Marcus “The Golden One” Follin is a young star of the European New Right (see his previous appearances at Counter-Currents here). He has already published two books, written countless reviews, and is an entrepreneur, managing a line of clothing, nutrition, and other products through Legio Gloria. He is dedicated to the development of his body and spirit. (more…)
Tag: style
1,168 words
By temperament and by instinct I have a need for the superfluous. — Gabriele d’Annunzio
For many of us, cars are no more than devices necessary for getting from point A to B. They can become a real burden, crushing their owners with payments while rapidly depreciating in value. (more…)
1,290 words
“We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing automobile with its bonnet adorned with great tubes like serpents with explosive breath . . . a roaring motor car which seems to run on machine-gun fire is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace.” — Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (more…)
September 6, 2013 Alex Kurtagić
Κύριοι του Σύμπαντος
October 27, 2011 Alex Kurtagić
Maîtres de l’Univers
932 words
Alex Kurtagic’s recent article, “Mastery of Style Trumps Superiority of Argument,” underlines the importance of developing an attractive image for our movement, one that appeals to our aesthetic tastes and offers a true alternative to the hostile establishment’s status indicators. But what would that style actually be?
September 7, 2010 Alex Kurtagić
Mastery of Style Trumps Superiority of Argument
1,203 words
Douglas Olson is also correct in pointing out in “Whites – Are We Still Worthy?” that much of the reason for white inaction is the fact that, notwithstanding the decades of concessions to the Left, whites are still relatively comfortable; they are still wealthy and they are still able to find, albeit admittedly in diminishing quantities, geographical refuge and juridical sanctuary. (more…)