I have been watching 1970s Nazisploitation movies lately. This started when, on a whim, I thought it would be funny to write a review of Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS, which is one of those movies that everyone has heard of — because, credit where it’s due, it is one hell of a name — but which very few people have ever actually seen. Nonetheless, you still hear people drop the name as a punchline all the time. If some conservative bimbo offers a milquetoast take that is mildly critical of Black Lives Matter, someone will inevitably say, “Who does she think she is, Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS?” So I thought I’d watch it just to know where the joke came from. (more…)
Tag: prostitution
Steve Moxon
The Woman Racket
Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2008The woman racket is the McCarthyism of the 1990s. — Norman Mailer
Women. You can’t live with ‘em and you can’t kill ‘em. — Mad Dog and Glory
This millennium we have become used to new myths. Islam is a religion of peace, trans people are facing “genocide,” and blacks invented trains, planes, and automobiles while dodging the bullets of a racist police force. (more…)
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American Pimp is a 1999 documentary directed by the Hughes Brothers, the half-black, half-Armenian twins who also directed Menace II Society and Dead Presidents. American Pimp has fallen into obscurity and is now hard to find. But it deserves to be better-known, especially among race-realists. American Pimp is just under 90 minutes. It consists primarily of interviews with black pimps and their prostitutes. (more…)
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As a partisan political weapon, lawfare is the penalization and literal criminalization of dissent from the ruling order. For years, through a series of largely uncoordinated – but ideologically homogeneous – actions, the Radical Left has been weaponizing the American judicial system with the aim of enforcing racio-cultural norms, and specifically the destruction of the white race, (more…)
In recent years, White Nationalists and identitarians have been the most censored people in the world. But lately, one other group has been trying to steal our thunder as free speech martyrs: sex workers.
Prostitution has operated fairly openly on the internet for many years on adult dating websites and even in personals sections of otherwise respectable websites. (more…)
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James Traub’s history of Times Square in New York, The Devil’s Playground (Random House, 2007) provides – perhaps unintentionally – an excellent case study illustrative of when and how American cities went wrong.
In March of 1960, the New York Times ran a long front-page story under the headline ‘Life on 42nd St. A Study in Decay.’ (more…)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (2009) is the second novel/movie in the dismayingly popular Millennium Trilogy by the late Swedish communist and feminist Stieg Larsson. It is the sequel to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which was recently remade in English directed by David Fincher. Assuming that Hollywood will remake all three Swedish films, we might as well get a sneak preview by taking a look at the Swedish sequels. (more…)
Richard Bernstein
The East, the West, and Sex: A History of Erotic Encounters
New York: Knopf, 2009It’s no secret that Asian women and white men seem to have a good deal of mutual attraction. Richard Bernstein, a Jew married to an Asian woman, tries to put this into a historical context. Reading his book gives an idea of how unique Western ideas of sex and marriage truly have been. (more…)
December 17, 2010 Andrew Hamilton
Las Vegas Mayor Calls Black President a “Real . . . Slow . . . Learner”
President Barack Obama said at a New Hampshire high school recently, “When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices.”