German translation here
“It is madness to believe that a great people of sixty or seventy million cannot be destroyed. It perishes as soon as it loses its drive for self-preservation.”–Adolf Hitler, speech at the Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, February 27, 1924
On one level, white nationalism or white racialism is a straightforward exercise in conservation biology. Whites, or a remnant of them, must be physically preserved as a racially-conscious, culturally coherent breeding population, or group of genetically similar breeding populations.
Many white nationalists are put off by this idea. They take umbrage, considering it to be a form of reductionist biologism.
But if it is acceptable to “save the animals” or “save the planet,” it’s unclear why so many people not dedicated to anti-white racism have such a problem with defining who’s “white,” or with saving the white race in the biological sense.
As the old National Alliance bumper sticker boldly put it: “Save the white race, the Earth’s most endangered species.”
Biology isn’t the only thing, but it’s the first, and in many ways, most fundamental thing.
Before you can save a people, you must define it.
This may raise people’s hackles, but it must be done.
The Main Enemy
The main enemies of white survival are the closely-aligned “four estates”: Jews, the government (Left-totalitarian and anti-white, at all levels, everywhere), the mass media, and academia.
To maintain their grip on a rapidly fraying social order, these groups continually press for more and more tyrannical power.
In terms of cohesion, the only really potent social glue holding the fractious elements of an increasingly dysfunctional society together, the one thing they have in common, is anti-white hatred mixed with intense philo-Semitism and, less fundamentally, contingent sanctification of non-whites. This is what deeply engages their passions, their emotions. They are united, fundamentally, by burning hatred.
Indeed, their racism has assumed the character of a public cult, a set of institutionalized dogmas that cannot be questioned.
Jews are now God-people, demigods, or stand-ins for God, usurping the role of Christ. They are the crucified deity, supernaturally risen from the ashes of Auschwitz, where Hitler-Nazis-Germans-Christians-Europeans-whites—the epitome of Evil—attempted to murder God by annihilating his sacred children.
As Jewish spokesman and powerful censor Abraham H. Foxman, the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, put it:
The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. –ADL On the Frontline (January 1994, p. 2)
The penalty for whites’ sin is Death: the genocide of the white race, “the cancer of human history.”
So this genocide is not accidental, not perpetrated in some inconceivable fit of absent-mindedness.
Nor is it something “we did to ourselves.”
It is deliberate, purposeful, intentional.
The guilty parties know perfectly well that racism and genocide are crimes according to their own laws and pronounced standards.
The Necessity of Confronting the Jewish Problem
Because Jews are the most powerful of the four estates, controlling and infusing the others with fanatical and unswerving purpose, white survival necessitates confronting the Jewish problem. It cannot be evaded.
Yet the one thing that offends many white nationalists even more than the idea of biological race is any criticism of Jews. Whites and Christians can be freely criticized, but not Jews.
It would be wonderful if we could ignore Jews, not even think about them. Who wants to confront, alone and unaided, the brutal bully, the thug, the Mafia that now engulfs and directs a massive and terrifying police State?
No one.
But it is not possible to avoid the Jewish problem if whites are to survive.
Within white nationalism, philo-Semites and anti-anti-Semites are part of the genocidal problem, even when they talk a good line otherwise. We have reached the end of our rope, and there is no margin for error on such fundamental matters.
As long as Jews or their sympathizers control or substantially influence this movement, racial destruction and totalitarianism must inevitably result, just as Buckleyite conservatism, another philo-Semitic Trojan horse, played an indispensable role in destroying American liberty and erecting the anti-white globalist police state we suffer under today.
Can Whites Live Without Jews?
This is an interesting question.
It is by no means obvious that whites are capable of directing their collective destiny anymore. They have been dependent on Jews for guidance, direction, and “moral” instruction for so long that they seem addicted to it. They have forgotten what it means to rule. This is as true of conservatives and most white nationalists as it is of other whites.
Can whites do anything at all without Jewish leadership?
Whites’ profound philo-Semitism, especially in light of Jews’ inconceivably vicious behavior toward their race, strongly suggests that they cannot. Most whites are enraptured masochists in love with their sadistic, hate-filled masters, willing victims in the biggest snuff film ever made.
Their forebears could live without Jews, but present-day whites are like children in desperate need of their Jewish “elder brother,” “father,” social superior, spiritual master . . . their God.
Can whites grow up? Can they assume responsibility for their own affairs?
More importantly, can they abandon their god, the Jews, as they did their former Savior, Jesus Christ?
Can they develop and publish their own authors in their own media, and create their own news and entertainment content?
