Secession, Self-Determination, & International Law
Jason Kessler1,333 words
The intolerable cruelties inflicted upon white people by Western governments are sufficient for them to invoke their moral right to self-determination under international law and form new nations. The question is not whether they have suffered sufficient injustice, but simply whether they have the power to seize independence.
“Self-determination in international law is the principle that a people have the right to freely choose their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.”[1] This is a principle invoked by many independence and secession movements throughout history, including the American colonists during their war of independence from Great Britain in the late eighteenth century and by eastern Pakistan when it broke off to form the nation of Bangladesh in 1971.
International law typically respects a nation’s territorial integrity, and the formation of a new nation within an existing nation’s borders for arbitrary geopolitical reasons is not usually accepted — although exceptions exist. For example:
- when a culture or ethnic group is being suppressed;
- when participation in government is restricted (for example by fraudulent elections);
- when active governmental persecution exists; or
- when the new nation has sufficient power to secure its own independence.
According to the United Nations’ “Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-Operation among States” (1970), when a state fails to provide “government representing the whole people belonging to a territory without distinction as to race, creed or colour’, as required under international law, it cannot invoke the principle of territorial integrity to limit peoples’ right to self-determination.”
As documented voluminously in my upcoming book Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech, white Americans’ precious cultural heritage is being violently suppressed. Monuments to significant white heroes are being torn down. Buildings and streets bearing their names are being renamed and are usually replaced with those of black people. This is a clear racial attack. The argument that this crusade is only about the Confederacy’s legacy has long since been proven a lie. Now that white writers, statesmen, explorers, and others are being erased, it is clear that this is a blanket suppression of a particular racial group.
Discrimination against whites is rampant in hiring decisions, college admissions, and federal government funding. Hiring managers in the United States are being directly ordered not to hire white applicants, and over half of hiring managers believe their company has discriminatory hiring policies toward white applicants. Hundreds of millions of dollars of federal and state money are earmarked each year for “diverse” applicants and prohibited to white citizens, giving them a permanent and systemic societal disadvantage. Due to racial discrimination in university admissions, white applicants in the top percentile are less likely to be admitted than black students in the bottom percentile. These are merely a small sample from a nation that has violently lurched toward repression of its historical ethnic population.
There is also already a marked lack of government representation for white people. While politicians bend over backwards to propose policies benefiting other racial groups, few will mention whites in anything other than derogatory terms, and arguably none would implement policies to their benefit.
But the government has committed even graver crimes against America’s white population. It’s an open secret that the United States government has intentionally failed to adequately secure its southern border because the Democrats want to replace the white population with a foreign one that they feel is more likely to keep them in power. Typically lost in accusations made by supporters of Donald Trump regarding widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election is the fact that the border crisis is one of the most significant and indisputable attempts to permanently disenfranchise white voters. As former Obama administration official Van Jones said in February 2021, “We want the white majority to go from being a majority to being a minority — and like it.”
Van Jones, February 2021: "We want the white majority to go from being a majority to being a minority — and like it."
This is the celebration parallax in action. "That's not happening and it's good that it is."
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) December 7, 2023
Sitting President Joe Biden, whose administration has overseen a six-fold and rising increase in foreign border crossings, has even fought in the courts to prevent the state of Texas from implementing measures to stop them. The federal government recently attempted to remove barbed wire in order to make it easier for the migrants to illegally cross the border. During a 2015 White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, Biden explained the racial nature of his ethnic replacement policies:
Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be [of] white European stock. That’s not a bad thing, that’s a source of our strength.
Biden had earlier confirmed to The Hill that the key to his policy agenda is a “constant, unrelenting stream” to replace the European population of the country: “Not dribbling. Significant flows.”
At Biden’s side, grinning and nodding along, was future Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, himself a Jewish-Latino immigrant with a self-interested reason to want to replace white Americans with su raza. In 2023 Mayorkas identified what he calls “white supremacy” as the greatest threat to American national security. Not a single death was in fact attributed to “white supremacy” that year (2023), nor in 2021 or 2020; there were only ten in 2022.[2] Ten is not a significant figure in a country with a population of 335.8 million people. The clear conclusion is that Mayorkas is heinously fearmongering against the white American population and creating a myth of white villainy to justify mobilizing the apparatus of the national security state against white Americans while providing a moral rationale for disenfranchising them in favor of his co-ethnics.
