The wheel has turned, and the merry-go-round of modernity has performed another rotation. One could be forgiven for thinking at first sight that things are much as they were before; the same cast of characters leers back at us. Trump and Farage continue to dominate the headlines, and the entourage of grifters and sycophants that surround them seem wearingly familiar.
Yet, even a cursory glance at contemporary political discourse reveals that we have experienced a sea change. Even the most humdrum media commentators are not as they once were. The embattled center has finally collapsed. The dam which was holding back dissident ideas of all stripes has broken, and formerly simmering undercurrents of thought are boiling to the fore. Extreme ideas are battling for the minds of the public, and with a sudden thawing of restrictions on speech, the great war of value systems is being conducted in the open for the first time.
To see the fast-developing new fault lines, we need only to contrast Jordan Peterson’s utterances with Kanye West’s bombast. As Jordan Peterson weepingly prostrates himself in Jerusalem, declaring “the fate of the world depends on Israel,” Kanye West has launched into a shocking attack on the prevailing power structure. Confused and partial though his strikes have been, they have forced those previously pulling the strings from behind the curtains into an uncomfortable and unwanted spotlight. Kanye West is a stray bombshell that has hit an ammo dump, igniting furious debate from all corners. The elite are battling an inferno they cannot put out, and the damage has been done. Elon Musk is pouring fuel onto those flames, reassuring us in what we already knew to be true. Vested interests have been subverting reality, desperately trying to channel discourse along acceptable lines while maintaining their grip on power.
The elite’s ability to control the narrative, to present a false picture of the world to the masses, has collapsed. Major world events occur now without an agreed-upon party line, and there is no longer a coherent mainstream consensus. What was the origin of the coronavirus? Who destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline, and why? Why is Sam Bankman-Fried still a free citizen after committing unprecedented fraud? How deep does Hunter Biden’s web of corruption run? The mainstream politicians and legacy media offer no cogent answers to any of these questions, and into this vacuum of credibility thousands of voices have started to offer their own answers, speculating on who the guilty party may be. A din of competing explanations is reverberating on all channels in an open dialogue which was long artificially repressed. Debunking and deplatforming have failed to silence Kanye or to commercially cripple Elon.

You can buy Tito Perdue’s novel Vade Mecum here
The sudden disintegration of the center and the collapse of narrative control by the elite has in part been facilitated by worsening material conditions in the real world. The scale of the lies which must be told to explain plummeting living standards, huge population movements, all-encompassing health tyranny, and global conflict are colossal. The reasons they proffer for our impoverishment, disenfranchisement, and loss of liberty are insufficient. The mendacious webs they have tried to weave are too transparent; even the most apathetic and detached can now see the falsehoods. All those shivering in unheated homes or living next to overflowing camps of “refugees” now understand politics affects them personally. Those previously contented to let the all-knowing elites run the world have realized that they have driven us off a cliff.
Chaotic and unpredictable forces have now been unleashed. It is unsurprising that into this void of uncertainty, Christianity has reasserted itself in political life. Both Jordan Peterson and Kanye West couch their morality in Christian terms; Nick Fuentes declares himself the prophet of Christian nationalism. Though belief in milquetoast organized Christianity in the West has collapsed amongst the masses, in a crisis it has returned as an animating nucleus of vanguard elements. This path is not our path, however. While the current chaos offers opportunities for dissidents, it also presents severe dangers. We must not allow one set of buffoonish elites to be replaced by another. We must not abandon our principles and follow the pied pipers of pandemonium down the slippery slope into madness.
It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage. Christianity is being lauded as the thread which can tie the disparate disruptor’s caucus together, the tried-and-true glue that can bind a shaky alliance of disaffected groups. At this critical moment, we must not be distracted by the circus an unravelling world serves up to us daily. We cannot lose sight of our goals. Our race will not be liberated from without, but instead its salvation must come from within. Contemporary events are offering us much ammunition and many fresh angles for the ideational attack, but chaos alone does not guarantee our victory; we must also fight to achieve it.
Recent United Kingdom census data brings into sharp focus the grave reality of our situation. The demographic clock is ticking, and nothing that has been said will change that. We must be Machiavellian in our struggle for power; if truths are uttered from unlikely mouths, we should amplify and utilize them. But we must not forget that our credo is not their credo, and we are working for nothing less than the total metaphysical and demographic revival of our race. The discursive and political environment may have changed, but our goal remains unerringly the same. Our previous attacks have been repulsed, but we throw ourselves into the breach once again with vigor.

