The Yellow Vests Have Made the Most French Part of France Visible
Alain de Benoist473 words
Czech version here
Interviewed by Yann Vallerie; translated by Greg Johnson (The last two questions, on other topics, were omitted.)
The great national debate could be over before it even started. The Yellow Vests continue their actions, enjoying the support of public opinion. At the start of 2019, while France is going through a major crisis, we reviewed the situation with Alain de Benoist . . . First of all, in France, the Yellow Vests movement is continuing, while the ongoing great national debate doesn’t seem to interest anyone. Where are we going?
Alain de Benoist: That the Yellow Vests movement continues, and more than half of the French wish to see this movement continue, is already an extraordinary event. I am delighted, of course. After an anxious spell, the media are now complaining of having been subjected to “violence” without for a moment wondering about the reasons for their bad reputation. The head of state writes letters and organizes a “great debate” that we know in advance will not meet the essential expectations of the Yellow Vests. All of that would be laughable, if it did not spring from a class contempt that appears to be ineradicable. That said, it is useless to ask what the movement can lead to.
It has already led to what was its raison d’être: to make visible the most French part of France. As for the rest, the causes have not changed, so we must await a new episode in the order of effects. That’s why I talked about a “dress rehearsal.” The crucial issue of immigration has been relegated to the background, including by the leaders of the Yellow Vests (while on certain roundabouts, it is quite present). Is not this the main concern?
Alain de Benoist: It is indeed a concern that we know quite well is present in the spirit of the Yellow Vests (and that’s an understatement). My assumption is that they understood quite well that by putting this issue forward, they would have given those who hate them additional reasons to defame them, which would have allowed people to ignore their other claims. Do not forget that when the Yellow Vests discovered illegal migrants in a truck they stopped, they gave them to the police. This was enough to trigger a complaint against the Yellow Vests from the National Union of Customs Agents. Immigration is a factor, but we cannot forget that populism only exists when cultural insecurity (immigration) is added to social insecurity (purchasing power).
However, it is the working classes and the lower portion of the middle classes who are hardest hit by this double insecurity. If the referendum of popular (or “citizen”) initiative was adopted, things could become much clearer, but we know there is a good chance that the authorities will manage to exclude immigration from the questions that could be asked.
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I wish American right-wingers were as open to discussing class issues as the European right.
It’s like: as soon as you start talking about class conflict, you’re labeled a communist
I found – some decades ago – that Australian nationalists and ‘right wingers’ are by no means the same thing. There is some overlap in some cases, but most nationalists in this country aren’t as invested in traditional left/right political positions as some in the US appear to be.
That is an interesting comment, but what you mean is not clear to other me, and, I would suspect, other readers here.
What, for example, do you mean by ‘nationalists and “right wingers””?
Seriously, a reply would be appreciated.
AFAIK, Australia does not have any free
speech rights.
I have read the long essay at the link below, it is very good (and I think it was his Ph D thesis). if you have not read it, you should.
Much more on the site.
Thanks for your response and the links, Gnome.
I’m familiar with Dr Saleam’s works – they are invaluable for Australian nationalists. Along with the late Alex Norwick, Dr Saleam is one of the giants of contemporary Australian nationalist thought.
On the question of nationalism and the right, I’d observe that many people who are naturally attracted to nationalist positions (the nation organically defined, borders, ethnic preservation, development of industry within the nation etc) are reluctant to participate in ‘right wing’ organisations – some of which use nationalist themes as recruitment devices – because they don’t agree with classical ‘right’ ideas.
There are still right wing organisations in Australia who pair nationalism with classical right ideas, such as low taxes, smaller government, unrestrained capitalism, Christianity and maximum personal liberty (especially as it applies to economic activity). There are nationalists who agree with these programs 100% – good luck to them, but there also many who don’t.
I identify as a nationalist, but certainly not as one of the right, because I don’t believe those elements listed above are healthy for the Australian nation. Indeed, I’d go so far as to argue that they are a greater risk to our survival than the assorted lunacies of the cultural Marxists that now comprise the Fake Left.
The point I had hoped to make for Benjamin is that talking to ‘right-wingers’ is, of course, likely to elicit negative responses to class issues. And to get you labeled a commie. But that there are nationalists who do not share right wing views who may be more open to this kind of discussion. Greg Johnson has published a number of articles on the ‘racially conscious left’ on this site – and a thorough reading of Dr Saleam’s works will show that Australian nationalism has been far from ‘right wing’ for most of its history.
Hope that helps clarify. Thanks again for your response.
To keep track of replies on this site, not easy, but I can see the reasons. Although it is nice to see a review by Greg posted on
It is late at night here, as there, I must sleep. I would hope a few read some of Saleam’s good writing.
Would say more, but likely unwise, really, I think that I have a very good tale.
Will try to writing it in stages.
Conservative tyrants are elected for fear of the chaos of the progressivism of the opponent. Better a familiar tyrant conservative of the known values of the past than another stranger Devil.
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