What White Nationalists Want from the Trump Administration
David M. ZsuttyPart 1
Policy 1: Free Political Prisoners
This needs to be as much of a priority as mass deportations because it will set the tone for the rest of the term. It is also a matter of honor and will show whether the Trump administration takes itself seriously and has the prerequisite will to power for other endeavors.
One of the chief reasons why the Left was able to steal the election in 2020 was because Team Trump failed to act as if the election had really been stolen. No serious people would allow an election to be stolen without resistance, so it was natural for many citizens to conclude either that the election wasn’t stolen, Team Trump wasn’t serious, or both.
If the administration fails to free and pardon all J6 prisoners, then they are implicitly admitting that either the election wasn’t stolen or that election rigging isn’t that big of a deal. This undermines everything else. Too many milquetoast conservatives have been saying that only non-violent J6ers should be freed. This is ridiculous. Morally, there is no incorrect way to resist communists stealing an election, even if some methods are more effective than others. Thousands of people have died at home and abroad due to Biden’s disastrous policies. Some cops being roughed up isn’t a big deal, and especially since many of them were probably in on it. You also can’t expect people to be locked down for months due to Covid with BLM race riots and then be perfectly well behaved. That’s not human nature. Imagine if the Hungarians chose to only honor the non-violent patriots from the 1956 and 1848 revolutions. Sad!
No, the Left’s paradigm must be completely rejected and replaced with our own. Anything less than complete pardons for all J6ers is still working within the Left’s paradigm. That means that along with a blanket pardon there must be ample restitution for attorney fees, false imprisonment, emotional distress, violation of human rights, entrapment, and loss of earnings. Anything less than a million dollars for each J6er is unacceptable and suggests that the Left was somehow justified. The restitution money can come from the budget of slashed federal agencies, more on that latter. It’s important that J6 be completely undone and those involved punished because anything less will encourage another color revolution in 2028.
Moreover, this is something which most people support. Sanctimonious screeching about democracy and insurrection is not natural, it is a media talking point. People were simply intimidated, gas lit, and censored into silence. Freeing the J6ers will demoralize the Left and make us seem compassionate to the common people.
The J6ers should only be the beginning, however. There are many Alt Right political prisoners, such as Rob Rundo and the Rise Above Movement, who should also be pardoned and paid ample restitution. Unlike normie Republicans, we deeply care about our political prisoners. Many on the Dissident Right have transformed from being enthusiastic Trump supporters in 2016 to either hating him or at least being cautious. We implicitly understand game theory and remember the past conduct of other players. Giving our political prisoners justice would cost the administration nothing except liberal tears (which would be shed anyways on something) but go a long way towards regaining our trust and respect. This is important because while we are few in number, we are also highly energetic if properly motivated and like to go on the attack. There is already talk of punishing disloyal RINOs in the midterms. Free our heroes, and we will be your loyal attack dogs.
Furthermore, freeing our heroes will synergize with foreign policy matters which will be discussed latter.
Policy 2: Mass Deportations Etc.
Similar to pardoning political prisoners, this policy is important because it will set the tone for all other policies. This was a keystone campaign promise which even significant numbers of Hispanics voted for. Both Homeland Institute polls (see here and here) and mainstream polls (see here) have found widespread support for mass deportations. If Trump cannot deliver on this policy then both his friends and enemies will assume that this will be a repeat of his first term and that he will struggle to fulfill any promises at all.
Mass deportations should begin immediately so that the economic benefits can be reaped as soon as possible. Once people notice their rents decreasing and their wages rising due to the iron laws of supply and demand, they will be happy. If the deportations start late, then the opposition will be able to complain about the costs while we will not be able to rebut them with concrete evidence of the long-term benefits.
While illegal immigrants can’t vote, they are nonetheless counted by the census which impacts the apportionment of congressional seats and electoral college votes as explained here by The Heritage Foundation. This naturally increases the number of Democrat congressional representatives and electoral college votes since illegals tend to be harbored in blue states, most notably California. While illegal immigrants are by their nature difficult to count, as of 2019 almost a quarter of illegal immigrants lived in California.[1] While their numbers have declined in recent years it is still remarkably high with about 5% of California’s population being illegal.
