When Israel resorts to extreme violence against its neighbors, the fallout is felt throughout the world, especially in the United States and the wider West. Iran, for instance, will activate its terror networks in Europe. (more…)
Tag: Iran
2,110 words
O. J. Simpson: 1947-2024
Up until June 12, 1994, white America was convinced that O. J. Simpson was “one of the good ones.” When it turned out that he wasn’t — and that black America supported him, anyway — race relations took a permanent turn for the worse.
June 12 is my birthday and, possibly overdosing on cake, I’d fallen asleep in my Hollywood apartment around dusk, only to be rustled from slumber by my first wife, who shook me awake to say, “Jimmy — O.J. Simpson murdered his wife.” (more…)
1,281 words
On the eve of the Great Asian War against China, in a rousing speech Biden assured the American people that the war was necessary because China was the most dangerous country in Latin America and didn’t have American values. The Wall Street Journal pointed out that the United States had the most advanced, lethal, best-trained, hypergalactic, and indomitable military the world had ever seen, and the fact that it could not defeat annoyed goatherders with rifles had no bearing on the matter since the Chinese didn’t have goats. (more…)
3,613 words
The Chernobyl nuclear reactor in the Soviet Union suffered a catastrophic meltdown in April 1986. The disaster was too big to ignore, and it shattered the prestige upon which the Evil Empire was built. Thereafter the entirety of the Communist bloc in Europe started to collapse. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
The Iran-Contra Affair is an almost forgotten relic of the 1980s. The story of the episode has been overwhelmed by the spectacular events which followed: the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Persian Gulf War, and so on. (more…)
December 14, 2023 Morris van de Camp
Ba’athism & Saddam Hussein
A System that Worked, Part 2Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
The Rise of Saddam Hussein
In 1968, the Ba’athists returned to power in Iraq after a relatively bloodless coup. President Arif was deposed and exiled along with his family to London. The fact that the coup was bloodless shows that Ba’athism had won Iraqi hearts and minds and was widely seen as legitimate. Saddam Hussein was still in the background at this time, and like Stalin, he focused on creating a security and intelligence service that was loyal to him. (more…)
The human mind is perhaps the most intricate system we know of, and yet we humans are paradoxically quite simple for some gifted enchanters to understand and manipulate. (more…)
1,742 words
Events in the Middle East continue to escalate. As the great powers of the present day continue their mobilization of resources, men, and materiel, war on a global scale is on the horizon. While the world is transfixed by events in Palestine, fighting in Ukraine grinds on, and the specter of China’s ongoing confrontation with Taiwan remains simmering in the background. (more…)
1,175 words
I confess that I am a bad American. Yes, I pay little attention to Congress. Why? Because it seems to me little more than a storefront operation for the powers that count in America: Big Pharma, the military industry, Wall Street, and so on. They make policy. Congress just announces it. Nor do I much read the Constitution, a document in tatters that has little obvious connection to American life. (more…)
1,414 words
Aside from Thomas Jefferson writing “all men are created equal” while he was a slave owner, the biggest mistake the founding fathers made was the Naturalization Act of 1790. It only limited naturalization to free white persons of good moral character. (more…)
June 28, 2023 Jonathan Bowden
Jonathan Bowden o islámu a sionismu
English original here
Poznámka Grega Johnsona:
Následuje přepis části rozhovoru Jonathana Bowdena v londýnském Union Jack klubu ze soboty 21. listopadu 2009, který následoval po jeho dnes už slavném vystoupení o fenoménu Punch and Judy. Titulek je redakční.
Otázka: Liberály velice znepokojuje islám, militantní islám.
Jonathan Bowden: Ano, to máte pravdu. (more…)
Padraig Martin, ed.
The Honorable Cause: A Free South –12 Southern Essays
Self-published, 2023In concluding his great work The Southern Tradition at Bay, which was published five years after the author’s death in 1968, Richard Weaver leaves us with some truly haunting words: “The South which entered the twentieth century had largely ceased to be a fighting South.”
Although this statement was false in a literal sense, since throughout the twentieth century the American South had provided the United States military some of its best fighting men, it was true in that these men had largely ceased fighting as Southerners. (more…)