White Americans’ Racial Consciousness is No Longer an Unknown Quantity
Beau AlbrechtPerhaps the greatest challenge facing us is that whites are the only race that isn’t taking its own side. In a very competitive world, decades of this nonsense have led us to the brink of a crisis.
Readers are surely familiar with the unprecedentedly massive propaganda campaign that got this started long ago, the forces behind it, and the social pressures maintaining the march to self-destruction. One unknown variable throughout this is how many whites are on our side, or potentially so. Thanks to Svea Svensson, one of our commenters, I discovered some encouraging data.
Good news at last
The 2016 Time Series Study by ANES (American National Election Studies) featured extensive opinion questionnaires. I can’t speak for the methodology, as I haven’t looked into it, but I’ll assume that it’s up to snuff. Still, questions like the following — in all their glorious lack of subtlety — seem like they were ripped from the pages of The Authoritarian Personality, the Frankfurt School’s infamous effort at medicalizing opinions they didn’t like:
- Our country needs free thinkers who will have the courage to defy traditional ways, even if this upsets many people.
- Our country would be great if we honored the ways of our forefathers, do what the authorities tell us to do, and get rid of the “rotten apples” who are ruining everything.
- What our country really needs is a strong, determined leader who will crush evil and take us back to our true path.
A “strongly agree” response on the first item might come from someone with a collection of National Public Radio coffee mugs and a long-standing unrequited crush on Nina Totenberg. The second two are almost caricatures of provincial attitudes presumably common within Cupcake’s “basket of deplorables.” A “strongly agree” respondent might be a wignat. At the very least, this would be a neocon who owns a life-sized portrait of Bush the Younger — autographed, framed, and proudly displayed in the living room — and had a few too many brewskies before answering the questionnaire.
More to the point, the Institute of Family Studies did an analysis on part of the ANES dataset called “The Demography of the Alt-Right.” This includes just over 3,000 data points; enough for decent statistical confidence, though there’s enough margin of error that it seems unnecessary for there to be percentile results to two decimal places. It focuses on responses by non-Hispanic whites to three questions:
Respondents were asked how important their race was to their identity on a five-point scale ranging from “not at all important” to “extremely important.” They were also asked a question measuring their feelings of white solidarity: “How important is it that whites work together to change laws that are unfair to whites?” This followed the same five-point scale. Finally, we can assess survey respondents’ feelings of white victimization from their answers to the question of how much discrimination whites face in the U.S., also on a five-point scale, ranging from “none at all” to a “great deal.”
For purposes of the analysis, on all three questions those who responded with a 4 or 5 were grouped together — I’ll term them as “concerned” — and those answering 1-3 are likewise grouped together; these are less concerned or unconcerned. Those who answered as concerned about all three items — again, these are identity, solidarity, and victimization (anti-white discrimination) — came out to 5.64%. At just over one in 20, that certainly puts to rest the line by the usual suspects that we’re only a tiny fringe. Still, it seems that we have a lot of work ahead of us. On the other hand, there are some interesting breakdowns of the data; the statistics end up being even more encouraging than this alone.
I should add that the analysis is an unfriendly one. It opens with a couple of lines recapping Charlottesville; omitting key details, probably because the author only heard the mainstream media’s propaganda about it. Throughout the analysis, the tone is disapproving about white racial consciousness. Would the author also disapprove of ethnic solidarity by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and so forth? If he ever let that on in writing, he’d get cancelled and find out in a hurry that those of us who denounce rotten double standards and Leftist mobbing tactics aren’t exactly barking up the wrong tree. Still, despite being flawed by an unnecessary negative tone, there are some important observations in the study.
To clarify, this is a measure of white racial consciousness, not ideological affiliation. Although it’s a pretty good start toward figuring out how many people are on our side, ethnic solidarity alone isn’t the same as the level of awareness that we call the Red Pill. As the analysis itself states:
Studying the attitudes and demographic traits of people who self-identify with the Alt-Right or a similar ideology is a great challenge. However, if we can pinpoint the attitudes that form the basis of white identity politics, and we can reasonably expect respondents to answer questions about those attitudes honestly, we can begin discerning which people are particularly likely to find such movements appealing.
