Pox Populi did a solo Telegram stream last week on Greg Johnson’s essay “Against Imperialism,” reading it aloud and then chatting with listeners about ethnonationalism versus imperialism. It is now available for download and online listening. It is also available on YouTube, below. (more…)
Tag: national identity
3,022 words
One of the fundamental divisions in the White Nationalist movement is between ethnonationalists and imperialists. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye.
The division between imperialists and ethnonationalists is often overlooked. (more…)
July 12, 2021 Lawrence Lightfoot
The Iconic Marginal Person
763 words
In 18th-century Scotland, civilized people agreed that the tartan-wearing, livestock-thieving denizens of the Highlands were, at best, a nuisance. (more…)
2,050 words
2,050 words
Imagine that your house catches fire. You run out, family and pets in tow, to try your darndest to put out the fire. Imagine your neighbor looking on, saying “well, it’s not my house.” What’s wrong with that situation? Well, fire has a tendency to spread. Pretty soon, if your house is on fire, your neighbors’ houses will likewise catch fire. (more…)
1,488 words
1,488 words
I’ve spent the last few days contacting friends in order to make plans for my upcoming birthday. I always try to make my birthday memorable, whether it be with a group of friends or by myself. Last year’s birthday was one that I would never forget, as I found myself singing a Polish folk song in a restaurant in Iceland while Antifa was burning an American flag directly outside. How did this all come about? Let’s find out. (more…)
The Western Classical notion of identity comes to us from Herodotus’ Histories, written in the 5th century B.C. It’s from Herodotus that we have the story of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, told in the broader context of the entire Hellenic world’s successful resistance of the Persian invasion. In order to do that, the Spartans (Dorians) and Athenians (Ionians) had to overcome their differences and join together to defend what was common to both of them as Greeks. (more…)