The easiest thing a dissident can do is screw up. When choosing this dangerous path, a dissident faces numerous obstacles and pitfalls and becomes an easy target for his well-funded and organized enemies.
Dissidents are, in a way, intellectual outlaws. Despite not breaking any laws — or even threatening to break any laws — a dissident loses the faith and protection of his government for the existential threat he poses. He is no longer innocent until proven guilty. He no longer has rights given to him by God. He endures a hailstorm of insults and slander. He becomes ostracized and unemployable. He is forbidden common means of publication, communication, and raising money. In many cases, he is harassed either by his government or by criminal partisans whom the government refuses to prosecute. And any mistake he makes will be pounced upon by enemy media and used against him.
This is the contract. This is what the dissident signs up for. This is the price he pays when he values his convictions over his livelihood and his future.
So it is a thin line over the abyss. Falling off of it would be easy — just one wrong step is all it would take. I can imagine some dissidents succumbing to the stress and sacrifice and actually wanting to fall. They just crack up and demand freedoms they long ago renounced, and then take one proud step into oblivion. To paraphrase Greg Johnson, if they are going to be losers, they might as well be beautiful losers as they plummet all the way to Valhalla. It sure beats the humiliation of crawling back along that thin line and admitting defeat.
This is why I am not a dissident. This is why I remain a pseudonymous author who merely writes about dissidence from the comfy confines of his kitchen. Do I have what it takes to be a dissident? I don’t know, and while I have things to do in my normie life, I’d rather not find out just yet.
Knowing all of this, however, will assist young people with the decisions they will have to make if they are considering becoming dissidents themselves. The road is thin, hard, lonely, and hazardous. It is policed by some of the world’s most powerful people, and travelers are liable to get ambushed or lost, if they don’t lose heart altogether. It is not to be embarked upon lightly.
It takes a person of certain character and means to become a successful dissident. To that end, I have come up with a list of fourteen questions aimed to tease out the dissident’s essential qualities. It produces a cumulative score based on three possible answers and their mathematical values: below average (-1), average (0), and above average (+1).
Call it the Q-QOD (pronounced “Cue-Quad”): Quinn’s Questionnaire Of Dissidence, which I have filled out for myself:
I imagine a score of 10 or higher would make one suitable dissident material (my relatively low score of 7 places me out of that elite group). According to the Q-QOD, if you’re below average in three or more categories, you’re sunk as far as dissidents go no matter how well you score on the others. Also, these scores are not immutable and can change as a person changes throughout life. I imagine that our most experienced and well-known dissidents today — Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Mark Collett, and David Duke, among others — would all score at least a 12 on this questionnaire.
How well do you score? Hopefully, you will let us know in the comments. And if the questionnaire can be improved, please share your ideas in the comments as well.
The purpose of this is to make explicit what a person is signing up for before embarking on a life of dissidence. It’s a hard road — and there is nothing more destructive to oneself and to the movement than when a dissident screws up. In most cases, I would argue, screwing up results from a rapid reduction in one’s Q-QOD score.
Say, for example, a dissident is interviewed by enemy media so as to discredit a rival dissident. That counts as a reduction in Question 1’s score. Suppose a dissident doxxes a fellow dissident in retaliation for undermining his political campaign. This would be a reduction in Question 4. Suppose a dissident publishes an angry, unhinged rant because he’s frustrated about his lack of a love life. That would be a reduction in Question 7. Suppose a dissident appropriates funds meant for the movement in order to pay off gambling debts, subsidize a drug addiction, or support a lavish lifestyle. This would reduce the score in any number of questions in the Q-QOD.
You see where I am going with this, don’t you?
The Q-QOD offers a handy metric not only for determining who should be a dissident, but also for determining whether a dissident should remain a dissident. A dissident who suddenly scores below a 10 on the Q-QOD will likely become more of an impediment to the movement than an asset. Again, screwing up is easy to do. We all do it. We’re all human. The problem is that dissidents have especially difficult lives because their enemies make it especially easy for them to screw up. And so much is riding on them not to screw up. It’s not fair. And I am sure it hurts. But the fact remains that without dedicated dissidents, any political movement is bound to fail. Thus, followers and patrons of a movement have no choice but trust their dissidents not to screw up.
In many cases, I am sure, a quiet retirement would be preferable to a dissident’s going down in flames all the way to Valhalla. He may not realize it, but every time that happens, he’s liable to take a number of his followers — and possibly even the entire movement — down with him.
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I got 7. I score well on being able to live frugally and honestly, without much in the way of companionship, but don’t do so well on talent and money!
I also scored a 9.
This article reminds me of some of those MSM propaganda pieces from a few years back where they claimed to interview “former members of the alt right” and find out how they got “deprogrammed” from their evil right-wing brainwashing. I remember thinking at the time that the articles were complete horseshit. Why? Because while the dissident right certainly does lose more people than the average political movement, I don’t believe for one second that it has anything to do with the members in question changing their views or ideology. I think the primary reason most people interested in DR politics leave the movement is because they decide that it just isn’t worth the trouble. They’d rather raise a family, enjoy their job, relax with their normie friends, etc. i.e. They scored low on the above test and decided to quit politics altogether. I’m not defending that decision or saying it’s correct, but it’s a lot more understandable (and believable) than the notion that they all suddenly started believing that diversity is our strength and that negroes are really neat folks.
I’m a 3! I don’t even know my IQ, I would guess it’s probably room temperature at best.
I forgot to mention that by above or below average one is comparing oneself to the general population, not CC readers or other dissidents. For instance, if you read CC even semi regularly then you will score +1 on question 14 and most like have a higher than average IQ.
It would be interesting to know the average IQ on CC.
What an interesting questionnaire you’ve come up with here, Spencer. In looking through the 14 questions three times and responding to them honestly, I score a 14, or perhaps 13 since I’m not a millionaire (Q 5), but still above average among dissidents. Wealth is relevant, and our Aryan cause is piss poor when compared to our primary enemy, though we have many White millionaires and billionaires who may agree with us but are moral cowards, tight when it comes to supporting those of us out front, fighting for them and theirs. Perhaps cowardice is too strong a word, and they are simply prudent? If so, and they actually do agree with us, then they are selfish individualists who are racially irresponsible.
My organization, the National Alliance (NA), has had a weekly radio broadcast, American Dissident Voices (ADV), since 1991 so we know a little about the subject. Recent shows are archived here:
NA Founder, Dr. William Pierce, who was labeled “the most dangerous man in America” by the Anti-Defamation League of B’ad B’reath (ADL), would no doubt have scored a 14 on your questionnaire. 240 of his broadcasts are archived here: That powerful Jewish hate group (ADL) also claimed the NA is “the most dangerous organization in America.” Why? Because NA does not fear their alien tribe or their mythical god. All the bastards can do is have us locked up as dangerous dissidents or kill us, and that would simply create martyrs for our cause. Not all NA members score 14, or even 12, but they agree with our ideology, program and vision for a New White World as a requirement of membership.
Thank you for the kind words, Will. It means a lot. As for question 5, -1 would mean you cannot seem to escape either massive debt or poverty by western standards. 0 would mean you essentially live paycheck to paycheck and can provide for a family with a struggle. +1 would mean you make more money than you spend, you make sound financial decisions OR you have the gift of raising money.
My guess is that you are +1 for question 5.
