1. Whites must comprise a supermajority — 99% or more — of any geographical territory they occupy. This is self-evidently true, as our failed attempts at multiculturalism have shown. (more…)
Tag: assimilation
George Friedman
The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century
New York: Anchor Books, 2009George Friedman’s The Next 100 Years is an intriguing forecast of how the twenty-first century will play out. Friedman gets a lot of things wrong, but there is nevertheless a method to his analysis, and we have much to learn from what the broader center-Left, of which Friedman is a part, gets right. It’s also interesting because glowing reviews in the mainstream media suggests that the book has been guiding the establishment’s thinking, and thus explains some of their odd decisions. (more…)
January 16, 2023 Alain de Benoist
The Populist Moment, Chapter 10, Part 2
The Ambiguity of “Communitarianism”Introduction here, Chapter 10 Part 1 here, Chapter 11 Part 1 here
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
In most Western countries, all discussion of immigration today immediately results in a debate about “multiculturalism.” In England, the United States, and Germany, to cite only three countries, if one is against immigration, one is also against multiculturalism[1] — and the converse is also true: It is generally in the name of multiculturalism that immigration is justified. (more…)
Last weekend’s Ask Me Anything on Counter-Currents Radio with Greg Johnson is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:01:24 What are your thoughts on Italy banning Russian ships from their ports?
00:01:50 What are your thoughts on animal testing? (more…) -
“War is a bad thing, but peace can be a living horror.” — Ray Bradbury, “The Concrete Mixer”
I trust I am not alone among Counter-Currents readers in my appreciation for the late Ray Bradbury, my favorite author as a boy. Though Bradbury is often categorized as a science fiction author, his stories are just as suffused with magic and myth as they are with the futuristic technology that so repelled and terrified him. (more…)
930 words
A newly-released statistical study by Charles Gaudreault published in a peer-reviewed journal has concluded that the ethnic French Canadians will become a minority by the year 2042 in their Québec homeland. (more…)
1,042 words
German translation here
As an ethnocentric white man, well aware that the mainstream media do not report the racial character of non-white violence, I closely examined photographs of the recent riots that have occurred in England. To my dismay I saw new numerous white youths participating in the violence. (more…)