The Red Pill knowledge that goes along with the Dissident Right covers several subjects, and it’s our number one job to convey this knowledge to the masses. Fortunately, the fully concerned 5.64% will be a fairly receptive audience. It’s a safe assumption that some of them have figured out a lot of things on their own.
The deep dive
Regarding the fully concerned, the first interesting item is the breakdown between the sexes. Responses for men came in at 5.24% and 5.99% for women. That’s a small point spread, but enough to abandon the viewpoint held by some cynics that women are more inclined to perfidy. Morbidly obese white women spending their welfare checks at the big box store with several non-white kids in tow, each by different absentee fathers, are outliers. There are probably at least as many middle aged yuppies who waste their money and genetic inheritance by chasing bar girls in Southeast Asia.
The next breakdown is by party affiliation. Republicans scored at 6.44%, Democrats at 4.12%, and independents at 7.56%. The higher score among the independents suggests that some of these folks realize that most Republicans work for the globalists and only care about white voters on Election Day. Approximately half of the American electorate is too apathetic to vote; their collective reasoning might be “Why bother?” This, of course, is an enormous untapped reserve for alternative parties, so long as there’s a chance that they might produce results better than a mere protest vote. Finally, it’s puzzling why there are any racially conscious whites who still vote for the Democrats. That started going out of fashion after the 1940s, but they do exist, despite their party’s frequent anti-white rhetoric and policies.
Family attributes are considered next. There’s hardly any difference in concern between the never married and married (both near 4.5%), but the divorced are at 10.05%. That much is pretty significant. (It doesn’t distinguish men and women as respondents in this category.) This might be an effect of adversity in general. More specifically, could a catastrophic event like divorce knock people out of their comfort zones and down the rabbit hole, causing some significant introspection ultimately leading to general enlightenment? There is a manosphere-to-Dissident Right pipeline, one which I’ve personally encouraged. The analysis itself goes into some of this, including the following:
If we wish to discourage right-wing radicalism, encouraging more marriage will likely not be effective, but strengthening marriages and discouraging marriage dissolution may be helpful.
It’s nice to see that the author wants to help. Come on, guys, let’s reform the marriage laws right away, before a Panzergrenadier division rolls down Main Street, how about it? Other than that, those with no children at home scored over a point higher than those with children at home. Perhaps some of that was from non-custodial parents who got screwed in divorce court.
Religious service attendance is another factor. Those who never go have a level of concern at 5.37%. (This doesn’t distinguish atheists from believers with minimal involvement.) Those who attend “a few times a year” are at 4.66%, a bit lower. Then, with greater frequency of attendance, the level of concern increases, up to 6.86% for weekly attendees. This illustrates the importance of not alienating the religious, no matter what our private thoughts might be about certain pain points, such as scriptural doctrines that are frequently misused to put a plastic halo on Leftist ideology.
Age is the next consideration, going from 4.99% (18-29) to 7.47% (65 and older). This tends to follow the typical ideological progression in life from liberal to libertarian to conservative to reactionary. Basically, everyone stops being liberal when they grow up; it’s just that adulthood comes much later for a lot of people. The one exception in what otherwise would be a linear progression was ages 30-44, at 3.47%. That much tends in part to confirm the “Generation Snowflake” stereotype. On the other hand, Generation Z isn’t quite as based as their reputation, and the Boomers are the least egalitarian, much contrary to their stereotype.
Significantly, the geographical breakdown is South (7.8%) versus everyone else (4.79%). The implications are obvious. Southrons get the full benefits of diversity in all its vibrant glories. Not only have they been in close proximity to blacks for ages, Hispanics are inviting themselves into their territory, as well as anyone else around the world who feels like intruding, thanks to politicians hell-bent on giving away our country. If there were further geographical breakdowns, I’d expect that lily-white liberal havens — New England outside of massively urbanized areas, certain parts of the coastal Pacific Northwest, etc. — would score very low. Those the least exposed to racial diversity always tend to be the most enthusiastic about it, and the most inclined to lecture those who have a lot of experience with it.