The progression of English artist Louis Wain’s (1860–1939) paintings as his mental health reportedly declined.
To those who have been in the movement for years, the struggle is familiar, yet at the same time strange and novel. Just as the images of English artist Louis Wain (1860-1939) became more warped and abstract as he descended into madness, so too has our world become alien and freakish. Our towns and cities no longer reflect us, but have instead become degenerated and alarming parodies of what they once were. Discourse, too, has become bizarre and unhinged, increasingly gravitating towards the most unnuanced and clownish positions. The disintegration of the center will only accelerate this unstoppable descent into the incoherent and unknown. The winds of chaos will only become stronger, sweeping up those without any firm intellectual or ideological grounding.
We must stand tall as granite pillars of stability and reason, unceasingly pushing the public conversation towards our message as we try and reach as many of our people as we can. We must not be paralyzed by the outlandish theater playing out hour by hour, but instead be proactive in building our own alternative, coherent, and stabilizing worldview which saves our civilization and restores order to a world in chaos. We cannot at this moment change the fact we are living in Louis Wain’s world: an ever-distorting reality, increasingly more abstract and inchoate. We must play events as they are dealt to us, but we must also keep our eye firmly fixed on our final prize: salvation, stability, and the triumph of our ideas.
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Very well said. Great energy behind your words. You have a formidable voice.
Peterson won’t take his own people’s side. He places himself on a cross and to the North, South, East and West he has tied himself the ends of the universalist world. He strains desperately to hold the center. He won’t speak on behalf of his own people.
Here is what we need to step into the gap. Someone or some small group who are not anti-this and anti-that. They must be calm and reasoned and they must speak on our people’s behalf. There is an endless litany of anti-white vitriol and policy sanctioned by the highest echelons of power and prestige. It is a pile of rot that can be turned to treasure and used to rally our people. Similarly, we have an endless trove of our contribution to the world to hold up, not as an end zone dance, but as proof that we are a force, perhaps the greatest force, for good. He or them need only to call out the truth, declare it as unacceptable and that it must and will stop. This person or cadre will be rallied around so long as they are squeeky clean and are not anti anything. Just be pro white and pro civilization.
Peterson could have been that guy. He won’t do it. He can’t. He likes life on the cross – like that sad sack the old Roman evocatio mistakenly dragged back to Rome.
From your writing it appears that you have the proper tone, conviction and aura of strength and purpose without anger that is needed for the job. Could you be the calm voice of advocacy whose words are strategic, well thought out and well spoken that could go through one of the cracks in the dam? The time is right. May the right person or persons emerge. Tik tok goes the clock.
I like those psychedelic paintings. To paraphrase Napoleon, “The battlefield [of ideas] is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies.”
It’s madness as aura photography.
I like those psychedelic paintings.
So do I, but as Wain didn’t date his pictures, the chronological order is disputed. They were arranged in that series by psychiatrist Walter Maclay who, after studying “mescaline-induced psychosis” in the 1930s, wanted to show that the creative abilities of schizophrenics gradually deteriorated.
For a more unnerving viewing experience, check out the work of Victorian parricide Richard Dadd, who painted obsessively detailed fairy scenes after he was incarcerated in the loony bin.
White exist as a coherent phenomena from Deep Time until now. Our integrity exists ‘in the real’ and not merely ‘in the mind’. We don’t need Christianity or National Socialism or any other kind of ideology to bind us. We are already connected. We know what we need. We know what we want. To attempt to represent the interests of the White race by any idea smaller or deviant from the race itself is going to fail. It’s not clear to me that we need ‘leaders’. Maybe, instead, what we need are poet-warriors? People who have not lost touch with the poetry of the White soul. Who can say ‘One size does not fit all’ and ‘We are all part of one Mystical Body of Whiteness’ so that the most race-abnegating White in living a guilty White nationalist lifestyle can hear the call of their blood and bone and return themselves to the bosom of their people.
But white men think too much. It is our glory that may yet prove our downfall. Our existence is not its own justification (except in a few minds); that comes from our character and our actions.
As long as you use some standard besides race to judge Whites, you make a place for Whites to be subordinated to alien values that are merely a matter of conviction. This we can never again allow to happen. Within our own kind, we have values that come from the deep roots of our race, the trials we passed through to become who we are. So, the first, most important, thing about a person is whether they are White or not. Not their behavior. Not their beliefs. Only when we place race first and set aside every other consideration will it be possible to judge racially what we are, at this time, judging merely on the passing beliefs of one segment of our race during some fleeting period of time (compared to the long life of our race). A White racial awakening – a White racial nationalism – that does not start with an unconditional love for White people is dead-on-arrival as a means of preserving the race.
