Edmund Connelly’s essay “Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet” at The Occidental Observer generated intense discussion. We have decided to continue and refine that discussion with a moderated debate. The primary focus of the debate will be the idea of the Northwest Imperative. A secondary focus will be Harold Covington’s writings about the Northwest Imperative, including the novels of his Northwest Quartet.
The basic rules of the debate are:
1. No ad hominem attacks are permitted, not even cute little asides. This is a debate about ideas, not personalities. If a comment has substance, I will edit out personal attacks. If personal attacks are the substance, I will delete the comment and ban the commenter.
2. Pen names are of course permitted, but multiple pen names (sock puppets) are not. If you start logging in under new names to agree with yourself, you will be exposed and banned. (I have no moral objections to sock puppets. But they contribute to an undisciplined, irresponsible, unserious atmosphere, and this is a serious debate.)
3. All the other rules of etiquette, logic, and fair play also apply and will be enforced.
4. All comments must be on topic. Off topic commentary will never see the light of day.
5. Should inappropriate comments slip by, debate participants have the recognized right not to answer them, citing these basic terms of debate, in order to keep the discussion moving forward.
You don’t need a familiarity with the Northwest Quartet to participate in this discussion, just good logic and good manners. However, by way of background, I am reprinting the following text from Harold Covington.
Fundamental Principles of Northwest Migration
H. A. Covington
French translation here
I. The White race in North America is in danger of literal, physical extinction. If current destructive demographic trends continue, White people will be a minority in the United States and Canada by the year 2050, and we will have vanished completely from North America by 2100. The real point of no return, however, is far closer. By the year 2020, the median AGE of the White population of North America will have become so high that we will no longer be capable of reproducing ourselves in sufficient numbers to overcome the tide of mud-colored Third World immigration.
II. We as a people have wasted the past six decades on pointless, futile, and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative organizations and strategies. The overwhelming majority of these past organizations and movements refused to recognize the vital central importance of race in all issues, and they refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race. The few attempts which have been made to resist racial extinction by groups and personalities of an openly National Socialist or racialist nature have been led by men who were stupid, incompetent, dishonest, or some combination of all three. The result of the past sixty years of right-wing failure and impotence is that we are now out of time.
III. There is only one strategy remaining to us which may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the continent of North America for White people only.
IV. Considerations of demographics, economics, and a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.
V. The first step towards the establishment of the Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing racially aware White community to the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is a matter of the utmost urgency that you make this vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you come to the Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order.
I also recommend you look at three other pieces on this site:
- Greg Johnson, Interview with Harold Covington
- Greg Johnson, “Birth of a Nation: H. A. Covington’s Northwest Quartet“
- Michael O’Meara, “The Northwest Novels of H. A. Covington“
So with that, ladies and gentlemen, don your thinking caps. Be patient, however. Since all comments need to be moderated, your thoughts might not appear immediately. So why not take the extra time before you send your comment to proofread it and decide if you can improve upon it or if it should even be published at all?
If this goes well, we might even make a slight dent in the internet’s madhouse, mosh pit atmosphere and show that online discussion can actually contribute to the development of serious ideas and political change.
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Okay, we’re off to the races.
I will be working on Radio Free Northwest today, but I will check in regularly and make the time to respond to the posts. This is actually something of a historic occasion, one of the few attempts on the part of the Movement (or whatever you want to call “this thing of ours”) to use the internet to its full potential to actually exchange serious ideas.
*climbs up ship rigging, tacks his colors to the mast…like….THIS*
There Is No Positive Alternative To The Northwest Republic.
That places a metathematic perspective on what is the last, best hope our Race has on this planet.
I will simply begin by noting what I have said before.
Rockwell’s Model envisioned using the extant political process to work for the representation of the White Race, and worked from the bottom, up. His goal was, in part, the formation of a political party that was devoted solely to representing the interests of the White Race. It starts in Virginia, and ends up in Washington, D.C.
Covington’s Model, as I understand it, sees the extant political process as a testing ground for our developing the future Leaders who will create and sustain a Racial Homeland for the White Race. In contrast to Rockwell’s “bottom-up” model, Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model works from the top, down, in providing the overarching goal that all of our activities must work purposefully to support. It starts where you are, and ends with our Posterity returning to walk Among The Stars.
That’s good enough, for now!
I’ll address Covington’s Basic Points above, directly.
The colors I wish to nail to the mast here is that there is NO alternative to the Northwest Republic as a Homeland for the White Race.
I have asked only one question from Covington’s critics:
What is YOUR alternative, and how do you propose to make it happen?
The one and only response so far has been to suggest we take over and control the cities, and then, somehow, take over and hold the country.
This, from people who can’t “take over and hold” one street corner in South Central.
The Northwest Republic ties together perfectly with the metapolitical project, as the temporal bridge for the metapolitical project, and a place where our Posterity – Children, and Grandchildren – can live where none may make afraid, and may make their Manifest their unique Racial Heritage, a Destiny worthy of Manifestation, indeed.
Want to make the Fourteen Words a reality?
Focus Northwest.
To paraphrase General Robert E. Lee:
“You can do no more, and your grandchildren deserve no less.”
Sorry, I can’t figure out how to capture quotes directly on this site yet, so I’ll cut and paste:
“Rockwell’s Model envisioned using the extant political process to work for the representation of the White Race, and worked from the bottom, up. His goal was, in part, the formation of a political party that was devoted solely to representing the interests of the White Race. It starts in Virginia, and ends up in Washington, D.C.”
True. This was also in the 196os, where such a project was at still feasible, at least theoretically.
“Covington’s Model, as I understand it, sees the extant political process as a testing ground for our developing the future Leaders who will create and sustain a Racial Homeland for the White Race. ”
Mmmm….close enough.
“In contrast to Rockwell’s “bottom-up” model, Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model works from the top down, in providing the overarching goal that all of our activities must work purposefully to support. It starts where you are, and ends with our Posterity returning to walk Among The Stars.”
That’s the plan.
“The colors I wish to nail to the mast here is that there is NO alternative to the Northwest Republic as a Homeland for the White Race. I have asked only one question from Covington’s critics: What is YOUR alternative, and how do you propose to make it happen?
“The one and only response so far has been to suggest we take over and control the cities, and then, somehow, take over and hold the country. This, from people who can’t “take over and hold” one street corner in South Central.
The Northwest Republic ties together perfectly with the metapolitical project, as the temporal bridge for the metapolitical project, and a place where our Posterity – Children, and Grandchildren – can live where none may make afraid, and may make their Manifest their unique Racial Heritage, a Destiny worthy of Manifestation, indeed.
Want to make the Fourteen Words a reality?
Focus Northwest.
To paraphrase General Robert E. Lee:
“You can do no more, and your grandchildren deserve no less.”
My “model” is that of the COLONIAL WAR, a template which has been used both successfully and unsuccessfully over the past century by revolutionaries of all races. The object is to compel a withdrawal from a specific piece of territory by making the continued retention of that territory by the occupying power financially, politically, and eventually militarily untenable. As I say in my novels: “In a colonial war, it is never the generals who surrender. It’s the accountants.”
Such an insurgency undertaken against a United States at the top of its game, or even today, would be doomed to failure. No one disputes that, least of all me. But my (purely fictional, of course) NVA insurgency which I describe in the novels is not confronted with the United States government or the United States military at the top of its game.
I am describing a United States that is both morally and financially bankrupt; a United States whose military is stretched as thin as a spaghetti strand by maintaining over 700 overseas bases and at least three brushfire wars and foreign occupations; a United States burdened with a collapsing economy, massive unemployment, massive foreclosures and home loss as the productive White middle class disappears and the tax base withers away accordingly, bloated and corrupt government so incompetent it cannot even rebuild a major American city after a natural disaster, and a growing population of surly and non-contributory illegal aliens from the Third World who drain the country’s resources like leeches.
I am describing an America in decline that can only “win” wars for a while by massive aerial bombing, and yet is so afraid of losing pilots and the resulting bad PR that they use incredibly expensive drone missiles to blow up weddings and elementary schools by mistake, tactics which realistically would never be used against a domestic insurgency or, if used, would cause such massive PR blowback as to virtually guarantee the success of the rebellion.
I am describing a United States so unsure of itself and its moral authority that even with its military stretched to the limit, it dare not conscript an army for fear the guns would be turned on itself, by any one of half a dozen dissatisfied racial and ethnic groups.
I am describing an America where the President of the United States has to schedule his television addresses so as not to conflict with American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. I am describing a United States where the president quite literally cannot address a classroom full of eight-year-olds without a teleprompter, which must be hauled in and set up by his small army of flunkies and bodyguards.
Needless to say, since the United States of America is the greatest country in the world and has achieved diverse and democratic (as well as Democratic) perfection by electing an African-American to the highest office in the land, it therefore follows that no such United States could ever exist in reality. So just read the novels and enjoy!
You can use the standard “blockquote” template with < instead of quotation marks, etc. Just make sure to preview before posting it.
* * *
I have read the whole Quartet and the three TOQ articles republished here at C-C. My first thought is that I must be thankful to Mr. Covington for something very concrete but so complex that I cannot explain here.
To those who have not read the novels, see some excerpts here.
I have never been a part of a white seperatist movement before, so I have done alot of research before commiting to any one group or school of thought. I do know what I have personally gone through and have seen over the years, and it has gotten much worse for white men and women. If we show any kind of pride in our race, right away it is called racism. We are being forced to intergrate with other races and tensions are rising. They have orgs. such as the N.A.A.C.P and the S.P.L.C, white people have none of that. I Agree with Harold that we need a whites only homeland. A place where we as Whites can live without the forced racial diversity that the Government is putting upon us. As far as the 14 words, I agree.” We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” What man would want less for his children and his race. The 88 Precepts also speak the truth to any race. You can substitute the words “Aryan” and “White” with any other race or color and they would make sence for that race or color of people. Yet because we are white, we are put down and called racest and worse. I believe it is time for our race and our people to take back what made us great and damn the rest. Forced diversity, social conditioning in our schools and through the media will not work for long. I feel when push comes to shove, The poop will hit the fan and the walls will come tumbling down. I for one want to be ready for that.
While the Northwest Imperative may be a worthy goal, so should a New England Imperative consisting of Vermont, New Hampshire, Northwestern Massachusetts and Maine be considered.
The population of these areas is 96% European. There is a fine road network, rail, industry, FARMLAND, industry (Sig, Ruger, etc), a functioning NAVAL BASE and many self sufficient people. If we were able to get the Federal Leviathan off our back we could make quite a go of it.
A Northeast Imperative might make sense for people with ties in the area who would find a move to the Pacific Northwest untenable for family or employment reasons. We are not competing with the Northwest Front, but complimenting it.
There are in fact two existing New England separatist movements already, one in Vermont and one in New Hampshire. The Vermont secession movement is run by a bunch of liberal, hippie-dippy Sixties retreads, mostly lefty academic types who get together in university lounges and pubs wearing tweed jackets with patches on the elbows and turtle-necked sweaters, where they bloviate about fighting the power and how they hate that awful man George Bush, so forth and so on. A lot of them are Jews, and after they got Obongo elected the whole thing seems to have dried up and blown away.
The New Hampshire secessionists are libertarians, and they do indeed have a migration plan, but they are not overtly racial and that kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise. Why secede and take all the problems of America with you? The last I heard they’d gotten about 20 or 30 families to actually move. We’re doing a little better, but to be honest, not much.
If anybody wants to set up a viable and serious New England separatist movement based on the 14 Words, more power to them! Just remember the famous words of A.K. Chesterton: “If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true!”
Miss Schreiber, I agree with you entirely about the idea of a Northeast Territorial Imperative. This need not compete with the Northwest. Just one thing, though,..your idea “complements” Covington’s; it does not “compliment” it.
This comment/ question is for Mr. Covington.
I am familiar with some of your arguments for establishing a White Republic/ethnostate in the Pacific northwest and for limiting that Republic to Washington, Oregon and Idaho. You have argued that the northwest has favorable demographics, natural resources, a deep water harbor and is far removed from the regime’s east coast power centers. You have argued that the distance from Washington DC to the northwest makes it likely the regime would surrender the northwest under the right conditions. You have also argued that limiting the Republic to just three states would make the problems associated with establishing a Republic more manageable.
All that said, there are still well over a hundred million White people in this country.
So why write off the other 47 states?
I agree with you it’s far too late to reclaim the whole country, but writing off 47 states worth of territory seems excessive.
The question of why it is impossible to take back all of America from sea to shining sea is one I have dealt with repeatedly, but I don’t want to fall back on canned answers or referring people to web sites, so let’s just look at one angle: the urgent and increasingly painful necessity we face of doing a lot with a little. Very little.
It is a matter of what we can realistically do with what we have to work with. Bear in mind, I am talking about actually DOING something about the crisis we face, and it’s been so long since that has been attempted that a lot of our people can’t really wrap their minds around the concept, because they are so used to decades of mediocrity, failure, and the constant generation of nothing but endless WORDS. Put simply, the problem has to be reduced to MANAGEABLE PROPORTIONS, geographically, demographically, and politically.
Let’s face it: White Nationalists of all stripes are very thin on the ground, even on the internet. I have said that I believe our internet community numbers something on the order of 100,000 people, but that springs from a very broad and optimistic definition of what constitutes White Nationalism and includes everybody from Skinheads to Christian Identity to sovereign citizen types and militia, all the way to the more aware Tea Party and John Birch types. (Yes, the JBS is still around.)
As far as hard-core racialists go, the number is of course significantly less. If I had to hazard an educated guess, I’d say about 25,000 “hard core” people on the internet and an unknown number, millions, who agree with us but who will simply never get the chance to hear our message because barring some seismic event that catapults us onto every cable network, they will never know we are here.
Now, realistically, how many of those among our present audience will actually DO anything, even a perfectly legal act like moving to the Pacific Northwest?
I state on Radio Free Northwest that we are looking for a cadre of 1,000 people to come here. I didn’t just pull that figure out of the air. I honestly think that number is all we can pragmatically hope for from the people our message is currently reaching.
They will have to be the tinder that lights the fire here in the Homeland, the water that primes the pump, and we can’t spread them too thin on the ground. They have to be organized in cells or units or activity groups or whatever you want to call them, of between four and six serious adult revolutionaries each,so as to provide the essential support system they will need when they become active and the heat ratchets up.