Finally, there are some socioeconomic factors which may tie together somewhat. Those with a college degree are concerned at a rate of 3.34%, and those without at 7.38%. For those who are unemployed, the figure is 8.16% and 5.54% for others. There’s a fairly linear decrease in concern accompanying rise in income. This is 8.58% for those with less than a $30K annual income, all the way down to 2.84% for those earning over $100K. Does that mean that white racial consciousness is for dumb rednecks? Those most happy to embrace that conclusion would include Leftists who claim they support the workers and the farmers — until they actually meet any. I have some other ideas.
For one thing, the university system has been turned into a powerful opinion-forming institution. At most places, students will get a four-year ideological deep fry. Some are able to resist the enemy propaganda; others will begin drifting ideologically leftward as early as a few months into their freshman year. (I’ve seen this happen.) It’s probable that the effectiveness has much to do with peer pressure in an echo chamber environment, as well as the indoctrination being delivered under the imprimatur of academia. After graduating, many will recover, others partially so, and some not at all.
Other than that, we’re making our greatest advance among the working class. Leftists who consider themselves champions of the workers and farmers can eat their hearts out and cry in their beer about that one. This happened because their ideological forebears cast the proletariat aside and started cultural Marxism.
In any event, I see another correlation of awareness with adversity here. If I recall correctly, even the early big meanies, Rockwell and Pierce, noted the role of tolerable bourgeois comfort in keeping our people complacent. Every time the globalists strip-mine the middle class, they create new enemies.
More room for hope
All this discussion for the level of total concern depends on respondents answering 4 or 5 on each of the three questions — again, this is 5.64%. Sounds like a promising start; we still have a lot of work to do, don’t we? When we get to the breakdown for each question, things start looking much better:
- Strong feelings of white solidarity: 37.65%
- Strong feelings of [anti-]white discrimination: 26.65%
- Strong feelings of white identity: 27.96%
Had I been a participant, I would not have been in the 5.64% category exhibiting high concern for racial consciousness on each question; I only would have given a 3 for the “strong feelings of white discrimination.” Rather obviously, rackets like Affirmative Action are absurd and have no end in sight; the government of our own country — which the Founders established “for ourselves and our posterity” — bends over backwards for everyone else, while also thinking we’re Public Enemy Number One; and the trash talk whites shrug off on a daily basis would give People of Color™ a case of the vapors in under five minutes. In my opinion, however, that doesn’t rate a 4 or 5 because it’s not as bad as South Africa or Zimbabwe. For that matter, those who didn’t rate as highly concerned about any of the three items are not all Leftist lemmings or terminally apathetic.
Of the over one in three Americans who feel white solidarity strongly — “that whites [should] work together to change laws that are unfair to whites” — might they be receptive to our message? How about over one in four who are profoundly irritated by anti-white discrimination? What about over one in four who feel strongly about white identity? One needn’t have a high concern on all three items to be on our side, or potentially so. Obviously there are a tremendous number of whites fed up with the rotten status quo in one way or another. Granted, the figure might not yet be 50%, but keep in mind that only about a third of Americans in 1776 thought that monarchy was for the birds. Although they weren’t the majority, they were willing to pick up muskets and endure great hardships until victory. It’s entirely possible that we could bring about peaceful change with much less sacrifice.
Looking at the breakdown in further depth, we do see some interesting things. Among Democrats, 31.10% rated high for white solidarity — who knew? That’s only ten points below Republican respondents and eleven for independents. Both Generation Z and millennials scored a smidge above 30% — how about that? Boomers reported a concern level at 49.31%. There’s also less than a 4% point spread between Southrons and everyone else. The sectional differences in opinion are more pronounced for the other two questions.
