Tag: Walt Disney
As the Queen worked, gazing at times out on the snow, she pricked her finger, and there fell from it three drops of blood on the snow. And when she saw how bright and red it looked, she said to herself, “Oh, that I had a child as white as snow . . .” — The Brothers Grimm, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
Hey white boy, what you doin’ uptown? — Lou Reed, “Waiting for the Man” (more…)
Jack Murphy, aka John Goldman, an allegedly conservative “masculinity coach” who will get very angry with you if you suggest he’s gay, even though he’s said publicly that he’s had sex with men and has made videos while using a dildo on himself. He also used to frequently interact with a recent mass shooter on Twitter.
Jack Murphy, aka John Goldman, an allegedly conservative “masculinity coach” who will get very angry with you if you suggest he’s gay, even though he’s said publicly that he’s had sex with men and has made videos while using a dildo on himself. He also used to frequently interact with a recent mass shooter on Twitter.
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Lyndon McLeod, Jack Murphy, & the Perils of Performative Masculinity
As a wee beardless youth in the brick-and-cement ’burbs of Philadelphia, I found myself watching an old Robert Mitchum film on TV one night and wondering how he managed to be so cool. Then it suddenly occurred to me that his secret was that he didn’t think about being cool; he simply was cool. To become conscious about being cool was to take a long leap away from even hoping to be cool. (more…)
When I was a boy my parents would take me to the cinema. (That’s the Proustian opener out of the way). It would be either my father or my mother but never both, as I had brothers five years younger than me, identical twins, and my parents would take turns looking after them (and they were a handful) while the other one took me to see a movie. I remember seeing Walter Matthau in the movie Prisoner of Second Avenue with my dad, and both my mother and I being scared out of our wits seeing Carrie. I also remember classic Disney films. (more…)