That first thousand bodies are proving murderously hard to find, and we are running out of time. It is essential that this cadre be concentrated in a workable area before serious on-the-ground political activism of any kind and directed toward any end can begin.
Everywhere within the current projected Homeland area is within a day’s drive of everywhere else, and that is really the maximum spread I believe to be practical. We have all (or most of us) known what it is to try and hold events where a tiny number of people drive for days from all over east or west of the Mississippi to attend. Nowhere outside a few major cities, and now our two Primary Settlement Areas here, is there a concentration of even as many as a dozen adult, mature, dedicated, intelligent, and compos mentis White Nationalists. Those we have must be used to the best effect.
For all I know, when The Balloon Goes Up we may in fact be able to glom onto more territory. Hope so. But the initial area of operation has to be of workable size and our targeted White community sufficiently small so that the paltry number of active people we will be able to muster will have an effect. 1,000 people, even good ones, are nothing in a 50-state area of 300 million people. In a three-and-a-half state area with only 14 million (give or take), they can make a difference.
The only argument I have heard against the northwest imperative is that it is merely white flight and that we should stand our ground. The only problem with this is that we AREN’T standing our ground.
Everyone keeps waiting for it to get worse. Worse than what? Worse than something Hollywood can make up? As Detroit and D.C. are turned to ruins. As California, Arizona, Texas and others are being overrun we continue to talk into deaf ears and cast votes in one of the worlds largest game of charades. There are no great collisions. No grand battles in the streets. No men shouting into windows “the webacks are coming!”
We say we’re waiting for it to get worse, we’re waiting for someone else to go first. Well people have been going first for decades; people like Robert Matthews and so many others. Only, you didn’t follow. Now we have people willing to go first again, but we can’t do it alone. You follow?
If you think we should secure the country, GREAT! Why not start here?
In reply to Cognosco:
You wrote:
In reply:
The ground was moved from us when the 101st Airborne went into Little Rock to racially integrate the schools at bayonet point, and only empty, pro forma “opposition” took place against an opposition that plans in terms of decades, and centuries.
With the demoralization process described by Bezmenov well underway, de facto conquest by force of arms was easy, and it forced the Consensus Trance to shift into Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation mode, where the obedience of a whipped dog was praised as a model for Masculine functioning.
We lost ground on all possible fronts, to an Enemy that plans Deep war, designed and funded to last centuries.
We adopted the role of Good Ol’ Charlie Brown trying to kick the football as younger men, and we laugh at
how we have accepted the role ofHomer Simpson, thirty years later.You wrote:
In reply:
I think those on the HBD front have seen how people respond to the cries of “the wetbacks are coming.”
Again, we are battling the Consensus Trance, placed in us by about fifty years of the best conditioning system the worlds has ever seen, color television, and control by the Adversary of the pictures we see, and the words we read and hear.
It takes a real Red Pill Moment to shock you out of the conditioning, and, even then, you are conditioned into a state of learned helplessness, aren’t you, Charlie Brown? STILL trying to kick that football?
We have to be ready with Something Better to replace the Consensus Trance when the Red Pill Moment takes place.
Covington has done more than anyone since Rockwell to make sure we have our own Something Better, and not the conveniently available “Something Better” manufactured for us by our Racial Enemies.
You wrote:
In reply:
Mathews is a perfect example, for several reasons, and I will deal with late later on in this thread.
The particular relevance of Robert Mathews in this response to your post is that he did not have an overarching Theme, a Plan for what to do that encompassed anything more than what he did.
He literally walked into traps – several of them – that were set for him, because, in part, he did not have an overarching Theme to test his actions against.
If you robbed from fifty armored cars, to what end would the money be used, before someone at a federal agency looked at someone and said, “Make It Stop.”
The irony?
Mathews SAW the Northwest Model, in microcosm, before he was suggested into using force against a government that has claimed, and will enforce, a de facto monopoly on the use or threat of force.
Mathews could have done FAR MORE if he had worked with Lane to develop ethnocentric communities, linked into sustainable ethnocentric economies.
THAT would have been the foundation of what in time could have become the Northwest Republic.
And, if people saw it was possible, THERE is the Red Pill for the so-called Wallace Democrats/Reagan Democrats.
Mathews was a Natural Leader, and he would have been perfect as a Senator from, say, Idaho, working for the day he could represent the Northwest Republic to the American Republic.
LEARN from this.
You wrote:
In reply:
It’s too soon to paraphrase Metzger’s “What have you done for your Race today?”
You COULD write the diary entries I discussed above, and Start Where You Are.
It’s a very good place to start.
I get that a lot. “Ah ain’t movin’ nowhar, Hurrold! Ah’m gonna STAND AND FIGHT!”
Okay, when and where does all this “standing and fighting” begin?
My own personal opinion is that the proper time and place to truly stand and fight was Little Rock in 1958, when Eisenhower ordered the troops in to enforce integration at the point of a bayonet. In those days White Southerners still had a natural leadership class, governors and police chiefs and attorneys and clergy and professional men, men of substance in every sense of the term, the same class that took the lead in 1861.
That was the time for the guns to come out of the closet and the Confederate States of America to be re-established. Instead the mobs of young Whites threw a few rocks, and then they went off to the NASCAR track and the burger drive-in and the sock hop to gyrate to Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis. Why bother to fight for freedom when there was a good time to be had? The old American story.
(1) True White Nationalists are a small minority within white society. Our “own” turn on us in a heart beat when we are “exposed”. Therefore we not only face our racial enemies, but the traitors and fools within our own race . We are horribly outnumbered
(2) Tactical Regrouping is a sound military tactic when very outnumbered and yet an avenue to successfully regroup exists. At some point there will be insufficient numbers of us to regroup, and no majority white place to regroup TO. That will be the end
(3) Many serious WNists are already on the ground up here, even if not technically “with” the NWF. At some point they will weigh in at some level because it will be their last tango, put up or shut up
(4) Three ocean ports and many natural resources including the possibility to later add Alaska with it’s massive hidden oil reserves, and it is not incomprehensible that BC could be taken later, depending on subsequent events
(5) As Atzlan rises to the South of the proposed Homeland, they will be a buffer against ZOG. Even if they join in attack they are minimal enemies as far as quality, and their incompetence as allies will be an albatross to ZOG
(6) The PNW is as well armed or better armed with small arms in civilian hands than any other part of the former USA. Many white vets see how nice it is and retire here and my experience is many of them have become defacto WNists by being forced in proximity to muds in the service. We have a mothballed fleet of Navy vessels up here as well, which vets could recommission into our service
(7) The terrain in the West and some in the Northern and Eastern portions of the proposed Homeland are rugged and heavily covered in vegetation, which makes excellent cover, along with the misty and rainy weather in the West which plays havoc with surveillance and ZOG’s tech toys
(8) The detractors of this plan have nothing approaching this concept as an alternative. I dare all detractors to tell us in detail what your plan for our racial survival is, and why it could succeed? If not, you are merely kibbutzing and have nothing positive to offer us for our survival
I fully support the establishment of the white ethnostate, and believe it does truly represent our one best chance not only for racial survival, but for racial greatness, once again.
However, I will enter an objection. Perhaps it is too early to go Home.
The United States has entered steepening decline. Economically, she endures the worst years since the Depression. Commodity prices have risen and are rising – with food being the final chance to gouge from the populace what profits the moneymen can before the end. White families are broken throughout the nation, and the heads of those white families – white men – having no reason to play by the rules anymore, are ‘checking out’ in larger and larger numbers…thus one sees increasing signs of everyday competence as increasingly rare. States are going bankrupt, home foreclosures still stubbornly high.
Geopolitically, the Middle East is now on fire. Other white nations are beginning to challenge the dominance of the United States; such as Russia and Germany.
Antisemitism is on the rise, especially in the most Jew-friendly of countries – America. And this socalled antisemitism is being ignored by the elites…or even originating from them. We now have a mulatto as President, and this event has, more than any other in the last 50 years, racialized whites and made them at least tacitly aware of their own pending dispossession.
In short – revolution is in the air. For many of us not young, who have families not willing to leave and so to care for in these perilous times, the cost of pulling up all stakes and moving now are too great. Communities will be left behind, children (if divorced, which so many of us are) and parents abandoned. Since it is clear we are living in historic times, perhaps it is wiser to sit still for a bit longer, better preparing for the move…which I agree, must happen sooner or later.
In reply to nash 2z:
Thank you for addressing an issue well worth addressing, particularly because it highlights the preeminence of the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model, a template for transforming ourselves, our lives, and, leading by example, our Families and extended Families into the Living Foundation of a New Nation, a Northwest Republic.
You wrote:
In reply:
I am glad you make the critical distinction between “revolution” – which is evolution at a faster rate of change – and “rebellion,” which is the fools way of failing, miserably, against the most powerful military and intelligence services in the history of the world.
The true “revolutions” are bottom-up, in pursuit of Something Better.
Thus, most are very localized in their effect, and that works for everybody.
Some revolutions are much greater, again, without the threat or use of force.
Take how the Jews took over all of American cultural thinking (Frankfurt/New School), the financial system (Federal Reserve, Treasury), and political power (Democratic Party, most of the judiciary, most of the bureaucracy, most of the Republican Party), in less than a century, without firing a shot.
This is the key to why only Covington has The Answer; his Northwest Republic provides us with a series of Analytical Models that allow us to answer the question, “What if we could do it over, and do it better? What would it look like? How would it work?”
The depth of thinking needed to answer these questions as intelligently as the First Founders did theirs requires disciplined depth and breadth of thought and experience.
That’s why I return to VNN/F’s “Hugh,” A World View” thread, as a reminder that the tools are available for us to start where we are to build what will become a White Racial Homeland, a Northwest Republic.
You wrote:
In reply:
I think a good source for such issue might be the examples of de facto ethnic cleansing in American cities cited by Dr. E. Michael Jones.
You need not move NOW.
You need to start preparing to move, when the opportunity presents itself.
Look at the city-data website, for example, and then local newspapers, and then listen to local radio and tv stations on the net.
Then, perhaps, start a blog – easy to do with WordPress- dealing with the civic issues where you would like to live, focusing on your area of endeavor. School? Lots of data, close to hand. Finance? The same. Become an expert on where you will move to, before you make a scouting trip, and use THAT opportunity to network with people in RealSpace. Then, become MORE of an expert, useful regionally, and have someone waiting for you to Take The Gap.
We do not want you to leave your worthwhile relatives behind.
We want you to do well enough that they will all but ask to join you, first for a little sightseeing vacation, and then for a few weeks over the school holidays/vacation, and finally, when there is no “Home” to go back to, to have you suggest that you just happen to have some extra space in the dormer…
You wrote:
In reply:
A poorly planned move works to remove the validity of the Concept altogether.
That doesn’t work for you, your Family, or the Republic.
Start Where You ARE, and begin to prepare for what might well turn from being an option, into the only Choice.
Start Where You Are TONIGHT, by writing a letter to your Grandchildren from the year 2050, for example, telling them of what you DID to make their lives much, much better than yours.
After all, think of what YOUR Grandparents went through to make YOUR life much better than THEIRS.
Family – the Living Foundation of the New Nation.
Focus Northwest.
Mmmm, wouldn’t quite say that revolution is in the air, but I agree, things are more encouraging than they were a few years ago.
But how do we get revolution out of the air and onto the ground and into the streets? I mean for real. (I know, most Americans simply can’t wrap their minds around anything like that actually HAPPENING here, since the last time it was tried was a century and a half ago.)
There has to be a PLAN, and it has to be DO-able.
I would be interested in Mr. Covington’s timetable on all of this. Since, in his novels, the shooting finally started when a fictionalized U.S. government agency attempted to forcably take some white children from their parents, and Mr. Covington seems to be modeling the Northwest Imperative after the events in his books, what then are white people supposed to do after they make the move? Just sit and suffer through the same multiracial pathologies that afflict us in our real homelands (the places where we were born, where we have real roots, a lifetime that formed us, a legitimate ancestral claim. Places where our ancestors sacrificed for our posterity. Some might even call it ‘martyrdom’..), although this time far away from familiar surroundings and a without a genuine connection to the ground beneath us? [. . .] I ask this because there seems to be no real course of action beyond “relocate here”. Relocate and then what? Pass out leaflets? Hang that flag from an overpass, so some kids can spraypaint a dick on it? What and when, is going to be the “decisive” moment, where the physical presence of white migrants becomes crucial? [. . .]
In reply to Christopher Monti:
You wrote:
In reply:
I see one question asked, and another implied.
I can sum them both in one question that I think addresses your real concerns, which I think are quite valid.
You asked the question:
“…..what then are white people supposed to do after they make the move?”
Great question!
Let me ask you to do something tonight, before you go to sleep.
Write out, like you would in a diary, what your best day ever would be like in the year 2050.
Look out your bed room window; what do you see? Why?
Who are you living with? What Goals do you have in common? What do you do to become a more effective member of your Family, and the Community? Where do you go to work/ What do you do? What are the power sources? What are the communications systems like? The people? How do they dress – Duluth Trading or Lands’ End? What tools do you use? Why are they better than the tools you have now?
Write that diary entry TONIGHT, and with it, write another diary entry TONIGHT, describing your typical day will be in 2050 if you stay where you are, doing whatever it is you are doing now.
What makes the two very different words possible?
YOU, and people like you.
You wrote:
In reply:
I’ll make you a deal.
You write those two diary entries, and post them here. Don’t use personally identifying information!
We’ll discuss What’s Next.
It’s up to you.
Incidentally, I am heartened that you do not see yourself as a Victim in all of this.
On Chris Monti’s request for a timetable, I can give one, but not the kind some people might wish. Lacking a crystal ball, I obviously cannot say that the revolution will begin in 2017 and the Republic will be established in 2022 or anything of the kind. This is one of the reasons why I avoided specific dates in the novels.
I can, however, give a series of benchmarks as to the “when”–not by a certain arbitrary date, but when certain events occur. One appeared briefly on the horizon last week–for a short moment it appeared as if the government would “shut down” (which is a misnomer; it would in fact have done nothing of the sort) and certain government functionaries would not have been paid, including allegedly the military.
