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In late January 2022, a white born-again Christian and former bodybuilder named Thomas Hand was murdered by a 17-year-old black thug in one of the rougher parts of Montgomery, Alabama. According to the Daily Mail, he used to preach the word of God in low-income parts of Alabama every Saturday with his pregnant wife Christine and his young son, Roman. This altruistic routine was cut short when someone the Daily Mail calls “a mumbling man” walked up to Hand, and for no apparent reason at all, shot him dead.
Why does this sort of thing keep happening? When are white people going to realize that it is a suicidally bad idea to attempt to rescue sub-Saharan Africans from their own psychoses and limitations? These are proto-humans who, on average, have lower IQs and poorer impulse control. This makes them dangerous and best avoided.
In our society today, where whites lavish blacks with charity and indulgence at every opportunity — even to the point of racially discriminating in their favor — it’s never been easier for blacks to succeed. The ones who can, invariably do. The ones who cannot, most likely never will. The poverty rate, the unemployment rate, the drug addiction rate, the murder rate, and the crime rate of these people (past and present) only validates such an ugly and hidebound statement. In that milieu, someone is nearly as likely to commit a crime as to say hello.
And no amount of God is going to change that.
I know this because there are many precedents for what happened to Thomas Hand. I learned of one when reading Robert Ruark’s great African novel Uhuru. The story takes place on the eve of black independence, several years after the bloody Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. In it, an experienced and very race-realist safari guide instructs a naïve American woman about blacks’ irredeemable violence. He does so by showing her a pair of magazine clippings, the first being a eulogy for 63-year-old Arundel Gray Leakey, a white Christian farmer who was murdered by the very people he had attempted to aid. Despite appearing in a novel, this horrific act did indeed happen.
In 1954, the Mau Mau had killed or wounded nearly 1,000 European or African soldiers after two years of rebellion, twice as many members of the loyal Kikuyu tribe, and 27 innocent white settlers. In retaliation, the British military had killed 6,741 Mau Mau fighters and captured almost twice as many. In the midst of this bloodshed fell Leakey’s little-remembered story. Leakey had been accepted among the Kikuyu as a “blood brother” and spoke their language fluently. He worked with them and strived for their welfare. So much did he trust them that he never carried a gun in their presence.
He should have.

You can buy Spencer Quinn’s novel White Like You here.
One evening, while dining with his wife and step-daughter in his farmhouse, located 100 miles north of Nairobi, 30 armed black terrorists broke in. His wife managed to tuck their daughter away in the attic through a trap door, but she herself was not so lucky. The blacks slashed her with knives and then strangled her to death. Leakey, who was a diabetic and could not live long without medication, was then marched to a secret location where the blacks forced him to take an oath ceremony and then buried him alive. This was a sacrifice to the Kikuyu gods. A witch-doctor had apparently ordered the sacrifice, claiming that a white man’s death would bring victory to the Mau Mau. Later, they found some of Mrs. Leakey’s jewelry on a girl who was with this heinous act’s perpetrator when he was finally captured.
Any internet search will turn up pages and pages of information on Emmett Till, Stephen Lawrence, and other celebrated victims of white-on-black murder, but almost nothing on Arundel Gray Leakey — and ultimately, I predict, just as little on Thomas Hand. In these two cases, you had a truly innocent and altruistic white who was brutally murdered by a black (or blacks, as in the case of Leakey). Further, in pursuing their altruistic goals, both whites sought out blacks, trusted them, and attempted to make life better for them.
I bring this example up to demonstrate how thousands of miles and nearly seven decades really mean nothing when it comes to well-meaning whites being murdered by not-so-well-meaning blacks. This site recounts, quite vividly, how Rhodesian blacks murdered 38 white, Christian missionaries of various denominations between 1976 and 1978.
What follows is reporting by the Sunday Mail on what came to be known as the Elim Mission Massacre of June 1978:
Eight British missionaries and four young children — including a three-week-old baby — were bayoneted to death by terrorists on Rhodesia’s Eastern border on Friday night in the worst massacre of whites since the six-year-old war began.
Three of the missionaries were men and the others women.
