Although we’ve been through worse, 2023 was one of those years I’m happy to see in the rear-view mirror at last. Since the plandemic began, Clown World mutated into Scary as Hell Clown Like John Wayne Gacy World, and it hasn’t improved much. Throughout the past year, my browser’s start page never failed to bring in digital flotsam proving the point. There’s much clowning to be had, but it’s not so funny anymore. (more…)
Tag: overpopulation
December 7, 2023 Richard Houck
Reklama a válka proti bělochům — pokračování
Reklama a válka proti bělochům – nepřátelé naší civilizace propagují vytrvale dysgenické a k chaosu směřující rasové míšení, a naopak Evropany vybízejí, aby trávili svůj čas o samotě – atomizovaní, vykořenění a bezdětní.
1.807 slov
English original here
Po zveřejnění článku Reklama a válka proti bělochům se mi sešla spousta komentářů, zpráv a příspěvků na sociálních sítích – článek vyvolal masivní vlnu podpory, za niž vám děkuji. Jedna z nich se týkala „zakázané německé reklamy na Sprite s orálním sexem“. Čtenář nás prosil, abychom se na reklamu podívali blíže. Zjistil jsem, že pravda o ní je možná ještě zajímavější, než tazatel tušil. Odkaz na video je zde. Plavovlasá běloška na něm klečí před černochem a my vidíme, jak si říká „teď bych si vážně dala Sprite“, zatímco orálně uspokojuje černého partnera. Nakonec ji po celém obličeji postříká silný proud zpěněného Spritu, na což reaguje „miluju Sprite“. (more…)
3,244 words
The uniqueness of whites can be partly explained by the their homelands’ climate. Europe is the second-cloudiest continent after Antarctica. Western hunter-gatherers colonized Europe as the ice sheets retreated. They evolved blue eyes, which are useful in cloudy weather because they are more sensitive to light and protect people from developing seasonal affective disorder. (more…)
I confess: I did it. I saw the new installment of the space opera about blue cat people, Avatar: The Way of Water. I know; this officially makes me an incurable fanboy. The only pitiful excuse I have to offer in my defense is that we, the incurable fanboys, have been waiting for this thing since the last one came out in 2009.
Catching up briefly
After the events of the last film, most of the humans on the planet Pandora boarded their starship and bugged out for Earth. (more…)
October 24, 2022 Richard Houck
Greta a ekologie na levici a na pravici
English original here
Greta Thunbergová, mladá klimaaktivistka, působila na jedné fotce, kterou jsem nedávno viděl, ohromně strhaně. Zničeně. Bylo mi jí z duše líto. Má totiž pravdu: ukradli jí dětství a lidé skutečně trpí. Snad se jí to povede nějak překonat.
Greta bývá terčem posměšků a urážek, často nelítostných, zejména z pravicových kruhů, což je ale podle mě dost nešťastné, protože na fenomén Greta je třeba nahlížet trochu obšírněji. (more…)
Dietmar Friedhoff
Denken wir Afrika: Eine konservative Grundsatz-Strategie zur Selbstentwicklung unseres Nachbarkontinents
Bad Schussenried: Gerhard Hess Verlag, 2021A canny financier in the British situation comedy series Only Fools and Horses proposes a new investment future: “Get your hands round this” he exclaims, then pauses dramatically and utters one word: “Africa.” (more…)
You can buy Greg Johnson’s Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country here
You can buy Greg Johnson’s Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country here
750 words
Author’s Note: In a recent livestream, Jasper offered the following thoughts: “Immigration moratoriums, deportation, pro-natal policies are certainly crucial; but I would suggest an additional approach: reject the premise of population growth itself. Why should we accept the argument that expanding the population is an absolute good?” Hyacinth Bouquet transcribed my answer, and I have cleaned it up and added a few points. I want to thank both Jasper and Hyacinth.
I absolutely agree that population growth, even white population growth, is not an unconditionally good thing. (more…)
3,414 words
Robert Jensen is an archetypal Leftist academic: a feminist, an anti-capitalist, an anti-imperialist, and someone who belivies in institutional racism. He was denouncing “white privilege” well before doing so became fashionable, and his feminism is of the radical variety, at odd’s with today’s wishy-washy “girl boss” posturing. I read his book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity as a teenager, and was impressed that unlike most conservative critics of porn, Prof. Jensen had actually done his homework. (more…)
Bryan Caplan
Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration
New York: First Second, 2019
Libertarians have long advocated open borders, viewing any limit on immigration as an infringement on personal liberty. To my knowledge, there has never been a book-length treatment of the issue from a libertarian perspective — until now. Bryan Caplan, professor of economics at George Mason University, makes his case for open borders in a graphic novel. (more…)
Part II here
The adherents of globalism believe they are closing in on the achievement of their grand design: the unification of mankind, sometimes also referred to as the New World Order. This still-incomplete project — which Alexander the Great, the Roman Caesars, Napoleon, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, and other megalomaniac conquerors dreamed about, but never fully realized (more…)
1,329 words
As someone who was born at the tail end of the Baby Boom, I was raised in a world where white people popped out kids in numbers that would put modern Hispanics to shame.
My mother was one of eleven kids. My father was one of four. I was also one of four. The family in the brick row home to our left had a half-dozen. (more…)
Czech version here
I saw a recent photo of Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist, and the poor thing looked quite ragged. Just run down. I felt deep sympathy for her. She’s right: Her childhood is being stolen, and people are indeed suffering. I hope she makes it.
She is often mocked and ridiculed – sometimes relentlessly – by the Right, but I feel this is misplaced anger, and that Greta is not being viewed with nuance. (more…)
8,852 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Derrick Jensen, the hardcore and prolific Green activist, is easily one of the most interesting public intellectuals of our time. His willingness to take ideas to their logical end point – and make no apology for it – keeps him from being easily categorized. (more…)