The National Alliance had practically flatlined when I took over as Chairman in 2014, with massive debt, an abandoned headquarters, the defendant in a $2 million civil suit, and the loss of 98% of the membership we had when Dr. Pierce died. I didn’t have money but knew that the legacy of William Pierce, especially the non-Semitic religion for Whites he founded in the 1970s — Cosmotheism — was worth preserving and promoting. As an architect, builder and developer in my former life I know how to build, and with the body of work and sound spiritual foundation Pierce left to us, deliberate rebuilding of the Alliance hasn’t been all that different from constructing a complicated, custom building from the ground up. I would work from what I saw was fairly a tabula rosa since, thankfully, my predecessor had sold RESISTANCE Records that had attracted way too many undisciplined skinheads. They were gone. To where these days I have no idea.
I’d been Pierce’s first Membership Coordinator 30 years ago so already knew all the ins and outs of Alliance-building. I asked Kevin Strom to be our Media Director. He has been an NA member since 1982 and was Media Director 30 years ago on staff with me and had an even better grasp of Pierce’s unique Cosmotheist belief system and vision than I. Together we and others who have joined us rose to the challenges and have overcome numerous obstacles in the past nine years.
I, nor my wife, who is NA Business Manager, draw a salary. We have my SSN and VA disability which, with no personal debt, is plenty to live on. An inheritance from my dearly departed mother and a substantial five-figure donation in the beginning from a member who had confidence in my leadership helped to get NA out of debt and back on track. Like Greg Johnson I know how to obtain and attract money, but more importantly, much needed activists. I have no ambition to become personally wealthy. It is all about NA now and building the real-world separatist community for our like-minded kinsmen.
I joined Greg’s paywall because I’m interested in how it works, but to be honest I also have an interest in finding fellow racial activists here on C-C who may find NA attractive.
I purchased Pierce’s research library from my predecessor and another large, well-collected library in 2014. Other collections have since been donated. An arrangement with the IRS if I would unincorporate National Vanguard Books made the $22,000 in tax arrears uncollectable. We relaunched our publishing arm with an online bookstore in 2017 after dismissing three lawsuits, coup attempts, etc.: I traded the back, unused, timbered portion of our West Virginia campus in a 1031 tax transfer to purchase 55 acres for NA here in Upper East Tennessee, free and clear. This is where the William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center will be located. Its large warehouse is now approximately 80% completed, built mostly by our on-site staff and volunteer labor from visiting members. We milled much of our own lumber for that from our own trees. Several contiguous parcels and a couple of houses have been added lately.
A quality I’ve often seen lacking in otherwise outstanding dissidents is perseverance. They may score above average on Q1 but when things get to be too much in their personal lives they back away, even quit, while knowing our cause is both right and absolutely necessary. I became estranged from my muti-millionaire father over my racial politics. So be it. I lost both of my first two wives over my racial politics — the first when I was Ben Klassen’s XO and the second as Pierce’s XO. So be it. I persevered and eventually was tapped NA Chairman, if by default perhaps, because no one else was foolish enough to step up and do what was needed. The current Mrs. Williams and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary this summer. If the reader is interested in the role perseverance plays in a serious, out-front, decades-long White racial dissident, he might find the book Svetlana and I wrote in 2021 informative: htpp://
One thing has always kept hope alive in me: that some day, men like Ben Klassen will have a literal statue in a hall on the North American continent dedicated to a pantheon of heroes. (And the names of traitors cast to a bottomless perdition of wretchery, along with the cowards.)
Unfortunately, it’ll full of tragic tales by the time such a hall is physically established.
Because NA does not fear their alien tribe or their mythical god.
Powerful words – you exhibit the late Doctor’s fiery rhetoric which I (and surely many others) seek to emulate. I have taken to listening to ADV recordings (though the polemic style becomes predictable and maybe starts to feel repetitive after the first few dozen) and other speeches of his preserved on & so I thank you for posting the link to this page; I had not come across it before. Refreshing to read such luminaries and old hands (an associate of Klassen !) still active
Thanks, LeRoy. I see defeatism among commentators here. To bad. I suppose they are satisfied to simply comment
However, many responsible men and women are now being radicalized into active racial nationalism as they see the U.S. being turned more and more against its founding stock — our race — every day right in front of their eyes. No one I’m familiar with aroused effective racial loyalty in our people better than did William Pierce who put it like this:
Before we can put the White man into the fight
we must first put the fight into the White man.
We need to activate our young men and women to find their backbones and get them pointed in the right direction, avoiding the many pitfalls, wrong detours and dead ends. It is never too late for our people to get into the fight in some capacity.
I had always been a fighter, but like so many, without a true purpose to my life. I became activated as a dissident in 1985 at 37 against federal goons as a tax resister after a big fight with what I’d come to see as the tyrannical IRS. I eventually came to see our problem not as political, or as constitutional, but biological, racial — Aryan vs. Jew — certainly not Christian. Klassen, Metzger, Oliver, et al, broke me of that nonsense once and for all.
BK prepared me for Pierce, whose spiritual basis for our life and death struggle finally made perfect sense. Pierce’s wife described her husband and me as “two old shoes.” We were very different personalities but much alike. I was so inquisitive, even at 45 by then, and was constantly picking his brain. He was a very patient teacher. Looking back I didn’t pick my mentor; my mentor picked me. I never had ambition to be NA Chairman. I was comfortable being XO. as I had been on Special Forces Team A-414 in Vietnam in the late 1960s. I’m always asking myself now, where are all those physically courageous Green Beret Alpha males I’d served with then when we need them? It’s the difference in not-so-rare physical courage and necessary moral courage, the requisite to be an outspoken, confident White separatist dissident today.
So, now I am a septuagenarian, 37 years into this thing of ours, half my life with few regrets. If you want to listen to Pierce, is not the place to do it. Try, our National Alliance channel — all Pierce all the time. His biography, titled The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, from the ancient Norse Edda tells us what’s important when one dies. Schopenhauer put it differently:
A happy life is impossible, the highest thing that man can aspire to is a heroic life; such as a man lives, who is always fighting against unequal odds for the good of others; and wins in the end without any thanks. After the battle is over, he stands like the Prince in the re corvo of Gozzi, with dignity and nobility in his eyes, but turned to stone. His memory remains, and will be reverenced as a hero’s; his will, that has been mortified all his life by toiling and struggling, by evil payment and ingratitude, is absorbed into Nirvana.
I had not noticed Mr. Williams ever commenting here on Counter-Currents.
I want to say I have never been disappointed by you, Will Williams. The debacle that followed Dr. Pierce not developing an appropriate successor plan was a significant blow. I do think the an organization like the National Alliance, or one hopes the NA proper in a resurrected form, will be our best hope for the future of our people, and thus for all mankind.
From what I know, you’re beyond reproach. Plus, seeing your name reminded me to check in on the org. It’s been years since I even went to the NA website.
As to Mr. Quinn’s article, this is really excellent work. Much to mull.
And so thanks to both gentlemen.
Another outstanding and creative post from Spencer Quinn. Definitely something to build upon in thinking through the personal side of devoting time to halting white genocide. My quibble is that the numerical scoring should be broader (at least out to -/+, say, 3). Take IQ. I’m way “above average”, but still considerably beneath the best writers and thinkers we produce. How do we account for that? Or wealth. I’m not a paycheck to paycheck guy, but I’m closer to that than to Elon! Or health. I survived (so far) a cancer scare last year, but I would still put my “health quotient” at -1. But it’s not -2 or -3, where I couldn’t even write (or wouldn’t want to). And what constitutes “controlling passions”?
I put myself at a 6. -1s for 2) public identification, 6) leadership, 7) solitariness, 13) health. +1s all else (no 0s, though I could change Health to a 0, maybe).
