Author: Alex Kurtagić
1,920 words
Paul O’Keefe
Some Sort of Genius: A Life of Wyndham Lewis
London: Pimlico, 2000In his acknowledgment pages Paul O’Keefe states that it took him a decade—not including the years of research already donated to him by another writer—to complete his biography of Wyndham Lewis, a project he began in 1990 while he was president of the Wyndham Lewis Society. (more…)
January 27, 2013 Alex Kurtagić
Les femmes sont nos alliées
1,813 words
Une plainte fréquente parmi les activistes politiques blancs traditionalistes est la sous-représentation de l’engagement féminin dans le militantisme pro-blanc. Un facteur favorisant l’intérêt masculin dans cet effort politique est certainement la crainte qu’un monde dirigé par les traditionalistes radicaux blancs refuserait aux femmes l’autonomie économique, les reléguant dans les rôles traditionnels de mère et de femme au foyer. Et dans une large mesure, on peut pardonner cette méfiance de la part des femmes, car non seulement cette caricature est perpétuée par la culture de l’establishment, mais dans la littérature associée au Nationalisme Blanc on voit peu de choses qui ne confirment pas la caricature : (more…)
2,731 words
It may seem ironic for those who are said to have “far Right views,” but perhaps one of the biggest obstacles in the struggle for the West is the far Right’s obsession with the scientific understanding of human races. It is not so much that scientific knowledge about race is irrelevant to our political purpose (which is the struggle for the West), but, rather, that this science is thought to possess a political utility it does not and will never have.
4,336 words
There are those who wonder what the point is in discussing abstract theory while we are losing control over our society, in concrete and measurable ways, on multiple fronts, on a daily basis. For them abstract theory is just words, futile and devoid of meaning because their effect cannot be quantified, because their abundance is disproportionate to their physical effects, and because what ultimately counts for them is what transpires in empirical reality.
Spanish translation here
Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory
London: Arktos, 2012Arktos recently published what we can only hope will be the first of many more English translations of Alexander Dugin’s work. (more…)
June 1, 2012 Alex Kurtagić
Avant-garde, esthétique, révolution
January 28, 2012 Alex Kurtagić
Bêtes de Norvège :
Breivik & Vikernes1,900 words
English original here
Depuis les années 1990, l’exportation norvégienne la plus connue a été son Black Metal. (more…)
January 28, 2012 Alex Kurtagić
Bestas da Noruega:
Breivik & Vikernes -
December 23, 2011 Alex Kurtagić
Christmas Special
Jingle All the Way:
Reassuringly FascisticJingle All the Way is a typical feel-good, family-oriented Hollywood Christmas film, loosely falling in the same category as the Home Alone film series (which producer Chris Columbus was also involved with). It is driven by a simple premise and plot, which unfolds against a scenery of prosperous suburbia and mid-Western shopping centres, all postcard beautiful among snow and a superabundance of joyous decorations. (more…)
October 27, 2011 Alex Kurtagić
Maîtres de l’Univers