Mass deportations will be most effective if they are synergized with other policies. Ending birthright citizenship is subjectively overshadowed in importance by mass deportations due to the reasons stated above. However, ending birthright citizenship is objectively more important in terms of raw demographic numbers. This will inevitably wind up in the courts, but is less a question of legal argumentation and more of who has the more will to power. Birthright citizenship for their children is a major motivation for many immigrants, both legal and illegal.
Additionally, California’s Prop 187 should be enshrined as federal law. Prop 187 aimed to deny illegal immigrants access to non-emergency services and was passed in California in 1994 of all times and places with almost 59% of voters voting for it. It was then struck down by an extremely subversive judge, Mariana Pfalezer. Pfaelzer made her ruling on the grounds that immigration is exclusively a federal matter. However, liberals effortlessly switch to being states’ rights advocates with sanctuary states and cities when we are in power. They cannot continue to have it both ways. A federal Prop 187 should apply to both federal and state services because even if a service is exclusively paid for and provided by a state, it nonetheless undermines the federal immigration system which must be comprehensive if it is to be meaningful. When states create their own immigration policies it inherently undermines federal policy. The Left admits as such in their opposition to Texas securing its border with barbed wire as it undermined the previous federal policy of open borders.
A Homeland Institute poll found that slightly more white voters would support than oppose a Prop 187-style law.[2] Because many immigrants come here for free handouts, enshrining Prop 187 into federal law would be a popular and effective way of stabilizing demographics.
Interestingly, Homeland Institute polling found that white voters prefer to use sticks more than carrots to fight illegal immigration. While paying immigrants to leave was unpopular, denying them drivers licenses was more even popular than even a Prop 187-style policy. This is probably explained by how voters prioritize economics or are wary of incentivizing bad behavior. Thus, the Trump administration might want to focus on heavy-handed immigration restrictions even if softer ones would be more effective.
Taxing remittances at 50% or higher would also incentivize immigrants to leave, including many legal ones. In 2022, 4.5% of Mexico’s GDP came from remittances. One of the chief economic arguments for open borders is that immigrants boost our economy and GDP. Remittances certainly boost Mexico’s GDP but at the cost of ours. Taxing remittances would have a positive economic impact, which would garner support among economically minded voters.
Mass deportations and other immigration policies would quickly have a compounding effect. Chain migration can work in both directions. When illegals are deported, their friends and families might follow them, even if they are here legally themselves. Many Leftists criticize mass deportations as impractical on the grounds that it would require us to go door to door. That is not the case. Once they feel unwelcome or find that living here is no longer profitable, many immigrants will voluntarily leave.
Hungary proves that this isn’t speculation. Hungary is part of the European Union and Schengen Zone, and so the hordes of Africans and Arabs invading Western Europe have just as much of a de jure right to live in Hungary once they are deemed legal. They don’t because they know that Hungary will not provide them with free handouts, that Hungarian courts will hold them to the same standard of conduct as native-born citizens, and that the Hungarian people generally dislike them. Incentives work.
Mass deportations and associated policies would make the Left pine for the halcyon days of building a wall because they would be more effective at destroying their power.
Policy 3: Military Purges
Mass deportations are also a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. The Left used Covid hysteria and vaccinations as a political litmus test to purge disloyal elements from the military. We can do the same by forcing the military to participate in mass deportations. We can then set up a hotline for the troops to report insubordination, which was widespread and casually accepted during Trump’s first term and will be even more widespread during his second. This would be similar to how the communists trained children to report on their parents and teachers. The Left set up a system that promotes vapid careerists, which can actually backfire on them. The same careerists would happily inform on each other if it made it more likely they will be promoted. Moreover, the junior enlisted community is generally annoyed with the crap which constantly rolls downhill upon them, and thus all but the most ardent Leftists would be joyful participants. It would be best to have JD Vance rather than Trump take point on the purges because he can paint it as a revenge of the enlisted patriots against the woke brass. Picking Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense would be perfect for this task as well because he was targeted for being an “insider threat” and thus would be eager to reverse the roles rather than impotently imaging if the roles were reversed.
Any loss in readiness is irrelevant because the military has become so weakened that it is unable to fight a war anyways. For example, the US Navy is being ritualistically humiliated by third-world Houthi pirates. Besides, America’s resurgence on the world stage is best accomplished through tough but reasonable diplomacy rather than brute force, and this is already happening months before Trump even takes office.