Thank you, LS. I’m glad you found the questionnaire intriguing. I thought about broadening the answer range but I am not sure that differences on a very high or low level would matter. I’m sure a 140 IQ dissident can be just as useful as a 120 IQ one if they are both dedicated. And on the low end, a drug addict or a functioning drug addict would make a bad dissident in either case, no?
That’s a good question, because I actually want to become a dissident.
You aren’t already a dissident commenting on C-C ?
I’m about a nine, depending on self assessment of a few things; wealth, iq. I score best on the self denial type items, lol! I feel that I would not make a good dissident for lack of talent in writing and leadership, and that my role is better to financially and morally support from the sidelines, as I do. Some people are best suited to the normie style of life, even though our spiritual commitment is strong.
As a question for yous guys, which could possibly make an article, how much would be reasonable for an individual to donate based on income and wealth? I realize that’s a self interested question, but try to be objective.
DarkPlato –
Friendly advice if you want to improve writing skills: like Harry Dean Stanton in ‘Repo Man’, I recommend erring towards formality.
Your writing is quite witty and clear, but for people like me, too much informality is a distraction. Otherwise good points are marred by post-Gen-X online writing style “lol” and non-capitalization (Ruby Ridge.)
I assume others feel the same. It’s a bit distracting.
Other than that, your writing looks good and witty to me. No offense meant by this.
Oh thanks. I am only hunting and pecking on my phone. I should try to chatter less.
I found a verse for the occasion:
Rather would I, in the Sonnenrade’s warmth divine,
Serve a poor old churl who passes his days in grief,
Than the whole lordship of the Woke were mine!
from Pope’s Odyssey
Thanks. Great article and prognostic rule invention. While it’s not validated, it seems obvious that the form is correct. And often a rule of the correct form is vastly more useful than no rule at all.
The Q-QoD is clarifying not only for self-assessment but for assessment of others. I’ve been guilty of what the above exercise shows as the incoherent error of wondering when this normie or that one will “wake up” and stop posting dockside CoronaRita pics and start sh*tposting Happy Merchant memes. Most aren’t built for it, and trying to onboard low scorers into roles that will result in their eventual implosion will prove a net-losing strategy.
This is a very interesting line of inquiry.
I have been suspecting some kind of Collapse since I was a boy in the early 1970s and realized that we were no longer a great nation. And I supposed that we would rally somehow and right the wrongs as they did (or tried to) in Weimar Germany.
But I no longer think that such a scenario is likely as the System will likely hang in there and blunt any kind of reaction. We are already experiencing Orwellianism, and that was rather Orwell’s point in 1948 when he wrote the book.
Whatever WN believes in, an Instauration is probably not going to happen in my lifetime, if ever. And that makes me sound like one of those pathetic Leftist nuclear war Cassandras who were never happier than bending over backwards to appease Communists.
Aside from hanging out at message boards, I have almost given up and I don’t ─ I’m ashamed to admit ─ have a lot of confidence in the future of the youth.
So how did I do on Mr. Spencer’s survey?
I only score about a three or four, mainly because I don’t have any vices and have never hid my identity despite over twenty years or so of more or less open Holodenial. My name and identity is not hidden.
I am the “Dissident” equivalent of Captain Pike in the beep chair ─ if Pike were a former sergeant in the Signal Corps instead a fictional Star Fleet captain.
I do have a few observations here ─ but first of all, I have never liked the idea of the “Dissident” Right.
The idea that we are going to make any headway beating against the shoals of martyrdom is complete nonsense. It is far too late in the day for that, and there are too many ways for them to feed us to the lions.
I strongly disagree with the idea of “propaganda of the deed,” whereby (for example) assassinations of obnoxious Jewish radio hosts ─ or even just “pranks” in the service of the cause ─ are going to do anything positive other than for the great benefit of the ADL.
If you examine every crooked cross (nearly always drawn backwards) spray-painted on a synagogue, you can find the Usual Suspects behind it ─ and even if and when they pretend as much, they aren’t what Dr. Goebbels called “real Nazis.”
George Lincoln Rockwell, I do respect, however ─ and he realized some time before his 1967 assassination that what was needed was “Legal, Psychological and Political Warfare,” and so he started to develop that philosophy. I am not sure if most of his successors were ever on the same page.
Rockwell realized that the battle is fought with ideas and propaganda and that one fights the enemy not where he is strongest in pitched battles or encouraging lawless acts, but where the enemy is weakest.
That is how a stronger and larger opponent can be knocked off balance and defeated. How exactly to do that ─ winning the hearts and minds of White people ─ remains the question of our day. I don’t have all the answers.
I don’t really care if one can “do” hard time in a dungeon somewhere like Rudolf Hess. What was needed for January 6th was some actual leadership. Instead of a few people arrested for bogus political crimes and lawful protest ─ “Petitioning Congress for Redress of Grievances” ─ instead we have a throng of leaderless people who are going to do some hard time for assaults and vandalism, which will be called Terrorism. That illustrates what Rockwell was talking about.
So we don’t need a million James Bonds fighting the Joos. What we need are a mutually-supportive community that we draw strength from and that the enemy is forced to discredit themselves flailing to oppose.
We don’t need dissenters or martyrs or stalking horses for the ADL. We just need to Normalize our views. We need to turn Normies into “Nazis.” That is what really scares the ADL.
One mistake that “Preppers” always make is that they plan for the Apocalypse, without really knowing what other kinds of disaster they need to prepare for ─ whether it be a toxic cloud from a train wreck or melanated mobs breaking down the gates after the police arrested a junkie. At best, the Preppers have the food, the water, the medicines and the filters, the gas masks, the guns and the ammunition, the seeds for the garden, the homestead tools, etc. But do they have the community networking?
And if one of them acts in self-defense, can they do anything about the Soros DA that would mainly like to lynch more whypepo? “All Politics is Local,” as has been said.
Well, having come from an LDS Pioneer background, it seems to me that the LDS have always had a certain paranoia regarding the Gentiles ─ the IRS, the Feds, ZOG, whatever you want to call it. (And to digress for a moment, for you Papists and Born-Agains who have just discovered “fighting the Joos,” the LDS haven’t really used the term “Gentile” in any serious way since the Transcontinental Railroad. They wouldn’t know a Freemason from a Chicago Defender, either.)
Anyway, so in accordance with the above ─ faithful “Mormons” are expected to keep a year’s supply of food for disasters and adversity, and they have a community network of sorts behind them. The LDS are some of the earliest and arguably the most successful Preppers. How well this would actually be accomplished in a global disaster is another story.
When the Federal government botched the Teton Dam and it failed when nearly full in 1976, I remember as a teenager that the 95 percent LDS community rallied when the flood nearly destroyed the towns downstream in a memorable Wall of Water. It looked like a scene from a Vietnam War movie with Huey helicopters everywhere. I helped lay sandbags with the men of my extended family at the city powerplant at Idaho Falls. We lived just downstream of the very similar government dam on Willow Creek, which stands today, with an even larger one at Ririe on the Snake River.
I don’t want to carry this example too far. Rexburg today is still 95 percent White and a college town that was hit hard by the flood in 1976 ─ but when I visited just after the Covid lockdowns, the first thing that corporate globohomo did was organize a Pride festival, as though BYU-Idaho were any other Commie college town. And the Chamber of Commerce were proudly displaying the rainbow banners at Idaho Falls as well.
But the question remains ─ do we WN have any kind of comparable social-community network scheme? It may not need to be perfect, but is such a thing even possible?
We have some of the finest minds in the so-called Movement. We should be able to figure something out before Whitey goes into the long dark night.
Well, you saw what happened at ruby ridge. When whites associate based on identity, the feds become very interested for some reason.
