First things first: Go call your mom. Okay! Now that you’re back, let’s talk about how wonderful she is for raising you, a person who ended up here at this publication. Motherhood is not easy, and more women today are opting for a child-free lifestyle due to financial pressure or climate concerns (check out “Why Environmentalists Should Have Large Families“). But what does that mean for our future as a people? (more…)
Tag: Denmark
June 7, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 452 The Best Month Ever on The Writers’ Bloc with Stephen Paul Foster
Frequent Counter-Currents writer Stephen Paul Foster was host Nick Jeelvy‘s honored guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they discussed The Best Month Ever — a selection of particularly interesting Counter-Currents articles published in May 2022. (more…)
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Of all the airports I have traveled through, I have probably spent the most time at Copenhagen Airport. During a recent layover there, I kept passing by a souvenir shop that displayed books about hygge, a Danish term that broadly represents “coziness, contentment, and happiness.” Whether I was visiting castles, discovering ancient burial mounds, or attending heavy metal concerts with friends, I have had many experiences in Denmark that gave me the hygge feeling. As a wanderer, dissident, and white advocate, (more…)
In the last nine days, we have received 9 donations totaling $2,700 for which we are enormously grateful. Our goal this year is to raise $70,000. So far, we have received 146 donations totaling $24,177.27. (more…)
January 12, 2016 Greg Johnson
2015: Das Jahr für den Weißen Nationalismus
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In February of 2014 a two-year old giraffe was euthanized at the Copenhagen Zoo. Worldwide media attention and an online petition signed by twenty-seven thousand friends of animals had failed to save him.
One of the advantages of being a White nationalist is that the world becomes fairly easy to understand. Facts are your friends if you don’t have to ignore or contort them, and daily news is often a script illustrating your political beliefs. (more…)
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Another day, another violent terror attack on our native soil of Europe by your friendly neighborhood NECs [non-European Caucasians]. No worries though, it’s all covered and controlled by our masters in the usual manner.
On the whole, 2014 was a good year for White Nationalism, European ethnonationalism, and allied trends. Of course, we New Rightists are subtle dialecticians, for whom better is always better, but worse is better sometimes too.
Better is Always Better
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The mandated claim that mass immigration is indispensable to the cultural and economic “enrichment” of European nations is possibly the most extreme policy ever implemented in human history. This cultural Marxist-initiated policy is bringing an irreversible alteration in the intrinsic ethnic and cultural identities of European nations. (more…)
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Francis Fukuyama
The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012There’s so much meat in Francis Fukuyama’s The Origins of Political Order that someone could teach a college class on it, and someone should. It’s an expansive study of different political systems that attempts to develop a general theory of political development, and explain why different societies have formed different kinds of states — or none at all. (more…)