A purge is necessary to rebuild in the long-term. As of now, the ranks are filled with fatties, liberals, and even Mexicans brazenly playing narco-corridos as they drive around on base. This process will take years, and forcing them to participate in mass deportations would be a good way to jump start the process.
Losing “experienced” leaders due to a purge is not a big deal because along with a purge, a thorough reevaluation of doctrine is needed. First, as Trump would say these people have a lot of experience, but it’s all bad experience. Second, the nature of war has fundamentally changed. Counter-insurgency is off the table as we will no longer be occupying Arab countries for Israel, while the modern NATO blitzkrieg doctrine of “shock and awe” is outdated because drones, artillery, and infantry have come to surpass fancy tanks and airplanes in power. Purging the military would synergize well with the extreme remodeling of doctrine because we need new people with fresh perspectives and creativity. The new doctrine must focus on winning mass wars of attrition in which attacking in depth and defending in depth are essential and thus will require infantry in higher quantity and quality. Because a draft is a political fantasy, the military must return to being a bastion for conservative white men if it is to create such an infantry-based force.
Utilizing the military will also cut down on the costs of mass deportations because during peacetime the military usually wastes their enlisted members time with things that are entirely frivolous and condescending. Thus, this will make both the troops (at least the good ones) and the taxpayers happy.
A military which is loyal, or at least significantly less disloyal, will be necessary to deter another color revolution in 2028.
[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/629682/state-populations-of-illegal-immigrants-in-the-united-states-2014/
[2] https://homelandinstitute.org/polls/immigration-and-repatriation/ See Section 4: Voluntary Repatriation and Deportation
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I’d add one more, or perhaps extend the first to cover free speech. The First Amendment must be defended and strengthened. We need to be able to communicate our ideas openly without fear; truth is our greatest weapon. Additionally, the Assembly Clause needs to be re-asserted so that we can form associations based on whatever criteria we wish at all times.
Along with First Amendment —
Make an issue of corporate interference with free speech by threatening to nationalize X, Google, and so on.
Along with that, should private spy agencies (such as ADL, etc) be allowed to operate since they are practicing censorship without a license now? No point in freedom of speech if you lose your job for exercising it.
I agree, I’m going to touch on big tech and free speech in Part 2.
The same kind of conservatives that congratulate themselves on their political insight by saying that America is not a democracy it is a republic also love to say that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
Even Pol Pot would give you that. In the killing fields everyone was free to speak, but afterwards a plastic bag would be held over your head till you died. You had to drain that cup of consequences to the last bitter drop.
Ashli Babbitt was free to petition her government for the redress of grievances in the same way that the left often has, but that didn’t mean there weren’t consequences like a deadly bullet from a government thug.
Any pro-White who speaks up can face all sorts of consequences including interference with their ability to sell books and take donations.
It is important to oppose this two-tier injustice system, this system of consequences for pro-Whites but not for antiwhites.
Free all political prisoners. This includes Derek Chauvin and those three poor souls in Georgia who were unjustly imprisoned for the Ahmed Arbury affair.
Not to mention James Fields, who should have never spent a day behind bars.
Free speech!
The rest will take care of itself.
Please C=C, don’t use the term communist as a slur. We honest Marxist-Leninists are White nationalists TOO. We fight against the same liberal regime as the rest of you here,
If you don’t mind me asking, how common are those with your perspective over on the left these days? When I was in college, there were more Communists than Wisconsin has dairy farmers, but they were all politically correct types – the usual sort of chickens voting for Colonel Sanders. I read their literature, and it was all about race agitation – hardly anything about labor, nothing about economics or dialectical materialism.
Other than that, how do you respond to tone policing by fellow leftists?
You’re right, unfortunately. The left has been hijacked by liberals in recent decades who have suppressed its real mission and replaced it with woke nonsense and anti-white propaganda. American globalist capitalism, the rule of the super-rich and their managerial elites, is a mortal danger to the survival of white nations and European culture.
Similarly, anti- white multiculturalism and free market liberalism are parts of the ideology of the ruling elite to demoralize ordinary people. Communists and white nationalists have therefore a common enemy. Also, their ideological principles are not only compatible, but their success is mutually conditional. You cannot have a white nation-state that is not also an authoritarian welfare state or a populist empire, free of the parasitic class of the cosmopolitan rich.