A sixth woman was stabbed and beaten and left for dead. She staggered 300 m into the freezing Vumba bush to spend the night before being found semi-conscious by security forces yesterday. Despite intensive care in a Salisbury hospital she subsequently died.
The gruesome murders, by a group of eight to 10 terrorists, happened at Emmanuel Mission School — 15 km south-east of Umtali and 8 km from the Mozambique border — once used as the Eagle boarding school.
The dead, who belonged to the Elim Pentecostal Church, were:
* Mr. Peter McCann (30), his wife, Sandra (also 30), son Phillip (six) and daughter Joy (five).
* The Rev. Phillip Evans (29), his wife, Suzan (35), and their daughter Rebecca (four).
* Mr. Roy Lynn (37), his wife, Joyce (36), and their daughter Pamela Grace. She would have been three weeks old yesterday.
* Catherine Picken (55) and Elizabeth Wendy Hamilton-White (37).
* Miss Mary Fisher (28).
Most of the women had been sexually assaulted, and one mutilated.
The children had been dragged from their beds. Two children were in yellow pyjamas, one with a red dressing gown, and a third in a flowery nightdress.
One child had her tiny thumbs clenched in her palms.
Even hardened security men were stunned by the bloody scene and stood around silently. “The quiet is uncanny”, said one.
Mr. Brian Chapman, director of the Church in Rhodesia and South Africa, visited the scene yesterday. He said: “We saw no humanity here.”
The massacre began shortly before 8.30 p.m. when the white families were forced by the terrorists from their homes and classrooms, and marched to a playing field.
Near the sports pavilion, about 400 m from the main school, they were split into groups, then beaten with lengths of wood and logs, and stabbed.
When security forces reached the scene yesterday, the full horror on the cold, mist-and-rain shrouded Vumba mountainside confronted them:
A mother, beaten to death, lay with her young baby. The baby had also been savagely beaten.
Their arms stretched out to each other, their hands resting an inch apart. The child’s hand was clenched.
The mother had a hand squeezed tightly around her engagement ring, turned into her palm, as she reached for her baby in her dying moments.
Nearby, another woman had died from an axe-wound — the weapon still protruded from her shoulder — and two men, one with his hands tied behind his back, lay beaten and slashed to death.
A blood-soaked chunk of wood had been dropped near to them.
Three children lay in a pitiful huddle, with two women’s bodies next to them.
Some had raised their arms to defend themselves from the brutal blows.
The previous year saw the murder of two white women by six blacks at the St. Paul Mission in southwest Rhodesia. The only gun on the premises was reportedly used by the head priest to slaughter livestock for food. The missionaries had built up so much goodwill with the local blacks that, by the time of the attack, they had forgotten where the gun was. The double homicide had caused a panic in the mission hospital, with the 130 black patients immediately clearing out. Some of these included women from the maternity ward who were in the midst of labor and later gave birth in the bush.
The women killed were Dr. Johanna Decker and Sister Ferinanda Ploner. When later asked about Dr. Decker, a black nurse who had witnessed the murders made this emblematic statement:
She was the kindest person we have ever known. She has worked all over this area and had many remote missions who will miss her. She was devoted to the cause and had never hesitated to sacrifice herself in her work for the Africans, who in turn had grown to love her.
It was when they saw that she of all people had been shot dead by these men that they ran in panic and some didn’t even stop to collect their babies.
If anyone thinks that these atrocities are a thing of the past, they aren’t. According to the Vatican News, in 2018 alone, Africans were responsible for the murder of 40 Christian missionaries. This was the most for any continent in that year.
Thomas Hand may have thought he was doing the work of God by preaching to blacks. But somehow I don’t think it was God’s plan for this 37-year-old husband and father to give his life so uselessly for these people. Same with Dr. Decker, Sister Ploner, and all the others. Blacks are obviously not going to change, despite all the love and God whites bestow upon them. And by neglecting to cover these events, the hostile elites who run the media and education system in this country will make sure that these people’s tragic ends never become the cautionary tales they should be.
Forgetting about Arundel Gray Leakey is what led to Johanna Decker and Sister Ploner. And forgetting about Johanna Decker and Sister Ploner is what led to Thomas Hand. See how that works? If people remember how inveterately dangerous blacks are — by the very nature that God had given them — they will see the futility and danger in attempting to reform them. Such remembrance saves lives. Furthermore, white people don’t exactly go around torturing, raping, and murdering black Christians who preach the gospel and build homes for poor people, do they?
