When it comes to our struggle against globalism, anti-whiteism, replacement migration (read: invasion), and the other ills of our age, I often find that there are parallels with, and lessons to be learned from, the history of the Irish struggle for independence and nationhood. As this April 24 will mark the passing of 107 years since the Easter Rising of 1916, my mind has again been wandering to that sorrowful and spirited history.
As I was flipping through the pages of some old books on Ireland’s past, I was reminded of something about the Easter Rising which struck me as relevant to what we are living through today: the rebels met with almost universal disapproval, and indeed scorn, from the citizens of Dublin. Perhaps this is something you already knew, but it is worth keeping in mind.
Being European/White Nationalists and race realists, one of the most demoralizing realizations we are forced to come to is that so many of our fellow kin are stubbornly and smugly set against us. Not only are they like turkeys voting for Christmas, and not only do they cluck with delight at the sight of their slaughterers, they then flash their talons at us and attack us for trying to spare them from their fate.
The Dubliners of 1916 — the normies, if you will — opposed the rebels for reasons similar to the reasons why our fellow countrymen oppose us. The status quo back then was good for them. Thanks to British rule, they had jobs, they had a sort of middle-class level of comfort. Why muck all that up? Today’s normie also desires to maintain the status quo because it provides him with comfort and financial benefits, and we can add to this his love affair with the wide variety of “ethnic cuisine” which mass immigration has bequeathed him. Assuming you can get today’s normie to admit mass immigration is even happening, he will then sneer with some variation of the following: “You want to stop immigration into [insert European country here]? Not me. He he, I’d hate to be stuck eating boring [insert European food here]. I’m glad immigrants come and give us delicious food like kebabs and curries.”
Just as we nationalists today are slandered with accusations of being funded or fomented by Putin’s Russia, as was stated frequently during the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency and is still said of nationalist movements and parties across Europe, the 1916 rebels were accused of working under German orders. The “moderate” Irish parliamentarian John Redmond proclaimed of the Rising that Germany “plotted it, organized it, and paid for it.”

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here
In the aftermath of the Easter Rising, the people of Dublin and Ireland at large turned even more sour towards the rebels. Not only were the British companies which they worked for threatened by these nationalists, but buildings had been destroyed and innocent civilians had died, too. All this, while many Irish mothers and fathers were worrying about the fate of their sons fighting in the Great War. They didn’t need these upstarts adding to their concerns.
These things have been on my mind and have given me pause for contemplation. Ireland was under British rule for over 700 years. Some like to go very far back indeed to trace the beginning of our subjugation, but I think we can all agree that since 1945 things have been grim for those of us who believe in sovereign European nation-states inhabited by an insurmountable majority of European people. Quite often we tell ourselves that it’s over, we’re not going to make it, there is no political solution, better to go off-grid, live in the woods, and ride out the coming societal collapse.
There may be some truth to all that. Life in a major city like Dublin in 2023 is not quite the same as it was in the early 1900s. The imposition of high technology and its inherent nefarious second-hand effects has also left us with a multitude of problems that people a century ago didn’t have to contend with. Times are tough. Things aren’t looking great. We may have an inconceivable array of comforts, conveniences, and amusements compared to our forebears hundreds of years ago, but I require some convincing that we are somehow better off than them because of it. In many ways, from physical and mental health, to relations between men and women, to societal cohesion, we are faring a lot worse.
If we take 1945 as the year in which things started shaping into the world we find ourselves in today, that’s a little fewer than 100 years. Is that a long time in the grand scheme of things? Maybe. Maybe it’s just the blink of an eye. I can certainly understand why someone would examine the past 100 years of British nationalism, for example, and come to the conclusion that it has all amounted to nothing. After nearly 100 years, the British right has not only failed to move the ball up the pitch, they have scored numerous own goals. This can be said of the ‘the right’ all across Europe and in the United States. Meanwhile, the globalists and ‘progressives’ have poisoned our nations to such an extent that even the Irish are now happy to sell out their hard-won country to Globohomo.
However, the example of 1916 still lingers. Maybe 1945 was similar to 1169, the year when the Anglo-Normans moved in to Ireland and began what would be their centuries-long occupation. Maybe we are only in the first century of what will be a centuries-long struggle, too. Maybe we are, truly, in an eternal struggle, and just like the men who fought and died on April 24, 1916, and the following days, we are fated to be despised by our fellow countrymen, and not until our deaths will the people see us as freedom fighters and martyrs.