I agree with all that ─ but you said that you were a Marxist-Leninist.
Correct me if I am wrong, but that is about using the class-struggle tactic to take Classical-Liberalism to its logical and “rational” ends, either to pure Communism/Anarchy or to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Marxism-Leninism holds both race and nation to be social constructs. That seems prima facie incompatible with white nationalism, right? I don’t know you, but I wonder if Strasserist or Stalinist would better describe your ideology.
What are your views on Shlomo always promoting open-borders and race-mixing?
Pretty much all the Universities are riddled with Communists (not just the faculty but the administrators and much of the staff too) and they are not pro-White.
The American Library Association even elected a self-described “Marxist Lesbian” as its president. This admission was a bridge too far, but they continue pushing the Woke agenda hard.
We fight against the same liberal regime as the rest of you here,
Have just seen how the honest Marxist-Leninists in Greece violently attacked Ukrainians, which wanted to commemorate the day of Holodomor, Stalin’s famine.
It is important to note here that in 1930’s Ukrainians were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks together with the “Western Partners” (which have gotten all grain, stolen from Ukrainians, all meat, stolen from Qazaqs, all rice, stolen from Uzbeks, et al.), and that in the 21st century Ukrainians are killed by Jewish liberals together with the same “Western Partners”.
Communists and white nationalists have therefore a common enemy.
And communists in the West are not financed from China anymore?
That’s a very difficult circle you’re trying to square. The two philosophies arise from very different fundamentals; they have opposite responses to the nature/nurture question and to the question of the individual. Nationalism is a celebration of nature and the individual: his genetics, his history, his culture. He may have to submit to the collective on occasion to advance his characteristics, but it is done so in the service of the self.
Communism, otoh, is the erasure of the individual for the good of the collective. Nurture is everything; all that a man is gets swept away through education (re-education, where necessary) to produce a new, selfless man, one fully dedicated to the collective. Our past, our genes, our culture are nothing.
You may wish to rethink your stance on a few things and decide which camp you’re in. Hopefully, you’ll realize what a soul-crushing proposition communism is and become a full-fledged white nationalist who celebrates who he is.
Prop 187 was a beautiful thing. I grew up in California and it was already starting to slide down the path to minority hell. He’d need to give it real teeth to get compliance. Tie Fed funding for schools or law enforcement to cooperation with the effort.
He definitely needs to pardon everyone. J6 was a fedsurrection as named by Darren Beattie at Revolver News. Flush out all the fbi talent that ran the pipe bomb hoax. He has had occasion to say there were violent protesters. They were attacked and pushed over the edge by undercover feds and violent capital police. Cut them all loose. Use the power of the fed purse to make it happen.
Amen to all of that.
.it’s too bad that Gov. George Wallace didn’t run and win in 1972..! It’s strange (coincidence?), that he was shot on May 15, 1972 by Arthur Bremmer (paid off?), some 3 days after he made the following remark on the, “Huntley-Brinkley Report”..”We should have of supported Germany during WW2, and we wouldn’t have the Soviet Union, today”. This was in reference to the SAM missiles that the Russians were supplying to the North Vietnamese, which were downing B-52 bombers 3 times a week. Other than that Southern gentleman, its’ going to be an uphill battle which we WILL win, but don’t bet the house on Vladimir Trump!
I think the chauvin case and Arbery case had state charges, although there were federal charges, in these strange cases of double jeopardy against whites, which trump could pardon, but that would be symbolic, as the state charges would stand. What can we say about ashley babbit’s overzealous shooting?
Agree with the pardoning and freeing of our “heroes” but who exactly, beyond the J6 Patriots (Tarrio etc) are they? Name them. I’ll start. Officer Derek Chauvin, the presently imprisoned officers who were with him that fateful day and all the conscience convicted pro-life activists, particularly the Catholics who stood against infanticide. I’ll also add Jack Teixeira. Who else we want???
Rob Rundo and RAM. Plus anyone who was entrapped by the feds because entrapment is just a euphemism for creating crime when the supply doesn’t meet the demand.
WNs are going to receive approximately nothing from the 2nd Trump term. It’s bizarre reading these article and these comments when we already have evidence from the 1st term
I agree with the sentiments expressed by pardoning Derek Chauvin who did nothing wrong!