What would white movies and television look like? (We do not know because Jews have controlled both mediums since their inception.)
Can whites still develop their own serviceable political philosophies?
Can they construct and operate their own organizations and governing institutions?
Can they write their own laws—that is to say, sane ones?
If emancipated, would they continue to fear freedom of speech and thought as they now do?
What would their art look like?
There is no way to know. Whites have not been free and independent of Jewish control for at least a century now. They have regressed. They no longer know how to lead.
Jews are an obstacle to human progress and white survival that cannot be avoided. Those who cooperate with Jews or subordinate the needs of this movement to Jewish interests, are themselves part of the problem.
That is the path to destruction.
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A brief but masterful article. Thank you, Mr. Hamilton!
Yes, quite a rant and I love it. Just as an aside. It has come to my attention that here in Canada Section 13 of the human rights code has been repealed. It needs senate approval, but , well we will see. That is the section saying that one cannot write on the internet etc about persons or groups. ( a little more complicated that I am saying) It repealed the group part. Defamation of a person is still under all the laws, but freedom of expression about groups is another question. As usual the left blogs are all in a thither. It is not that I am a supporter of Prime Minister Harper, but he sure knows the game. The whole environmental question is another thing that is unfolding with the tar sands.
As the old National Alliance bumper sticker boldly put it: “Save the white race, the Earth’s most endangered species.” [the sticker actually reads: “Earth’s Most Endangered Species: The White Race. Help Preserve it.”]
Remember the importance Yuri Bezmenov placed on demoralization as the foundation for conquest of a culture, and a nation. The foundation of moralization is from dedicating one’s life to a transcendental purpose, and ordering the society around that.
Take the belief I have, that America is a Christian nation. Yes, you can point to the counterpoint of the Company of Adventurers that founded the Jamestown Colony, in diametric opposition to the familial foundation of the Puritans, and you can even argue the Constitution is not a Christian document. I would agree – it is simply a corporate charter. The Bill of Rights,. which give the Constitution meaning and life, well, that’s another issue.
Yet, all of the families from Plymouth Rock forward taught their sons and daughters to read from the only book in the house, the Bible. In this case, moralization manifested, in part, as a Duty to Conquer, to manifest a great destiny, indeed. This is the role of Christianity as a tool for transformation of the Earth, and the social orders of Mankind.
THAT is where the metapolitical perspective of an America that went to the Moon, and back, simply as a matter of Will – and an unquestioned Destiny manifested by the Warrior Caste.
Remove the metapolitical purpose, the Duty to manifest a Destiny, and geld the Warrior Caste; the story of America for the last fifty years, driven home by the great Cultural transformers of public
indoctrinationeducation , and color television.So, for us, no metapolitical perspective, no positive politics, no clearly defined Cause.
No clearly defined Cause, no foundation for a Movement.
No Movement, no political organization.
No political organization, no personal focus.
No focus, the self-selected impotence of nihilism.
The key is to remoralize and consciously develop the Warrior Caste, and the Warrior Mindset.
Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic offers our best hope, on so many levels it is breathtaking.
I read somewhere that Harold’s NW quartet is now a quintet. Could someone tell me where I can buy his latest edition (without the use of Paypal ).
Thanks, although many are available for free pdf download.
Thanks Fourmyle of Ceres. I went to Amazon and he still has a quartet, not a quintet, so I am current with my reading.
It looks like Covington is working on a fifth novel titled Freedom’s Sons. I presume the title is taken from a song of the name by Tommy Makem, which includes the chorus:
They were the men with a vision, the men with a cause
The men who defied their oppressor’s laws
The men who traded their chains for guns
Born into slav’ry, they were Freedom’s Sons
The first three sections of “Freedom’s Sons” are available as one pdf file from one of Covington’s sites.
‘Their forebears could live without Jews, but present-day whites are like children in desperate need of their Jewish “elder brother,” “father,” social superior, spiritual master . . . their God.’
This actually is not much of an exaggeration.
In high school one of my friends was mesmerized by Elie Wiesels ‘Night’ and came to see Jews as a ‘Chosen People’… to bad that back then we didn’t have the internet to check out the veracity of the story or to even find out that Wiesel actually chose to leave with Gerrman Soldiers when Russians were approaching the camp!! Why would he do that if Germans were trying to genocide him?
Hopefully with the internet and just basic fact-checking more and more people will come to see ‘The Holocaust’ as little more then a tall tale, and this will weaken Jewish-Zionist Power accordingly.
