Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 127
Interview with Martin Webster, Part 1
Counter-Currents Radio
Part 1 of 2
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On April 10, 2015, Greg Johnson interviewed veteran British nationalist activist Martin Webster in London. Topics discussed include:
- Webster’s background and political awakening
- A. K. Chesterton and the League of Empire Loyalists
- Colin Jordan, John Tyndall, and the National Socialist Movement
- The Greater Britain Movement
- The National Front
- The importance of having a constitution for political parties and movements
- Webster’s campaigns with the National Front up until the 1979 General Elections
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 127 Interview with Martin Webster, Part 1
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Fascinating interview.
Webster’s unapologetic style with the news media had them stumped. To a question about the death of New Zealand Trotksyite schoolteacher Blair Peach, being lauded to godlike proportions, who died while rioting against the NF, Webster instantly replied: ‘ one less Red’. Such candour had the TV interviewer, another New Zealander, Hugo Manson, dumb-struck.
Great to hear Martin’s voice again and know that he’s active and well after all these years. He was/is a brilliant publicist. Witty and affable, some of his ripostes are unforgettable.Will always remember how he took the wind out of the Anti Nazi League’s sails by always alliterating its acronym ANL as ANAL . An insightful and historically valuable interview. His reflections on his stunning bi-election success and adroit handling of the Manchester marches hark back to better times; his comments on Prince Charles’s visit to Lewisham a damning premonition of the future.
Thank you for this excellent interview, Greg. Mainstream documentaries about the National Front portray Martin Webster as a cartoonish ignorant thug. It’s very informative to listen to the man speak for himself. This is the kind of content that makes Counter-Currents such an important resource.
I suspect us North Americans have much to learn from the experiences of the NF.
Thanks Greg, There isn’t much audio and video of martin online so thank you answering the high demand that is out there.
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