The same with James Fields, who at the very least has been more than punished for driving a car to a rally and getting into an accident with Commie agitators.
And the same with those prosecuted in the Ahmaud Arbery case who did nothing wrong when Arbery tried to take the gun from McMichael the younger. Even the neighborhood guy who filmed the encounter was put on the dock ─ and something draconian probably would have happened to ANY White person who was there.
As I am not a lawyer, I am not sure if a President can pardon someone convicted and sentenced in State courts ─ or maybe he can do some serious persuasion of state governors and get them to agree.
If these political prisoners can’t be pardoned somehow, then I would settle for putting Keith Ellison and anyone else associated with these witchhunts onto the cattlecars and sent straight to the camps.
I also think that journos who use terms like the “the Murder of George Floyd” need to visit the Peoples Court of Roland Friesler for a little corrective screw tightening, or maybe a few therapeutic death sentences for some of this traitorous corporate rabble.
They want free speech for their ilk but do not like it for anybody else and go even further in that they view their critics and conflicting arguments as obscene. That is not what the First Amendment is all about.
As far as the J6ers, I agree that there was no such thing as an insurgency. Petitioning Congress for “redress of grievances” is as old as the Republic.
Some protests in yesteryear when people still used horses and buggies actually even involved hanging the POTUS in effigy. Now a rope found on a garage door at a racetrack is proof that the Deplorables want to lynch the Darkie in Chief or any other System stooge.
I know that some of you younger ex-Leftists and ex-Libertarians mean well, but not all propaganda hits the mark.
The FIRST requirement of any good government is Hobbesian, i.e., it has to provide Law and Order. That is the compact that we make with whomever or whatever will be the Sovereign. Hitler understood this.
In 1938, the Propaganda Minister and the Gauleiter of Berlin, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels failed to sufficiently appreciate this rule with the “Kristalnacht” riots, which he is usually blamed for. It was a justified response to Jewish agents killing German diplomats, but it failed utterly in propaganda and basic statecraft for a simple reason ─ and not lost on Hitler.
So I am going to have to disagree with a blanket pardon on those who were fighting with the cops and trespassing the Capitol.
Law and Order (not the TV show) should be what it says on the wrapper.
However with J6, even these should be fairly mild depreciations. The DC cops seemed to have had orders from somebody to beat White Trumpers, and I find it curious that BLM/Antifa mostly stayed away (unlike at Charlottesville). Plus, the funny business with the pipe bomb and the corporate media incessantly claiming that the J6ers were armed. I believe that Ashley Babbitt had a pocket knife ─ not a big deal.
I am also going to disagree with the election-stealing narrative. I am not a lawyer but in my youth I presented quite a few cases to arbitration judges and government officials when I was an IBEW Union Steward.
What I learned from the old timers after trying to make compelling arguments and failing is that “it didn’t happen if you can’t prove it so.” And despite the justice of your cause, you will not get anywhere with special pleading.
Therefore, you do not want to make it “your hill to die on” if you can’t make a pretty compelling case. However, there are exceptions ─ such, for example, that if you are doing a “feint” line of argumentation that is meant to cause the adversarial team to overplay their hand. (This worked out for me once but I just got lucky.)
The rigged 2020 election has been investigated to death without much to show for it. There were many hijinx involved, but the way to fix this is by reforming and codifying the rules and enforcing standards.
For example, Arizona has had Voter ID since the mid-1990s and you had to show a Birth Certificate in the state to get a Driver’s License, which also has a photo. That is pretty much universal now, as U.S. citizens who don’t have passports are supposed to have the new enhanced Star IDs, when they cross the border, for example.
Thirty years ago, when you crossed the border into Arizona from Mexico all they asked you was “where were your born?” If in the USA then you are automatically a full citizen. And unless you had trouble with the English language, they often waved you through without any ID check at all.
If the election was stolen from Trump in 2020 ─ and I think it quite likely was ─ then it is really Trump’s fault for not adequately reforming the election system after his 2016 win where the enemy (many of them in his own camp) were bleating endlessly about Russian bots or Putin rigging the win for Trump somehow.
That whisper campaign should have been stamped out in the bud by the Attorney General, and the FBI purged from the start. The Watergate idea that the Attorney General should not answer to the Chief Executive is ludicrous.