“What would white movies and television look like? (We do not know because Jews have controlled both mediums since their inception.)”
Ever hear of a guy named Walt Disney? Everything he produced was wholesome and moral. Of course, the Jews hated him and celebrated his demise with their ultimate take-over of the Disney Corporation. Everything produced there since Walt’s death in 1966 showed signs of a slow degradation in quality. (The Jungle Book was his last animated movie.)
The possibilities of a pure-Arayan, whites-only, hold on our cultural steering wheel would be breathtaking to say the least. Imagine what a flower garden looks like when the weeds and parasites are completely removed. It blossoms and flourishes.
No, we really CAN’T imagine our culture without the Jewish taint, but one thing is for sure… it will be absolutely beautiful when it comes to fruition. has discovered a market for this, in the release of dvd’s of the Westerns of the Fifties and early Sixties – Maverick, The Big Valley, etc.
Given a choice, people will choose that which inspires – the tremendous cinematic masterpiece, which embodied a no-holds-barred assertivness to the point of aggressiveness Duty to Conquer, “How The West Was Won.” With breathtakingly wonderful cinematography, it is now available on Blu-Ray.
Given a choice…
Years ago, there was a movie series called “The Wilderness Family,” or something like that. It as by all accounts pretty mediocre, with the exception of the vast, panoramic shots of the West – trees, valleys, plains, mountains, for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see.
The audience was watching the movie, and had a knobbed device they turned to show approval of a scene. When it came to the scenes of The West, the vast, panoramic West, they ripped the knobs off – “TEN” wasn’t enough for their enthusiasm.
The demographers redid the move to include a LOT more of the panoramic shots of The West.
All we have to do is disengage from a status quo to the extent possible, being more effective, more Creative, in the fulfillment of a metapolitical Purpose, in our lives, and the lives of our Families.
A good way to start is to send money to counter-currents – cash, gold bullion, whatever – each and every month.
‘Ever hear of a guy named Walt Disney?’
Don’t forget John Hughes!
The Diversity-mongers are constantly whinning about the ‘Whiteness’ of his films and bemoaning the fact that teens still watch them on DVD…
I’d like to see Andrew Hamilton tackle the life and legacy of Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. In fact, I’d like to see an article on him by any Counter-Currents writer. This from the man’s Wikipedia entry: “In 1932 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi composed a preface for a new edition of his father’s condemnation of antisemitism, reissued by his own publishing house. In 1933 he responded to the ascendance of National Socialism by collaborating with Heinrich Mann, Arthur Holitscher, Lion Feuchtwanger, and Max Brod in writing and publishing the pamphlet Gegen die Phrase vom jüdischen Schädling (Against the Phrase ‘Jewish Parasite’).
Coudenhove-Kalergi complemented his liberal views of the political role of the Jews with distinctive advocacy of race mixing. In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism) he wrote:
“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
“Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.”
Excellent article/rant!
Coincidentally, it makes a useful contrast to a piece over at Occidental Observer today, to which I made the following comment [quote from A. Hamilton at end]:
Some good ideas here, but ironic that the author, and her probable enthusiastic audience, don’t realize that the real Jewish takeover, so nicely described as the:
“fact that America’s former elite, the WASPs, had already capitulated to the rising Jewish elite. They had been debased and corrupted themselves by the polluted mental atmosphere in which they lived”
first occurred some 18 centuries ago in Rome, and periodically since, until even Iceland and Rus’ succumbed to the Jew Plague. Criticizing Jew-sexology by means of Jew-morality [anti-sex, anti-homo, etc.] may give you a warm feeling [like the Jew, you love to Hate, don’t you?] but does nothing for the White race. It literally get us nowhere, returning us ever again to the same Jew vomit.
Try reading some real Aryan sexology, such as Hans Bluher [who distinguished the Aryan Mannerbund State from the Semitic “family values” society of parasites] or Alain Danielou [the man Rene Guenon humbly submitted his manuscripts to for correction, but who thought the Kama Sutra was more orthodox].
As Andrew Hamilton wrote in a much more useful piece [indeed, other than the general similarity of topic, the two are incommensurable, as Hamilton’s is useful and Darkmoon’s just part of the problem:
“It is by no means obvious that whites are capable of directing their collective destiny anymore. They have been dependent on Jews for guidance, direction, and “moral” instruction for so long that they seem addicted to it. They have forgotten what it means to rule. This is as true of conservatives and most white nationalists as it is of other whites.”
Away with these truly sexually perverse “lover’s quarrels” between the Jones and the Kinseys, the Darkmoons and the Reichs, over who is most subservient to the Jew God.