Yes, but I’m not talking about setting up some compound somewhere. If you attract enough of the wrong attention, they’ll just set up a Federal sniper when you go to your “tax protest” mail box and wait for you to reach for your gun.
However, Whites do need to figure out a way to network in mutual support somehow when they promote their (i.e., White) interests. It’s not an easy problem.
The main point is that activists need to learn how to use the legal system more effectively and to drive their message that way. Any system is going to be at its best proficiency in dealing with law-breakers and dissidents, even if it is only for fairly-minor infractions that they bring them in on. The current system could end the Black crime wave pretty easily if they actually wanted to.
But we should never confuse anti-Social with pro-White activism. That is why I find the term Dissident Right to be a bit problematical.
Randy Weaver was a rustic nonconformist who allowed himself to be entrapped by the ATF in sawing a shotgun too short by some minor amount. This was to provide leverage in order to persuade him to “inform” on whatever Pastor Butler was doing at his Aryan Nations church compound at Hayden Lake. Weaver correctly refused to do this but then naïvely thought that the matter would just go away if he missed his court dates. Some of the agents involved deserve to be strung up for shooting Weaver’s family members, but Weaver was still a colossal idiot to let it come to that. I was working in TV in Idaho at the time and the corporate news media was really playing up the White Supremacist angle ─ but they impeached their own credibility in the process. Weaver didn’t actually have that much to do with the Christian Identity movement.
Here is a prescient documentary from 1982:
Hi Deodato,
That is a very interesting video. I remember those times well. I was a supporter of the National Socialist White People’s Party at about the time that this BBC video was done and I had read Dr. William L. Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries, which I did not think was very realistic.
When the Mormons did their Survivalism at this time it was based on Food Storage and networking to support the faithful and their neighbors in crises and uncertain times ─ and it was not at all based upon guerilla warfare or paramilitary training. There wasn’t even any level of firearms training in the Church either. I got that in the Civil Air Patrol and the U.S. Army.
The LDS were not opposed to guns but they did not put any official emphasis on that or even ammunition loading like they did with things like canning food. As a kid I volunteered quite a lot at the church cannery meant for stocking the Bishop’s Storehouse, and collecting church donations for the poor, plus working on the church welfare farms occasionally.
LDS stands for Latter-Day Saints, so they consider themselves Christians who believe in the end-times and that the Second Coming of Jesus is “near.” However, in my experience, they have been deemphasizing the “nearness” for decades and had expressly stated that it would not occur around the recent Millennium. “No man knows the time or the season for the return of Jesus Christ,” is what they preach ─ but they have no doubt that it will come sooner or later, as Christianity is already over two-thousand years old (but often riddled with apostasy).
On the other hand, the Christian group (I assume Southern and Protestant) in the video is very much doing paramilitary training. You don’t really find these types so much anymore, I don’t think, because of two reasons:
1) In the windup to the year 2000, many fundamentalist Christians tended to believe Biblical prophecy that the Apocalypse was at hand, and 2) they believed that thermonuclear war was almost inevitable.
The near-bloodless collapse of the Iron Curtain and the Godless Soviet Union came as a bit of a surprise to almost everybody, and this reduced nuclear war tensions and fears considerably.
I never had any interest in Christian Identity, but I did have quite a bit of correspondence with Ralph Forbes during those formative times, late 1970s, early 1980s. In the 1960s, he had been one of George Lincoln Rockwell’s captains, and also a Christian chaplain for the NSWPP. Mr. Forbes’ wife was also a loyal Nazi activist and they had about nine children together if I remember correctly. A former U.S. Navy Commander, Rockwell was an Agnostic or Atheist ─ like me ─ who believed that White people who wanted to could be Christians, and for as long as they liked, and that this did not necessarily conflict with White Nationalism.
But let’s look again at those Christians in the 1982 BBC documentary. They feel that they are under SIEGE, and this is very interesting. The Mormons have not felt that way since before my Great-Grandparents were young, probably before the turn of the 20th century. So, I think that explains why they are not particularly interested in paramilitary training when they do their “Prepping.” They feel physically safe from Satan’s minions, so to speak. Those Christians training their men and women to fight in 1982 did not feel safe; they expected the worst, and soon.
The Federal government even actively recruits Mormons at the Universities for jobs that require Security Clearances, because they don’t usually have any vices. I had no trouble getting one for the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and my Dad as a nuclear and aerospace engineer had the highest clearances. The FBI in the 1960s even interviewed his grade-school teachers. I’m not sure who they asked about me, but they either didn’t discover that I had Rightwing sympathies or they did not care. I certainly had no criminal record or the usual vices. I handled highly-sensitive cryptographic materials with diligence and competence ─ stuff they entrust to Twinks nowadays and their criminally-idiot supervisors.
Anyway, back when the government was using RICO laws to try to financially ruin Pastor Richard Butler’s Aryan Nations church at Hayden Lake in Idaho, the state legislature passed a law banning paramilitary training at the urging of the SPLC. I think this was ruled unconstitutional on 1st and 2nd Amendment grounds, and Butler eventually prevailed in Federal court, but since then all states have similar laws in place and the Patriot Act after 9/11 did not help. Butler’s group eventually lost a lawfare civil suit with the SPLC and he died shortly afterward.
I never approved of the Skinhead movement from the Pacific Northwest ─ apparently modeled after the Seattle music grunge and punk scene. It seemed that the idea was to use working-class kids with low IQs and nothing-to-lose for “propaganda of the deed.” Use those anti-Social impulses for the White Revolution ─ what could possibly go wrong?
It seemed to me that the idea was that when things get so bad that bourgeois Normie life becomes impossible, THEN we would get the assassinations and the righteous activism and the Turner Diaries scenario. There was indeed at least one assassination that I know of in Denver, and some armored car robberies in California, and some other fückwittery in those years, that I did not approve of (understatement).
I asked Ralph Forbes once if Richard Butler was a decent and honorable man and he said that he did not know or had met all of them, but that as far as he knew, NONE of Pastor Butler’s people were not decent and honorable men and women ─ and I believe him.
In any case, we never got the Cohen Act where ZOG confiscates all the guns as in the “Nat Turner Diaries,” as I used to call Pierce’s novel. However, one could say that we did get Ruby Ridge and Waco ─ although I consider David Koresh to have been a real nutcase whom, like Ted Kaczynski, I would not hesitate to volunteer for their firing squads. And then we got Timothy McVeigh ─ a Gulf War Vet and once a decent guy ─ blowing up the Oklahoma City Federal Building in revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco, a page right out of the Turner Diaries. That really did the WN Movement a lot of good, didn’t it?
I think that GLR’s philosophy of “Legal Psychological and Political Warfare” is correct but incomplete.
I also think that WN should cultivate a “siege mentality” in the sense that it galvanizes White people politically, and that they should be prepared in all respects including the 2nd Amendment. But this requires solid Truth without dumb “edgy podcaster” exaggerations. We must meticulously follow the rules of decency and the letter of the legal system, with a strategy focused on winning and building the future.
We have to be the Civilization-makers, and not the destroyers. For the time being much can be done with the 1st Amendment, at least in the United States. Countries that, for example, have criminalized Holocaust Denial, maybe can’t do as much but we can still help them.
It struck me that the Southern-accented guys in the BBC documentary were obviously prior-service or military-trained. Aside from possibly a few peacocks, they seemed to be fairly-competent instructors, and their “troops” well disciplined.
I believe that the bedrock of Nationalism is military training. It is something that nearly all governments prioritize in Hobbesian fashion. A healthy Nation-State has a LOT of guys like this.