Last week was a dog and pony show, and meaningless, but one of the benchmarks is when a GENUINE government shutdown comes because the government just plain RUNS OUT OF MONEY, or else they fire up the Federal Reserve’s presses to the point where U.S. currency is worthless, and they can NO LONGER PAY THEIR MERCENARIES, including the military, the FBI, and the alphabet soup of secret police agencies.
I’m glad that moment when La Cesspool Grande runs out of money did not really appear last week, because we are nowhere near ready, and we have to be when the window of opportunity appears.
There is a plan, actually. It is detailed in our Party manual, the White Book, which needs updating along these very lines now that we are in fact starting to get a few boots on the ground up here. I intend to get to work on that and get a properly printed version done available for public distribution sometime this year, as opposed to the hand-bound and photocopied private versions we have now.
Okay, I’m going to violate my own rule here and do a little cutting and pasting regarding the four-phase plan, just the headers and not the extensive commentary on each phase from the White Book:
The Four Phase Plan
The Butler Plan consists of four broad aspects or phases involving the creation, the buildup, and the operation of the Northwest Front. These phases are not nailed to any given time frame so much as they entail a specific kind of activity and an agenda of goals or benchmarks to be achieved. All four phases will be simultaneously ongoing in the various Party units around the Homeland, and at any given time the NF will be involved with issues relating to any or all of these phases. There will be a lot of overlap.
Phase One: Relocation of the better elements of the existing racially conscious White community to the Homeland.
Phase Two: The formation of the Northwest Front as a fighting revolutionary Party. This Party must engage in massive, serious propaganda and missionary work among native Northwesterners and organic migrants.
Phase Three: The insertion of the Party into actual politics, and the creation of a bona fide political movement for Northwest independence.
Phase Four: The seizure of state power through the creation of the Northwest American Republic in the power vacuum created by the collapse of the United States.
The overall answer is that while a new migrant’s first task is to get settled in, get employed, and start sinking roots in the community–just as the first settlers of the thirteen colonies had to build their log cabins and put turkey and corn bread on the table before they thought about rebelling against King George, a process that took 168 years–no, once they’re settled in and a local support system has been built, they won’t be just sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for The Balloon To Go Up.
I’m favorably biased toward a Northwest Republic because I live in Oregon, but I just spent a little time on Google Maps getting a global overview of the situation, and a question jumped out at me: Why not make the leap?
Alaska is geographically isolated from the United States. It has a very short history of being part of the U.S. It’s very close to Russia, which seems to to be in a stronger geopolitical situation than the U.S. and is more likely to be favorably disposed to white nationalism than any nation I can think of.
The climate and terrain are cold and rough, but that would be an evolutionary advantage for people who evolved in Northern Europe. Conversely, that’s probably why old N.Y. Jews go to Florida to die. And sure enough, if you look at a map of North America you will see that Alaska is the continental antipode of the Jew haven, but MUCH larger. In fact, it seems to be over twice as large as Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Montana combined.
How about that?
Food production for Alaska is a huge problem. Now oil could be traded for food – but it could be blockaded. Alaska is a prize that ZOG will not easily relinquish as it has at least a 500 year supply of oil for North America, and more if you believe in abiotic oil vs the fossil fuels propaganda. Google Lindsey Williams at youtube. IMO Alaska would be a secondary target after a NWR was formed, consolidated and ZOG weakens further. I also believe that possession of British Colombia would be nearly essential in this endeavor so that an ocean blockade could not stop the flow of oil
Mr. Covington,
First I want to address your principal points one by one. Afterward we can dive into the meat of what really constitutes “white community”, “white independence” and “white self-determination”.
My strongest objection is you are – and very intentionally – confusing regained white self-determination and degrees of independence with the limited Northwest Republic & Migration scheme in the white public mind. Therefore to shoot down all concepts of self-determination in any form it is only necessary to target the NW Plan sitting duck.
This TOQ article is the most recent example of what happens when the Butler Plan becomes the poster child for White Independence:
Mr. Baird Peterson adduced a host of cogent reasons arguing against the NW Scheme. But in his mind and his readers’ minds these objections extend to all forms of secession and enhanced independence. We are merely left with TOQ’s racially tinged Republican Conservatism.
In these circumstances I think it is incumbent upon you to either answer Mr. Peterson’s objections or admit that the NW plan is not the only possibility.
I. The White race in North America is in danger of literal, physical extinction.”
Agreed. Stop. What are the causes of this? Until we conduct a detailed examination of the causes of this it is impossible to consider possible cures.
Nevertheless, precisely how does the Butler-Matthews-Covington plan address this? Part of The NW Plan in its present form includes a subdued call for a renewed Order/IRA style insurgency campaign to establish some form of political independence.
For three decades there has been a background thought in the non-movement. This is the idea that if The Order had had 10 times as many members and cells as it did, and had these operators used better tradecraft and fieldcraft, then they could have succeeded in sparking a revolutionary guerrilla insurgency. The seductive part is that this conclusion might well be true. But only for the circumstances of 1983. And unfortunately we don’t have a Doc Brown style DeLorean time machine we can use to alter events.
In my professional opinion the march of time and technology has doomed such an illegal scheme to early practical defeat. But even if it could succeed the tactics you have outlined guarantee it will be a very protracted war. This is the nature of low intensity conflict. I think it’s a certainty that white birthrates in the theater of operations would further decline during this period (7 years. 10 years? 20 years?) of low intensity warfare.
“II. We as a people … refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race.
We are discussing independent sovereignty here. Many racial subgroups have existed for centuries to millenia without having it. The Kurds, Chechens, southern European Slavs and Czechs all come to mind.
But lets dive in. In the nuclear industrial era real independent sovereignty has two mandatory prerequisites:
1. The secure possession of a nuclear strike force that can survive a first strike in sufficient condition to inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy in a counterstrike. This means more than one warhead and even more than 20 warheads.
2. 100% fuels and energy independence.
How does the NW Front intend to satisfy these conditions?
III. There is only one strategy remaining to us
Only one? This is an extraordinary claim. In engineering and the sciences such claims have the burden of producing extraordinary proof. Would you please produce it?
IV. Considerations of demographics, economics
These need far more specificity. For my part I say the demographics are completely wrong. The whites in Oregon and Washington are the original Deep Blue state SWPL folks for the most part. And the “economics” are virtually non-existent.
and a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.
This is a rhetorical appeal to emotion.
These people may deserve the dedication of memorial roads, bridges, government buildings, parks and holidays after Victory. At the present time these names only call for brutally candid after action reviews to ensure the demonstrated mistakes are never repeated. They do not provide a single reason to copy what demonstrably can be disastrous tactics.
V. The first step towards the establishment of the Northwest American Republic
Our real history has been so buried by the Jew’s agit-prop that it’s apparently now forgotten that the earliest English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts experienced high rates of starvation and death. This was entirely due to the poor preparation of the colonists to establish real self-sufficiency. The first step is for would-be independent whites to learn materially useful vocational skills as individuals.
In reply to XPWA:
You wrote:
In reply:
There’s no “confusion” about what Mr. Covington has done.
“White self-determination and independence” are not conflated solely with the Northwest Republic.
Rather, the Northwest Republic is a symbolic shorthand for the best possible tool to deal with what ends “white self-determination and independence” would best, indeed necessarily, support.
You can be as strong a supporter of “white self-determination and independence” on any street corner in South Central, or Compton, and it will bear bitter fruit.
Because social growth requires a social order; white social growth requires a white social order, and ONLY the Northwest Republic is formed explicitly, from its inception, to serve the best interests of the White Race, and ONLY the best interests of the White Race.
You wrote:
In reply:
Under Dr. Johnson’s astute administration, we do not do board wars here.
Baird can come over here on his own, and speak for himself.
You wrote:
In reply:
Asked and answered, particularly in reference to Immigration Reform Act of 1965, the open support of the Reconquista by the State, and the cultural warfare that aided and abetted the demoralization of the White Race.
You wrote:
In reply:
You just shifted topics midway through that paragraph.
To answer the relevant question of the preceding paragraph, the Northwest Republic will not have illegal immigration, the inverted immigration act of 1965 will not have force, and the cultural war that led to the demoralization of our young, family-creating families will not have grounds to stand on, as they will be counter programmed, and parents will be able to afford to have families.
The hidden costs that work against family formation, such as DINK’s – double income no kids – buying up the most desirable housing closest to the “good” schools – will be removed.
You wrote:
In reply:
The only person who thought The Order might be able to spark a guerilla style insurgency was the ONLY person who thought The Order might be able to spark a guerilla style insurgency.
Per Dr. Johnson’s ground rules, I won’t mention names.
Per common sense, I shouldn’t have to.
You wrote:
In reply:
Again, as Mr. Covington has observed, the threat or use of force in his novel s, his works of fiction, are just that – fiction, and any resemblance to any living person is purely coincidental.
Note that such use of force as is mentioned in Mr. Covington’s use of fiction is defensive in nature; never do the NW people initiate the use of force.
Note further that low-intensity conflict is the most effective form of conflict, over time, as the Cultural War has demonstrated. Control the words, control the pictures, and you control the Mind.
Make a safe place where none may make afraid, and women will welcome the opportunity to be mothers.
You wrote:
“II. We as a people … refused to recognize the urgent need for state power in order to preserve the existence of our race.
In reply:
“Survive,” yes, but flourish, Do Better, build Civilization, reach for the Stars?
We can, and must, Do Better, MUCH DAMN BETTER.
You wrote:
In reply:
Concerning weapons, there are sources of military power, exclusive of atomic weapons, that are much more effective, and much cheaper. The most casual review of military blogs/national security blogs might be useful in putting together a working hypothesis.
There are enough damn fools thinking in just such terms tonight, even as we speak.
I will not discuss such matters.
Neither should you.
Concerning energy, in addition to geothermal and solar, the Northwest offers the most efficient energy source of all, clean hydro, and particularly, clean microhydro.
Note that there are all manner of dams throughout the Northwest Republic, of all sizes, and very few of them are set up for hydroelectric production. Simple conversion of them, particularly those near the end of their construction life, is a matter of simple engineering. There is a LOT of cheap, clean energy to be had this way. the useful life of the new dams (and roads, by the way) would be enhanced by decades by the use of SuperCrete; concrete mixed with fly ash, a waste product of industrial incinerators. This would add about 5% to the cost of construction, and would extend the lifetime of the finished projects by decades, lowering capital costs and replacement costs dramatically.
Triple bottom line thinking, and triple plus good!
And, in time, Hyperion reactors could generate heat and power for small communities. Being modular, and inherently safe, they are ideal, as are Toshiba 4S reactors. Additionally, Thorium has already been demonstrated as a feasible reactor power source by Rickover more than half a century ago.
All of this is after adopting the superinsulation standards for residential and commercial construction.
Monolithic domes would also work very well.
You wrote:
III. There is only one strategy remaining to us
In reply:
We are still looking for anything better.
If you find it, do let us know.
You can start using it in South Central, and expand to Compton.
Call us when you make it to Los Angeles, new capital of Alta California, home of the Reconquista.
You wrote:
IV. Considerations of demographics, economics
In reply:
I suspect that, for some people, there will never be enough “specificity.”
The Deep Blue people will change fairly quickly, as the world that made Deep Blue possible implodes, causing not Deep Red, but Deep RIGHT, to come forward.
Families change everything.
As for economic feasibility, the “economics” are there, particularly from a resource based perspective.
See the energy example I gave above, and note that a modern economy requires cheap energy, and a lot of it.
The Northwest has it, and it scales very well, too!
You wrote:
and a history of commitment and martyrdom in the persons of Bob Matthews, Sam and Vicky Weaver, and Richard Butler dictate that the territory for this sovereign Aryan republic must lie in the Pacific Northwest.
In reply:
Point well taken, and they do require us to look at the first issue to be discussed in the after-action review – we will even use 5 part paragraphs if you like.
What they all had in common is that they all took for granted the Government would play by their understanding of The Rules.
The loss of Robert Mathews is particularly tragic, and it is our duty for it to be particularly educational.
Again, the example of VNN/F’s “Hugh,” in the “A World View” thread, is illuminating.
On the other hand, those who look to the South look to a past that never really was, and a track record of bitter failure, all the more so now that the boundary of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo have now been Reconquered.
Focus Northwest – focus on a better, brighter Future!
More on Mathews before this thread is finished.
You wrote:
V. The first step towards the establishment of the Northwest American Republic
In reply:
See the thread by VNN/F’s “Hugh,” A Better World.”
The foundation of the Northwest Republic will be the development of a critical mass of Better People, who started where they were, and made something of themselves.
It was only after enough of these people got together and Did Something, that the Longview Conference took place.
The Mars Colony took a bit longer.
There are just under 200 sovereign nations on the planet today. How many of them satisfy XPWA’s “mandatory prerequisites” for sovereignty, namely:
By these standards, the US does not have sovereignty. Russia is probably the only nation that fits the bill. Which pretty much proves that this is an arbitrary red herring.
XPWA’s criteria for the Northwest Republic’s viability is predicated on his unstated understanding that a muscular effort to snuff it out of existence would be mounted. It is not unreasonable to expect the Republic would be attacked militarily at least as vigorously as was Serbia. Was Serbia able to withstand the might of the American military; did Serbia withstand the might of the American military? Even assuming Serbia could have potentially, she did not.
@ “Even assuming Serbia could have potentially, she did not.”
And there’s the rub, since if the new nation is attacked its moral would be skyrocketing-high just after its creation. Unlike the Serbs: who gave up prematurely instead of awaiting for the US army to intervene though an impossible mountain terrain. I remember the military advisors in 1999; I was in England then. All of them were awaiting that Clinton’s bombing would move Slobodan Milošević to resign without any actual contact with the all-terrain Serbian forces. Slobodan resigned because the poor man obeyed his wife.
Nothing of this sort would happen in the Northwest just after its creation.
History is filled with examples of successful secessions and colonial liberation struggles as well as unsuccessful ones.
One can multiply analogies and disanalogies indefinitely. Let’s not forget that Serbia was the rump of an empire fighting to retain territory after multiple successful secessions. Perhaps the Russians and the Chinese will play the same role in the breakup of the American empire as the US played in the breakup of Serbia’s empire.
Analogies like these are interesting, but they don’t really lead to any strong conclusions, especially on this level of generality, where they function more as red herrings. You need to understand the NW imperative FIRST before you can know what analogies are illuminating.