More scrutiny still needs to be directed towards election integrity, and that will benefit both sides ─ but it should not be the signal feature of the new Trump regime.
In short, the Stop the Steal play is so far past its sell date that casually touching it will be toxic. It is such a huge distraction and will not help the new administration focus on the important things ─ which are namely the Border and immigration policies.
Everything the enemy does has the ultimate goal of “dismantling White Supremacy” if not cancelling White people outright. Everything WNs do should have the firm goal of restoring or creating White Supremacy, and shipping the alien Diasporas back to their own continents.
There is precedent for a mass pardon. In the wake of the 2020 rioting, various leftist city administrations (like Seattle) dropped charges against said rioters and in some cases made cash settlements to them on the grounds that their rights had been violated. Obviously, this was a way for the left-regime to effectively pay their own foot troops for taking it to the streets.
The right, especially on the mainstream, can learn a lesson here.
A tactic to consider is to follow the lead of nationalist groups in Britain and other points: set up a support committee for the families of political prisoners. Collect funds and then distribute the cash so family members can buy needed groceries and perhaps settle the utility bill. Value add is that this can gain recruits for the Dissident Right.
One more thing: by pushing the meme of “Free All Political Prisoners” the outgoing regime can be further delegitimized as violating the First Amendment. Attack the contradictions and all that sort of thing. Put the Dissident Right in the position of the righteous challenging the system. That’s worth something.
Ending the ethnic cleansing of the military is essential. The GAE sits down at the table with its adversaries as a laughing stock. They know and we know that The Regime is waging war against its people in a rolling color revolution and purging its military of its patriotic warrior class. Trump needs a strong military to strengthen his hand in diplomacy.
I agree that Trump must punish Goldfein, CQ Brown and the long cadre of revolutionaries purging Whites from the military in the past 15 years. At the same time, Trump needs White men to enlist. Making them point in the deportations is critical. It will allow young men a chance to vigorously express their patriotism. It will also give the best a chance to rise in the ranks on merit and to form deep bonds of loyalty forged in a real campaign that with the cartels will be difficult and involve real valor to win.
This wouldn’t be unlike Caesar getting his first toehold during the Spartacus rebellion. This will build a castle and the one that controls the arms, logistics … … Trump must act to build this castle as the next 50 years is going to be a slog. This is a golden opportunity.
An exposee on Mayorkas, HIAS and how those networks operate that gets in the public eye would be huge. If Tucker or Rogan or someone big picked it up and Trump gave a special national address about the treason Mayorkas has led, this would give massive support for defunding those networks and bringing their leadership to justice. Americans like economic injustice, and there is plenty there to show them how they have been ripped off while simultaneously funding their children’s dispossession.
We need a media strategy as media is 90% of the battle. If someone in our camp is doing exposees that would be huge. Trump needs to be giving regular national addresses once he declares the invasion a National Emergency. He should inform the public what has really happened and name the names. He could then give his lieutenants the floor to go over the charts tracking the numeric progress. Charts showing the geographic conquest of our country (using the phones Mayorkas gave them), and how that is being undone would be great. Trump and his team need to operate this out of the White House and make it like the propaganda/info-tainment that was used for Operation Desert Storm.
It is a war. Grillers love war. Present it to them as a war and get them pissed by showing them the extent of the treason and they can grill and provide the support Trump will need to pull this off.
ArminiusMaximus: November 24, 2024…We need a media strategy as media is 90% of the battle. If someone in our camp is doing exposes that would be huge… It is a war.
Needs, needs, needs. We do not need to reinvent the wheel; we simply need to be honest, name the enemy and that he controls the mass mind by controlling mass media.
We hear a lot these days about how “legacy media” or “corporate media” are not reliable and cannot be trusted. But since the early 1970s Dr. William Pierce documented Jewish control of mass media. He didn’t mince words and truthfully named names, all Jewish. For exposing documented facts of Jew-controlled media he was called “the most dangerous man in America.” See: Who Rules America? – Metapedia
Who Rules America? is a documented report on Jewish control of the entertainment and news media in the United States. The report was written by Dr. William L. Pierce and distributed by his White nationalist organization the National Alliance. Periodically the report has been updated by the research staff of the National Alliance’s publication, National Vanguard.
