In the couple years since I disengaged from mainstream politics, I’ve been accused of having become embittered or alienated. It’s certainly understandable, given my crotchety and dismissive “worse is better” responses to the latest betrayals and excesses from Capitol Hill.
But if inspiration is only going to be squandered on an utterly futile and thoroughly rigged shell game, then I’m doing our cause a service.
Besides, it’s not that I’m embittered and alienated from politics, per se. I’m embittered and alienated from mainstream politics. I think hope for our future lies outside of the conventional political process. I have hope for our future, just not hope for our future within the current system. I care deeply about politics. I just don’t care about political spectacles which universally and axiomatically preclude our making progress from the very outset. Besides, the future holds so many more possibilities outside the mainstream than within it, so I’ve come to see our exile as a blessing in disguise.
With that perspective in mind, I found the following meme on my Facebook feed noteworthy . . .
The joke is, of course, that teenagers are too too ignorant and immature to engage the political process appropriately. I hate to be one to ruin a joke by over-analyzing it, but I’m with the teenagers on this one. In my opinion, whether or not the Internet remains a free and unregulated source of information and organizing is at least that much more important than the presidential election. The Internet has broken the corporate and Jewish death grip on the publishing, news, and entertainment industries. It has opened the floodgates for information that had previously been relegated to insular samizdat newsletter and mail-order projects. It has introduced a new generation to a complete alternative to the mainstream liberal worldview.
Admittedly, we don’t have the flying cars, bullet trains, and arcologies that people fantasized about in the fifties. Hell, we struggle to maintain the infrastructure which we inherited from the fifties. We’re working harder for less pay in a more hostile and uncomfortable world than our parents, and the Zeitgeist of zombie movies and apocalyptic foreboding indicates a deep visceral fear that our future is likely to be a dystopian hellscape compared to the world our parents threw away.
But how much do these material matters weigh relative to the power we now have to reach out and build relationships with others who share our values and convictions? How empowering is it to have access to a library greater than the Library of Alexandria on the slim little e-reader on my bedside table? I admit that our use of these tools is clumsy. We are like toddlers taking our first steps. But the possibilities really are limitless!
And where would we be if, by some perfectly possible legal gesture, were blocked by the majority of ISPs. Imagine if The Political Cesspool’s broadcasts were classified as hate speech which the web host could be sued for and it were no longer readily accessible. The Internet is how Professor MacDonald has spread his revolutionary ideas to a large and ever-growing audience. The Internet is how a whole New Right youth subculture has emerged, influenced by thinkers like Evola, Guénon, and Heidegger.
It’s certainly not an unmitigated blessing. Yes, the Internet also provides access to unlimited pornography, mind-numbing games, and other distractions. Yes, the consequences of over-exposure may even include permanent neurological changes to how we think and behave. Yes, we can become so immersed in the virtual world that we cease being active and engaged in the physical one. But that’s hardly a reason to hesitate to leverage the Internet in the service of tribe, tradition, and transcendence.
For me, Internet freedom is the only mainstream political matter I care about. If this government bans guns, I’ll hide my guns. If this government passes another illegal immigrant amnesty, then I’ll do my best to exploit the frustration over it to recruit more persuadables to our cause. If this government imposes more discriminatory anti-White laws, then I’ll cope with the consequences. But if this government threatens the Internet, then it threatens my ability to communicate with and coordinate with my comrades throughout America and across the globe. It threatens my ability to reach the steadily growing number of people who are fed up with mainstream politics.
I no longer care about mainstream politics, until the minute the Internet is threatened.
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Placing hope in ‘fringe’ or non-mainstream politics and as representational of our future, would be defined by some as somehow oxymoronic or whatnot, since it is only in the mainstream that things happen in a decisive way. Unless of course the fringe somehow BECAME the mainstream, that being another hope although no one can at present explain how such an eventuality could come about, given today’s trends.
And speaking about trends… At some point I expect some ‘hate crime’ (always white on non-white, never the other way around) will get enormous and protracted media coverage and Obama weighing in a la ‘this is not acceptable anymore’ and tying the hater to this or that ‘hate’ site. The obvious, predictable response being to ram thru legislation benning ‘hate’ sites that ‘lead to’ such horrors. And to follow: publications, books…
This may well happen in the next few years, or with some successor of Obama. Whichever party does not matter anymore, as either is quite cabable of squashing the First Amendment (along with the Second, etc.). The Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC will generously offer their services, advice, model legislation, etc. whilst squawking that it is ‘not about censorship or abridging freedoms’.