FOR Athens!
AGAINST Kansas City!
“You must choose, brothers and sisters, you must choose!”
– Rev. J. C. Crawford, opening proclamation, “Kick out the Jams, Motherfuckers” by the MC5
Why dump on Kansas City? Roy Orbison loved it. William Burroughs was born there. Lazarus Long returned to it after thousands of years to do his mother (shades of Jim Morrison). If this is not the ultimate endorsement of Heterosexuality, what is?
What’s your favorite scene in Naked Lunch?
The essay did not mention the churches. The churches of all denominations except perhaps Eastern Orthodox are in many ways in favour of all except white people and implicitly in favour of destruction of whites.
Indeed. Tomislav Sunic has pointed out the different role of the Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe, at least promoting nationalism vs. Communism, if not exactly racial interests as such. No nonsense about bringing in North Africans to atone for our sins etc.
I had been wondering about the best way to approach the naive whites about the “jewish menace” we’re facing, as if one starts talking about the jews, the listener is conditioned to recoil in horror when he first hears the word “jew” (& how bad they are) and the result is the listener’s mind is shut down and the conversation is ended abruptly.
Hence I was wondering if there is a better, more neutral term that describes the jews in our attempt to educate the clueless public without the listeners walking away. Perhaps the word “The Tribe” could be used?
“Zionists” is almost a meaningless word to the clueless public. “Israel-firster” is a good term.
One almost needs to come out and say ‘Jew’ to get it across to people who are too tuned into the Pop Culture Katy Perry/ Kanye West morass we are mired in!
Trying mentioning: ‘bankers’, ‘dual-citizens’, ‘New Yorkers’… I could probably think of some more later.
At my work-place there is a guy that has complained about ‘Neo-cons’ and even the ‘Eastern Establishment’. So I think he might be tuned into what is going on a little. The only problem is he is a big time Obama liberal and has also praised Black Police Officers.. yuck I don’t want Blacks in positions of power. He is probably just one of these Left-wing anti-zionist types:
An incisive article, Andrew, that could and should be expanded upon. Now you’re getting to the gist of the problem: how to save a mind poisoned race of people from themselves?
Junghans in blockquote:
Fascinating question, and one virtually all WNists have been addressing piecemeal.
Two theories:
One, the Vanguard – the disciplined, focused Elite who can carry The Message forward.
Two, The Message, starts with the essence of Bob Whitaker’s Mantra – getting our people to acept the idea that they, and their Families, are the target of genocide.
Three, Identification – what does The Enemy look like? How do they operate? How can this be effectively countered, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way?” (HT: Jim Giles)
Four, The Goal – what is the temporal manifestation of the metapolitical objectives, and how can this be brought forward?
Good topic for a “What Is To Be Done?” thread. That might tie nicely into the Pierce Symposium – the Piercian Model, from Definition of The Problem, to Implementation of the Solution versus, well, most everything else.
The first step is to send money to counter-currents, each and every month. Spanish doubloons are fine.
The Northwest Imperative supplies the framework for all else.
As the saying goes, “If it does not fit into the Northwest Republic, it is not White Nationalism.”
My focus would shift from White Survival – the necessary precondition for all else, obviously – to the further outworking of Western Civilization, the only framework in which fulfillment of the metapolitical purpose is possible.
Period. Full stop. End of discussion.
Thanks for the input, Fourmyle, it is going to be one hell of an uphill battle royale.
Junghans in blockquote:
It will, but it will be worth it.
The Key is the functional equivalent of withdraw of the ACTIVE support of The Governed.
Once we stop playing THEIR Game, by THEIR Rules, an enormous amount of energy and spiritual resources are freed up for the further outworking of the spiritual components of the process of Western Civilization.
I am NOT saying to stop doing what is legal; simply work on what is better, and develop that more fully. The Childish Ideas of so many self-identified WNists – that the injudicious and illegal use of force can be effective against the most powerful military and intelligence networks in the history of the world – simply leads us down the blind alleys of personal ineffectiveness, and political impotence.
We can do this.
We can do all of this, and so much more, in an “apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Not only can we do this.
We have to. We have a moral obligation of the fist magnitude to do so.
For the Posterity of Others, the ant colony buried in mud.
For our Posterity, “Honor, Discipline, and the Stars.”