The American judicial system has already been weaponized to persecute white conservatives, inhibiting them from expressing their views or otherwise participating in democracy. Whether it is Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Peter and Lydia Brimelow, Alex Jones, or the author of this essay, anyone perceived as an influential white conservative is targeted through outrageous, unprecedented interpretations of American law and hit with outrageous financial judgments intended to quell their political participation. These cases are invariably brought in heavily Democrat jurisdictions where a “jury of one’s peers” is certain to believe that the accused is a “white supremacist” and thus cannot be granted the presumption of innocence. The unprecedented dragnet of over 1,200 mostly white Trump supporters after January 6 is particularly galling when you look at the breathtaking lack of enforcement during the 2020 race riots following the death of black career criminal George Floyd. It isn’t an anomaly, but rather the perpetuation of a judicial system that has been weaponized against white conservatives.
It doesn’t really matter that there are some white Americans who support such voter disenfranchisement, ethnic replacement, or the suppression of ethnic white culture and history. The fact that western Pakistanis were of the same race as those in the east did not make their irreconcilable political differences any less severe. Ethnic cleansing, electoral disenfranchisement, and cultural suppression are not tolerated when they are carried out for political reasons by those of the same race.
Given all these injustices, white conservatives are well within their moral rights to invoke a demand for remedial secession. Remedial secession is an international legal concept which
refers to the right of a group of people within a state to secede, or break away, from the larger state to form their own independent nation. This right is typically invoked when the group has been subject to serious injustices, such as human rights abuses or persistent violations of agreements for limited self-government.
To implement this right, white conservatives must campaign for their states to provide a clearly-worded referendum on the matter of secession and put it to a truly democratic popular vote.
Follow Jason Kessler on Telegram, Twitter, Odysee and Gab.
[1] Grok AI
[2] Grok AI data
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That was pretty good. I look forward to the book coming out. I do love books!
Part of the impetus behind preventing whites from getting jobs and favoring of minorities over whites in hiring is that in order to have a comfortable life economically, whites, particularly women, will have to marry nonwhites. It’s lubricating the process of white elimination through race mixing.
Hoping to have the book out by the end of April. The copy editor and I are going over it with a fine tooth comb every day right now and the artist is diligently sketching the design of the cover.
Well put.
I am reminded of Greg Johnson’s use of environmentalist biology, rather than international law, to describe the threatened state of Whites in our homelands, which are our racial and national ecosystems.
The elements that lead to a species’ extinction are
the presence of invasive species,
the loss of habitat,
and hybridization.
We clearly suffer all these damages.
Both legally and biologically, our secession and re-creation of White homelands/ecosystems is moral.
I just finished Greg’s White Nationalist Manifesto and I was highly impressed with it for several reasons. I had been advocating for more books of political philosophy for the white cause to articulate its rationale and tactics. That was exactly what it was!
I don’t think my international legal argument is mutually exclusive of other arguments. I also believe in the moral rational of the biological and ethnic preservation arguments for nationalism propounded in the WNM, even before I read it in Greg’s book. Its just common sense.
White Nationalists are often indifferent to what the international community would think about a White ethnostate. That’s why I wrote this article. Its important for the survival of a future White nation to have a good working relationship with other nations rather than to be considered an illegitimate, rogue state.
We should start articulating those arguments for legitimacy on the international stage now so that, if such a nation is formed, it won’t be immediately under siege and shunned by the global community.
JK writes:
“White Nationalists are often indifferent to what the international community would think”
I respond:
There ‘s another term I detest “The International Community”…
Who the fu** is that? The remaining true believers in Sweden and Norway who form the Nobel Peace Price Committees who gave many of their Nobel Peace Prizes to very very violent terrorists like Menachim Begin, Yasir Arafat, Nelson Mandela the North Vietnamese Communist Leader and the Je* Henry Kissinger who supposedly negotiated the “Peace with honor” peace treaty that supposedly ended (NOT!) the Viet Nam war and any minor problems with Communism in Cambodia (NOT NOT NOT).