In reply to Captain Chaos:
You wrote:
In reply:
Efforts to “snuff the (White RACE) out of existence” are already well underway, and have been for more than half a century.
The analogy with Serbia is poor; Camp Bondsteel remains an expensive burden for American forces who began with an air campaign, which didn’t quite succeed in Vietnam, then, or in Libya, now, where The Colonel seems to have forced us to come to terms – on his terms.
The least of our concerns is open military assault against what is an openly peaceful movement, along the lines suggested by VNN/F’s “Hugh.”
The rare use of force mentioned in Mr. Covington’s novels is (1) fictional, and (2) defensive only.
The more correct question is, what do we have to offfer that can not be found anywhere else?
The answer is, at the end of the day, the universal organizing principle for Mankind – a safe place to raise White Children, and support White Families, where none may make afraid.
That is a more powerful force than the military of any power.
A better metaphor would be the Mormons under Brigham Young.
Yes, Johnson’s Army came to conquer; however, the LDS people followed the Prophet, and, in time, Johnson’s Army left, as the Army had other things to do, elsewhere.
The LDS people continue to manifest their instrument of expansion, and seem to have done quite well for themselves, turning a desert into Our Beloved Deseret.
They bent like a willow in the wind; bent, but did not break. In turn, in time, they became a wall of willows, and a wall against the wind, providing safety for those they surrounded, nurtured, and protected.
Incidentally, the FLDS Family that was such a concern for Child Protective Services recently did quite well economically, and their children were all home-schooled, and very well adjusted.
That is an example we would do well to follow.
In fairness to the scenario Covington paints in his novels as presumably what he believes to be the necessary conditions for the Northwest Republic to be achieved, the America which would be opposing the creation of the NR is not the same America we experience today, but an America more decrepit and many times more widely viewed as irredeemable and illegitimate. Before enough will dream the Iron Dream, first the American Dream must be viewed as deader than a doornail. The choice must be clear: to act with a chance for a future or to not act and have no future.
Even if the NR never comes to fruition, the value of advocacy for it at present lies in its vision of a better future than can now possibly be had under the existing dispensation. It is a totem which discredits the trajectory of the extant order by contrast. If this essential perception can be sufficiently magnified, perhaps the NR idea can act as the catalyst of its own eventual realization.
Baird Peterson’s critique basically boils down to the claim that if we try for a NW homeland, we’re going to get in trouble. The Feebs won’t like it. They’ll get us. We might get hurt. Just look at what happened to the Baltic states! (No, not when they gained their independence from the Russian Empire and again from the Soviet Empire, but only when Stalin invaded them.)
His argument smuggles in at least two premises: (1) that Covington and other advocates of the NW homeland are stupid enough to challenge the US government at full strength, and (2) that the US government is always going to be strong enough to hold this empire together. Both assumptions are false.
The United States, like every society that has ever existed, will age, sicken, weaken, and die, and the end could come as suddenly and unfold as quickly as the USSR’s. So it behooves us to start thinking through post-collapse scenarios and building the basis of a new order today. That requires both deep thinking and real world community building, and Covington, to his credit, is doing both.
The United States, like every society that has ever existed, will age, sicken, weaken, and die, and the end could come as suddenly and unfold as quickly as the USSR’s.
This is absolutely true, but when it happens here it will make the events in eastern Europe look like a polite tea party. Of that I am sure. At least the Russkies and other peoples around them had a history of being able to live on cabbage and potatoes and had some capacity to pick up and carry on. Not here, matey. No coffee? No microwaveable whatever in a plastic package? No strawberries from Argentina in January? WAH! Think of it – tens of millions of prescriptions for antidepressants unfilled. What will this look like? Anybody want to follow me to Jonestown?
ExPro White Activist
Yup. And that pretty much says it all.
After all the thousands and thousands and thousands of words churned out against the Northwest Republic, that is pretty much all the No No Nanette No You Mustn’t position boils down to–continuation of the endless status quo of blogs and web sites and usually anonymous internet handles. Maybe occasionally a furtive little meeting in a rented motel banquet room somewhere, under a pseudonym of course, lest the local lefty scum call in a bomb threat, frighten the motel manager and make him come charging into the middle of the speeches to chase us all out into the dark parking lot. How often has that happened to you folks reading this? More than once, I’ll wager.
So the years pass, and our heads grow grayer and our shoulders more stooped, and eventually “our kind” start to die out around 2030 or so. Some of us will probably fall in action, collapsing with a stroke or a coronary or kidney failure over our keyboards.
That can’t be, people. That must not be. We don’t dare let that happen. We don’t have the right to do that.
I’m all ears. Show me another REALISTIC possibility.
The only one I’ve ever seen is Eric Thomson’s idea of a kind of White I.W.W., a massive syndicalist-type labor union of the majority of White workers in America that will eventually bring down the System with a general strike.
Okay, maybe, although not one jot of effort has ever been applied to actually DOING anything with this idea.
But suppose we could manage to paralyze the country with a general strike? What then? What, exactly do we do with the 100 million or so non-Whites, mostly young, who will inhabit the continent by then? What military force will we use to back us up, when the U.S. military will be by that time fully in enemy hands and their black, brown, and sodomitic troops will turn their guns on the strikers without a moment’s hesitation? How do we re-establish the United States in some form approximating what it was in, say 1900 or whatever we decide the idealized target era is? And some people think SECESSION is impractical?
We have been “examining” this issue for 80 years, and we’ve come up with some damned good theoretical ideas and some books which, in my view, verge on greatness, like IMPERIUM and WHICH WAY WESTERN MAN. The number of people who have read these works is minuscule and they have exerted no practical effect whatsoever on real-world events.
(Well, of course, I can admit to no such thing. To so so would be against the sacrosanct LAW of our lords and masters, but let us assume for the sake of argument that I am indeed the kind of wicked person who would do something like that):
As much as I respect and admire men like David Lane and Bruce Pierce, et. al., I do not agree with the above proposition, and I have attempted to convey this in my novels without actually criticizing them in public, which would have been tasteless and beside the point.
In my opinion the Order made several serious strategic mistakes, the primary one being to launch a military campaign with inadequate (frankly, nonexistent) political and propaganda preparation. Mao said that the guerrilla is a fish and the people are the sea in which they must swim. All of the efforts of the Northwest Front at present, are devoted towards completely legal activism in order to create that friendly sea in which, at some future date when times change, certain predatory fish may swim.
They also erred in immediately beginning with things like armored car robberies, etc. which allowed the enemy media to portray these men as nothing but criminal stick-up artists. To the best of my knowledge (and I may be wrong; it’s been 25 years, remember) the one truly insurgent act they committed was to whack that Jew talk show host in Denver.
Lacking adequate propaganda and social preparation of the population, a guerrilla group can to a certain extent hope to make up for that through “propaganda of the deed,” although the Joseph Stack incident of last year shows that White Americans don’t seem to respond to that, either, possibly because for some mysterious reason all the actual IRS agents in Austin were conveniently out of the building at ten o’clock on a weekday morning and besides himself, Stack only immolated one hapless negroid janitor. (Shades of the BATF office in Oklahoma City!) But armed robberies do not constitute “propaganda of the deed,” no matter how much the cause needs money.
What one man can devise, another man can circumvent. I dealt with some of this in the novels and am dealing with it further in “Freedom’s Sons.”
I agree. The I.R.A. fought the British to a standstill in the Six Counties, but it took them 30 years to do it.
Another argument for the establishment of a Homeland and keeping the problem to manageable proportions. As one of my characters in “The Brigade” says (paraphrasing here): “You think we can overthrow the government of the United States with 1,000 people?” and the Volunteer commander replies, “No, I’m saying that 1,000 people can start a colonial war and keep it going long enough for the accountants to surrender and force the federal government to cut their losses by detaching three states in what they consider to be a primitive backwater in any case.” Achievable goals and workable parameters, people.
Mmmmm…damn, I know this sounds like an evasion, but I now have about 110,000 words done on the fifth novel, describing the first 50 years of the Northwest American Republic’s existence, which is being written precisely in order to deal with these very issues which many people, such as yourself, feel to be largely omitted in the Quartet.
In addition to which, as I sit here tap tap tapping away, something has come up that I need to deal with immediately, and that’s another sign I wish I could convey to you folks without telling too many tales out of school and letting cats out of the bag. We are starting to build an honest-to-God org up here and I am constantly interrupted in my writing and babbling by actual organizational and political work, which is a problem I don’t think anyone else in the Movement has these days, if I do say so myself.
Anyway, I need to take a break and deal with this. Tell you what. It’s not usual for writers to pass first drafts of their work around to all and sundry, but I am doing so to make sure that if I get busted or I drop dead, the whole book isn’t sealed forever in the tomb of my hard drive. E-mail me at [email protected] and I’ll send you what I’ve got thus far on “Freedom’s Sons” in MS Word attachment, or if the file is too big for your ISP to accept I’ll upload it to Sendspace tonight.
Debate rules, very good idea, thumbs up for that.
1. I don’t agree with the migration idea (yet) but i do believe in “let a thousand flowers bloom” and see what works. It’s not neccessary for everyone to agree before anything can be done. It’s only neccessary for those *who do* agree to pick *their* thing and start doing it.
2. This may be moot but in principle i don’t think a migration target should neccessarily be based on current demographics. In reality White demographics are that White people with a lot of direct experience of diversity would be a lot more use in a conflict than those without. I’d say more critical would be water, farmland, sea access, defendability, natural resources, more or less in that order. The Northwest may have this.
3. “We as a people have wasted the past six decades on pointless, futile, and impotent right-wing and kosher conservative organizations and strategies.”
I think the root cause of the problem is cultural manipulation and that manipulation effected the bulk of the White population to differing degrees. WNs develop strategies aimed at appealing to the minority of the population who are the least susceptible to that manipulation or who have broken out of it. Conservatives simply adapt themselves to the end result of that manipulation. A third option would be to try and beat the other side at the cultural manipulation. I don’t think that 3rd option has been fully tested yet so i’m not as pessimistic over the amount of time left, yet.
Yes Wandrin. It seems you are envisioning a reverse version of the Gramscian “long march through the institutions” as a strategy that can both preceed any NW migration, and be concurrent with it as well.
The “we” that has lost ground has lost due to the success of the Gramscian Long March, which is essentially a strategy of using the convention-validated institutional “shells” as a container for a new “essence”, a trojan horse if you will. Those institutions are still present, but have been well defended against a reverse takeover because the people occupying them are well aware of that potential, and have taken measures to fortify their position with psychological conditioning which allows them to identify “outsiders” early on and eliminate them.
The government and educational institutions are pretty much “gone” for the time being, but the key to their power is still hanging out in a manner which can be attacked. The only thing that allows them to maintain their power is their supposed “legitimacy”, and that can be attacked in a variety of ways. Now that most newspapers have online versions with commenting, almost any institution can be legitimately “de-legitimized” with careful wordings which present the reading public with a peek at their internal contradictions and their double-standards. Most White people, at a deep level, HATE double-standards, and will allow their beliefs in the legitimacy of an institution to be put in question, even if only subliminally at the start.
I’m not against any group of Whites getting together and forming a collective, self-aware presence anywhere in space-time, but do see a need for cutting the “legitimacy legs” off of any local institution which spouts anti-White propaganda and forms the local mind into an anti-White weapon.
This is not a chicken-egg decision to be made about which should come first. I see them as concurrent efforts. Wage the war in two dimensions: form physical nodes and network them for mutual strength and defense economically, and at the same time engage in ruthless delegitimization work that calls into question ALL the institutions that are strongholds of the enemy force.
The NW Front affords an outlet for activists who are able and willing to relocate, and whose self-understood strengths focus on a local community. Even as this proceeds, there will be a necessary “front” where the legitimacy of the anti-White institutions can be attacked … with the goal of making them “shaky” in the minds of the public, and creating a bit more breathing room for the formation of networked physical nodes of Whites.
This is called “entryism” by the lefties, and it has been used to great and deadly effect against us over the past 100 years by them and their Jewish allies. Trouble is, we lack the necessary 100 years to counterattack in this manner. Plus, once we do “sneak up on the Jews” and maybe get a few people elected, what to we do then in the context of what the world will be like by the time we succeed in order to GET RID of all the people who are causing the problems?
Mr. Covington;
Yes, I understand the dynamic of “entryism”, and also understand that their long slow march, timewise, isn’t available to us at the stage we are in. I also understand that “they” have sentinels guarding the gates of these institutions because they know only too well that it’s possible to pursue their strategy in reverse.
My point is, at this stage in the game, rather than trying a strategy of “entryism”, we should seek to destabilize the credibility of those “shells” they have occupied. By pointing out the internal contradictions of the decrepit system, at a specific level of a given institution, we can put its legitimacy into question in the minds of fellow Whites.
I don’t argue this as an alternative to your NWF, but as a concurrent front both outside of the NW (or wherever White nodes form) and inside the space where those nodes form. The process of delegitimizing the occupied structures opens up clearings, both physical and psychological, for those of our people who are dissatisfied with the way things are, and “on the edge” where they can be tipped. Currently the main reason they don’t “tip” is because of the consensus that the current institutions are legitimate. Once that legitimacy is under relentless attack in all aspects of the MSM comment streams, that shakes the belief that the consensus is solid.
We need BOTH node-formation, ala NWF, and delegitimization work. I’m not even interested in “sneaking up on the jews”, which is probably impossible anyway. I’m interested in seeing a growing number of people start undercutting the credibility and legitimacy of the “carrier waves” of the jewish modulation of reality. We may not be able to take over the media at present, but we can make their writers, editors and enablers look like the liars they are, and in public. That has been happening more and more these days, and is having an effect.
We keep attacking legitimacy, and you keep encouraging node formation.
“The only thing that allows them to maintain their power is their supposed “legitimacy”, and that can be attacked in a variety of ways.”
Yes. We don’t have the option of a long march but the institutions they captured have both brute force power and power by assent. We can take the second away and then it’s a whole new board game.
“This is not a chicken-egg decision to be made about which should come first. I see them as concurrent efforts.”
“My point is, at this stage in the game, rather than trying a strategy of “entryism”, we should seek to destabilize the credibility of those “shells” they have occupied. By pointing out the internal contradictions of the decrepit system, at a specific level of a given institution, we can put its legitimacy into question in the minds of fellow Whites.”