See also:
List of articles by William Pierce on Jewish media control
The Organizational Nexus, from National Vanguard, Issue No. 65, 1978 [626]
Two Lessons [627] National Vanguard No.92, January 1983
By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War [628] [629] February 1992
With Malice Aforethought: A Review of the Movie “The Crying Game” [630][631] September 18, 1993
Brainwashing in America [632] [633] April 1995
Disney and the Jews: Eisner and His Kind Must Stop Harming Our Children [634] [635] September 1995
The Destructive Media [636] [637] Audio [638] April 13, 1996
Men of Valor: We Must Have Such Men if the West Is to Survive [639] [640] Audio [641] April 20, 1996
The Meaning of Democracy: The Controlled Media Have the Most Say in Who Is Elected [642] [643] Audio [644] September 28, 1996
Skating on Thin Ice, Those Who Would Destroy Us Are Getting Worried [645] [646] Audio [647] January 25, 1997
Time To Do What’s Right, Why Does it Matter Who Controls the Media? [648] Audio [649] March 22, 1997
Patriots vs. Jews (text needed) Audio [650] July 19, 1997
Exposing the Warmongers [651] [652] Audio [653] November 22, 1997
Media Myths [654] [655] Audio [656] August 15, 1998
David Geffen, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton [657] [658] Audio [659] August 22, 1998
Fashion for Genocide [660] Audio [661] September 26, 1998
Lies, Murder, and Jews [662] [663] Audio [664] comments on the Columbine shootings May 1, 1999
Fooling the People [665] [666] Audio [667] May 29, 1999
The Division of America [668] [669] Audio [670] July 17, 1999
Enemies of Liberty [671] [672] Audio [673] July 24, 1999
Thoughts on Government [674][675] [676] Audio [677] December 11, 1999
Lies and the History Channel [678][679] [680] [681] Audio [682] February 5, 2000
The Hurricane [683][684] [685] [686] Audio [687] February 19, 2000
Defying the Censors [688] [689] Audio [690] November 4, 2000
Mike Wallace’s Lesson [691][692] [693] Audio [694] June 30, 2001
Fast and Furious [695][696] [697] Audio [698] July 7, 2001
Why We Deserve Their Contempt [699][700] [701] Audio [702] Video [703] July 14, 2001
The Jews Are Our Misfortune [704][705] Audio [706] July 21, 2001
Journalists and Canadians [707] [708] [709] Audio [710] January 5, 2002
Media-Driven Law [711][712] [713] Audio [714] February 2, 2002
Jewish Hate, the Media, and the ADL [715][716] [717] Audio [718] March 2, 2002
Senator Feinstein and Police Chief Parks [719][720] [721] Audio [722] March 23, 2002
The FBI, the ADL, and Christina Long [723] [724] [725] Audio [726] June 8, 2002
You make Pierce the model, but it seems to me that his advocacy went nowhere.
Corday: November 25, 2024 You make Pierce the model, but it seems to me that his advocacy went nowhere.
Yes, as the current chairman of the National Alliance, the organization Pierce founded 50 years to fight for the preservation of our race, I promote his teachings and his ideology as what our people desperately need. What seems to you might not match the realities Pierce taught us. I always liked the North Carolina Latin motto Esse quam videri which, translated into English, means “To be, rather than to seem.”
You are responding to my reply to ArminiusMaximus, whoever he is, who said we need a media strategy “as media is 90% of the battle.” Pierce explained over and over for three decades why Jewish control of “our” mass media is 90% of our racial struggle. Don’t blame Pierce if you and Arminius and others didn’t pay attention to what he taught us. Thankfully, his teachings are archived for a new generation of concerned Whites.
Go to the list of essays and American Dissident Voices shows I provided that Pierce authored. Listen to them or read them, then come back and tell me Pierce had not already formulated a sound media strategy: Identify/expose those who control media by Tribe and with their personal names, then build our own mass media to bypass them to reach our people with a pro-White message 24/7.
One of my favorite Pierce exposes of specific Jew control of media on that list is: Journalists and Canadians | National Vanguard
… As you may be aware, the mass media in Canada are as much under Jewish control as in the United States. The undisputed top media mogul in Canada is Israel Asper, who is commonly known by his nickname “Izzy.” With his sons Leonard and David and other family members, Izzy Asper owns CanWest Global Communications Corporation.