For the question about anti-white discrimination, there’s an odd anomaly in which those attending religious services once or twice a month scored at 36.13%, or about ten points higher than adjacent categories; those who attended a few times a year or those attending most weeks. Contrary to the other two questions, the number answering with high concern decreased in proportion to age. That suggests that the youth are getting the worst of it. As one might expect, this is where the greatest differential in respondents is regarding income. Those earning under $30K answered as being concerned at 36.15%, while those earning over $100K answered at 19.32%.
That’s understandable; the upper bougie class is less personally affected by problems like Affirmative Action. They’ve received the least adversity of all the social classes. The way many of them see it, they already made their stash; let the devil take the hindmost. I figure that the level of concern in this demographic was also drawn downward by Jewish respondents, who have an average income of $120K and will be highly represented in this class. Through their talents at ethnic networking, they’re unlikely to be passed up for promotion by diversity hires. Moreover, in general any form of white self-consciousness is anathema to many of them, even though they should realize that they’re on target with anti-white agitation as well.
Regarding white identity, this is the one question where the millennials score below everyone else, which dragged down their combined score in this regard. One can chalk this up to the kind of propaganda they were exposed to during their upbringing. Those earning over $100K answered as being concerned at 21.98%. Of course, that’s lower than everyone else, as usual. Looking at things the other way, however, means that over one in five among that social class exhibits high concern for white identity. That’s a fairly large number of people in important positions who are profoundly annoyed at having to walk on eggshells for their Woke Capital corporate hell jobs. If they decided to go Galt at the same time, the effects would be massive.
Finally, recall that the survey was taken in 2016. A lot has happened since then, of course. To hit the highlights, there was the plandemic, the George Floyd vibrancy, the illegitimate Bidet junta, increasing anti-white rhetoric from the government, and the mask slipping off of the New World Order generally. There could be more Bond villain stuff looming on the horizon, but every event like that has the unintended effect of raising consciousness further. It’s a safe assumption that levels of concern are even higher now. Even some high-functioning liberals should be getting the picture — or at least their faith might be getting shaky.
All told, critical mass can’t be far away.
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Black Bellyaching
Yesterday I encounter a young white male (a fatherless atheist) who reacted very negatively to being told (by me) that he/we live in the whitest state in America and that me being pro-white, I hope it stays this way. The demographics of Maine are just a simple fact. “That’s so wrong,” he said shaking his head and looking so disappointed like a sad puppy. I shared with him my experiences with affirmative action service industry hires (that they are horrible and that I prefer competent English speaking whites) and so he then instinctively wanted to tell me he’s offended (like a woman) about what I’m saying because he has an “Asian girlfriend” but I batted that irrelevance away easily enough. “She’s white bro, just look at her. And stop crying about some girlfriend.” Anyway, he was/is a weak white. No racial awareness. No underlying racial reality. Calls himself a conservative. Used blasphemy in his frustration with me. “Jesus Christ, that’s racist! That’s a racist statement,” he kept saying. Bottom line is I told him THE TRUTH and maybe that will sink it someday.
I’ve had some fairly similar experiences. I say something contrary to The Narrative, and from the lack of comprehension I get, I might as well have been speaking Sumerian. Still, with luck, eventually something might break through the conditioning.
When I was deep in my fallen state and hated the truth with a reactive passion, blessed was anyone brave enough to stand up to my hellish heart and tell me the truth. Yes, it got in. Yes I remember what they said. Yes I am grateful to those folks who loved me enough to tell me the truth even though I made it obvious I didn’t wanna hear it.
Positive messages can make a real difference. Ages ago, what pulled off the liberal blinders for me were the words “It’s not your fault.”
It’s been pointed out that if there’s hope it lies in the comments section.
Most of us would be pleasantly surprised by checking out comment sections on normie conservative sites such as Town Hall, PJ Media and Breitbart. Most especially the ones regarding crime.
I remember when comment sections used to be common for MSM and other leftist sites. Most of them removed that, tired of all the effort that it takes to censor them. It seems they don’t like the public talking back to them.