The story about the “disintegrating” paintings of Wain due to mental decline is a myth, these “caleidoscope” pictures were deliberately and consciously made. He continued to paint “normal” cats until he died, though some of his later paintings do look quite strange.
Yeah, painting this sort of stuff is extremely intricate work. To be cognizant of very complex interlocking patterns is a serious artistic challenge. Especially as this guy was not working with AI or even spirographs (I presume). I don’t see any decline in his work, just an increasing artistic confidence and mindfulness. Obviously none of it is just random splotches, it’s all extremely purposeful.
I don’t have much to add beyond how much I enjoyed your article. From your specific observations to the general call to action, I found it inspiring. And the metaphor of Wain’s paintings becoming stranger was inspired as well.
WRT Christianity and white nationalism, the too often elided first issue is whether Christianity is metaphysically true, not its effect on white racial perpetuity, gender relations, capitalist ‘growth’, the JQ, or anything else.
If true, then we must accept it, and only then inquire into whether its current race-egalitarian version (which I acknowledge to be dominant today) is itself true or false. For myself, I do not know if Christianity (or any theism) is true. From my own religious study and upbringing, however, I am convinced that the SJW/race-egalitarian interpretation of Christianity is merely philosophically allowable (and then only in its softest or most sentimental versions; antifa criminality, eg, is clearly unchristian), and not in the least mandatory.
My family are overwhelmingly practicing Christians, none of whom supports nonwhite immigration, coddling minority criminals, slavery “reparations”, ‘affirmative’ racism, or the reimagining of America as a ‘diverse’ instead of white nation. This was how most white Christians, at least in America and before the 1960s, saw things. For some reason, many contemporary white nationalists seem to think the newish SJW “Christians” are somehow more essentially “Christian” than my family and our ancestors (instead of merely recognizing that Christians can disagree about politics – within moral-theological limits – without ceasing to be “Christian”). There is perhaps some bare, intellectually prima facie plausibility to this claim, but it is obviously very far from being dispositive (and again, I intuitively think it’s quite wrong: even if, eg, it were thought that being a good Christian required one to aid {legitimate, not prime age male} Muslim refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria (a debatable proposition viewed from the totality of Christian charitable concerns), it in no way follows that such aid must take the form of importing these racial and religious aliens into OUR countries, thereby causing initial disruptions to our innocent peoples and risking future conflicts, as opposed to helping them to be resettled into other Muslim/Arab nations).
If Christianity is metaphysically false, I contend it is nevertheless an open question whether a “racially reformed” or more “traditionalist” version of it might not still be superior, in terms of advancing white genetic and sociopolitical interests, to both atheism and any attempts (sure to fail, imo) to resurrect or create anew some form of indigenous eurofolkish religion. Christianity has stood the test of time. Some claim the faith is dying out in Europe, and will eventually do the same even in more religious America. Perhaps what has died out is the political and juridical dominance of Christianity. Sadly, Christians no longer call the shots in European countries. But there is no reason to assume that what exists either must do so, or will do so forever (God help the white man if this is true, given our thus far interminable racial madness!). That is a kind of “presentist” fallacy. There could very well be a renaissance of Christian belief in the future, especially if people’s financial situations substantially decline along with behavioral standards. Hardships often turn people back to re-examining “first things”.
More likely, I think, is that an ever larger percentage of future racially pureblooded whites will be Christian, even if they continue to exist in overwhelmingly secular and increasingly nonwhite societies. I believe our future will so unfold simply because white Christians everywhere (the Anglosphere and Europe) are more fecund than secular whites. I also strongly believe there is an upper limit to the percentage of whites open to miscegenation (and my own observations suggest that, considered as groups, secular whites are more open to miscegenation than Christians – whatever the churches themselves might be propagandizing about the acceptability of miscegenation). I truly believe that it is the secular white liberal who will be the endangered species in any racial future (all whites are endangered insofar as we are an absolutely declining race living on a relatively shrinking planet, but secular liberal whites will be the first to self-exit; Christian conservative whites as a group will only ‘exit’ if exterminated, admittedly a distinct future possibility).