Okay, let’s say we do that and we put the legitimacy of certain institutions or indeed the entire federal government into question. Some might say that’s already been done, but this gets into the difference between credibility and legitimacy in people’s minds, which is a lengthy hair I won’t try to split at the moment. So fine, we have large numbers of White people feeling that the federal government and many if not all of its institutions are illegitimate.
Then what?
What, exactly do we DO to REMOVE these illegitimate institutions? Post like hell to all kinds of blogs? Wait until the next election which will offer not one single candidate remotely serving White racial interests?
At what point does all of this cease to become a matter of theoretical discussion and become a matter of pragmatic, real-world statecraft–revolutionary statecraft–aimed at bringing about actual, physical change in the world?
For those that wish to review past Radio Free Northwest episodes or get some background on this topic, here is a list/link of each episode with the topics covered. Sept 23 is a FAQ episode and a great starting point if you are new to this topic. I imagine many arguments that readers wish to pose have been addressed at some point i.e. enclaves, formal membership organizations, mainstreaming, etc.
April 7: The Kingfish Huey Long of Louisiana, the coming Great Debate on Northwest
Migration, health and nutrition with Gretchen the Librarian.
March 31: Eulogy for British Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley; practical issues about
Northwest Migration, including the Northwest climate, employment prospects, and housing.
March 24: The American attack on Libya; a belated birthday greeting to Commander
Rockwell; religion and Demon Weed in the upcoming fifth Northwest independence novel.
March 17: The arrest of Kevin William Harpham in Spokane’s bizarre Bionic Backpack
incident, why America will lose, and a homily on why Francis Fukuyama is full of
horse hockey.
March 10: Latest developments in the Edgar Steele trial, the creation of an interest-free
banking system in the Northwest American Republic, and a bit of “The Plan” revealed.
March 3: The American Dream versus the Iron Dream; events in Wisconsin; the kind
of men and women needed to free the Homeland and create the Northwest Republic.
Feb. 24: Movement burnout; the latest government program to disrupt the White internet
through undercover trolls.
Feb. 17: Responses to e-mails from Homecoming White migrants to Washington and Montana,
a practical White Nationalist attitude toward Islam.
Feb. 10: Edgar Steele update, leaflet distribution, and some “boring spiritual stuff.”
[Note: In this podcast, Mr. Covington states that the German National Socialist financier
Hjalmar Schact was executed by the Nuremberg Talmudic tribunal in 1946. This is incorrect.
Schact died of old age in 1970. Hans Frank was the financier. Mr. Covington apologizes
for the error.]
Feb. 3: Revolution in Egypt, problems with trying to build Beaver Cleaverville without
a revolution first, and how White Nationalists should deal with day-to-day life in
a politically correct cesspool.
Jan. 27: The Spokane “bomb” (possibly planted by the FBI itself), use of the term
Aryan, and why secession is the only way to implement the 14 Words of David Lane.
Jan. 20: Movement phenomenon of “running away to join the circus,” local organizing
for the NF.
Jan. 13: Answers to some e-mail queries, the Holocaust Hoax (again), response (from
Jan. 9) to the Arizona Jew and Judge shootings.
Jan. 6: The necessity of revolution as opposed to conservatism, why so many supposed
White Nationalists have such a crappy attitude.
Feb. 5: Northwest weather, Obama, the moral duty of White people to Come Home.
Jan. 27: Phase One of the Butler Plan for Northwest Migration.
Jan. 15: An introduction to Radio Free Northwest.
Radio Free Northwest 2010
Dec. 30: Two-hour year-end music special.
Dec. 23: Christmas 1914 truce in the trenches of WWI, Pastor Robert Miles, message
to an idiot on the internet explaining what it’s all about.
Dec. 16: Edgar Steele’s famous article “It’s the Jews, Stupid,” then a general tirade
aimed at kikes.
Dec. 9: Advice for minors on dealing with parental objections to racial internet
viewing, private property rights in the Northwest American Republic, White people’s
refusal to understand.
Dec. 2: Extended Edgar Steele update, volcanoes and science in the Northwest American
Nov. 25: Corrections to last week’s show; 2008 Ron Paul presidential campaign; first
Thanksgiving Proclamation from 1676, which like so much else, we have been lied to
about by those who rule us.
Nov. 18: “Negativity,” problems intellectual racists have with the NF (and vice versa),
will there be a stock exchange in the Northwest Republic?
Nov. 11: Recognize and deal with police, federal informers, and agent provocateurs.
Nov. 4: The phenomenon of the Disappearing Comrade, midterm election results, and
why we need to start taking “all this” seriously, right now.
Oct. 28: Halloween music special. Edgar Steele, Ku Klux Klan, local NF organizing.
Oct. 21: Eulogy for Comrade Jeff Hughes, who was murdered by the RCMP one year ago
this week. Also: future of the White internet, local organizing for the Northwest
Oct. 14: Illegal activity, Republicans’ chances in the elections, how to recruit
Oct. 7: The firing of Rick Sanchez from CNN for “anti-semitism,” a possible fifth
Northwest novel, local organizing in the Northwest Homeland.
Sept. 30: Furor over the Thoughtcrime blog, the Jewish origins of feminism, how the
Northwest migration movement got started.
Sept. 23: Two-hour FAQ special. Does the NF advocate violence or preach “hate”? Why
not White enclaves? Why not take back America? Are today’s White youth completely
useless? More.
Sept. 16: Edgar Steele, response to Dutch Uncle critics, organizing in the Homeland.
Sept. 9: Use of “N,” “K,” and “F” words, Constitutional government in the Northwest
American Republic, why White Nationalists refuse to live in communities.
Sept. 2: Communism and capitalism, Ezra Pound, advice to a federal agent.
Aug. 26: Encounter with Obamacare, definition of “Class A White Nationalist,” reading
of “Chrysalis,” written by late Order comrade Bruce Pierce.
Aug. 19: Hal Turner, Northwest weather, NF General Headquarters.
Aug. 12: Aryan history, the coming crash of the Obama economy and the window of opportunity
it will provide, Leaderless Resistance.
Aug. 5: Why tattoos are a bad idea, what might have been had we not fought two world
wars against Europe, how the NF can generate “buzz” on the internet.
July 29: White boys who don’t grow up, some provisions of the Northwest Constitution,
guiding purpose behind the Northwest independence novels.
July 22: Edgar Steele, run-in with Mr. Rogers, self-publishing, White enclaves.
July 15: Civil War music, Edgar Steele, November elections, Jewish names.
July 8: Mel Gibson’s latest racial gaffe, culture in the Northwest Republic, the
art of raising White children, more on the Northwest Volunteers.
July 1: Edgar Steele, morality of Homecoming, Aryan origins, White immigration to
the U.S.
June 24: HoloHoax, advice to European Nationalists, long-range Homeland plan.
June 17: A TV review, joining the U.S. military, the economy, seven good reasons
why White people need to Come Home right away.
June 10: How the Northwest Front is different, Skype, defense against accusations
of “negativity,” what’s in store for White people here in the Northwest.
June 3: Dealing with our friends in silk suits, Fireside Chats, the “good Jew” concept.
May 27: Day jobs, hostile relatives, public rallies, messages from the host to our
enemies and to our comrades.
May 20: Freemasonry, White dating service, other Covington novels, “hate.”
May 13: New York truck bomb incident, the economy, the role of women in the Northwest
Republic, the Northwest Constitutional ban on abortion.
May 6: Tea Party, advice for White Nationalists, vision for the Northwest Front.
April 29: Who is White, characters from the Northwest novels, Ariz. immigration law.
April 22: “Amish Solution” for Whites, how to help the NF, theory of armed struggle.
April 15: Northwest Republic economy, psychology of the White Mind.
April 8: Michigan militia arrests, theory of guerrilla warfare in America.
April 1: NAR borders, NAR as a refuge for White people.
March 25: The Goat Dance, treason, moral foundations of the NF.
March 18: Conspiracy theories, White self reliance, the future of the NF.
March 11: H.A. Covington reads excerpts from his article “The Awakening.”
March 3: Basic security, health care in the NAR, Tea Party movement.
Feb. 24: The state of White youth and White paranoia.
Feb. 17: White enclaves, racial get-togethers, how Jews and blacks tag-team to destroy
White people and their civilization.
Feb. 5: Northwest weather, Obama, the moral duty of White people to Come Home.
Jan. 27: Phase One of the Butler Plan for Northwest Migration.
Jan. 15: An introduction to Radio Free Northwest.
The Northwest Front
Come Home, White Man!
Oh boy, That’s a lot of links and hours of listening. For those who only have time for ten minutes I would recommend this selection.
Mr. Covington, I am in the process of moving to the PNW, your concept needs to address some significant issues:
1) The PNW is majority White, what in roads have you made with the existing majority Whites?
2) What about the significant Injun, Asian, Fag, and other degenerate populace?
3) Why not Alaska? It has all the strategic concepts, an existing independence movement, would be harder to invade by Amurrica, has resources to be self sufficient and resources that would enable foreign recognition, ie something to trade and crate immediate wealth for a new Nation, so why not Alaska?
4) The Novels and Constitution is not a adequate blue print and is unrealistic for running a Nation, you say you ant to avoid Mad Max, but that seems to be the result given your lack of structure and the character of today’s Whites who are still rather Jeffersonian Libertarians rather than National Socialists, they always scream for their 1st, 2nd and other Amendment Rights, how will you De-Americanize “Our” people?
In reply to Bill:
So many red herrings, and me with only one net!
You wrote:
In reply:
The most segregated place in America is church on Sunday.
Everyone there is WN in all but name, except, usually, for the preacher.
Given a choice between Family, and False Faith, everyone that matters will choose Family.
Race, for our purposes, is simply a tremendous extended Family.
You wrote:
In reply:
“Winter Is Coming,” and most of them will self-select out.
The rest will not matter.
You wrote:
In reply:
Alaska’s economy exists at the sufferance of America and Canada, either of which can neutralize it at will.
As well, once the Slope turns EROEI negative (as the two major fields in Mexico are), Alaska will remain so demographically dispersed as to be a separate nation in all but name.
They, of course, are more than welcome to join in!
You wrote:
In reply:
I can’t speak for Mr. Covington in this.
I think what America has become will make people all too willing to choose the best for their Family, and that would be a nation that, frankly, represents the best the West has to offer.
To the extent that the American managers place artificial prosperity over the greater reality of Race as the fundamental organizing principle of the nation-state, the inevitable failure of this to provide substantive values for the Families will lead to people making the natural, organic choice – for Faith, and Family.
We who support the NW Imperative/Migration do understand that not everyone is going to want to or be able to make the move. Most people will find a reason not to move because lets be blunt, moving sucks.
According to a PEW Institute survey from 2008 40% of people in the US live within 50 miles of where they were born. And that fit me until I reached the age of 40 and we decided to move up to Montana. My husband was living within 5 blocks of the house he grew up in. And I think that is not as uncommon as people would think. When people do move it is usually for a job or because they have family in the area where they are moving. It is rare that people are as pioneering as Mark and I were, and just sell their house and go look for a better place to live, especially when they have a good job and a nice house and family around. Rare indeed when they don’t have family or a job or any connections to the area.
Stable, family oriented people, the same people we want to attract to NW Migration, will be the most likely ones who will find it difficult to move. That means we have to offer something that they cannot get anywhere else. It also means though that will will have plenty of WN singles which in itself will end up being a selling point to many.
White Nationalist organizations exist for the main reason that the members want to associate with other people who think the same as they do. Same reason church people group together. These WNs get to get together monthly or even once or twice a year at some event to hang out with comrades and feel they are around others who really understand them. They meet, greet and listen to speakers and then go back to their homes until the next event. Those who are lucky enough to have an active local group have the advantage of getting together more often but since the events are usually open to anyone in the group, if you really dont like someone, you might be stuck having to deal with them just to be able to attend the event.
The difference with the NW migration to specific areas is that you will be able to contact people already in the area who will help to guide you and assist you. It is like moving to a town and having an Uncle Harold or an Aunt April who lives there already and who can help advise you where to shop, what schools are best, place to get your car fixed etc. Also they can be a moral support system, and help to introduce you to others in the area from whom you may be able to find good friends.
White flight happens and there are many White people, those who identify as racial and those who still might not, who are choosing to move away from multicultural areas every day. These are the people whom we hope to attract to the NW migration. I am not going to try to pry some old southern farmer out of his ranch and expect him to uproot and move to Montana or Idaho. But the reality is that many of our people are very unhappy with where they live and they are just looking for a place to go and a way to be around not only White people, but also politically active racially conscious people. The organizations aren’t enough anymore, they want a racial community.
Moving to a specific area in the NW near other migrants helps fill many of the natural and social requirements that a family or an individual will have in order to make a drastic move to a new area. And being in an area that has an active WN base will also create many more opportunities to socialize with other WNs and attend events, like for instance a David Irving books signing, that before you might have had to travel hundreds of miles to attend.
One of the biggest problems that seems to create all this debate is that people are putting the cart before the horse because of the NW novels. They see them as a specific blueprint for action when they are only the ideas of a creative and fantastic writer, Harold Covington. It is a bit like debating how we are going to control the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park before we are able to create them. We are in the very early stages of creating something and to me debating the ideas of how the new NW government would be run is really getting ahead of yourselves.
Besides I am going to be the queen and you will all have to do what I say.
@ “Besides I am going to be the queen and you will all have to do what I say.”
On the contrary: in the novels the “Old Man” (presumably Covington) was no general whatsoever. And in his non-fiction there are no generals either. The whole NVA is supposed to be composed strictly of volunteers, not of regular soldiers. Even lone wolf revolutionaries with zero contact with the Old Man or the core of the party could be part part of the NVA.
Lighten up man, April is joking
I realize April is sorta “jesting” about her being the Queen, but I’m not jesting when I say that having a King/Queen may be much better than anything “democratic”.
The “God that Failed”, called “democracy”, is part of what has led Whites into the position they are now in. Most of us have accepted the brainwashing about “democracy” from an early age, and also accepted that having a Queen is bad for us, since it’s not “democratic”.
Perhaps, as our nodal network develops, having a single person, a Queen if you will, as a focal point for our identity in space-time is not such a bad idea. Of course, we’d need a guillotine handy if April ever got out of line.