Thesis – that Jews fully and consciously intend to exterminate the Whites – is pure truth. The evidence is all around us. But the attendant pessimism is wholly unjustified. Via premature, debt-based globalization, the Hebrews have overreached…as indeed they have at other times in their checkered history. Ponzi collapse is imminent, and I would not be at all surprised if, during the coming Age of Chaos, it is the Jews who go extinct and the Whites – though certainly much reduced in numbers – who re-discover the Ethos of Conquest, survive, and prosper.
Since most whites are still very attached to their TV, and they still get a significant information from their TV, hence I’m wondering if there is a way to have our own national TV station for broadcasting our message to the public? Internet is ok but it’s a very slow way to reach out to the public en masse.
I found a post:
Listen, we are not going to get anywhere much until we come up with a form of media that will match the power of television. Something that we can pick up and click on like the TV set.
Until we can give our own people the truth with the click of a button and use it to give them the leadership they need we will continue to suffer a devastating lack of survival instincts. Jews are leading whites around by their noses via media, the most powerful being television.
me in blockquote:
The same self-limiting (and self-defeating) proposition we have heard from one WN Leader after another, from Pierce forward: “If we only had our own national television system/national radio system/national print media, THEN things would start to go our way.
This confuses Cause with Effect. The best message is what matters, and the medium of communication that works is of secondary importance. OWNING that particular means of production is of little matter. USING it is what matters.
But, by implicitly stating that NOTHING can get done until we do something that will NEVER happen, we are giving ourselves the rationalization we seek for the excuses we make for the failures our lack of meaningful efforts lead to.
The best Idea – the 14 Words, and the White Genocide Mantra – are what need to be communicated. The medium is of secondary importance. And, bluntly, most of us will not do what we can, starting where we are.
The click of a mouse is even easier, and the Truth is here, and Whitaker’s site,, arktos, john denugent, northwest front, and all manner of useful sites. The click of a mouse, and ouir Positions are available to all.
Jews fear the Internet, which has displaced radio and is displacing television. because they can not control it – yet- and their first attempts to do so are being blocked by people who can identify the problem as “SOMETHING to do with Jews.” This violates the Talmudic Commandment, “Do not let anything bad be blamed on the Jewish Race.”
Note, by the way, about the power of the Internet with what happened to the OCCUPY groups. OCCUPY Wall Street got along just fine, until it had people who openly blamed the financial problems on the 10%, who were openly identified as Jews in lager posters and in live debates. The usual soft silencing treatment – Jews dressed in colorful rabbi costumes discussing the issue with the protestors – were neutralized when the protesters refused to accept the Jew’s frame of reference, openly quoting the Bible, and the Jewish Texts, AGAINST them in public.
THAT is how you win politically – a clean, consistent message that resonates in the hearts and minds of the people you want to change.
The result – OCCUPY has been removed from television, and cable. THAT is the power of the consistent message, consistently delivered, by all media possible.
The original poster has this to say to Fourmyle of Ceres’ post:
“I know this much nearly everybody I know has television. But a lot of them do not have home computers, yet. Or if they do, their kids dominate it.
People don’t really want to read, you know, unless it’s from somebody they know. Television makes it easy…it does their reading for them. The public is lazy.”
me citing another in blockquote:
Our message won’t be allowed to get within twenty miles of broadcast television. Indeed, it is so powerful that the SPLC has not mentioned Whitaker, or Horus the Avenger’s websites, as they put forward the issues of the GENOCIDE of the White Race quite explicitly.
Those who could make a difference will use computers very effectively.
Look at how the WN Leaders of Yesteryear wrote of having our own television shows, our own television stations, our own radio stations, our own national print media, ALL of which are being replaced by the Internet.
I have made the point elsewhere that none of the jobs that have gone away are coming back, and more will be following them. Considering the long odds against Upton Sinclair, with the EPIC Plan as the centerpiece of his campaign for Governor of California, or Huey Long – Senator from horrifically impoverished Louisiana. we must develop alternatives.
Incidentally, if none of those jobs are coming back, what will happen to the pensions they were suppose to help fund? Wait until three generations (or more) and two or more Families are living under one roof, coming Real Soon Now to a town near you.
THAT is why the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model wins First Prize. As George Carlin so astutely noted, “The table is tilted, the Game is rigged.”
That IS an opportunity for us.
This would be a good video of the day:
In the latest video she discusses how she reacted to one Jews interviewing another Jew. She discusses her view that Jews are so narcissistic that they cannot realize how this looks to those of us who are not members of the tribe.
Europeans are Masters of War…..this is why our enemies are afraid of any slight indication we are thinking for ourselves…I do believe we shall create an Imperium Europae…Obama purged as many patriotic Army Generals he could,because our enemies know when we start….We will finish the job at hand…
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