These idiot true believing “International Community” also gave Nobel Peace Prizes to the likes of Martin Luther King Jr and Barak Obama before Obama was even sworn in as USA President!
Who the f&&& is ghost writing for Jason Kesler? That Harry Potter actress Emma Watson that great up to be a preachy, KNOW IT ALL spokeswoman for the “International Community” as a UN special envoy promoting feminism. I’m sure the Arab League or the Muslim Leagues are really going to take note and obey everything this strident Harry Potter actress grown up to be preachy Lib bitc* Emma Watson has to say.
Wow that was really really bad Jason K. One of THE WORST commentary I’ve ever read anywhere on any blog even remotely associated with American White nationalism, race realism.
Might as well be trying to tell the teacher on Stalin for not following through on his promises to hold “Free and Democratic elections in Eastern European countries occupied by the Soviet Red Army!
Wow, you’re a bundle of joy. Obviously smart as a whip, too.
Thanks for noticing my comment Jim G.
I ‘m great fan of yours – you re the real deal.
Are you familiar with any of my writing for Occidental Dissent or my commentary (I was the cultural correspondent, book and movie reviewer for Jame Edwards TPC Radio Show)? I also did political, cultural, race realist comics with the great White African artist Farstar.
But, right now I’m not doing writing or doing radio comedy. I’m looking for some place to go/be.
Presidential election years have usually SUCKED for me and my interests/politics.
I have some $s (I ‘m pretty cheap and don’t blow them on Chicago women. It costs ~ $800 an hour for a good escort here in Chicago and these working women also want an Uber/Lyft fee! In contrast with the great 17 ZA Rand to 1 US $, I was getting beautiful, Dutch and Russian young women escorts for ~ $80 an hour! Talk about getting great bang for the $ buck so to speak.
Ha Ha.
I was donating to Vdare but they pretty much blew me off.
How do I send a donation to you through Counter Currents?
Keep the faith bro,
J Ryan
TPC Radio Show
Occidental Dissent
Left behind outside of Chicago
This is a serious discussion for intelligent people concerning matters of law, diplomacy and statecraft.
I couldn’t understand most of the unintelligible, illiterate stuff you wrote. You seem to be triggered by the phrase, “international community” as if there are no other nations we would need to trade and form alliances with.
I guess you don’t believe in diplomatic relations with other countries. You’re just going to flip them off until they send their militaries to intervene and force you to rejoin the US federal government. But you’re such a tough guy I guess you’ll just shoot em’ with yer big guns like a real ‘Merican cowboy. Bang-bang! Pew-pew!
I’m not a big fan of “world opinion”, as it used to be called, nor of the so called “international community.” Our country was established in flagrant defiance of world opinion and the international community as it existed at that time. Not a single European monarchy was very happy about the young Republic which they correctly foresaw would be a global giant. Yes, France helped us, but only to hurt Great Britain.
In 1783, after signing the treaty granting Spanish recognition of the nascent USA, the Spanish signatory Count Aranda noted, sourly: “This federal republic is born a pygmy. A day will come when it will be a giant, even a colossus, formidable in these countries. Liberty of conscience, the facility for establishing a new population on immense lands…will draw thither farmers and artisans from all the nations. In a few years we shall watch with grief the tyrannical existence of this same colossus.”
I always hated the term “world opinion” and I hated people who appealed to it, regarding them as mealy mouthed cowards, traitors and poltroons. I think I was right, but as I’ve grown older and (hopefully) wiser I’ve mellowed a little on the subject. Much as I disdain it, I believe world opinion cannot be safely disregarded, however contemptuously many of us regard it. Our founders understood this, as stated in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Our founders did not ask for the permission or approval of mankind. Neither would likely have been given. They did acknowledge a “decent respect to the opinions of mankind” and presented their case to the world as statesmen and gentlemen.