Gregor makes a fascinating observation, when he said:
In reply:
Democracy, in practice, above the small size of the lwdership of, say, ancient Athens, simply has been a mask for Oligarchies, in all but name.
Only centuries of relentless salesmanhip and advertising have made The Brand Called Democracy achieve any value whatsoever.
Sometimes back, the UN got more than a hundred of the top political theorists togethe to have them define “democracy.” They could not agree on a definition, when, by everyone’s accepted definition, Georgia (as in ‘S.S.R. of”) qualified as a democracy, as did the government of North Korea.
What does seem to work, over time, is a limited Constitiutional Monarchy. Look to the Scandinaivian countries, and note that their leadership is groomed to rule by meritocratic example from birth. It is also the model we are going to use to deal with the Arab street in Morocco.
Pournelle, who is very well read in political issues, noted that some form of Constitutional Monarchy seems to be the most effective system; it’s featured in the effective governance of his future fiction.
“Democracy,” as w use the term now, is designed to make people feel really good, and that they matter. The first is useful to the Owners, and the second is important to the people. That term acts like an intellectual circuit breaker, stopping further thought into the fundanemtnal issues of governance, and responsibility.
Given governmental transparency, we can trust most of the people to do the right thing, most of the time. Our First Founders were opposed to political parties, seeing them (as I see it) as means that support soft totalitarianism, and control the government, rather than reflect the “will of the people.”
You wrote:
In reply:
Actually, the worst we can say about April is that she leads by excellent example, and, silently, must have paid a very high price in doing so.
THAT is the hallmark of the natural Aristocracy.
Next time: Ludovici For Dummies!
A good king is a blessing. A bad king a curse
Democracy is the very worst form of government
That leaves us as mere mortals with a true Republic of some sort as our only temporal solution. It worked for a time for both Rome and the USA. It could have some democratic aspects.. HAC has covered this with his concept for a tiered citizenship based on merit. The worthless and non productive will have little to no say while the accomplished and dedicated who are willing to risk and strive for the betterment of our people will have much greater say in matters of state and societal direction
This along with basic rights, moral and legal parameters which we should all be able to agree on would be the foundation of a new order. Nothing is guaranteed in this attempt. What have you now that compares to this grand endeavor? Pecking at keyboards, whining to your buddies on beer and poker night about the non whites next door or at school? All the while the clock ticks nearer midnight and the obliteration of our race. No more lovely white ladies, cute white children, culture, music, scientific accomplishments, only a nightmare planet full of mud people, spinning off into eternal darkness
Maybe Edvard Munch was thinking of this eventuality when he painted The Scream. Only you and I stand between that nightmare and a new, glorious white order
The draft Constitution of the NAR provides for democracy insofar as there will be a legislature with the genuine traditional power of the purse, but the franchise will be exercised not by every Tom, Dick, and Harry with two arms, two legs, and a noggin, but by CITIZENS who have EARNED a graduated franchise through national service in various forms–beginning with third class citizenship (one vote) awarded on completion of national service in the military. The graduated franchise will insure that those who have contributed the most and have the largest stake in society are rewarded with the greatest say in how it is run.
There are other provisions to preclude excessive democracy and corruption of the kind that exists in the United States, such as the absence of a judicial branch of government, a unicameral legislature, and the requirement that the State President be a military veteran.
Quick question for Mr. Covington:
What are your thoughts on including Alaska in the NW Imperative? In terms of sheer size, resources (including more clean water than anywhere else in the U.S.) and potential, it seems foolish not to consider this. Logistically, I can see some initial setbacks, but in the end it only makes sense.
I look forward to your reply.
That is one of the many questions in the We’ll-Have-To-See-How-It-Plays-Out stack. One of the earlier posters pointed out a major problem: Alaska is not contiguous with the rest of the Homeland and is pretty much economically dependent on the United States and Canada. I’m not even quite sure how I’m going to handle the issue in “Freedom’s Sons” in the section I’m working on now.
Being trapped in England, the true belly of the beast, and physically unfit (crippled), I have no hope of Coming Home, but I’d like to add a few thoughts of my own.
First of all, by living just a little closer to nature, getting up at daybreak and going to bed at night rather than sitting watching talmudvision when we should be sleeping, I anticipate a truly White society having significantly lower energy requirements than at present.
Secondly, in addition to solar, wind and water power, we could eliminate our dependence on oil by growing hemp, which only became a “dangerous drug” when it was perceived as a threat to Rockefeller’s oil interests. It is said that everything which is now made from oil could more easily, and in a far more environmentally-friendly manner, be made from hemp.
Most of us have a special emotional attachment to the place where we grew up, since when we have created and otherwise acquired various “ties” which can be difficult to break, but for me the attraction would be to live among people of my own kind as I did during my formative years, people who respect the rights of others, who can be trusted not to rob, rape, murder and all the rest of it. Further, it would make a refreshing change not to be surrounded by sexual perverts of all kinds that have been given almost god-like status by our criminal rulers. There’s no place like “home”, but what kind of a home do most people have under ZOG?
Our countries are being flooded with savages, many of whom I personally suspect are being armed by ZOG, especially in disarmed countries like England, where only niggers seem to have access to guns. Our incomes are eroded to the point where, even when both potential parents are in full-time employment, most White couples can’t afford to have children, while the imported jungle critters are subsidised to breed like rabbits. We have “hate crime” laws that are used only against Whites. We learn to fear government and the police even more than those murderous black and brown savages that surround us.
This isn’t my country any more. Given the chance, I’d migrate to the NorthWest tomorrow. I’d be living among strangers with unfamiliar (American) accents, but these strangers would very quickly become friends because I’d know I was living among like-minded people. Most of all, as our White population grew, displacing the “others”, so would our mutual sense of safety.
We know it’s going to get bloody, and a lot of us will die horribly, but that’s going to happen anyway, wherever we are. It’s better to unite and have a chance of Victory than to be isolated as most of us are at present, sitting ducks to be picked off individually whenever ZOG chooses.
I’d rather live, and die if necessary, among my own people, people I can trust, people I can rely on, people who think like me. The White Race WILL survive because Nature’s Finest must NEVER be annihilated, but we won’t achieve anything by remaining scattered.
The major problem I have with the whole idea is the notion that the system is going to collapse sometime soon. I just don’t think it will. What do we do if the system doesn’t collapse?
Thinking in terms of military power and territory is also problematic. These things just don’t matter that much. White people still own most of the land and have most of the important positions within the US military. So what? What difference does it make when Jews control the media, financial system, educational system, etc.? That is where the real power comes from.
In general: control over social institutions –> control over military –> control over territory. It does not work the other way around.
If Whites cannot retake control of the social institutions, then we cannot keep even the PNW. But if we can retake control of the institutions, then we do not need to settle for anything less than the territory of the entire United States. I really see it as being that simple.
In reply to I:
GREAT observation, which calls to mind several issues it deals with.
You wrote:
In reply:
Social orders don’t simply “collapse,” all at once.
If you look at most collapse functions, you discover that things sort of “ratchet down,” slowly, softly, and then lurch down to a new dynamic equilibria, operating at lower level, in a smaller range, where the process continues until one day, no one really pays much attention to the legal entity called the state.
THAT is where the nation, the organic, extended Family that is the foundation of the nation, comes to the force.
In microcosm, look what happened to the cities of America following the de facto ethnic cleansing of White Families from them. You can’t point to any single event that can be called the collapse point. You can point to moments that crystallize a shift towards collapse – serious riots, like in ’68 – that show the fundamental legitimacy of the State is being challenged by a new nation. You then add a generation or two, and suddenly, the new Mayor of Detroit is talking very seriously about abandoning twenty-five percent (ONE DAMN QUARTER) of the city, to “Nature.”
Yet, the City of Detroit is still offering and servicing municipal bonds, the police show up for work every day, and yet one and all know it is OVER. Incidentally, many other cities have contacted Detroit about how to implement the Controlled Collapse Function Plan.
Still, externally, all will seem “normal” – admittedly, a new normal – on a day to day business.
It is only when you adopt the Mile High View on things that you are shocked into how things have fallen apart.
Look at LIFE or LOOk magazine in the Fifties; I think they’re on Google.
SEE how beautiful Los Angeles was, SEE how the people are quietly proud and purposeful, SEE how the people dressed in nice damn clothes, and the city was neat and clean?
Look at the same cities today.
So, just as nobody pretends the police in many major cities do anything more than show the flag of the host nation to the new nation being formed within, so, too, will the day come that too many “promises” will not be kept, and people will quietly look for a way to vote with their heads, their hearts, and their feet.
They will do so to vote FOR Something Better, for a welcome change.
That’s where we come in.
This is the word of generations, and even of centuries.
We have no excuse not to start where we are, and do what we can, where we are.
You wrote:
In reply:
One, in issues of the military, what you are looking at is long supply lines, and long-suffering taxpayers, who discover the use of expensive toys they can use once, like cruise missiles at $1.5 million each, versus a man who controls critically important tribes, and has slaved ZSU-23’s on Toyota 4×4 to make his points. With a little bit better organization that his opponents, it seems The Colonel has beat us (“NATO”) to a draw.
Having forced a sort of legitimacy at gunpoint, we now discover we are running out of ammo, and the Sh’i (below ground political arm) are working with the Muslim Brotherhood (above ground political party) to begin to ease us of out the Af=Pak region,
That’s an example.
Look to Mexico for another example of how quickly State illegitimacy fosters de facto military counterforces from within. How much of Juarez does Mexico City control at night? How much now?
Two, you made the same mistake I made when I went to school, and first became involved in municipal politics.
You confused “ownership” with “control.”
The Jews do control so much, but they only have the control over us we allow them to have over us.
The softest, lightest things known, a thought, a puff of wind, a drop of water, can change all of that. Just as one drop of water can become a hurricane, and a tsunami, when no one expects it, where they least expect it.
Suddenly, incidentally, decades of governmental corruption become apparent, as Tokyo loses a third of its electrical power from one event involving drops of water, puffs of winds, and a moment where the government displays its true nature, all too well.
Many, many more examples are close to had. You can probably provide some of your own.
The foundation of governance is legitimacy, whether it is through a Divine Right of Kings, of the temporal equivalent, the Will of the People.
Let THAT slip, and people will vote, and act, with rare fervor.
They will run for their lives, and the lives of the Families.
That’s where we come in.
In reply:
Great point, which is why I refer to VNN/F’s “Hugh’s” “A World View,” which I mistakenly keep referring to as “A Better World.” Wishful thinking getting ahead of me, I suppose.
We can develop a parallel system of social order quietly, effectively, by effectively withdrawing the consent of the governed and forming new social systems – home schooling, for example, in time developing a de facto Shadow Governance based on Race.
You wrote:
In reply:
I have argued for the adoption of the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model to ask, of all social questions, “How would this be dealt with in the Northwest Republic?”
Really useful answers, costing less than current per capita expenditures, come to mid easily; see the example of clean hydropower above, for example.
Thus, I dress better than I used to, and act AS IF I was an Ambassador (okay, an assistant cultural attache!) from a White Homeland, where most of this has been sorted out, and my Posterity are working on making themselves Better, for all of us.
It’s a start, and, in time, might well become the spark that the tinder of the rotted dreams my Family has been sold into helping them to make their lives into the living foundation of a new nation, and one day, Take The Gap.
Harold Covington wrote:
III. There is only one strategy remaining to us
XPWA responded:
Only one? This is an extraordinary claim. In engineering and the sciences such claims have the burden of producing extraordinary proof. Would you please produce it?
Lew replies:
I’d say the proof is the total absence of credible alternatives to Mr. Covington’s plan.
Yes, there are a huge number of compelling reasons the Northwest Imperative might never get off the ground, or fail miserably.
Mr. Covington is at least proposing a well thought out plan has a chance of success greater than zero.
No other North American racial nationalists can say this.
@ “Yes, there are a huge number of compelling reasons the Northwest Imperative might never get off the ground, or fail miserably.”
In the rotten America of the next decades, even a miserable “failure”—e.g., if the NVA is infiltrated and thoroughly crushed just right after revolution starts—would be a success. For the first time in history since 1861 the reality of a new secessionist movement would hit the first page of all international papers, and would be the topic of everyday conversation of most Westerners.
That’s why I have advertized Michael O’Meara’s Toward the White Republic, e.g. as “best pamphlet for WN-ists ever” at Amazon Books. O’Meara makes the stRiki-Eiking point that the first generation of Irish revolutionaries revolted against the British Empire knowing they would be hunted down and killed. But they did it anyway because, according to them, it was the right thing to do.
History proved them right. The spilled blood turned out to be the seed from which a later, far more successful movement would crop up.
I’m open to the possibility that HACs strategy might be the only the viable strategy whatever its weaknesses and pitfalls.
XPWAs request for extraordinary proof was written with such confidence I can’t help but wonder what alternate strategies he has in mind.
Getting access to nuclear weapons ain’t gonna happen.
@ “Getting access to nuclear weapons ain’t gonna happen.”
France and England will disintegrate within a sea of Muslim breeders, as Mark Steyn has shown in his book. The Maghreb is already going Islamic. The Taliban salivates to acquire a few of Pakistan’s nukes. In a fully Iranized Maghreb, something will happen between Israel and the Muslim world.
I have not read a page of Covington’s fifth novel but if an ethnostate is formed the Muslims will be our temporary, tactical friends (just like Hitler did with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood) while ZOG will continue to drain USA’s resources from an already bankrupt country to postpone the inevitable, an eventual Muslim attack on tiny Israel.
In such scenario my educated guess is that access to nuclear weapons might start becoming feasible (wouldn’t that be a little ironic: the powerful Aryans begging nukes from brown Muslims? This is how far the betrayal has gone).
Further, there has not been any detail on “the event” which triggers the new Nation. Amurica will not let one of its organs go. Look at what it did to the South in 61-65 and did to it to present day. There are no real, I mean real signs of a fall of this Nation as there were of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, there is still tremondous wealth and disposable income, just take a trip to Las Vegas, New York, or LA. Are we confusing social change? Lets not forget the tools that Amurica has vs the severe character flaws of WN.
@ “there is still tremondous wealth and disposable income.”
Some economists are already talking about the demise of the dollar (see e.g., Schiff’s YouTube channel).
