1,789 words
I went on a long train ride this week to meet some friends in the UK. Once I arrived, I wanted to try some local food and have some drinks in a British-style pub. (more…)
1,789 words
I went on a long train ride this week to meet some friends in the UK. Once I arrived, I wanted to try some local food and have some drinks in a British-style pub. (more…)
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2,572 words
Christopher Caldwell
Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West
New York: Random House, 2009
Europe’s immigration problem starts with Nazi Germany’s World War II labor policy. Then, according to Allied propaganda, “slave” laborers were brought in from outside Germany to work the factories and mines while the German laborers who normally worked those jobs went off to fight. When the war ended, Europe’s manpower shortage remained, [1] (more…)
1,195 words
“Ālea iacta est” — “The die has been cast” — Julius Caesar.
My heart sank when I saw the flash mob, nicknamed the Sardines, crowding the 15th-century Piazza Maggiore in Bologna to oppose Matteo Salvini’s Lega campaign launch in the PalaDozza, waving their banners and chanting their slogan: “Bologna non si Lega!” (more…)
A shithole is a shithole
by any other name.
Our minds are bright and wits full.
We will not play the game, (more…)
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Memes have power. Statistics have power. Which of us have not heard the statistic, bandied around universities, that 1 in 3 female college students will be sexually assaulted? Whether or not that statistic is accurate, it is a demonstration of the great ability of “sticky” facts and figures to permeate and influence the public discourse.
2,473 words
The results of Hungary’s referendum on the EU’s migrant quotas are in: most Hungarians don’t want to allow the EU to force them to accept migrants, but don’t care enough to bother going to the polls to vote against it. (more…)
Walter T. Richmond
Hasta La Vista Europe!: What You’re Not Being Told About The Refugee Crisis And How It’s Destroying Europe
CreateSpace, 2016
Hasta La Vista Europe!: What You’re Not Being Told About The Refugee Crisis And How Its Destroying Europe, by Col. Walter T. Richmond, is a powerful and well-written book detailing the situation in Europe as it stands today. (more…)
Lately, some people I have worked with have invited me to learn a little about their new initiatives, namely “Refugees Welcome” NGOs. That was a chance I could not miss, and I decided to attend a few meetings. I can’t say that it was fun, but talking with these people on the formal and informal level was very informative.
To provide you with the proper context: the organizations I got the chance to know are all based in Poland, and they cooperate with other Central European NGOs, (more…)
3,282 words
English original here
Introduction et études de cas
Le but de cet article est de tenter de définir les caractéristiques de la 4GW (guerre de quatrième génération) puisqu’elles s’appliquent à l’intersection du conflit ethnique et des Etats faillis, et ensuite d’extrapoler à partir de cela pour peindre une image hypothétique de ce à quoi un tel scénario pourrait ressembler en Europe. (more…)
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Because of negligence – or rather due to the complicit will of the catastrophic Madam Merkel – over one million “refugees” have crammed themselves into Germany since 2015. With all the problems that that entails. Unprecedented. We’ve gone from the drip-drip to the open faucet. Greece is submerged. (more…)
2,314 words
I can’t think of a more insidious phenomenon in our times than the manipulation of the moral sensibilities of Europeans to bring about their own destruction, and it is the Left that’s in charge of this manipulation, which should be designated as a form of psychological warfare.
The most successful instance of the Left’s psychological operations was the use of the picture of the Syrian child’s lifeless body washed ashore on a Turkish beach in September, 2015. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
Michèle Renouf delivered this speech at a demonstration on February 27, 2016 opposite the German Embassy in London, in defense of the National Democratic Party (NPD). The other speakers were Peter Rushton, Max Musson of Western Spring, Mike Whitby of British Resistance, Kevin Layzell, John Leech, a speaker from the National Action, and Richard Edmonds. (more…)