf Hitler.
Wolf Stoner: October 29, 2024 William Luther Pierce has a special place and hardly could be categorized using a common yardstick. The similar situation is with Adolf Hitler, whom it is hardly possible to compare with any other politician. It is the rarest kind of people whose meaning transcends all mundane values and perceptions…
Adolf Hitler is a kind of man whose meaning goes far above his immediate life. He was an incarnation of the White racial spirit. The real Christ of the White race. We can understand the logic of those events only when looking through this prism. The new racial religion is being born in great pain. It couldn’t be otherwise. All great things require great pain and great sacrifices.
William Luther Pierce was the man of the same mold. In some sense his task was even harder than this of Adolf Hitler. Dr. Pierce started to act at the time of relative quietude and prosperity; the worst time for any spiritual efforts and elevated thoughts. He was almost a lone man in a wilderness trying to wake up his race to its senses. There are very few people who have courage to act in such social conditions. It would be much easier for him to live a middle-class life like all others did.
In contrast to all others racially aware politicians Dr. Pierce understood the religious nature of this struggle. But he rejected Christianity as the foundation for racial ideology. The courageous step that was impossible even to consider for anyone aspiring for any place in nationalist politics back then.
Dr. Pierce was a pioneer in many respects. He said things that were inconceivable for others at the time. His judgement was proved to be right. His ideas and vision are even more relevant now. William Luther Pierce wasn’t a politician; and, definitely, he wasn’t a popular blogger. He was a religious preacher and visionary first and foremost; a Prophet of the White race,,,
Yes, in addition to this Dr. Pierce dedicated much of his time and efforts to politics. But he always understood the right set of priorities. The spiritual/religious foundation must always be the first. It must always take precedence of all other things. Neither selfish considerations, nor political expediency, nor desire to please anyone in particular must be the guiding principle of the White racial vanguard. For the race to succeed it must be guided by an immutable spiritual ideal. This understanding defined the whole of Dr. Pierce’s work. He has shown the right path to follow; he established the pattern for all White racial groups on the Planet. He aimed much higher than any other racial leaders… The only identity that really matters is the racial identity. It is the most important factor of life. Only combination of biological identity with spirituality will allow the better part of the White people to create something that surpasses everything that was before.
To follow along this path, you need to abandon the mundane logic and mainstream middle-class set of values. Those materialistic values like a stone on your neck would inevitably drive you down. There are very few people who could dare to do it. It is a hard choice. Only the best few could go along this path….
While we’re discussing the “On William Pierce” portion of this C-C podcast, readers might find the following from back in July from the great Douglas Mercer:
WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come.
George Lincoln Rockwell deserves all of our praise, but he was a swashbuckler and a performer and did not have the intellectual weight of Pierce, something which is necessary to see us through dark times.
Revilo Oliver was an unparalleled intellectual; it is said of him that he had the mind and the manners of a Renaissance prince or polymath combined with the untethered and weaponized language needed to decimate our opponents; Oliver was also not a religious man and as such was unable to go all the way down the path needed.
Pierce was of another ilk; a true intellectual, but a practical one also, concerned with our survival in the real world — and here his background in physics held him in good stead. But in addition to being a thinker and writer and speaker, Pierce was also a visionary, a seer and a holy man, the prophet of our time; he always kept his eyes on eternity; he knew that our destiny was in the stars and that in order to achieve this we needed to plan for the long future. He knew that, for our Creator, the Aryan race was its special and Promethean people; the only people who could bring the Creator’s fire to the Earth and usher in the completion of the cosmos. As such, Pierce, in addition to being a polemicist of rare vehemence, and an artist in words, was also a far-seeing man with the organizational skills to prepare for this endless future.
The National Alliance is now the vessel of the Creator on Earth, its members the worthy heirs of Pierce’s philosophy and religion — the only ones on the path.
All throughout American history, the idea of Utopian or intentional communities has been prevalent; there was Brooks Farm of the Transcendentalists; but our great precursor Poe saw their un-serious nature and their other flaws, and scathingly called them “frog-pondians.”
In our own time, such “communes” are more likely to be of the ilk of “Burning Man” — dedicated only to pleasure and frivolity; or like Jonestown, monuments to one man’s ego, ending in death and destruction. But the impulse to separate, to keep oneself pure, is a noble one; and the National Alliance has first and foremost kept its thought pure with its book Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future and its other equally uncompromising publications; it is building this separate community, and building a library dedicated to its founder and its ideals; it is a community dedicated to keeping the White race pure, and keeping it separate.
Any hope for the future depends upon us being thus separate — in more ways than one; the world today is addicted to its phones and its money and its greed, and is mired in corruption; it has no culture to speak of; it is steeped in immorality and degeneration and degradation; its rulers are vampires and bloodsuckers when they are not inept stooges; it is a world with no beliefs other than “lifestyles” or “comfort” — a fake world of the Potemkin Village. It preaches a weak form of “love and tolerance” and has race mixing as its credo. It has no purpose and no goal, other than political or economic domination; as such, it is a desecration of our lovely blue Earth.
Unlike all previous Utopias or intentional communities the National Alliance community is bound to succeed; the blood is pure and the thinking is pure. And it has aligned itself correctly with the cosmos and the Creator of the cosmos; when the time is right and ripe, this perfect confluence will bear its fruit.
Indeed, so rotten is the world from which we have separated ourselves, it will collapse from within, having no vision and no goal except to produce more and more trash of all kinds.
As such, the National Alliance is uniquely positioned to be the inheritor of the Earth and to achieve the only thing that matters in the end: victory….
Read more of Mr. Mercer “On William Pierce” here: “The Vessel” at
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