With the President – Biden, the Vice-President – Harris, the Secretary of State – Mayorkas – and the Speaker of the House – Pelosi, all marching and speaking in sync about “White Nationalists and White Supremacists” being the single greatest threat to the United States today (without ever defining the difference between the two groups), and other Leftists designating all of the 74 million who voted for Trump as White Supremacists as well, it is no wonder that most White people are completed terrified of announcing their wish to have ‘White Solidarity’ in any way, shape or form. Every time we open our mouths to fight back, we are immediately called out as ‘violent White Supremacists’, at least once a day. But thanks to articles such as this, we may be opening up a way to fight back.
The way I see it, if only a few speak out, they can come down on us individually (cancel culture and all that). If all of us speak out at once, we’d be unstoppable.
Thanks for this. One phenomenon that partly drives whites against whites is money. Department chairs and other leaders are constantly pressured to rapidly diversify their legions or they face getting canned for not catering to the left agenda. There will be a twitter mob or protest against the organization affecting profits. So one white person in power subscribing to this can wreak misery on many to preserve their own salary. If these actions were pointed out as discriminatory there would be less of it. Part of their jobs seems to be clever ways to obfuscate what they are doing.
These are very encouraging numbers. Assuming equal likelihood, 1/5 for each question response being #5 extremely concerned, yields 1/125 that all 3 are answered the same way, that is less than 1%. The actual results represent close to 6x that. Very encouraging.
More good news for white people.
All races besides had fewer births year-over-year in 2021 vs 2020. This is the first time white births increased in many years.
So there appears to be a sea change in the fertility arms race.
Whites (+2%; +41,122)
Hispanics (+2%; +18,013)
Black (-2.5%; -12,784)
Pacific (-1%; -109)
Asians (-2.6%; -5,512)
Native (-3.3%; -878)
Does this just count White women giving birth overall, not only those giving birth to White children? I suspect thats the case, which just means we have a lot of mulattos coming into the world, because i see the exact opposite in reality.
This is what I really dislike about this movement. Your mind automatically goes there because you can only focus on the negative no matter what. You guys simply cannot take good news whatsoever. It’s pathological. But even if this were the case with what you say you would still not criticize said women can, but instead criticize any man who criticized said women. So none of your concern-trolling makes any sense.
It makes sense if you recognize the ‘pro-White’ movement is full of people who still hate White people, they just do it selectively. Anyone who lacks compassion for White people for any reason just isn’t ‘there’ yet.
White women have the lowest rate of miscegenation of any females of any race in North America. And this is the case despite media promotion for more than two generations. Our women are alright. Quit speaking ill of them.
Excellent article. One small objection. You write
“… keep in mind that only about a third of Americans in 1776 thought that monarchy was for the birds. Although they weren’t the majority, they were willing to pick up muskets and endure great hardships until victory. It’s entirely possible that we could bring about peaceful change with much less sacrifice.”
This is partially true, but look at how much more globalized and (((chosen))) we are now than our forefathers were in 1776. So, I do disagree with the last sentence that I quoted from you. Our sacrifice is going to have to be much greater than that of our forefathers.
I do see some room for hope. The System is losing control over The Narrative. As long as this continues, eventually things will stop working for them. They’d have to switch to hard totalitarianism to stop sliding down the drain. The System might lash out and try something like that, though they’d be running on fumes by then.
This is a great essay. It’s important to be as evidence-based as possible in our political calculations. These numbers are very promising and should be considered fantastic given the massive and virtually seamless effort to destroy White racial awareness and positive self-regard. The ways in which our racial enemies promote hatred of Whites is so subtle and totalizing that I believe 99% of the pro-White movement is affected to a significant degree. We have to recognize and be prepared to effectively manage the various anti-White and counter-White attitudes that come from the libertarian-to-WIN and manosphere-to-WIN pipelines.
Whites want to like each other. They have to trained not to do it. Our enemies are always seeking (and finding) ways to drive wedges between Whites, whether it’s by sex, or region, or class, or even political party. A successful WIN movement is a pro-White movement. And the data Beau has analyzed should tell us why this is the approach to take: Every 20th White person you see is to some extent pro-White or at least anti-anti-White.
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