I would be much more comfortable if more of “our guys” had been in the Service. I would even favor Conscription if there were some way to stay out of ZOG interventions and wars. But I’m a Baby Boomer ─ the Army that I knew forty years ago is a very different animal today, and Communism isn’t really the military threat that it once was.
I’m not sure if the Burger King Kids Club is the best military experience nowadays ─ and I certainly never advised anyone to join up after 9/11. That was obviously a bad idea, especially the crusade against phony WMDs.
My nephew graduated from the Naval Academy and became an officer on a submarine; he is now in the Reserves and has a nice large Mormon family and is currently studying to become a doctor, so I think there are still some military avenues which young people can explore that can help them learn decent values and well-disciplined military bearing.
These are all difficult questions regardless, and without easy answers.
I would say that the Survivalists of the 1980s were replaced by the Separatists of the present age. There has been a trend since the ‘Summer of Floyd’ in 2020 where sane people want to move away from progressive, urban, perverse insanity. In the beginning of the BBC video, as a helicopter flies over Los Angeles, the narrator comments “Survivalists also fear a variety of other [other than nuclear war] catastrophes: imminent social breakdown, riots in the streets….” The fear of nuclear war was more of a Cold War era concern. But one of the concerns of the Survivalist still persists: fear of urban breakdown and riots, as well as the social and cultural degradation that is rampant in liberal Democrat areas…promotion of bizarre and inappropriate lifestyles aimed at children, left-wing incitement against Whites (e.g. endless blather about White Privilege/White Supremacy and “racism”) and so on. There has been for a number of years an exodus from California, and it’s not all liberal Dems who are leaving. “Conservative” sane White Americans want to leave the coastal urban areas and live with other sane Americans under sane governments. The Greater Idaho movement is just a small example of that. Many Oregonians don’t want to live under progressive Democrat rule. They are voting to secede from Oregon and become part of Idaho. This is a trend I wouldn’t have even imagined back in the 1980s.
Scott: That is a very interesting video. I remember those times well… I had read Dr. William L. Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries, which I did not think was very realistic…
In any case, we never got the Cohen Act where ZOG confiscates all the guns as in the “Nat Turner Diaries,” as I used to call Pierce’s novel… And then we got Timothy McVeigh ─ a Gulf War Vet and once a decent guy ─ blowing up the Oklahoma City Federal Building in revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco, a page right out of the Turner Diaries. That really did the WN Movement a lot of good, didn’t it?
What movement is that, Scott? From some of the names you’ve dropped it’s clear you’ve been on the fringe of some movement for 40 years, but what are you doing these days besides reminiscing?
I watched nearly five minutes of the 40-year-old Guns and God video. That’s all I could take since it is not very realistic, not grounded in reality whatsoever. It wasn’t then and more so isn’t now.
Nat Turner Diaries. Aren’t you clever? The reason you may think Pierce’s 1975 novel was not very realistic is because it is a novel, fiction. But the ideas conveyed in it, and especially in Pierce’s second novel, Hunter, are powerful. Powerful enough that that TTD has been said to be the “bible of the racist right,” by Jewish enemies at the ADL and SPLC — also by the FBI who stated if it could ban any one book, it would be The Turner Diaries.
A novel doesn’t have to be very realistic to be tagged as dangerous. Dr. Pierce was a “decent guy,” but the GD ADL named him “the most dangerous man in America.” Why? The FBI need not ban TTD because effectively banned it just a couple of days after the January 6 gathering that The New York Times reported was “inspired by The Turner Diaries” in its coordinated, canned article published on 7 January.
As President of Cosmotheist Books and owner of the TTD copyright we publish and make available the banned book, as well as its audiobook, read by the author:
“The Federal government even actively recruits Mormons at the Universities for jobs that require Security Clearances, because they don’t usually have any vices.”
A great point that cannot be overemphasized. (I wonder if G. Gordon Liddy ever commented on this. The blunt bastard’s take would be interesting to know.)
Surely the Mormon Mafia’s time at the oars of ZOG’s federal law enforcement agencies is drawing to a close. At least the LDS agents were competent and non-bloodthirsty, unlike the heavily armed affirmative action monsters to come.
>> SCOTT wrote: “The Federal government even actively recruits Mormons at the Universities for jobs that require Security Clearances, because they don’t usually have any vices.” <<
>> Nah wrote: “A great point that cannot be overemphasized. (I wonder if G. Gordon Liddy ever commented on this. The blunt bastard’s take would be interesting to know.)” <<
Just being a “Fed” does not imply any wrongdoing or corruption. I swore an oath of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution when I joined the Army, not to any woke manifesto.
I had a Top Secret cryptographic clearance in the U.S. Army Signal Corps, in spite of being an official supporter of the NSWPP/New Order. The important point here was that they were not doing anything illegal ─ just exercising their First Amendment rights. The news media did try to imply that John Hinckley, the man who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981, was one of us, but that was a complete lie and it had no traction.
I can’t think of many LDS “Feds.” There was the former FBI agent, attorney, and Salt Lake City chief of police, later an LDS theologian and BYU professor ─ W. Cleon Skousen (1913-2006), who was the author of The Naked Communist (1958) and The Naked Capitalist (1970).
Skousen was a solid John Birch type of patriot, but I would still have to qualify this as what George Lincoln Rockwell called “Kosher Conservatism” because Skousen thought, for example, that the Six-Day War was a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy. Not too many Mormons believe that today, and they were not at all convinced of it fifty years ago, either, from what I can remember. Skousen taught an amazing course on Constitutional Law. I majored in History so I would say that I can sift the wheat from the chaff in that respect.
A few LDS Church presidents like Eisenhower’s Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson (1899-1994), have been John Birchers too. However, LDS Church Presidents do not dabble in politics much ─ which is a good thing, I think. I believe in a strong separation of Church and State.
J. Reuben Clark (1871-1961) was an attorney and Isolationist who had been a State Department official and ambassador to Mexico before becoming an LDS Apostle. The Law School at BYU is named after him. Clark was against race-mixing, and depending upon who you talk to, also an anti-Semite.
My Sister’s late father-in-law was a U.S. Senator and the son of a U.S. Senator. I read the draft of his unpublished memoirs and he was one of “the President’s Men” who resigned out of principle over the dirty tricks of the “Plumbers” whom Nixon should have reined in. Until (((Mark Felt))) was outed as the “Deep Throat” informant for the Washington Post, many suspected that it was Bob Bennett (1933-2016) but he always denied this. Bennett got primaried by the current Sen. Mike Lee, justifiably in my opinion, after voting for the TARP bank bailouts.
And contrary to popular belief, Mitt Romney does not speak for Mormons. Only a few Liberal Mormons that I know can even stand him.
Nixon didn’t need to resort to dirty tricks to win reelection in 1972 anyway. The chickens of the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War were coming home to roost for the Democratic Party, according to Presidential candidate Sen. George McGovern’s DNC Chair, who was my aunt. She was kind of a moderate New Deal “meat and potatoes” Democrat and also LDS.
Hunter S. Thompson didn’t have much to say about the first woman DNC Chair Jean Westwood in his Fear and Loathing: on the Campaign Trail ’72. Thompson tried to shoehorn Sen. McGovern into the Counter-Culture but that did not really work. Westwood especially did not fit this mold and was actually appalled by the cultural radicalism of the Left, led by Jewish Radical Feminists who were not prone to compromises with anybody ─ not working-class White Democrats, let alone a female Mormon DNC Chair. On the other hand, the Westwoods got Gov. George Wallace, who had just been shot and was thus out of the running, to tacitly endorse the McGovern candidacy.
