Tag: human inequality
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It’s an old meme based on a comedy sketch that gave me my introduction to this question. But it raises a perfectly serious, important point. Namely, it gets right to the heart of why the supposed ideal of “equality” is nothing but a misdirection and a myth. If men and women are equal, then how come women have never successfully oppressed an entire gender? (more…)
“Black lives matter, Blue Lives Matter, All lives matter” — Bang! Bang! Bang! Splatter splatter splatter!”
Right now, the media — both the old desiccated mainstream version and the snarky shitposty memey new version, powered by the autistic and lonely — has a glint in its eye, a bounce in its step, and a tremulous quaver in its voice. In other words it has something to bang on about — a bit like the sniper(s) and other assorted thugs in Dallas, (more…)
“Seven Ideas You Can Never Discuss on Television”
Takimag.com, April 3, 2011In 1972 comedian George Carlin famously delineated the “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.” (more…)