I like the following comment by CaptainChaos so much that I am re-submitting it here:
“Even if the NR never comes to fruition, the value of advocacy for it at present lies in its vision of a better future than can now possibly be had under the existing dispensation. It is a totem which discredits the trajectory of the extant order by contrast. If this essential perception can be sufficiently magnified, perhaps the NR idea can act as the catalyst of its own eventual realization.”
Hi April,
We usually agree on most matters. I have to disagree about one point you made.. “moving sucks”..
It was the best move my gal and I ever made short of falling for each other. The PNW is heaven compared to where we were.. and yes we were born there and it is what truly sucks due to the filthy meztizos and blacks as well as the biggest liberal sheeple morons the world has ever seen. When we made the final crossing into Oregon in the moving van we cheered with a rebel yell
HAC is the first to admit his vision is just that, HIS vision, HIS framework that HE believes would be best.. however, WE who survive the coming conflagration are those who will form what is to eventually be
All the best!
These are the facts on the ground.
Non-Hispanic White population in proposed Northwest Republic states.
Montana 87.8%
Wyoming 85.9%
Idaho 84.0%
Oregon 78.5%
Washington 72.5%
The most populated state, Washington, is one of the most politically correct states. 57% of Washington Whites voted for Obama. Oregon was even worse, Obama got 59% of the White vote.
Obama’s Share of the White vote in proposed Northwest Republic states.
Oregon 59%
Washington 57%
Montana 45%
Idaho 33%
Wyoming 32%
Washington and Oregon have gone for the Democrat in every presidential election since 1988. The majority of voters preferred Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama to the Republican alternatives. With the largest populations of any NWR states they can block the formation of a White republic. Even if circumstances one day allowed the northwest to break away from the United States the extreme anti-white liberals of Washington and Oregon would politically dominate the republic, welcoming non-whites from the more conservative breakaway states.
In short, the political culture of the Whites living in Washington and Oregon precludes the possibility of founding a White republic in that region.
Fourmyle of Ceres asks “What is YOUR alternative, and how do you propose to make it happen?”
The 2010 census has nothing but bad news for North American Whites.
Non-Hispanic Whites 64%
Hispanics 16%
Blacks 12%
Asians 5%
Mixed Race/Other 2%
We are now down to 60% of the population or less (officially non-hispanic Whites are about 64% but that includes Jews and Arabs who oppose us.) We may be checkmated in North America.
Steve the Elder says “Tactical Regrouping is a sound military tactic when very outnumbered and yet an avenue to successfully regroup exists. At some point there will be insufficient numbers of us to regroup, and no majority white place to regroup TO.”
Regrouping in the historic White homeland, Europe, which is still 95% White, may be our best option.
Obviously the NW homeland will require some shuffling of populations, something that has been happening for decades in America but almost always to the detriment of the shrinking white majority. Shuffling populations has never been more technologically feasible than today. Time to start thinking of ways to make it work in our favor.
Are you a Republican? Because I am not. On the race and immigration issues, Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. And on many issues important to me — environmentalism, zoning, workers’ rights, food and drug regulations, health care, abortion rights, keeping Christianity out of the public schools — the Democrats are closer to me than the Republicans.
My father was a life-long PNW Democrat of the old-fashioned pro-union sort, but he was also race and Jew-wise, and I have no doubt that he would have voted National Socialist if given the opportunity. The point is that there are a lot of good people whose votes are being corralled and manipulated by the liberal elites and their political/media machines. Decapitate those machines and send the string pullers packing, then give people a new alternative, and a lot of those “facts on the ground” would shift their political allegiances happily, easily, and permanently.
Greg Johnson says “Are you a Republican? Because I am not. On the race and immigration issues, Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. And on many issues important to me — environmentalism, zoning, workers’ rights, food and drug regulations, health care, abortion rights, keeping Christianity out of the public schools — the Democrats are closer to me than the Republicans.”
I’m a White Nationalist. My positions are close to the National Socialists on most of those issues.
In my second post I pointed out that Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell voted for amnesty to emphasize that these are anti-white politicians, not just liberals or socialists, and that their extreme anti-white votes haven’t hurt them with their White supporters. Cantwell beat a Republican by nearly 17 points the year she voted for amnesty.
Washington and Oregon are both extremely liberal and extremely politically correct. It’s the political correctness that’s the deal killer.
PC, like liberalism, is merely imposed by tiny elites with their fingers on the levers of power. Americans all over the country have to put up with politicians who are to the left of their constituencies. I am sure that is true all over the white world. But that system, too, is mortal, and we will have our day.
Okay, I’m losing track of what I’ve said in here and what I haven’t–damned senility!–but I’d like to address this frequent objection to the effect of “oh, the Northwest is full of liberals.”
No, Portland and Seattle and Eugene are full of liberals, and to a much lesser extent Spokane and Boise. You get out in the countryside here and it’s just as much redneck-rifle-rack-in-the-pickup-truck territory as the South. I have even seen Confederate flag bumper stickers on vehicles in Shelton, Centralia, and Astoria, and to the best of my knowledge Centralia is the only town in the country remaining with a monument to a lynch mob on its main square. (1919; the American Legion strung up a Wobbly) I think some of the mountain men out here even chew Beech Nut.
Seattle and Portland and a couple of other metropolitan areas skew the area blue, so to speak; if you look at a color electoral map of the three and a half Homeland states you will see one mass of red with about five or six large blue splotches, where unfortunately the money and the population are concentrated.
We need to get out of the habit of avoiding difficult situations and taking the line of least resistance. If the I-5 corridor and the Puget Sound and Portland areas are really these great bastions of liberalism, then that’s where we need to start getting to work and bringing people in and making it a bit LESS liberal. Like they’re doing with the Mexicans, we need a conscious effort to change political and racial demographics here.
Harold A. Covington says “Seattle and Portland and a couple of other metropolitan areas skew the area blue, so to speak; if you look at a color electoral map of the three and a half Homeland states you will see one mass of red with about five or six large blue splotches, where unfortunately the money and the population are concentrated.”
If the majority of the money and the population is against you those are major obstacles. Even if the United States collapsed you’d still have to fight the most powerful, wealthiest and most influential Whites living there.
Harold A. Covington says “We need to get out of the habit of avoiding difficult situations and taking the line of least resistance. If the I-5 corridor and the Puget Sound and Portland areas are really these great bastions of liberalism, then that’s where we need to start getting to work and bringing people in and making it a bit LESS liberal.”
That would take hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of migrants. But why stop there, why avoid the difficult situation of retaking the entire United States? Why not start in New York? Most of the liberals are concentrated in the NYC metro area. Upstate New York is quite conservative. Jeff suggested New England, which is just as liberal as the Northwest but has far fewer non-whites.
All the obvious objections to New York and New England apply equally to Washington state and Oregon. While I’m not optimistic about any part of the United States being saved the Confederacy is the most promising. Southern Whites are the least politically correct and millions see the South as a nation. There you have tradition on your side.
A scifi book is no replacement for centuries of blood and soil.
If those conditions prevail, we will not have a NW homeland. If other conditions prevail, we will. But we knew that already.
Additional facts on the ground.
Washington’s Senators
Liberal Democrat Senator Patty Murray was elected in 1992. She was reelected during one of the worst years for the Democrats since 1994. Murray voted for amnesty in 2006.
In 2000 Democrat Senator Maria Cantwell was elected by a narrow margin. Cantwell also voted for amnesty in May 2006, and went on to be reelected with 56.9% of the vote. In 2010 she voted for cloture on the DREAM amnesty act.
Jewish numbers in proposed Northwest Republic states.
State #Jews Total pop. %Jews
Oregon 32000 3429000 0.9%
Washington 43000 5908000 0.7%
Montana 800 903000 0.1%
Idaho 1100 1299000 0.1%
Wyoming 400 494000 0.1%
In the original post HAC only mentions Oregon, Washington and Idaho, but I’ve read other versions of the plan that included Montana and Wyoming.
I’m not a writer or an academic. I have not read Covington’s books, but I have ordered them. As the old saying goes, I was a soldier once, and young. From that perspective I am commenting on the comments. Hell, I’m so old I remember when Harold was Winston Smith.
1. Many years ago I was the air/ground controller for a major in country POW release. During this mission I had the opportunity to talk to a Sr. NVA (North Vietnamese Army) officer. He asked me how long I had been in ‘Nam, and I told him that I was into my third tour. He had been at it for 11 years. He asked if I had lost friends, and I said that I had lost several. He had lost most of his, and was afraid to make more. He said that he knew that having to go home without a victory was hard. I told him that if they had just turned us loose we could have defeated the North in 6 months to a year. His response was, “No you might have destroyed us, but you would never have defeated us.”
2. Sometime later I was in Rhodesia as a sergeant in the Rhodesia Light Infantry. The whites could see the world coming down around their ears, there sons were dying, their entire culture was dying, and the thing they were worried most about was loosing their pensions if Britian wouldn’t pay them. When the Rhodies effectively nationalized Anglo American corporation the jews turned off the money, and it was all over. At the end, RLI, and SAS were in barracks while the black leaders partied in town. We sat their waiting on the word to go in, and take them out, but the word never came, and Rhodesia died. The same basic thing happened in South Africa.
3. Compare 1 to 2, and tell me what will happen with whites in the USA. A white homeland will take the dedication of a real NVA regular, and whites don’t have much dedication to anything except, maybe, a sports team. I have very little doubt that if I could come back to the US in 100 years I would be able to piss on the grave of the last white man.
4. How do you move to the Northwest? It’s really simple: You do it one step at a time.
First, you do a pre-deployment recon. Second, you load up. Third, you go. It’s just that easy (not). I did it fifteen years ago, and it was hard, but it can be done. There is a shortage of clean cut hard working people in Idaho. Stay away from Kootenai county. Stay under the radar with your political views. Most people in Idaho have never experienced the mud races, and they don’t understand the danger. The Lewiston area is probably the best bet for work right now. Far north Idaho is a poverty pocket lined with California transplants, and south Idaho is Mormon central with lots of cheap Mexican labor. I’m lucky to have a good paying job, but it keeps me on the road. In truth, in the 15 years I have been in Idaho I have not made a penny in the state. However, I know people who are making it in Idaho, and doing well.
Old Adolf was right, if you aren’t willing to fight you aren’t going to survive.
End of rambling comments.
One quick comment I want to throw in here, just to be clear. I have been accused of “telling young White people what they should do” in my Northwest novels, and by implication will get responsible for getting them in trouble and destroying their lives if they go off half-cocked. I am aware of that possibility and I will carry the weight if and when it happens. So far it hasn’t, thank God. But that is not why I wrote the books.
In the Northwest novels, I am not telling young White people what they should do. I am SHOWING them what they should BE.
The real point of all the novels is not the plot, the action, or even the lengthy political polemics. It’s the characters themselves.
In reply to Harold Covington:
One, here are some words you will rarely hear:
Thank you.
Two, you wrote:
In reply:
This is a critically important formulation that many critics, and even many advocates, tend to overlook.
Every form of political system, cultural system, and economic system, are creations from the minds of Men, and each represents the best solution for balancing and resolving differences between members of their Systems.
That having been said, my peer-group relatives have lost their jobs – forever – and my nephews are staying with me “until things even out.”
As graduates of public high schools, they are, literally, illiterate.
I have taught them to read – slowly – using your novels, and using this opportunity to help them understand the concepts that only you have the intellectual honesty and moral courage to discuss.
It has been an education for all of us.
They do not watch television, and can listen to selected stations on the radio.
We can take all the time they need to read your Northwest series, and your book on “Dreaming the Iron Dream.” I even take them out for ice cream after that eminently worthwhile duty.
This ties into the point you made that I bolded above, that the true foundation of the new nation consists of better people – much better people, for it is people that actually Do Something.
It is the uniquely Aryan mindset that they are developing that they are using to make themselves better, much damn better, than they were. I hope to have them reading from counter-currents authors soon, but I know this:
They are on a Path that the System blocks them from even being aware of, and it is the same Path their Ancestors took when they left a dying, decaying, degenerate country and moved to America with not much more than the clothes on their back.
When they Take The Gap, they will have a lot more than that to help them move forward, and the responsibility to Do Better, a lot damn Better, than those who came before them.
The most powerful force the Adversary has is indifference, and our fatalism, based on information that supports THEIR Cause, that THEY provided, that lead one to believe that “all is lost, and nothing can be done about it.”
Your novels have shown them that all is NEVER lost, and they ALWAYS have choices to make, their choices to Do Something About It.
Incidentally, as your novels themselves being about the characters themselves, well, my Posterity certainly are characters, and they REALLY identity with Shane Ryan.
Thanks again.
PS: If memory serves, when Savitri Devi was in the ruins of the NSDAP Cultural Moment, a Jewess looked at her and said, “Oh. A Nazi! I think you have come too late.”
Savitri looked at her and said:
“No. I have come too early.”
You, and the people at counter-currents, have come just in time.
Focus Northwest.
I got a somewhat similar heckle from a Jew recently. He said something to the effect of “fortunately for us, you are the last of your kind.”
I e-mailed him back and said, “No, I’m the first.”
Brave words. I hope they’re true. But that’s you guys’ department.
There are actually two viable models for an Ethno-State in North America. Mr Covington backs the Northwest model, but there is also a Heartland model. All of the states that comprise the proposed Heartland Ethno-State vote conservative, as opposed to two of the three proposed states that would make up the Northwest nation. Both Washington and Oregon vote Democratic, only Idaho votes Republican. How does one build a racially conscious, and all white, Ethno-State out of people who vote for Obama? It seems to me that conservatives would be mush easier to convert to racialism that white liberals. Thus the formation of an Ethno-State in the Heartland might prove easier than one in the Pacific Northwest.
I have met many people who moved to the Northwest, in order to get away from non-whites, and then returned home sick of all the Asians and liberals. They then moved to one of the heartland states, on the border of Arkansas and Missouri to be exact. Whites are retreating into the interior, not to the Pacific Northwest. The coast, both East and West, are liberal and the bottom of America will soon by majority black, in the case of the South, or Mexican in the case of the Southwest. Should the heartland go independent it will be able to feed itself, and its independence might even jar some Canadian provinces loose, who would then join with the new republic. However, one disadvantage the heartland would have is that it would be landlocked, with no outlet to the sea, whereas the Pacific Northwest would not.
Time will tell which concept will become viable for I do not see them both being successful.