>> Nah wrote: “Surely the Mormon Mafia’s time at the oars of ZOG’s federal law enforcement agencies is drawing to a close. At least the LDS agents were competent and non-bloodthirsty, unlike the heavily armed affirmative action monsters to come.” <<
I don’t know what you mean by the “Mormon Mafia.”
Mormons are not some kind of ZOG Janissary class, although they have been prominent anti-Communists.
A lot of Christcucks pretend to define who is and who is not a Christian, but they are full of it. A lot of White (and Christian) blood has been spilled over this matter.
I don’t wanna be a “Dissident”. The term is horrid. Most people who are dissidents today would be dissidents in any other form of society too.
No. Hans F. K. Guenther was dissident before 1933, and then after 1945. But not in years 1933-1945. Guess why.
This (not using the word dissident) is a Jason Kohne’s point in his No White Guilt concept/tactic. I’m not sure I fully agree, but questions like it factor in to the calculus used by Mr. Quinn in his spreadsheet.
Such as in Question #4 (“insult”).
Great article, Spencer.
Very good and entertaining article. I love your innovations. Try to write more articles like this. You are a very inspiring author. I have 12 points, I am only an average organizer and I can’t live without my wife and family.
I think that question 2 should have a heavier weight than the others, because in time the consequences of being a known dissident will become heavier.
You might look at the history of communist dissidents in Eastern Europe, there is extensive coverage online but I am not sure how much of it is available in English. In 1945 the dissidents were socially marginalized, but they could still speak and assemble. In just two short years they could no longer speak nor assemble, and all known dissidents were ruthlessly hunted down with the full might and intent of the state.
Interestingly they were asking themselves the same question about which strategy would be the best to follow. They were asking themselves if they should go down in a blaze of glory, or should they try to not die just one day before they would be needed in the big battle. The big battle never came though, because the dies were already cast at Yalta and there was no cavalry about to come. They just didn’t know it at the time.
This is an important self assessment that needs to be done honestly.
I see this as a good stepping stone to better organization. I think this questionnaire is for dissident leaders. We can be dissidents in any activity that betters ourselves and our people and that undermines the anti-white regime.
This can be untraceable funding. Educating family and supporting family in preparing our distributed Asturiases and Oranias – education; skill and community building; local politics is essential. That is dissident activity as is not speaking any of the lies with one exception – you are a part of an extremely well vetted and organized infiltrator group or doing subversion activities that wakes their pets up and/or turns them against them or each other.
Getting tens of millions to be dissidents in these ways while the high profile leaders and organizers are high scorers on a list like this and can feel the financial support, emotional support and gratitude of the multitudes is an essential logistic on the path to victory.
Holy shit. 4 points at best. Lot of hard work before me.
Codreanu: 14/14. I’ve even wrote & succesfully defended my master thesis about this guy, so yeah, obviously I must have read about him a bit 🙂
A widely intriguing and application-worthy essay by our talented and prolific writer Mr. Quinn, which offers many a few bits to chew upon and practical tips to personally experiment with. However, I have a small nit to pick. On a paragraph of exemplification, the following narration i.e., Suppose a dissident doxxes a fellow dissident in retaliation for undermining his political campaign. This would be a reduction in Question 4. leaves some doubt and ambiguity on me, which I candidly believe is a little unnatural, stretched, far-fetched and hardly accurate or appropriate.
Question 4 reads “Can you withstand insult, slander, and betrayal?” This naturally strikes people as meaning that a) the “insult, slander, and betrayal” are from our ideological enemies, and b) the key word “withstand” denotes “being able to sustain their vicious verbal or acts of attack calmly and stoically and carry on one’s work determinedly without breaking mad/losing one’s composure or confidence.” I tend to believe that this description does not apply to relationships between fellow dissidents in most cases, but mostly fall into the category of dissidents vis-a-vis our political/deological enemies. Thus a dissident doxxing a fellow dissident over petty issues of envy or peer resentment does not fit in with question 4 in my view. Likewise, undermining a fellow dissident’s political campaign does not constitute “insult, slander or betrayal”, and “withstanding” does not mean “doxxing”. In one word, “withstanding insult, slander, and betrayal” and “doxxing a fellow dissident’s in retaliation for undermining one’s political campaign” don’t match. Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear enough or my explanations here are based on my own misunderstanding or miscuing of the original intent of the author, then so be it.
As for my own scoring based on the excellent questionnaire, I scored 5, which might indicate that I am not fit for a dissident/revolutionary. My “below average” answers i.e., -1 points were not many, only for question 2 and question 7, but my problem seemed to be that I scored too many “average” answers i.e., 0 points, altogether five of them, which jointly kept my total scores rather low at merely 5. Despite that, I refuse to be frustrated or demoralized and will continue to do my utmost to further the right, truthful and glorious cause of white nationalism to the best of my abilities.
Will Williams wrote:
White Nationalism of course. I was an official supporter of the NSWPP/New Order but their rebranding in the early 1980s to esoteric Hitlerism and Zen National Socialism just went nowhere. I was never sold on Dr. Pierce’s “propaganda of the deed,” either ─ nor the idea of replacing well-disciplined and clean-cut storm troopers with sleeve-tattooed welders and motorcycle enthusiasts, and otherwise solid guys who mainly excelled at hoisting suds at meetings with boisterous and bland speakers.
I lost faith in Movement politics a long time ago with the spate of WN-related crimes in the 1980s. I don’t know exactly who is responsible but we certainly had a leadership deficit somewhere.
You asked what I do. Well, I have focused on doing academic research on Historical Revisionism and Holodenial and being clear about and willing to facilitate open and good-faith debate and discussion of the subject (if possible) without collecting too much negative attention.
I’m just clacking away from my “beep chair” and going through boring University archives. A lot of these dusty shelves are being destroyed as they are long forgotten materials. Occasionally I find something noteworthy like that the Swedish vacuum cleaner company Electrolux made poison gas generators such that the Germans during the war could have easily used to gas Jews with full due-process had they actually wanted to.
Eric Hunt was a talented media guy ─ and if he had been a little more cautious about approaching certain problems, he might still be producing informative Revisionist documentaries after raiding the Stanford Library. Eric told me once that he wanted to be “the Howard Stern of Holocaust Revisionism” and to move the Overton Window.
Well, stunts like grabbing the elderly Liar Elie Wiesel’s sleeve in an elevator are just not going to pay off for us on many levels. Commander Rockwell and Dr. Goebbels would have understood why and how otherwise to proceed.
Not to mention faux pas like actual assassinations and robberies ostensibly from the Movement ─ or whoever it was who bears ultimately responsible for those. I never remember Dr. Pierce “clarifying” any of it. Maybe it just happened like the kiddie porn found on a certain radio engineer’s laptop computer. These important issues are things that we White Nationalists need to be discussing and debating openly.
Will Williams wrote:
I didn’t mean the video showed a realistic depiction of guerilla warfare training, LOL. The focus was more on thermonuclear war survival and defending themselves against societal collapse ─ but also on defending from anti-Christian or sectarian attacks.
I didn’t mention that much about the Christian angle in my comments above but this is also interesting because these people have certain cosmological convictions which gives them strength and solidarity.
Unfortunately, from my perspective as an agnostic or atheist, I question any kind of ethos ultimately based upon superstition. But they clearly do draw strength from it, as did the Mormons when faced with physical extermination from some other Christian sects in the aftermath of the so-called Second Awakening in 19th century America. They also had to fight the Injuns back before the Cavalry came running.
Guerilla Warfare is not the right approach anyway for various reasons. ZOG has all the necessary resources to deal with any insurgency ─ and if they failed to defeat certain Communist or Mohammedan factions globally after WWII until today it was because that was never really their goal. These vaunted Cold War or War on Terrah “police actions” did not sink or swim because of any shortage of John Rambos either.
