There comes a point in every man of the Right’s life — or more likely every year — in which he asks if it’s all worth it. Is it time to pack up his bags, “ride the tiger,” and work on himself as opposed to caring about the wider world? Yes, my friends, this is and always remains the question — though the answer is always no. A caveat is in order, however. (more…)
Tag: self-improvement
I seldom have occasion to say nice things about television shows. I’ll make an exception for My 600-lb Life, which has a great deal of cautionary and educational value about a growing problem in society. As the name implies, it’s a reality TV program in which the guest stars usually begin around approximately 600 pounds (273 kilos). Some are less and some are more. (more…)
Over the last two years, the Right-wing youth scene in America has been stormed by the Groypers, centered on Nick Fuentes. What is a Groyper? The Groypers are generally young, male, passionate, Catholic, extremely online, loyal (at times to a fault) to Fuentes, and ardently America First. I count myself among them. (more…)
Glenn Gibson
Before the Mic: How to Compose Meaningful, Memorable, and Motivational Presentations
Austin, TX: River Grove Books, 2021If you want to change the world, you must first master the basics. One of the basics is public speaking. (more…)
Seneca and James Romm, ed., trans.
How to Keep Your Cool: An Ancient Guide to Anger Management
Princeton University Press, 2019Long before self-help books, pop-psychology gurus, TED talks, non-fiction political punditry, and “anger-management” classes, the ancients dispensed wisdom on a variety of topics, personal and societal. (more…)
1,662 words
Dissidents face a choice: Either extricate themselves from the system through lifestyle design, self-sufficiency, and independence, or suffer whatever consequences will be coming to them in the increasingly urban, non-white, anti-male society of the future. (more…)
40 words / 44:38
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Greg Johnson is joined by Rob Freeman (Kievsky) to discuss a number of topics including:
- Munchausen by Proxy and cat lady politics
- Pathological altruism, pet hoarding, co-dependent enabling as clues to the liberal mind
- Freedom, paternalism, and self-actualization
- Parenting, homeschooling, and self-improvement
When my father died last month, we had not spoken since Christmas. A few terse emails were exchanged, but that was it. You see, over Christmas dinner my father had revealed that he was contributing money to the SPLC. This didn’t exactly sit well with me. (more…)
2,008 words
Whites will become a minority within a few decades in all their main homelands. The question is no longer how to prevent becoming a minority but how to survive in order to regain majority status.
A few months ago I noted that easy going comfort is the main factor behind the decline of masculinity in the West and that only an atmosphere of conflict and hardship in childhood will strengthen Westerners to fight against the occupation of their lands. (more…)
3,654 words
My task here is not to argue for or against the “white sharia” meme, but I must offer a brief outline of what that discussion was about before I begin.
Most proponents of the meme simply wanted to use it to advocate for a restoration of traditional gender roles within society. In reaction to the Manchester bombing, multiple “anti-sharia“ demonstrations have occurred across the country. (more…)
A couple days ago the Daily Mail presented the case of another young British girl, this one thirteen years old, who was “groomed,” beaten, and forced into sex with a Muslim teenager, and then pimped out and virtually enslaved for months in a small room with a couch, to a group of at least 12 Muslim men, who would rape her — sometimes one at a time, sometimes in groups of up to six — for hours on end every day.
8,010 words / 45:13
The following text is the transcription by V.S. of Greg Johnson’s interview with Paul Waggener. To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.
Greg Johnson: I’m Greg Johnson. Welcome to Counter-Currents Radio. My guest today is Paul Waggener. (more…)