I wish to make this clear: I am offering a heartfelt criticism of born-again Christians and other fervent, true-believing religious whites who speak the word of God while ignoring the reality of race. This is a dangerous and futile practice which must end, or else we’ll continue to have senseless deaths like that of Thomas Hand. I understand such people mean well and believe what they say. They should be lauded for their earnestness. And if they still have the need to reform wayward blacks, perhaps they should perform this noble task in controlled environments, such as prisons, where God’s light can shine just as brightly as anywhere else.
At least there you’ll have men with guns who will protect you in case it doesn’t.
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The show Sixty Minutes was pretty good last night, as it was all about animals. In the first segment there was a discussion of the return of great white sharks to Cape Cod with the return of seals. A photogenic young surfer was killed by a great white recently. They showed this huge town hall meeting with a bunch of Elizabeth Warren looking women gnashing teeth and saying “no amount of seals or sharks is worth the life of one young man.” Well, his death was unfortunate, but there is an accepted risk and personal decision upon entering the water. If I decided to run with tigers and got mauled, that’s on me, lol! I wouldn’t think tigers should be extinct.
Over the years many white young men but especially women have been killed or injured in the southern metropolises where I dwell, but no crazed liberals are expostulating on the worth of their lives. These people had not necessarily done anything wrong or consciously entered the territory of any predatory animal. Strange dichotomy, eh?
To be clear they were victims of black crime. I left that implicit.
It pains me to hear stories like this. White missionaries should focus on helping the downtrodden of their own kind. There is no shortage of white working class people who’ve fallen into poverty and the clutches of substance abuse. Aide those scorned by the system, not those lavished with endless money and attention. Let black pastors tend to their own flock, we’re not welcome nor is it our place. Whenever I see a nice white couple adopt a black kid, I think about much more a poor white child would have benefited and appreciated their love.
A lot of single white women like to adopt a black child. I sometimes wonder if these missionaries get their view of reality from movies and television, like a lot of secular whites do. This desire to improve the lives of others would be better put to use in parts of Appalachia and the rust belt.
I recently discovered an old childhood friend (who has two of his own white children with his wife) just adopted two black kids. They are good people but it’s such a waste of resources that could have been spent having more children of their own or adopting needy white children, which there are no shortage of in the part of Florida he lives.
We were looking to have another child but my wife wanted to know if I was okay with adopting. I said yes and she was very pleased.
Then I added: “as long as it’s not Black”. She told me that that’s all there is and adopting a young white child is impossible as demand is so high. Only Black ones are available. As I was already ready w.i. stuff, I was not going for that.
It used to be rather common for Americans to adopt Russian children but Putin shut it down after the U.S. started allowing gay couples to legally adopt. I have three children and would consider adopting under the right circumstances. I would never adopt black children though. I have never officially looked into the adoption process but I’m not surprised white children are in high demand.
A lot of single white women like to adopt a black child.
You know that the most prominent researchers and defenders of apes in Africa were white women. Dian Fossey defended gorillas and died for here (was killed by furless apes). Jane Goodall researched and defended chimpanzes, good, that she is still alive.
You are spot on! I am a born-again Christian and it confounds and frustrates me to no end why so many Christians throw their lives away by trying to convert a race that is for all intents and purposes, criminal.
I often think about other poor whites and know with a shake of my head that they are being ignored by the well-meaning but ultimately purposeless endeavor of “missionary work”.
As Whites we should prioritize caring for our own and teaching them the hope of God; there is a serious amount of ignorance of the “trailer park kids” outside of town and the extremely poor Whites who, if given the chance, would most likely succeed.
Stay strong and fight the good fight!
This column hit me deep. I am well aware of all the statistics, and also the horror stories. This one though…it was all so pointless.
A palpable hit. An inverse relation between testosterone and IQ may be a prerequisite for the jungle but surely outlives its utility in White-town, as in Main Street, as proven by every MLK Blvd ..blah.