The point is that the Christian Survivalists in the 1982 BBC documentary were doing basic para-military training ─ and it looked to me like they had the basics right. They were learning to drill, follow orders, learn teamwork, develop leadership, learn how to place pickets and to report activity up the chain-of-command, pull important guard and sentry duty until properly relieved. And last but not least, become proficient with small arms.
During the War Between the States, the Southerners were more effective soldiers per man than their Yankee counterparts. This was so not because Antebellum Southern values were necessarily better than in the North. Nor was it because the Confederates were usually deprived of provisions and manpower and better armaments, etc. It wasn’t because their officers might have had better military educations at West Point or VMI than their Northern counterparts either.
The Southerners made more effective soldiers per man simply because they were better woodsmen and hunters who understood how to shoot their own muskets.
Northern immigrants who were told they were fighting for Negroes may have often made good patriots, but they did not have those same frontier skills, even if they usually had more ball, bacon and beans when mobilized by the government.
My Confederate ancestor died of starvation and disease in a Union PoW camp at Alton, Illinois a few weeks before the awful Mr. Lincoln met his maker. He was a simple blacksmith who bought farm land in the South before the war and was therefore obligated to join Gordon’s regiment as a gunsmith and private soldier to defend his homestead and his neighbors against the perfidy of Northern aggression. He did not own Negroes and found them indolent and quixotic creatures.
After his Federal capture late in the war, he would have been willing to swear an oath of loyalty to the Union and to permanently move his family North to Southern Illinois to take care of his elderly parents (they were Copperheads originally from Tennessee) instead of continuing his imprisonment for “rebellion,” but this was not allowed.
Late in the war General Grant knew that the South suffered manpower shortages and therefore wanted to maximize the hardships for prisoners of both sides, so prionsers were not exchanged or paroled. Tens of thousands of White prisoners-of-war on both sides died wretched deaths in camps as a result. Very few of them actually owned slaves.
I jokingly call Dr. Pierce’s entertaining Turner Diaries novel the “Nat Turner Diaries” because of the prevailing Marxist Howard Zinn-view of American history which posits that the 2nd Amendment was about arming White peasants to put down Negro slave revolts. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was either a Jewish/Masonic plot or a ploy of White Supremacy, depending on what Papist, Libertarian or Commie that you are talking to. Well, it was a White country, for sure, but unfortunately not explicitly enough. As usual, Dr. Zinn and fellow-travellers spouted complete nonsense. The guerilla war in the Turner Diaries was triggered by the “Cohen Act,” a national gun confiscation such as has already happened in other Anglosphere countries.
The point is that Nation-States have plenty of resources to put down criminals and fugitives if they want to. But the 2A does affirm the principle in black-letter-law that citizen militias can be formed for civil breakdowns amongst well-disciplined neighbors with their privately-owned infantry weapons. Small arms proficiency, not neighborhood nuclear superiority, is the necessary backbone of any infantry muster.
I haven’t read Hunter. Is that the one where some intrepid lone-activist snipers sport tactical bowl-cuts and assassinate coal-burners while out jogging in places like Salt Lake City ─ as was happening there in the 1970s-1980s by some of “our” guys? Note that in those days you rarely saw inter-racial couples in Utah, though this had long become mainstream in the South at that time.
According to Wikipedia, “Pierce dedicated Hunter to Joseph Paul Franklin who, the notice says, “saw his duty as a White man.” Franklin was a white supremacist serial killer who murdered up to 22 people in sniper-style attacks.”
I’m not calling for the novels to be banned. They are entertaining and thought-provoking, hopefully. But we WN do need to openly discuss matters like this on many levels.
I mentioned Pastor Richard Butler and his Aryan Nations church in Northern Idaho. Mr. Butler was accused of attempting to assassinate this local race-mixing activist named Bill Wassmuth who ran a front group for the SPLC called the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment. You can Google him; both he and Mr. Butler died early in the 21st century. I thought that Bill Wassmuth was a Happy Merchant but it turns out that he was a defrocked Catholic priest who believed in un-whitening small White rural towns by sponsoring race-mixing events like dances to amuse Negroes brought in from afar to learn trades.
A bomb exploded in Wassmuth’s Idaho home when he was conveniently out for a jog or something ─ and he blamed the Aryan Nations. This is the origin of the future Ruby Ridge debacle.
Personally, I don’t believe that Richard Butler and his skinheads were guilty of anything more than a few pranks and chasing the loathsome Antifa off their compound with guns drawn ─ and like Dr. Pierce, their hearts were in the right place. However, they were very maladroit in the propaganda war. I followed this with great interest because I was a Radio and TV engineer in Idaho at the time, and unlike Kevin Alfred Strom, I still have my top-tier Amateur Radio license.
Yes, I am not really a Movement guy. But these are things that we desperately need to discuss, despite this kind of “drama.”
During Randy Weaver’s Ruby Ridge trial where he was accused in the media of being a “Violent White Supreemist,” the Feds having killed his wife and son was so egregious that he actually got the showboating “Cowboy Lawyer” Gerry Spence to defend him pro-bono. Weaver had been a paratrooper and sergeant in the U.S. Army, and Spence was interviewed on national TV by the “Baby Boomer” TV news anchor Tom Brokaw (who coined the awful “Greatest Generation” designation referring to his WWII elders).
Brokaw asked Spence on national TV: “Is Randy Weaver dangerous?”
As they strolled together through the Idaho woods with the TV cameraman in tow, attorney Gerry Spence adamantly replied: “Yes, Randy is dangerous…” [Reaction close-up shot of horror on the face of Mr. Brokaw.]
Cowboy Attorney Spence continued, “Just like that bunny rabbit that just ran into that hole. If you reach your hand in there and grab him, he’s gonna BITE you!” [More horror, but a good point was made.]
Like Randy Weaver, I think I would leave the Christians in the Guns & God video alone. I don’t agree with them but they are probably good and decent people. And unlike most soybois today, they will actually fight for what they think is right.
Seventh-Day Adventist offshoot and creepy cult-leader David Koresh, on the other hand, he could have been easily arrested without a violent Waco incident ─ but instead the Feds wanted some PR that backfired.
Back again to the Turner Diaries ─ it was obvious to anybody who had read the book that it inspired ex-soldier Tim McVeigh, although the media did not want to call attention to White Nationalism at first. They would have then preferred to lump the Oklahoma City Federal Building-bombing with Middle Eastern terrorism if they could have. Also, McVeigh’s defense expressly said at his trial and in interviews that he was taking revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco and that he was inspired by Dr. Pierce.
Unfortunately, I’m not aware that Dr. Pierce ever clarified any of this. McVeigh was just an idiot who deserved to be put to death. We don’t need more brave idiots.
If the ADL called Dr. Pierce “the most dangerous man in America,” that is not really a sterling endorsement of his effectiveness as a White Nationalist. The ADL is a scare-mongering organization which seeks what John Quincy Adams called “Monsters to Destroy,” and when they are successful in waving the proverbial bloody shirt of the Holocaust, the ZOG funds come pouring in. The same goes for most politicians who are bought and paid for.
I not only recommend that people read the Turner Diaries but I have given away many copies to my friends in the past. I don’t think that guerilla warfare is the answer to the problems of the White Man and ─ while entertaining and maybe thought-provoking ─ I don’t think that the TD was a very good manual for it either.
Perhaps I did not make myself clear. I am a 1st Amendment kind of guy who calls for open-debate. I don’t call for banning books. Anything has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Also, working-class White men are solid guys who are essential to civilization and to our society. But optics is also important. There is a good reason why soldiers and church missionaries keep clean-cut appearances and disciplined bearing.