Jason Kessler’s well reasoned post was made in that spirit I think.
To Donn:
“War is not a mere act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political activity by other means.” – Carl Von Clausewitz
Similarly, diplomacy should always be a well-honed political instrument of a nation’s incipient foreign policy. War should be the last resort.
Any wise and just leader knows this and, for the love of his countrymen, will respect their lives enough not to sacrifice them when sufficient alternate means are available.
Violence is not an end in itself. Many in the right-wing community seem to think it is shameful to present logical arguments and attain your objectives through mutual agreement rather than fighting. Like whoever doesn’t react with the most belligerent reaction to a threat vector has lost a dick measuring contest.
Make no mistake, we cannot just tell people we are forming a new nation and expect the military powers of the world, including our own federal government, to allow that. You identify the objective (forming a successful new nation) and you accomplish it by any means necessary. We cannot match firepower but we can use our intellects, the greatest natural inheritance we’re endowed with as White men.
The American colonists won the Revolutionary War in part because of their ability to argue for their self-determination to the international community and cement an alliance with the French. Similarly a successful secession would be much more likely to succeed if foreign countries were exerting pressure on the federal government to accept the result of a secession referendum in the name of long standing legal principles of human rights.
jaye ryan: February 12, 2024 JK writes: “White Nationalists are often indifferent to what the international community would think”
I respond: There ‘s another term I detest “The International Community”… Who the fu** is that?
Had my ability to “like” a comment here not been disabled, I’d like this, jaye. However, I can’t say that for the rest of your comments to Mr. Goad later.
Determined White racial separatists, not mere “white conservatives,” should not look to the so-called international community (or to any Judaized, multiracial “national community,” for that matter) for permission to withdraw their consent to be governed by those who oppose them. I’ll offer this again as the more reasonable alternative to achieve long-term racial separation: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (
I looked at the 2020 Master’s thesis by Mia Abel that JK recommends for his essay to see her, excuse me, their disclaimer:
This content was originally written for an undergraduate or Master’s program. It is published as part of our mission to showcase peer-leading papers written by students during their studies. This work can be used for background reading and research, but should not be cited as an expert source or used in place of scholarly articles/books.
I’ve seen better background reading while waiting in my dentist’s lobby.
JK spanked you, calling you illiterate for poohpoohing the International Community (IC). Your question, “Who the fu** is that?” is legitimate. The UN? The WHO? The World Bank? The IMF? The Nobel Prize committee that you mentioned? To which ones of these and to which foreign countries do determined White separatists offer their separation referendum for approval?
JK offered this response to Donn:
…[A] successful secession would be much more likely to succeed if foreign countries were exerting pressure on the federal government to accept the result of a secession referendum in the name of long standing legal principles of human rights.
Whereas I cannot agree with that statement I certainly agree with JK when he wrote this in his same response to Donn, especially since he capitalized White:
We cannot match [JOG’s] firepower but we can use our intellects, the greatest natural inheritance we’re endowed with as White men.
I’ll risk JK’s calling me illiterate for saying this, but “Human rights?” Now there’s a term, like “human dignity,” that I detest, especially when coming from one who styles himself a leader of “white [sic] conservatives.”
International Law is in reality a misnomer and we should temper our expectations accordingly.
This is because with what we call International Law, there is no Sovereign authority, just the Customs and Treaty Agreements between sovereign Nation-States. It is not fully correct to call these laws.
And then there are the Superpowers who call themselves peers but basically do what they want anyway.
Having said this, I would not rule out diplomacy and other avenues of foreign and domestic propaganda for articulating the justice of our case.
The backhanded support of France in the American Revolution was crucial.
And the propaganda of the Declaration of Independence was important if for no other reason than convincing our own people that our cause for Independence was just and worth fighting for.
As Greg Hood pointed out, Hawaii just ignores the Constitution.
“…then the end of the Roman republic was at hand, and nothing could save it. The laws were the same as they had been, but the people behind the laws had changed, and so the laws counted for nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 1911
I’ve heard Haiti has a high-minded, beautifully written constitution. What’s the use of this document if the people running the country ignore it? For that matter, what is the use of the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch if they ignore the January 6th protesters in the US, or dissenting historians in Europe, Canada, and Australia? Are there any serious, impartial advocates of human rights any more? Why do they ignore the human rights of people considered to be “right wingers”?
