Following the swearing in of François Mitterand as President on 21st May 1981, he dissolved the National Assembly, calling new elections that took place in two rounds on 14th and 21st June 1981, leaving his Socialist Party with 266 of the 491 members of the new National Assembly–an absolute majority. (more…)
Tag: Front National
Immigration was already becoming a serious problem in the France of 1973, as conservative elements in the system recognised, but were ultimately unwilling to address. De Gaulle’s successor, President Georges Pompidou, a far better man and leader than his counterparts in British Conservatism or the GOP of his time, complained privately how every time that he wished to implement restrictions on immigration, his party’s major donors in French industry, notably the construction giant Bouygues, lobbied against any such restrictions. (more…)
Yesterday, France and Europe lost a great son. The death of Jean-Marie Le Pen at the age of 96 marks the end of an era in politics. Fuller appreciations for his long and eventful life will come in time from biographers, friendly and hostile. What follows is a brief envoi for a man whom I had the privilege of meeting several times and grew to respect greatly, without necessarily agreeing with him on every point of detail (a subject to which I will return). (more…)
English original here, French, Spanish
Część 6 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 3, Rozdział 5)
Aby zrealizować swoje cele polityczne, Północnoamerykańska Nowa Prawica musi zrozumieć właściwe relacje pomiędzy teorią a zmianą społeczną, metapolitkyą a polityką, teorią a praktyką. Musimy uniknąć dryfowania w kierunku bezczynnego intelektualizmu albo bezmyślnego – a zatem najprawdopodobniej przynoszącego skutki odwrotne od zamierzonych – aktywizmu. (more…)
English original here, French version here, Polish version here
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 3 aquí, Capítulo 5 aquí
Para lograr nuestros objetivos políticos, la Nueva Derecha norteamericana debe entender la relación exacta entre la teoría social y el cambio social, entre metapolítica y política y entre teoría y práctica. Debemos evitar desviarnos tanto hacia un intelectualismo inactivo como un activismo poco inteligente y tal vez contraproducente. (more…)
August 25, 2021 F. Roger Devlin
Ethnopluralism: A Defense of Nationhood
Martin Lichtmesz
Ethnopluralismus: Kritik und Verteidigung
Steigra: Antaios Verlag, 2020Lack of terminological clarity is a problem inherent to political discourse, no doubt because so much of it is manipulative rather than communicative in intention. The word “nationalism” is a case in point. To many it still evokes the revanchisme of a France humiliated by the loss of Alsace-Lorraine, or Hitler’s various territorial demands of the 1930s: i.e., demands on behalf of particular nations that could only be satisfied at the expense of other nations. (more…)
3,863 words
Since the American Alt Right fell apart, many commentators and outlets which formerly identified as “Alt Right” have started pointing towards European populism as an example to follow, and are often heard to say that the nationalist cause is much further ahead in Europe. As a European, I would like to comment on this, based on the Dutch populist movement, which is relatively strong for a Western European country. (more…)
1,128 words
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: The following is a translation from the concluding chapter of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Mémoires: Fils de la nation (Paris: Muller, 2018), pp. 389-391. The title is editorial.
When I began to write these Memoirs in 2016, I decided to divide them into two volumes covering equal periods of forty-four years, the first going from my birth to that of the Front National, the second telling the history of the Front National as I had experienced it. (more…)
750 words
(Czech translation here)
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: The following is a translation of the final paragraphs of the first volume of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Mémoires: Fils de la nation (Paris: Muller, 2018), pp. 402-403.
. . . in the end, the Second World War is a detail of history and a detail in the use of history for ideological ends.
Translated by Garrett Deasy
The following is an interview with Alain de Benoist that was published by the Hungarian magazine Mandiner on November 4, 2017. It was translated from the original French. (more…)
8,406 words
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.
Alain de Benoist
Le Moment Populiste: Droite-Gauche c’est Fini!
Paris: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux, 2017 (more…) -
September 26, 2017 Bruno Mégret
The Front National’s Evolution
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: Bruno Mégret is a senior French civil servant, politician, and former right-hand man of Jean-Marie Le Pen until the notorious party split of 1998. The title is editorial. (more…)