Although the question of how white nationalists should think about the instrumental value of (herewith assumed) metaphysically false Christianity to the race struggle is a very complex one, with different perspectives all being able to marshal plausible arguments, I think we would do well to orient ourselves towards, first, challenging SJW Christianity theologically from WITHIN, aiming to show that there is no contradiction between white preservationism and Christian morality; and second, emphasizing where we agree, or at least are compatible, with Christianity, as opposed to the fool’s errand of attacking Christians and their beliefs, which, esp in America, only further marginalizes us in the minds of those very normal conservatives whom we most need to convert to race realism if we are to have any shot at achieving real power (even if it’s only the power to be allowed to segregate, separate, and form our own ethnostate).
“I am convinced that the SJW/race-egalitarian interpretation of Christianity is merely philosophically allowable . . . and not in the least mandatory.”
White Christians will always put non-white Christians ahead of white pagans or “degenerates”.
“Christianity has stood the test of time”
. . . which is why it’s only found in completely marginalised, powerless groups.
“Christian conservative whites as a group will only ‘exit’ if exterminated”
Christian whites are a self-exterminating group. As Joe Sobran remarked, “In their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Ku Klux Klan.” Meanwhile white Christians are ever-so-keen to bring their Black Brothas into God’s flock.
“. . . only further marginalizes us in the minds of those very normal conservatives whom we most need to convert to race realism if we are to have any shot at achieving real power . . .”
Conservatives are hostile to racial politics and have no real power, while white liberals embrace racial politics and have lots of power. The Conservative right is tied into so many conspiratorial pretzels it’s unable to even articulate clear policy goals that aren’t purely reactionary to government overreach. They’re already deeply invested in the ongoing browning of America and have countless non-whites as their brothers in arms.
I don’t know how many decades more of this self-defeating one-way crush it’s going to take before “White Nationalists” accept that Christian conservatives want zip all to do with Nazis and White Nationalists except when they’re bellyaching about gays. Meanwhile, white liberals will keep moving from white ‘burb to white ‘burb, and pricing blacks out of the rental market by starting up boutique import shops.
I’ve rarely seen a dumber comment, here at CC or anywhere. You are clueless about so many different aspects of contemporary American reality that it would be pointless for me to respond. I, OTOH, live in the real world, wherein I would like to see white preservationism make real progress.
You’re going to need to be more specific as to what you think is wrong, because I think Buttercup has clearly articulated the problem with placing Christian interests within the scope of White Identity Nationalism.
As a matter of practical politics, it is not necessary to alienate Christians, but Christians have their ‘nationalism’ now that is being presented as an alternative to White Nationalism. I don’t see any merit in attempting to compete with Christian ‘home team’.
Christians want the ‘first issue’ to always be Christianity. If I’ve encountered one Christian with that view online I’ve encountered a thousand. That’s fine in Christian Nationalist circles, but it’s a distraction in White Identity/White Nationalist circles.
For the White Christian, being White doesn’t come first. Even Christian Identity doesn’t really care about being White as much as it’s an attempt at ‘stolen valor’ by equating Whites with the Biblical Hebrews.
As a universalist religion and a precursor, Christianity has thrived under liberalism. But now liberalism has spawned it’s own imperial religion – Wokeianity. At this point in history, Christians have no representation in any of the halls of power. Everyone with significant public and private power is a Wokeian (or a Jew).
But the simple and ineluctable truth is that Christianity has always need Whites more than Whites needed Christianity. Whites are a real, material phenomenon. Christianity is a set of ideas. A creedal faith to go along with a creedal nationalism.
But White Identity Nationalism is not a creedal nationalism. It’s a biological and cultural nationalism.
Christianity has no role to play in the formation of White Identity Nationalism. It’s simply something that is part of White Identity Nationalism because some Whites are Christian.
The Christians who are offended by White racial politics for liberal universalist reasons can stay offended. Eventually, they will come around or be dissolved in the sea of brown bodies they love so much more than their White brothers and sisters. This isn’t a threat or an expression of desire, it’s simply a description of the evolutionary forces at work due to proximity of different races in a race-mixing society.
The racially universalist posture of Christianity will be it’s downfall.
I see no reason for White Identity Nationalism to be taken down with it.
This is a good (however harsh) analysis of the Christian/White Identity Nationalism situation.
Whites can (and have) existed without Christianity. No form of Christianity that White Christians recognize can exist without Whites.
The antics around the Amazonian Synod made that as clear as can be.
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