[M]an has ascribed to all that exists a connection with morality and laid an ethical significance on the world’s back. – Friedrich Nietzsche
Everybody wants to rule the world. — Tears for Fears (more…)
[M]an has ascribed to all that exists a connection with morality and laid an ethical significance on the world’s back. – Friedrich Nietzsche
Everybody wants to rule the world. — Tears for Fears (more…)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a television series that ran from 1993 to 1999. In contrast with its predecessor The Next Generation, which was inspired by an optimistic vision of a largely peaceful future, Deep Space Nine depicts a less cooperative and more familiar universe. (more…)
Star Trek: Discovery (henceforth referred to by the fitting abbreviation STD) is the sixth Star Trek television series, and a direct prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series. The first season premiered in 2017, and the second premiered this January. The plot centers around the exploits of the USS Discovery amid a war between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets.
English original here
Často se říká, že nihilismus je jednou z nejvýraznějších charakteristik naší moderní doby – co to ale vlastně nihilismus vůbec je? Nihilismus znamená cosi jako „smrt“ Boha, popření objektivního smyslu a hodnot, rozostření morálních kategorií a hierarchií, rozklad společného světa na individuální náhledy i společné kultury do subjektivních „osobních preferencí.“ (more…)
I have seen a lot of Star Trek on the big and small screens, and from the perspective of middle age, it seems like an appalling waste of time. Recently, I watched a number of episodes from the original series, which I had not seen since childhood, and found them quite creaky and often laughable. My feelings about the original cast surfaced when I saw Walter Koening appear on an episode of Babylon Five (yes, it was awful, but I gave it a chance!), and I blurted out, “Science fiction will not be safe until all these people are dead.” (more…)
3,263 words
English original here
On dit souvent que le nihilisme est l’une des principales caractéristiques de l’âge moderne, mais qu’est-ce que le nihilisme ? Le nihilisme signifie quelque chose comme la « mort » de Dieu, la négation du sens et de la valeur objectifs, l’effacement des distinctions morales et des hiérarchies, la dissolution d’un monde commun en perspectives individuelles, et la dissolution d’une culture commune en « préférences données » subjectives. (more…)
3,318 words
English original here
Frecuentemente se dice que el nihilismo es una de las características de la era moderna pero, ¿qué es el nihilismo? El nihilismo significa algo así como la “muerte” de Dios, la negación del valor y del significado objetivo, la borradura de las distinciones morales y jerárquicas, la disolución de un mundo común a las perspectivas individuales, y la disolución de una cultura común a las “preferencias dadas” subjetivas. (more…)
3,009 words
Translations: French, Spanish, Czech
It is often said that nihilism is one of the leading characteristics of the modern age, but what is nihilism? Nihilism means something like the “death” of God, the denial of objective meaning and value, the erasure of moral distinctions and hierarchies, the dissolution of a common world into individual perspectives, and the dissolution of a common culture into subjective “given preferences.” (more…)
In terms of collective survival, whites are in a no-win situation where no favorable outcome is possible, laws and mores against genocide, racism, and discrimination notwithstanding. We are bound to lose no matter what we do as long as we continue to adhere to the enemy’s rules. (more…)
1,459 words
German translation here
When most people see whites dating non-whites, the immediate assumption is that there is something wrong with the white. Usually the defects are obvious. We know why a homely or obese white woman is sleeping with blacks or Mexicans: They are willing to overlook her faults because she is white. (more…)