Whatever the future may hold, I could not imagine myself not doing what it is that I do. It isn’t much anyway, but we are in fifth-generation warfare. We are in Marshal McLuhan’s guerilla information war, and there really is no distinction between civilian and combatant. Like members of an outlawed religious sect, it is our duty to work underground, in the shadows, preserving forbidden knowledge and doing what we can to whisper our ideals into the ears of our fellow men. In this age when it has never been easier for someone to create a persona online and use the Internet to get his message out, I would be derelict in my duty were I to remain silent in the face of the destruction of so many things I hold dear.
I don’t deny that things seem very bleak right now, but remember these words you have read today. Get back to me in 700 years and let’s see where we’re at.
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The Germans never invaded England. The invasion of England started after WWII. Lol!
The invasion of England was in 1066, by the French (called “Normans”), since then the Englich are under foreign rule.
The hatred against us Europeans is undeniable & is connected to WWII & beyond:
Germany never invaded England & never intended to. Hitler & the NSDAP wanted a good relationship w/Britain offering even to come to Britain’s defence including military aid. Hitler could have taken the hundreds of thousands of British soldiers at Dunkirk as POWs, yet, he did not; Rudolf Hess flew a solo mission of peace May 10, 1941 to UK, Churchill imprisoned Hess for the rest of his life; (Hess died in 1987).
UK cared nothing for Danzig; or, if they did, sympathized with Germany. It was Poland who continued to rebuff many reasonable offers Germany put forth. The Danzig issue was between Poland & Germany; German’s claim was legitimate & even UK supported it. Danzig was the most justified of German grievances. Lord Halifax (Viceroy of India 1926-1931 & Britain’s Foreign Secretary 1938-1940) never wearied of suggesting that Danzig should return to German sovereignty. Poland refused to yield an inch. Ambassador Kennedy (1937-1940) reported Chamberlain’s feeling to Washington: “Frankly he is more worried about getting the Poles to be reasonable than the Germans”.
Then came the UK’s “war guarantee to Poland”, which was viewed by many in Britain as “reckless”, “turned British policy upside down”, “the maddest single action this country has ever taken”, “[n]owhere in British diplomatic history is it possible to discover a more feckless and fateful act”, “a frightful gamble”, “[i]f the British army general staff approved this, said Lloyd George (UK PM 1916-1922) they ought to be confined to a lunatic asylum”, “foolish”. As for the French, “they thought the British pledge madness”. As for the Italians, the British guarantee to Poland, writes Luigi Villari, was “the most disastrous single diplomatic move”. Many others echoed the same sentiments.
It was the Allies led by Britain that caused & are responsible for the unnecessary World War II, not Germany.
Hitler & his party offered the UK many peace offers & UK rebuffed all of them. The British now say “THIS ISN’T THE BRITAIN WE FOUGHT FOR”, therefore, what exactly was Britain fighting Germany for? Is there any British out there who can explain a reason Britain declared war against Germany?
With the exception of the delusional feminist/homosexual/transsexual fringe most people can only see decline from here. No surprise given that’s what we’re being instructed to believe in films, TV series and games, what passes for literature not to mention the news. Everything is about learning to live with less plus unending helpings of white guilt, cultural erasure and miscegenation propaganda.
Yet here am I happily reading counter-currents and much else and I feel fine. Whatever the future holds I, like Goering at Nuremberg, will face it secure in the truth, with a smile.
Good article.
But, I just do not understand why all the blame for what is happening in the Western sphere is placed on the globalists [ultra-rich of jewish origins], if they only accelerate natural processes.
Let me explain what I mean. The Madison-type electoral republic is a pro-plutocratic political model. This is not a face-to-face democracy with pyramidal nomination of representatives from the bottom up (as suggested by the radical anti-federalist Herman Husband).
Even if history developed in such a way that absolutely the entire economic elite in the Western sphere was native Anglo-Saxon, then individualism and minimal moral licentiousness, as in modern Japan, would still be in the West. Further, the development of military robotics and the concentration of such technologies among private corporations would lead to a situation where it is no longer necessary to maintain the circus of so-called democracy.
But this means getting into a situation where such an elite would have absolute power. Power itself corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Huxley in the Brave New World showed that the elite will create genetically modified people who are stupid and easy to control. This is simple minimisation of dangerous for elite costs such as rebellions etc, quite natural in a situation of general nihilism of our Ages. And this is exactly what the economic elite of the Western sphere would almost certainly have come to, even if they were biologically of Anglo-Saxon origin.
Mixing races today or making genetically dumb isn’t too different.