I will say, however, unlike most of my racialist friends,is that I am optimistic. We are going to win this thing! We will not be able to save America, it is terminal, but we will be able to save a portion of our people. I think far to many racialists confuse the two concepts! This is no longer Maybury’s America, it is now MTV’s America. Too many conservatives confuse image with reality and their image of America has not existed in decades!
Why will we win? Because it has proven inevitable in History that large multicultural, or multiracial, empires break up into smaller, more racially compact units. The process is called political devolution. Just as Rome became the nations of Western Europe, and the Ottoman Empire eventually became the nations of North Africa and the Middle East, and the Soviet Union just split into some of 11 Commonwealths, so to will the United States also split up. It is inevitable. It is not a question of if, but only of when. It is the way of History and only Americans somehow think the United States will be the one nation destined to live for all eternity!
The situation is bad, but most whites will not rally around the flag until we reach minority status. After all, Afrikaner Nationalism would have withered on the vine had not the British imprisoned their women and children into concentration camps. Persecution breeds vibrant nationalism! As bad as we think it is, most whites are not suffering. They still have good jobs and can watch the NBA and NFL on TV. They are worried about crime, but they think they can avoid the odds. The Revolution will happen only when their fear for the sake of their grandchildren is greater than their fear of the United States government or the ostracism of their neighbors. We have not reached that level yet, but we will. It is inevitable! We can depend on the agenda of liberals to get us their with their constant pushing and anti-white racism.
Let us not be reactionary, but proactive. This is a multi-generational struggle. It took us decades to get into the mess and decades will have to occur before we can form our own Ethno-State. (Because I do believe firmly that the Ethno-State resolution is the ONLY solution!) Take heart from History, it took the Spanish 700 years to expel the Moors and regain their nation!
In closing, you might be surprised that no less a person than Thomas Jefferson envisioned an independent nation in the Pacific Northwest, maintaining friendly relations with the U.S., because he believed if all that land from the Louisiana purchase was incorporated into the U.S. it would make us impossible to govern as it would destroy the communal spirit than any healthy nation must have to survive. (Gee, I guess that eliminates the good ole U.S of A, right?)
Joseph Anthony’s comment is one of the most thoughtful I’ve read so far in this discussion. There is no question that America is going to break up and that the white race will need a homeland to exist. However, as Mr. Anthony has pointed out the white people have not undergone enough racial persecution to create a massive migration. Most people of our race know that there is something very wrong with America, but are still comfortable in their own lives not to do anything about it. I believe the systemic oppression of White people in America will lead to massive resistance in the form of hugh migration. It’s not merely the minority status of whites that will trigger the resistance, but the outright oppression and discrimination. The white working class will be the first to rebel because they are on the front line. I salute Mr. Covington on his tireless effort to create a Northwest homeland. It’s not that he is in the wrong place, but rather it’s the wrong time.
The wrong time now, yes. But the right time is coming.
Thanks to Joseph Anthony for some excellent analysis. What I find most inspiring about this dialogue is that we are not coming from the traditional Charlie Brown perspective of WNism, which is that of the people who are silently and totally manipulated by the Invisible, All-Powerful Two Percent, but of people who can change themeselves, the substance of their lives, and focus on manifesting a new Destiny for their grandchildren, their Posterity.
“No Victims, Just Right!”
Joseph Anthony wrote:
In reply:
America, as we have known it, IS “terminal.”
Too many of our Brethren watch – passively watch, and accept – what they see on television, which, I can assure you, only shows the most remote part of the Reality they face, and only rejoices at the thought of the genocide of our grandchildren.
Joseph Anthony wrote:
In reply:
Right out of Rockwell!
When their love of their grandchildren – their Posterity – is greater than their fear of social ostracism, and political retaliation, they will have nothing, and then, nothing to lose, and they will lose it.
They will abandon the matters of Form that are no longer effective, and deal exclusively with the matters of Substance, which are most effective.
I know one guy, sixty years old, trying to be an electrician’s apprentice, to build a new skill set, so he can insure his grandchildren will have it better than he did. Talk about motivation! YOU try crawling through mud in ten degree weather as you pull wires, so you can get the job done a few days early – all so YOUR grandchildren will have it better than you do!
He’ll do it, and, for motivation, all he has to do is think of his grandchildren trapped in the Mud Hell they will be going to school in, all too soon.
I’ve also talked with him about an idea that ties closely in with a Northwest Economic Initiative, steel-framed houses. They lend themselves to easy set-up, and superinsulation; literally, a quantum leap forward in reidential design.
He’s going to have to pull a lot of wire to make THAT happen, but the Idea is there, and his grandchildren provide all of the motivation he wil need. He has also addressing the idea of modular housing design based on multipurpose barns, based on the steel framing used for houses, again using superinsulation techniques. Sixty and learning construction drawing!
He is making himself over, in the fulfillment of a much higher Purpose; his grandchildren are his Living Bridge to the fulfillment of that Purpose.
He was Inspired by two events; one, a visit to the school his grandchildren will attend, and two, after expressing horror to me about it, I gave him a copy of “A Distant Thunder.” His comments on reading it were simple:
“Where has this son of a bitch been, and why haven’t I heard of him?”
Joseph Anthony wrote:
In reply:
Remember, the (Castilian) Spanish Aristocracy is alive and well – I’ve worked with two of them – and, in terms of elite discipline and aristocratic bearing, they make most of us look horribly provincial. As one told me, on OUR Bicentennial, “We were an Empire for TWICE as long as you have been a nation. We let some our principles slip in this egalitarian nonsense you adopted from the French Revolution, and we won’t make THAT mistake again!”
Now, THAT is the Long View, and THAT is the type of perspective we need to make the metapolitical project a reality. The question is how best to do that, and that is what counter-currents is working on.
Note: The Longview Conference is simply a stepping stone to the Mars Colony, and Beyond. (Sorry! Couldn’t resist the pun between HIS Long View, and OUR Longview!)
I am going to limit you comments to 100 words from now on, since the great length of many of them is causing people to tune you out and also to experience frustration as they scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll to the next one. I value your contributions, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing. The poison is in the dose, as Paracelsus observed.
In reply to Greg Johnson:
To loosely quote Twain, “I sorry I didn’t write a shorter letter. I didn’t have time.”
My verbosity has paid off, in that the Northwest Imperative is being openly, fairly, and honestly discussed in a context that supports the metapolitical project.
Who could ask for more?
Thank you!
I’m trying to shorten mine as well.
I’ll get to the bulk of your comment tomorrow, but as a historical aside, the first person to envision a Northwest Republic of sorts (with himself as president, of course) was the ebullient Aaron Burr, who got done on a treason charge along with an army general named James Wilkinson for plotting to seize the Louisiana Purchase territory and found his own nation back during Jefferson’s time.
We cannot mention names, OK, but a few posts ago an individual who said he read HAC’s novels talked of millions of troops that could be used against entrenched guerrilla positions, airpower, nukes, etc, that could be used against “mass concentrations of white revolutionaries”.
Well, this individual must not have read the 4 NW novels I read, there are no entrenched positions, or “mass concentrations of white revolutionaries” that can be lasted to bits, rather there are typically 3 or 4 ordinary-looking people in a SUV preparing to shoot an enemy, or in the process of detonating a bomb under the vehicle of an important amurrican, 8 NVA Volunteers is an unusually high number to have in one place in HAC’s novels, and rightly so, (they will be ordinary-looking that is if we can get young WN’s to stop tattooing themselves up so everyone knows who they are, and get older WN’s to get rid of the beards and outlandish Boer type hats so they too blend in with the general populace)
And the available troops are off in the Middle East protecting israel….
Mikey: Google “Troubles” “SAS” Modern military forces do not need division strength units anymore. What? Do you think the fictional NVA is the only ones who think 3-8 man deathsquads well trained? Not. The US Government too corrupted and disorganized to have effective special forces? That’s funny. Those are the units they dote on most while the poor bloody infantry go around scrounging vehicle armor from enemy tanks.
The IRA didn’t win, they got bought off. They did not unite Ireland, they ended up with fat expense accounts and a seat in the North Ireland government to shout and rage from. True, they didn’t lose, but are the British still in Northren Ireland? Yes.
The NVA will NOT beat the US Military, even a weakened end-game US Military in a time of imperial collapse. Sorry, anyone who disagrees with that is delusional. Will the NVA be able to be a “Freicorps” type service once the “balloon goes up” and the US disintegrates into smaller ‘ethostates’ as a previous poster mentioned? Yes! That will be its true purpose. Stop Aztlan, Deseret and whatever other local governments get control in the midwest and west canada from encroaching on the Pacific Northwest.
The Soviet Union and the Roman Empire were never conquered or defeated in war when it counted to defend their homeland (Afghanistan and Pictland notwithstanding). The US Empire will be of the same caliber. But its going to fall, and after that, then it will be time for local defense forces, NVAs and other such. Anyone who’s got the logistics and planning all mapped out already and ready to go at a moment’s notice will be in a great situation.
By George! I think he’s GOT it!
“The major problem I have with the whole idea is the notion that the system is going to collapse sometime soon. I just don’t think it will. What do we do if the system doesn’t collapse?”
I think one problem is the definition of collapse. Most of the world naturally lives in what white people would call a state of collapse. It doesn’t have to mean Mad Max. I’d call the 1930s depression a collapse, Weimar Germany even more so. If America in the 1930s had the same same ethnic mix there is today what would have happened? Who knows but i assume bad.
Personally i don’t think the physical aspect of a collapse is the important part. The important part of a collapse is the loss of faith in the existing leaders and institutions as that provides an opportunity to replace the old leadership with a new one.
Well, with regard to the Covington scenario, a collapse obviously means a collapse to the point where the US military cannot crush a Northwest independence movement – i.e. a pretty severe economic and institutional collapse. A collapse to the point where the government cannot infiltrate the Northwest Front, or fly over and drop a bomb on its headquarters. I just think that’s very unlikely to occur.
If it doesn’t occur, then what I think of as the “direct military” approach is clearly not going to work, as everyone seems to acknowledge. Nobody thinks the USG can be militarily confronted while it has even a fraction of the military power that it currently has. Everyone seems to agree on that point.
The whole idea that some collapse is definitely going to occur strikes me as little more than wishful thinking. People are hoping for a collapse, because it means that most of the hard work will be done for us. Again, what if we don’t get that lucky? I think we should spend most of our effort preparing for the case where the system stays afloat.
You’re in a collapse
It’s not Mad Max.
“I think we should spend most of our effort preparing for the case where the system stays afloat.”
It will stay afloat. It’s not Mad Max.
The big differences will be
– the federal government will have much less money to spend
– much less overseas defence spending
– reduced welfare
– mass unemployment
“People are hoping for a collapse, because it means that most of the hard work will be done for us.”
It doesn’t mean that at all. Non-white unrest in the cities could just as easily lead to a universal government crackdown that makes it harder for us to do anything but you’re in a collapse whether you believe it or not.
“Am I the only person who thinks that maybe – just maybe – it’s a good idea to look at what the winners are doing and try to emulate them?”
No you’re not, but different strokes for different folks.
@ “A collapse to the point where the government cannot infiltrate the Northwest Front, or fly over and drop a bomb on its headquarters.”
It looks like you have not read the novels. Of course the NVA got infiltrated by ZOG in Covington’s saga. That’s why the (fictional) NVA consists of about a couple of thousand volunteers of isolated groups of 3-8 men. Each unit does not know each other (except by means of an intermediary).
@ “I think we should spend most of our effort preparing for the case where the system stays afloat.”
I spent about four hours yesterday watching the YouTube videos of Peter Schiff. He is 100% sure that the dollar will collapse in the future.
I am not an economist. But I am almost certain is that Europe will demographically collapse in the future, especially the nations that harbor millions of Muslims who crave for Sharia Law in the host nations. There’s no question about that.
The word “collapse” is used all too loosely; I use it as shorthand for a series of declines in income, and STate political effectiveness.
My model assumes we will return to a 1930’s type economy, with electricity, and the Internet, with horrific increases in energy costs.
Thus, my call for people to write letters to their grandchildren in 2050, describing the world they live in, and what you did to make it better for them, and THEIR Families.
That is the inspirational, analytical rigor the Northwest Imperative forces upon us.
Focus Northwest
Personally, I do not think we should put all of our eggs into one basket. I think that there will be white enclaves in the New England area and Canada as well. I also think that there will be white enclaves in the Rocky, Adirondacks and the Alleghany Mountains, giving us semi-safe routes north into Canada, thus splitting the country into more manageable chunks. The muds will not want to go into the mountains against a determined foe.
You may well be right as far as how it all plays out in the real world. But don’t think of it as putting all our eggs in one basket. Think of it as concentrating the small amount of manpower and resources we have. It’s a principle of guerrilla warfare: when your guerrillas are hugely outnumbered by the occupation forces, as is almost always the case, you always try to make sure that your men outnumber and outgun the enemy AT THE POINT OF CONTACT.
You might also consider the difference between trying to wear down a pane of glass by pelting it with ten pounds of sand, as opposed to hurling the same ten-pound weight in the form of a rock at it.
Hi, guys:
Just a quick FYI note for all of you. Some rather unpleasant people have been poking around our web site, and there may be some kind of attempt made in the near future to use the abuse of civil litigation to shut us down and confiscate the northwestfront.org domain name. (This is the enemy themselves, thank God, not one of our own sillies, for a change.) I’m just letting everybody know in the event that we suddenly disappear off the web one day.
The Northwest Front already has one backup site in place, with a full archive of Radio Free Northwests, and we are working on a backup or mirror for the present main Party website just in case. However, you guys may want to download or copy anything you want off the northwestfront.org site in case it goes poof.
This kind of thing comes with the territory. When one pokes at a dangerous animal with a stick, like we do, one shouldn’t be surprised when the beast snaps at you.
Regarding potential opportunities created by a mass loss of regime legitimacy, I think it’s likely that any new opportunities will be offset by new and formidable threats.
I’m sure the ruling class realizes there is a convergence of catastrophes looming, and I’m sure they have a plan; they’re not stupid.
For all we know they might be looking forward to losing their legitimacy. It would certainly give them an opportunity to drop the mask of democracy and impose a “hard” totalitarian system in place of the “soft” one we live under now.
Ironic. I typed in my comment about new threats before I saw HACs remark about civil litigation.