Furthermore, some of the “welders” and the scruffy beerhall mug-tippers need to let others do the heavy thinking. WN have made a lot of mistakes over the decades and time is always short. At least we should be talking about these matters, and that is why I am here. Deeds are not always better than Words.
Scott (responding to me): I lost faith in Movement politics a long time ago.., I am not really a Movement guy. But these are things that we desperately need to discuss, despite this kind of “drama…” I am a 1st Amendment kind of guy who calls for open-debate… [S]ome of the “welders” and the scruffy beerhall mug-tippers need to let others do the heavy thinking.
You are certainly a deep thinker, Scott, not a Movement guy because you admit to being a a quitter. Forget “drama.” I’d rather discuss our cause with an independent-minded welder than “debate” or argue with a cocksure deep thinker who quotes WikiJews, thank you. ;o}
[F]rom my perspective as an agnostic or atheist, I question any kind of ethos ultimately based upon superstition.
That’s smart. But atheists don’t believe in much at all, do they? They simply don’t believe in the other fellow’s spooks. Our people need a sound belief system.
Unlike Christianity, Cosmotheism is neither for the superstitious nor the gullible. It looks at eternal Laws of Nature scientifically; is grounded in reality and focused on preservation of our unique race. It doesn’t take deep thinking to understand the White Mans’s place in the Cosmos.
Pierce was not the first Cosmotheist thinker, he simply gave the worldview a name. He points to many from our past, like G.B. Shaw, who were Cosmotheist thinkers. One of my favorites was D.H. Lawrence, who wrote nearly a century ago:
The Cosmos is a vast living body of which we are still parts.
The Sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.
The Moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever…
“Written during the winter of 1929-30 and his last major work, Apocalypse is Lawrence’s radical criticism of the political, religious and social structures that have shaped Western civilization. In his view the perpetual conflict within man, in which emotion, instinct and the senses vie with the intellect and reason, has resulted in society’s increasing alienation from the natural world. Yet Lawrence’s belief in humanity’s power to regain the imaginative and spiritual values which alone can revitalize our world also makes Apocalypse a powerful statement of hope. Presenting his thoughts on psychology, science, politics, art, God and man, and including a fierce protest against Christianity, Apocalypse is Lawrence’s last testament, his final attempt to convey his vision of man and of the cosmos.”
That is all well and good, Will, but things are not true just because some people say they are. It does not matter how pragmatic the superstition is, things do not become real out of nothing.
One thing about the Christian Survivalist group in the 1982 BBC documentary video is that they have a certain degree of hope and conviction that stems from their earnestly believing in a higher power ─ a supernatural God that looks out for them and hears their prayers. That is worth something for their morale, although it does not make it True.
Christians will have to decide if the universalism of their faith trumps White interests. From what I’ve seen most of them could care less about White Genocide, for lack of a better term, because ultimately their Cosmology is to “trust the plan, Friend. Jesus is a-comin’ soon.”
Yeah, I’m not a Movement Guy, precisely because historical revisionism isn’t a “Movement,” per se. It is instead a historiographical method like the Scientific Method, only applied to the art and science of History. Rigorous scholarship, and not some magical slam-dunk or two is how Holocaust mythology and propaganda will ultimately be defeated.
Revisionism is a method and not a Movement, but it does have important implications for the White Nationalist Movement, of course, and morale remains very important. But wishful thinking and superstition does not drive the historiography any more than whistling past the graveyard wards off the Devil.
In my lifetime Holocaust Revisionism has become a serious discipline in spite of being barely tolerated in the Marxist universities and by the Zionist political lobbies or other grievance gimme-groups that try to criminalize critical scrutiny of this important subject. There is a considerable body of critical scholarly literature available now, but still much to be done.
Scott: That is all well and good, Will, but things are not true just because some people say they are. It does not matter how pragmatic the superstition is, things do not become real out of nothing… Christians will have to decide if the universalism of their faith trumps White interests. From what I’ve seen most of them could care less about White Genocide, for… Jesus is a-comin’ soon.”
See, we agree on that much, Scott, but I’m not an atheist like you.
Yeah, I’m not a Movement Guy, precisely because historical revisionism isn’t a “Movement,” per se.
I can drop names like you did in a previous response. Nearly 30 years ago I was invited as a representative of the National Alliance to attend an intimate dinner at a German restaurant in Black Mountain, NC. Revisionist historians Ernst Zundel and David Irving spoke to invited guests. I asked them why the revisionist community kept their distance from those of us who were strict racial separatists — not Christian, but revolutionary biological racial nationalists — when it was obvious to me that they agreed for the most part with our position?
Mr. Zundel answered my question honestly, saying the separation was necessary so that revisionists might avoid the “racist” and “anti-Semite” smear. Did that strategy work for them? You decide.
Revisionist Fred Leuchter called me about another matter last month and in passing asked me if I would participate as NA Chairman in his quest to unite the racial nationalist cause with the revisionist community. I told him that is a far-fetched fantasy since we White racial preservationists, though appreciating their exposing of Jewish lies about WWII, the holocaust story, and more, will never compromise with certain leaders in the revisionist cause, who I won’t name here, who deny their race; some being open race-mixers or followers of the mythical christ. Frankly we will not compromise with race-mixers, nor those you have described as superstitious universalists whose ideologies are opposed to strict racial preservation, therefore ineligible for National Alliance membership. Our members like it that way.
In the end, bottom line: you revisionists must come our way, not we yours.
I am not sure who are any luminaries of Revisionism nowadays. Germar Rudolf, certainly, but he has been forced into hiding again because ─ at the behest of the ADL ─ the U.S. government denied his citizenship application and the German government still holds his passport, even though Rudolf has lived with his American wife and family in the United States for over a decade.
Carlo Mattogno is a historian. David Irving, also a historian but not a Revisionist, as he will be the first to admit. Anyway, Scholarship and Activism don’t necessarily mix well.
Really, this is an apples and oranges comparison because Revisionism is a method of scholarly inquiry and not a Movement, as I said earlier. And I am as racist as anyone, and fully versed on the JQ ─ although I’m willing to debate the homicidal gassing story matter in good faith if Jews are.
Furthermore, as far as I’m concerned, Fred Leuchter is an outright fraud, and not anything close to a qualified engineer (as he claims). As real Engineer Fritz Berg pointed out for decades ─ and Mr. Rudolf more recently so in a heartfelt interview with “Holocaust Denier Extraordinaire” and podcaster Jim Rizoli ─ Leuchter made monstrous technical gaffes which did Revisionism no favors. Mr. Leuchter also bilked some Revisionists and White Nationalists like John DeNugent out of some of their hard-earned cash, so Fred is also a crook and not just incompetent.
However, I do respect Mr. Leuchter for helping Prof. Faurisson with the defense of publisher Ernst Zündel in the outrageous Canadian prosecution of him for Thoughtcrime in the 1980s. Mr. Zündel was an anti-Semite because he published things that Jews don’t like.
Nobody is above the Truth. Certainly not the ADL.
“In the end, bottom line: you revisionists must come our way, not we yours.”
1 point, only 1 point! At best 1 point! Doesn’t look very well, does it? Below average: health and finances. Above average: intelligence, rhetorical & musical talent, knowledge. But it’s not very hard to be above average in these days, when it comes to knowledge, because our “white” plebs of today is interested almost exclusively in brainwashing & demoralising/degrading & distracting entertainment. My character: totally average, no heroism, or sanctity at all. Seems like a good stimulus to hard work for me.
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