All of the problems you eloquently delineate would surely still plague us absent jewish power, but if we had a social doctrine which promoted health, fitness, culture and learning and responsible unmiscegenated family formation, we’d be in a helluva lot better position to tackle them. I guess that would literally require a revolution but it might not need to be a violent one.
Everything is under the control of Providence. The term is no longer used by the alt-right. But vain.
On the contrary, I think that the situation is ideal. The sooner chaos sets in, the better.
Besides, chaos is a ladder.
Most of the so-called ‘poor’ in the Third World countries worldwide are exactly the people that this post refers to as ‘stupid and easy to control’, and they are now alive and overflowing the planet today. We don’t need to breed more of them. In fact, we need to find a way to control their exploding populations. But that is just the evidence of IQ which is so obvious, but which the ‘do-gooder’ missionary types try their best to ‘save’ from their poverty. White missionaries are one of our enemies, for they have ‘saved’ the babies that are now flooding our homelands in Europe and North America.
The rich elites referred to in the post are living nicely in mansions set in wooded acreage, far from the madding crowd, while the rest of us Anglo-Saxons et al. are forced to live among the overflowing ‘migrants’, and serve them with food, shelter, schools, and all the finer things of civilization.
We must work to find an end to all this adoration of the ‘poor minorities’ which we are expected to coddle among us. But it is a goal we can only work on undercover and in camouflage. One way we can call attention to the problem is by pointing out the overpopulation in the Third World which is true and honestly a cause of ‘Climate Change’, which is the Woke Crowd’s No. 1 issue, and a way for us to use this issue against them. It’s worth a try.
“In the aftermath of the Easter Rising, the people of Dublin and Ireland at large turned even more sour towards the rebels.”
Really? In my admittedly limited understanding of the Uprising, the opposite occurred; not so much because of the fighting, but because of the courts martial and executions that followed, which created martyrs.
Fun Fact: the British officer in charge of the courts martial was… Col. Blackad[d]er.
“The 59th Division was rushed to Ireland in response to the Easter Rising of April 1916, where Blackader’s new brigade saw its first active service. Following the Rising, many of those believed by the British authorities to be responsible were tried by military courts; ninety were sentenced to death, of whom fifteen were eventually executed. Blackader, as a senior officer, chaired a number of courts-martial, including those of Éamonn Ceannt, Thomas Clarke, Thomas MacDonagh, Patrick Pearse, and Joseph Plunkett, five of the seven signatories to the Proclamation of the Irish Republic. It appears that Blackader found this task difficult; after Pearse’s trial, he is reported to have commented that “I have just done one of the hardest tasks I have ever had to do. I have had to condemn to death one of the finest characters I have ever come across. There must be something very wrong in the state of things that makes a man like that a rebel. I don’t wonder that his pupils adored him.”
If that was the reaction of the man in charge of the executions, what do you think the Irish people thought? But let’s ask the BBC:
“The predictable effect of these measures was to increase public sympathy, both for the rebels and their goals. During May, the police authorities noted even amongst moderate nationalists a growing ‘wave of resentment,’ prompted by the feeling that ‘unnecessary severity had been deployed’. Symptoms of the change in attitudes included the following: the increasing frequency of memorial masses for the executed rebels; the growing sales of photographs of them; the setting up of aid funds for their families; the appearance of songs and ballads celebrating their actions; the ubiquity of republican flags and badges; the sight of young men marching military style at Gaelic football matches, and the shouting of rebel slogans anywhere people gathered anonymously together, such as at railway stations. The government also observed that recruitment levels to the British army had diminished to a trickle.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/easterrising/aftermath/af01.shtml
So much for Blackader’s cunning plan.
the 1916 rebels were accused of working under German orders.
Even if this really was so (Irish nationalists have sometimes collaborated with Germans, the Germans of Kaiser, not of Hitler, should be noted), why it should be considered bad or wrong? If some people want to get their independence, they could use any means possible, incl. foreign aid. The American separatists in the 18th century have got French aid. Poles have declared their independence in 1918 with the German aid, and nobody blames Pilsudski for this. Atatuerk in the Tuerkish war for Independence has got military assistance from the Soviet Russia. But Tuerkey was and is not a communist state, and has never been a Soviet satellite. Yes, Atatuerk has given asylum to Lev Trotsky for 4 years on the Princes Islands (Prens Adaları) as the sign of his and Tuerkish gratitude to this Soviet politician, and there are Soviet military advisers portrayed in the memorial on Taksim Square, but that’s all. Also, the history says, that it is not wrong to ask for a foreign aid and to get it, if your aim is the independence of own people.
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