Tag: white community building
I recently rewatched two older videos by YouTubers JD from The History Underground and Chris Mowery from Vlogging Through History about their Currahee clean-up project in 2021. They’re simply good for the soul — whatever your thoughts on the Second World War, Band of Brothers (“the men that saved the world” — seriously, Chris?), or even the criticized “I love Hitler” graffiti. (more…)
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There is a call to build white communities at every American Renaissance conference. But where have we progressed in 19 years on this issue? Personally, I think nowhere — at least in the United States. I’ll therefore try to motivate White Nationalists by my own example in my own town. (more…)
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Giving Tuesday is our national day of giving, an answer to the consumerist’s Black Friday sales, providing a holiday for giving back to your community. Your community, the white community, is going extinct. Whites have gone from 90% of Americans to 57%. Children are already a minority at 49%. Counter-Currents offers a clear political philosophy to counter our extinction and promote healthy white communities. (more…)
Note: This essay, whose author wishes to remain anonymous, is based on a talk recently given at a private nationalist gathering in the United States.
History, as we know, does not flow evenly. Those of us old enough to remember the Cold War will recall that for several decades the east and west blocs faced off like two tectonic plates, as the world waited for an earthquake that never seemed to arrive. (more…)
In the now-halcyon days of late 2019, I was called to participate in a debate which was billed “nationalism vs. patriotism,” but adherents to the dissident Right’s creeds would probably categorize it as “ethnonationalism vs. civic nationalism” which then branched out into “traditionalism vs. liberalism,” because those things tend to go hand in hand for some strange reason. After the introductory niceties, once we stated our premises, I quickly surmised that my interlocutor, a self-styled patriot, did not inhabit the same empirical universe as myself and the rest of the dissident Right, which is to say, his basic postulates on how the universe, and specifically human beings work, were different from my own. (more…)
Twitter is done. After the suspension of then-sitting President Trump and successive ban waves, it’s obvious that Right-wingers have no future on the platform. What began as Left and Right competing for audiences on Twitter has ended with Twitter itself flexing its soy-infused muscles to purge all but a small and carefully curated number of high-profile (more…)
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Thomas R. Pegram
One Hundred Percent American: The Rebirth and Decline of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2011The Ku Klux Klan suffers from a positively radioactive reputation, even among fellow Rightists. During the infamous family dinner scene in American History X, at which Edward Norton’s Derek Vinyard assaults his sister and displays his swastika tattoo to the Jewish teacher dating his widowed mother, (more…)
June 30, 2020 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 278
What Would We Do With a Billion Dollars & Other Reader Questions140 words / 1:57:06
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
On the Counter-Currents Radio fundraiser livestream for Sunday, June 28, Greg Johnson and special guest Laura Towler discuss your questions and other topics, including:
- What would we do with a billion dollars?
- What can individuals do to redpill people during this time of increased polarization?
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The Kavanaugh/Blasey-Ford/#MeToo cluster-debacle has me lately remembering Rebecca.
Bear with me.
I was living in Seattle and working for a municipal codes publisher as a proofer. (more…)
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Early Thursday morning, I witnessed an immensely tragic and, truthfully, a surreally disturbing event on Facebook Live. A young racialist comrade, who went by the name Zachary Gromland (not his actual name), livestreamed himself as he needlessly ended his own life. I’m not usually one for watching these live feeds, and quite honestly, after this I’m in no rush to watch any more for the foreseeable future. I am, however, feeling the urge to put proverbial pen to paper and attempt to construct something positive from such a tragic, and ultimately meaningless, loss of life. (more…)
Last year, the Northwest Forum’s June and August meetings had three infiltrators. One was Patrik Hermannson of Hope Not Hate. The second was the girlfriend of a member of the local Cascadia group. The third was David Lewis, a Seattle journalist.
Obviously, we needed to rethink our vetting procedures.