The ACLU’s courageous fight for human rights and free speech:
I have longed for a white carve out from about the Colorado river to the Mississippi River and all points in between. We could negotiate to take over the military bases present and all functions of a central government. The problem I foresee is how to get the non whites to voluntarily relocate? And is a referendum by state a strong enough signal of seriousness? Texas and Florida would seem like good places to start, but they both house a whole lot of non whites. Maybe it has to be the square states of the dakotas and Wyoming and Montana? I’m getting older and wondering what life will be like for my 18 year old? It’s definitely getting worse.
Not to be a downer but I simply do not see secessionism working for Whites, especially not without a sympathetic party in the White House, as it would be a perfect casus belli for those in charge to wage war on White Americans in ways we have not yet fathomed. Think less about locking away innocent Jan 6 protesters and more along the lines of what Israel is doing to Gaza right now. It’s a trap and I feel like it’s one the secret services are begging people in this sphere to jump on. A conflict where one group geographically and politically isolates itself based on a somewhat arbitrary territorial grid called “states” has historically proven to be somewhat of a bad call. Revolution is something that terrifies the establishment on a much deeper level, especially if it is waged in every state, every city, wherever there are revolutionaries active. And of course, I feel I have to underscore this hypothetical scenario is not a call to violence, but intelligent political action.
Let those who believe in America as a just and sacred historical, ethnic and cultural entity seize the political processes, and let the LEFT be the ones to try and secede, and then feel sanctioned to treat them the way they would treat us.
They need a United country for a tax cow under a strong federal government in order to project power abroad. They cannot let you go quietly. They Live!
The secession argument I am advancing is one using legal process, referenda and opening the door for support from the international community.
It is not the keyboard warrior concept of coming out guns blazing against Joe Biden’s F-15s or fomenting a half-assed plot of some kind like the FBI’s Gretchen Whitmer fiasco.
Agreed, it will probably come to this eventually.
Speaking of the angry reactions to any non-celebratory mention of the Great Replacement, see the example of the Michigan politician Josh Schriver who is facing condemnation this week from the media and governor and others for sharing a Jack Posobeic tweet that included a graphic depicting the Great Replacement.
Yes, I retweeted that yesterday.
Excellent article!
One of the main reasons why many white people don’t see any need to separate along racial lines is that they genuinely believe that race is nothing more than skin color. This is a major stumbling block. If they were introduced to information about the biological importance of race and the link between race and culture, then more white people would be sympathetic to separation plans. This is why I believe that content like Jared Taylor’s very effective and persuasive video on race differences in intelligence should be shared as much as possible. We ought to be getting as many influencers to share it as we can. There’s no excuse for not getting that information out there more. We ought to be locally saving/copying such content and re-uploading it constantly. Twitter makes it so easy now.
Where are the Jared Taylor clips Twitter accounts? Have you all seen how motivated the Nick Fuentes fans are and how they constantly clip and re-upload his content on Twitter and on other platforms? Fuentes is banned on Twitter, yet he’s everywhere on there since his clips are everywhere, thanks to re-uploads by his fans and detractors. Where’s the same dedication to re-publish Taylor’s clips? Taylor’s entire AmRen video library and all his interviews and debates (in full and in clips) should have already been uploaded on Twitter many times over. They should be shared in responses to viral tweets and shown to popular accounts. It’s not enough to just post URLs; embedding video in tweets is more effective because people are more likely to see the content that way.
The IQ and other biological information isn’t totally sufficient, of course, and it may not change every mind, but it is an important piece of the puzzle. We have to keep hammering and spreading the basics and not treat such information that we learned years ago as “old hat” or “so 2015.” There’s a gold mine of content already packaged in nice shareable video and infographic formats just waiting to be disseminated.
Other than Alaska or Hawaii, I am not for any kind of secession in the continental 48.
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