Growing up in the South, in the 80s, I heard more than one tragic tale of a farmer or working-class gentleman who went to the ‘big city’–Atlanta or DC– encountered diversity in the form of a barrel to the spine and a demand for the wallet, and refused. And received a death sentence. AT the very least everyone in the non-mountain South knows someone who has had a violent encounter with a jogger. Unprovoked of course. It makes sense since one third of them have felony convictions.
But thanks to the ((())), this impossible criminality becomes a symptom not of negro, but of white pathology. Even Orwell has to bow to this level of brotherly absurdity.
This cuck asshole not only risked his life preaching to heartless ghetto trash every weekend but he used to bring along his pregnant wife and young son, needlessly risking their lives.
Evangelists are good people but they need to stop the Negro worship and ditch Pastor John Hagee.
African Americans (AA) are more willing to cooperate with whites when there is a mutual benefit to the exchange, but when whites ask for a one-sided favor such as listening to their testimony, AA’s may become even more likely to be hostile. AA’s don’t like it when you get “all up in dey bidniss.” They are quick to be suspicious of any white guy trying to do that. The murderer was probably a drugged up, paranoid and/or psychopathic “teen” who suspected the missionary of being a snitch to the cops or something. Ghetto AA’s can be primitively territorial that way, especially toward white guys who seem like cops–especially, the young AA men. You’ll have better luck among a few of the women and some of the men over 50, but even amongst those groups there is quite a bit of hostility. If missionaries still want to go to the ghetto and preach, so be it, but they should know what they’re getting into.
When missionaries greet AA’s in the ghetto, they tend to give them little flyers inviting inviting them to events or candy or something like that. This way, the AA’s see it as more of a mutual exchange than some white guy trying to get “up in dey bidniss.”
African Americans and perhaps blacks generally don’t act as altruistically by nature, and when they see non transactional behavior among whites, they suspect the whites are up to something.
Thanks, James. I wish I had included some of your analysis in my essay.
Thanks, you bring up a good moral question of whether white missionaries should take such risks, but it isn’t just blacks that are risky. Amerindians also have killed their fare share of white missionaries. It may have to do with these warm weather climates making theses “sun people” evolve to randomly destroy things and kill people more often as a way to prevent “overgrazing” if you will of the bountiful resources. In other words, if there’s a low level of murder and skirmishes, then they won’t exhaust the resources. They don’t need to strive as hard to get resources as Eurasians living in cold weather climates, so they don’t need to regard life as being so precious to survive. Thomas Malthus, an early 19th century thinker, claimed that war could prevent overpopulation, so this idea is nothing new, but I wonder if there is a “murder pattern” in genetic lineages that they could use to predict ancestral murder rates. That would be interesting. It would prove how commonplace are all those accounts of 19th century white explorers to Africa in “Negroes in Negro Land.”
While ghetto AAs murdering missionaries is inexcusable and probably more a result of their crazy genome than anything (their murder rate is triple Africa’s), it’s understandable that ghetto AAs don’t want white guys around because even if the white guy means them no harm, he probably talks to other white guys who may not just be seeking to stop the drug activity or to serve a warrant against one of the AAs but also a lot of these AA’s owe white people money and have rulings against them in civil court, partly because more of the AAs are reckless, irresponsible, destructive and careless but also because their income isn’t high on average so they can’t get out of financial trouble easily, so a lot of them are not just criminal fugitives but financial fugitives, which probably contributes to why they are so protective of “dey bidniss.” The reason they might murder a white missionary instead of just keeping mum around him is partly the sun-people-murder-to-prevent-overgrazing thing, partly the average 85 IQ, but also the 20% white admixture creating behavioral instability common among all living things that are cross bred. They also seem to have a particular hatred of white people –not just among the murderers but common among a good chunk of their population, maybe a third to half of those in the ghetto, and you don’t find this much hatred for whites among other non-white ethnic groups in America. African immigrants and Hispanics are a lot nicer to whites on average.
Anyway, in the case of the “teen” who killed the missionary in your article, he was probably high on something and suspected the missionary was a cop, a snitch, or too much into “bidniss.” The racial hatred is often tied together with these beliefs.
AKA Virtue-Signaling Yourself to Death: https://www.takimag.com/article/virtue_signaling_yourself_to_death_jim_goad/
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