A Gentile, Conrad Black, also used to be a major player in the Canadian media, but a little over a year ago Black’s Southam News, Inc., was bought out by Izzy. CanWest now owns more than 60 per cent of Canada’s newspapers and other media outlets. That’s more than 60 per cent of all of Canada’s mass media in the hands of one Jew. Included are 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across the country, including the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, the Calgary Herald, and the Montreal Gazette. CanWest also owns the National Post, which is distributed throughout Canada. In addition Izzy owns media in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Northern Ireland.
Last month Izzy issued a written directive to his newspapers, instructing them that from now on they must print nothing critical of Israel or of Israeli actions or policies….
Imagine that. Do Canadians, after being told that, blame Dr. Pierce because they did nothing about what he told them about Izzy & Co.? Are U.S. <cough!> “legacy” or “corporate” media any different in shielding Israel from criticism of the genocide of her neighbors today?
If one wants the other side of the story about what’s going on in the Israeli occupiers’ genocide of Palestinians, check here, updated daily from non-Jewish sources: (181) Palestinians & Friends Attack Israeli Occupiers – Page 46 – White Biocentrism
‘[M]edia is 90% of the battle.’
No. This is one of these cases where I have to agree with the WN 1.0 folks like Pierce and Covington: Character not ‘media’ is 90% of the battle.
Whether or not White Nationalism is a viable political-economic-cultural phenomenon comes down to this question: If people knew you were a WN, would they think better of WN by virture of knowing you?
Can the White people around you rely on you?
If not, no amount of ‘media strategy’ is going to make White people move toward White Nationalism.
Hamburger Today: December 25, 2024 ‘[M]edia is [sic] 90% of the battle.’
No. This is one of these cases where I have to agree with the WN 1.0 folks like Pierce and Covington: Character not ‘media’ is 90% of the battle…
If not, no amount of ‘media strategy’ is going to make White people move toward White Nationalism.
To mention Pierce and Covington together in the same sentence with the word character is absurd, Wimpy.
Even Dick Nixon and preacher man Billy Graham discussed the Jewish stranglehold on mass media and how it had to be broken. Pierce’s strategy was to create our own mass media to circumvent the Jew to reach our people. He was well on the way to doing that as Covington was smearing him as a “federal asset.” Don’t be telling me about Covington’s character.
I repeat:
Pierce explained over and over for three decades why Jewish control of “our” mass media is 90% of our racial struggle. Don’t blame Pierce if you and Arminius and others didn’t pay attention to what he taught us. Thankfully, his teachings are archived for a new generation of concerned Whites.
From the multitude of opinions expressed since the Trump’s victory by all kinds of experts and politicians, both mainstream and nationalist, the best insight was provided by Kevin Alfred Strom. This analysis is the most realistic and sober, free from silly positive expectations or undue vilification. Trump is what he is and nothing more. Yes, Trump will deliver on his promises…for Israel and American Jews.
Remember: Trump is far from the first populist politician to succeed with an anti-globalist, anti-elitist and anti-woke agenda. There have been a number of such politicians in smaller countries since the 1990s. Most of them were removed sooner or later by the so-called colour revolutions. The chief problem of populist leaders is their absolute lack of institutional support and a big problem to find people who would be both competent and loyal. Very often, such a populist leader surrounds himself with various crooks, circus performers and shysters who impress him with their energy and apparent efficiency. Then it always ends up as a kleptocracy with mega corruption scandals and disgrace. Other times, the old establishment simply comes back in through the back door. Typically, when a populist wins an election, he is ungrateful to idealists who helped him win because he finds them too impractical for everyday politics. We can only hope Trump learns from these mistakes.
Great points about j6.
I agree with the author that these things are worth expecting from Trump.
I just have no reason to believe that Trump will deliver on these expectations.
It’s a mistake to put all our eggs in the Trump Basket. Concerned Whites and ‘activist’ Whites need to be building locally with an aim toward acquiring local and state influence. The national GOP exists to betray Whites. It’s the only consistent result of GOP policies for over a century. In some areas, ‘independent’ works just as well as ‘Republican’. In some areas, five Whites can take over a GOP organization with very little effort in a few years or less. Whites need a ‘handshake party’, something that is invisible to outsiders but constantly working in the background to advance nullification and separatist policies. Trump is going to betray every pro-White who voted for him. It’s just a matter of time.
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