It can be amusing to observe how Leftists get “triggered” by a line of argumentation, a phrase, or merely a naughty word. All it takes is a brief utterance, and they come unglued. Granted, some of that is probably play-acting, and some is imperious bluster, but there are times when they really do flip and trip because their brains are unable to cope. (more…)
Tag: prejudice
While traveling the past few weeks, I kept thinking about the upcoming 2020 US presidential election. More precisely, I kept wondering whether this election would be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. (more…)
4,642 words
4,642 words
This is what I believe:
“That I am I.”
“That my soul is a dark forest.”
“That my known self will never be more than a little clearing in the forest.” (more…)
5,222 words
5,222 words
James Kalb
Against Inclusiveness: How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and What to Do About It
Tacoma: Angelico Press, 2013Behold! We the Netizens in the days of yore, after Al Gore hath wrought the Internet, ventured forth with the might of our 56K modems. Yon Information Superhighway was then yet a realm of unbounded freedom, long ere Woke Capital unleashed its tyranny. It was in these bold times that I came upon the writings of the sage Jim Kalb. (more…)
Jennifer Eberhardt
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
New York: Viking, 2019If one were to design the perfect vessel for the transmission of anti-racist dogma framed wholly at the embarrassing level of superficiality liberals have come to regard as adequately stimulating, it would look exactly like Jennifer Eberhardt. (more…)
The other day, I had one of those fist-trembling moments. I was at the beach, waiting in line to buy a cheap lunch at a food truck. The person taking orders was a congenial, light-skinned, middle-aged black who was carrying on an intermittent conversation with a younger, darker friend of his while taking orders. The kid seemed in his late teens and sported a white visor and a thatchy, stylish goatee. He brimmed with cool, easy confidence as he leaned against the truck, shirtless. (more…)
English original here
Vor Jahren erzählte mir ein Freund eine Parabel über eine Hominidenspezies, die es nicht erlebte, die Erde zu erben. Diese Hominiden betrachteten jedes einzelne Wesen als völlig einzigartig. Wenn ein Tiger aus der Dunkelheit sprang und einen von ihnen in sein Verderben zerrte, veranlasste sie das zu keinen Verallgemeinerungen über Tiger als Gruppe. Als daher ein neuer Tiger in den Schatten am Rande des Feuerscheins herumzuschleichen begann, wurde er nicht auf der Grundlage des Verhaltens des anderen Tigers beurteilt. (more…)
February 27, 2016 Greg Johnson
En Defensa del Prejuicio
English original here
Hace años, un amigo me dijo una parábola sobre una especie de homínido que no vivió para heredar la tierra. Estos homínidos comprendían cada entidad como enteramente única. Cuando un tigre saltaba desde la oscuridad y secuestraba uno de ellos a su muerte, esto no les generó ninguna generalización de los tigres como grupo. Entonces cuando un tigre nuevo aparecía alrededor merodeando en las sombras al borde de la luz del fogón, él no era juzgado en base al comportamiento de los otros tigres. (more…)
16:16 / 2,549 words (text version here)
Article by Greg Johnson, video by Oscar Turner
For more videos, subscribe to CounterCurrentsTV at YouTube (more…)
January 12, 2016 Greg Johnson
Til forsvar for fordomme
English original here
En ven fortalte mig, for år tilbage, en lignelse om en art hominider der ikke overlevede til at arve Jorden. Disse hominder betragtede hvert evig eneste væsen og tilfælde som aldeles enestående. Når en tiger sprang ud af mørket, og slog klørene i en af dem, førte dette ikke til nogen generaliseringer angående tigre som gruppe. Når en ny tiger begyndte at luske rundt i skyggerne omkring lejrbålet, blev den således ikke vurderet på baggrund af den anden tigers adfærd. (more…)
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Translations: Danish, German, Slovak, Spanish
Years ago, a friend told me a parable about a species of hominid that did not live to inherit the earth. These hominids regarded each and every entity as entirely unique. (more…)
December 11, 2015 Greg Johnson
Na obranu predsudkov
English original here
Pred niekoľkými rokmi mi priateľ povedal podobenstvo o druhu hominidov, ktorý neprežili, hoci mohli vládnuť Zemi. Títo hominidi považovali každého tvora za úplne jedinečného. Keď vyskočil tiger z temnoty a jedného z nich odsúdil k tragickému osudu, nebolo to pre nich dôvodom, aby zovšeobecňovali tigrov ako skupinu. Takže keď začal druhý tiger obchádzať v tieňoch na pokraji ohňa, nesúdili ho na základe chovania prvého tigra. (more…)