Let’s talk ice cream machines. They’re a minor aspect of your daily life that you might not even notice much. Chick-fil-a, Shake Shack, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, In-N-Out, Steak ‘n Shake, Dairy Queen, Rally’s — they all have them. Your local family-owned and regional chain restaurants have them as well. They are everywhere, and I contend we can look at the ice cream machine as a miniature social-capital and livability data-outpost because of their ubiquity. We can get to know a particular store or area of town by its ice cream machine functionality level. (more…)
Tag: social capital
1,764 words
To get a better sense of what the Left is all about with the relentless labeling of any and all opposition as “racist,” “fascist,” “proponents of hatred,” etc., and to try to understand how language in the service of ideology has become so corrupted, it might be helpful to consider the notion of “performative utterances” (hereafter, performatives) as developed by J. L. Austin, a British language philosopher from the last century. (more…)
8,839 words
On April 19, Counter-Currents instituted a paywall for articles and podcasts that will be made freely available 30 days later. This article by Kathryn S. was one of the first items to go behind the paywall, and is now one of the first items to be released to everyone else. More information about how to get behind the paywall can be found below. (more…)
8,691 words
This past winter I lost my last grandparent — the most stubborn one, still to the end a strict English schoolteacher after having long since retired from the profession in the 1970s. She suffered through the desegregation years while working at Marshall High and was never dishonest about the experience. She possessed that combination of Southern decorum and irascible (and accurate) bluntness, which gave her the ability to reduce anyone, including 250-pound, six-foot-three black football players, to tears. (more…)
There’s a kind of conservative article which is by now very predictable.
Leftists are doing something outrageous. Where before they did it in the shadows, they are now doing it with impunity, which is causing dissatisfaction not only among conservatives, but also among normal, law-abiding, hard-working, and otherwise platitudinal people. (more…)
November 5, 2019 Ricardo Duchesne
Pinkera Brzydzą Biali Nacjonaliści
Polish version here
Steven Pinker
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
New York: Viking, 2018Pinker “Loathes” White Identitarians
With the publication of Enlightenment Now, Steven Pinker has decisively established himself as the foremost public intellectual in the United States. (more…)
Dora L. Costa & Matthew E. Kahn
Heroes & Cowards: The Social Face of War
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008One of the ideas that helped create the “Alt-Right” was laid out by Robert D. Putman in his book Bowling Alone (2000).[1] Putnam argues that after the social revolution of the 1960s introduced the horrors of “vibrancy” and “diversity” on America, civic society itself began to fragment. (more…)