Today is the birthday of Arthur Jensen, professor of educational psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the great pioneers in the science of human biological diversity. The author of over 400 refereed scientific journal articles, and a board member of the journals Intelligence and Personality and Individual Differences, Jensen was known for his work in psychometrics and the psychology of behavior differences. (more…)
Tag: biological race differences
March 22, 2024 Greg Johnson
Identité Blanche de Jared Taylor
English original here
Jared Taylor
White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
Oakton, Va.: New Century Books, 2011Traduit par Le Fauconnier.
En lisant le splendide nouveau livre de Jared Taylor, Identité Blanche (1), je n’ai cessé de penser à l’ouvrage d’Allan Bloom publié en 1987, The Closing of the American Mind : How Higher Education has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students (en français: La fermeture de l’esprit américain : comment l’enseignement supérieur a failli à la démocratie et a appauvri l’âme des étudiants d’aujourd’hui). (more…)
Part 5 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 4 here)
Transcript by Hyacinth Bouquet. The following is a transcript of the fifth and final part of Marian Van Court and Arthur Jensen’s conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below.
There are a few places where the recording is inaudible, and have been marked as such. If you can figure out what is being said, or if you have other corrections, please offer them in the comments below. (more…)
Part 4 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here, Part 5 here)
Transcript by Hyacinth Bouquet. The following is a transcript of the fourth part of Marian Van Court and Arthur Jensen’s conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below.
There are a few places where the recording is inaudible, and have been marked as such. If you can figure out what is being said, or if you have other corrections, please offer them in the comments below. (more…)
Part 2 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)
Transcript by Hyacinth Bouquet. The following is a transcript of the second part of Marian Van Court and Arthur Jensen’s conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below.
Topics include:
IQ and common sense
Social intelligence as g + extraversion, or g + social experience (more…)
September 12, 2023 Arthur Jensen
Race & IQ Differences:
An Interview with Arthur Jensen, Part 16,126 words / 47:55
Part 1 of 5 (Part 2 here)
Marian Van Court recorded four-and-a-half hours of interviews with Arthur Jensen (1923–2012), who was then a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, in 1986. Jensen was one of the great pioneers in the science of human biological diversity. The following is a transcript of the first part of their conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below. The other parts can be heard here: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (more…)
2,756 words
Christopher Rufo is an outspoken conservative critic of Critical Race Theory and the bizarre excesses of “sex ed” in today’s schools. He is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the author of America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything (New York: Broadside Books, 2023). (more…)
August 28, 2023 Asier Abadroa
La Nación es un grupo biológico
English version: Part 1, Part 2
Después de haber discutido la diferenciación entre Identidad y cultura, y de haber explicado por qué la cultura no es lo que crea las naciones ―son las naciones las que crean cultura―, veamos ahora lo que sí es una Nación. (more…)
Today is the 100th birthday of Arthur Jensen, professor of educational psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the great pioneers in the science of human biological diversity. The author of over 400 refereed scientific journal articles, and a board member of the journals Intelligence and Personality and Individual Differences, Jensen was known for his work in psychometrics and the psychology of behavior differences. (more…)
2,961 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Spanish version here
Certainly in the past the birth rate in our countries was much higher than it is now, but it was also higher in the countries of other races, so this gap is not something new and it has been maintained over time. Only the lack of medicine and aid from whites and so on kept the population of Africa at a stable level, at the price of an exorbitant mortality rate. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Spanish version here
After discussing the distinction between identity and culture, and explaining why culture is not what creates nations (it is nations that create culture), let us now talk about what a nation is. (more…)
John Bean, a noteworthy figure in British Right-wing and racialist politics during the mid-twentieth century, died at 1 PM on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. He was born in Carshalton in 1927.
He was the founder of the National Labour Party (NLP) in circa 1957. (more…)