Anybody getting in the way, protesting, whatever, will be accused of being ‘haters’ too. Already a great deal of the world’s political websites are blocked and in entire countries, it is only in America mainly that they still appear. I can see Nancy Pelosi when told about the First Amendment: ‘Are you serious? Are you SERIOUS???’
It would be interesting to see some discussion here about the overall efficacy of the US Constition and Bill of Rights, since neither document has prevented one disgraceful unconstitutional flight or another. Indeed the overall consensus is that these guiding documents are today irrelevant or obsolete. My view is that far from being works of genius, the Founding Fathers did not go anywhere far enough or explicitly enough in setting out the do’s and dont’s.
I agree wholeheartedly with this article.
Really, this extends even beyond any sort of white nationalism or political thing. For example, the paleo diet (a.k.a. “ancestral health movement”, “Primal living”, raw foodism, etc.) has, in just the past two or three years, performed a complete end-around the mainstream media and government’s food paradigm. (The U.S. News & World Report, owned by good friend to goyem everywhere, Mort Zuckerman, slanders the paleo diet as literally the worst possible diet in its influential annual diet rankings. Twenty years ago, that would be a death knell. Now, it’s throwing a pebble into the Nile and expecting it to dam it up.)
Same goes for video games, music, comic books, etc. Years ago, we were beholden to what the powerful few wanted us to have. Now, we can download whatever speaks to our souls, truly.
Many people, however, seem to prefer the Borg behavior of getting the approval of our elites before they can like a particular band or book. But people of that mindset are dwindling.
And, yes, many of us certainly must overcome the “novelty addiction” of clicking around sites, as well as the ravaging assaults of the Jewish internet porn (check out ‘The Great Porn Experiment’ TED Talk), but I do agree that we’ll overcome all these sorts of things in time.
One quick note: Rather than the expression “mainstream politics”, I think that the term “pop politics” is more apropos. This is because even these mainstream politics nowadays no longer have a pretense of being serious, but are instead talking heads screaming gibberish and acting “outraged” and “offended” at each other. Plus, it’s full of transparent lies, which all parties are aware of. Thus, mainstream politics is clearly just popular entertainment, and I think the association with “pop culture” suits it perfectly.
Joseph Bishop,
I disagree with you that making something mainstream makes it happen.
I remember in 2005 and 2006, poll after poll showed that the vast majority of Americans wanted the end of the Iraq War. Ditto for halting illegal immigration (when that was a trendy pop politics topic). These were both, like, 75% in the polls.
About a million dead Iraqis and five million new Mexicans later, I think it’s clear that the mainstream consensus is meaningless.
Our first priority is (in my opinion) to ourselves, our families, our immediate community, and our race (in that order, in my opinion). I’ve observed that people who reverse that and try to compete with the Jews for control of the federal government or mainstream media just end up stressing themselves out into a cortisol-wrecked ball of frustration and despair.
Actually you make a very good point there re the level of, or of not, of importance of the mainstream. Looking at it that way re immigration control and ending the Iraq war, Judaic power is so vast really, that it can safely ignore the mainstream when it chooses, and do the opposite of that which the mainstream desires. One could add various other issues where the mainstream view is usually ignored. Gay marriage, gun rights, etc.
Adding it all together, the ‘right’ fringe is therefore perhaps even more irrelevant than first appears, since even when the mainstream seems to lean in our direction, society goes the other way anyway. I’m looking at a political spectrum which is heavily weighted on the minority left, where the real power and influence is, out of sync with the mainstream, and very far distant from where ‘we’ are.
The theory of pendulum swings mandates the idea that the weight of the pendulum is in the middle somewhere, always striving for equilibrium, but I don’t think that holds true.
Thanks for the reply, and we can definitely add gun rights and gay marriage to things like illegal immigration and wars where the public has a strong and clear consensus and yet the exact opposite occurs.
And I definitely think that anybody who has viewed American politics or culture as a pendulum – oscillating, but averaging out to a state of neutrality – is being silly at this point. This country has been headed not just to the right or left (as both the police state representing the “right” and lifestyle decadence representing the “left” have both grown substantially) but instead towards one place: Statism. The government has gotten bigger and more powerful, in every way, consistently, for the past century. Number of laws, tax rates, size of the military, scope of the Empire, etc., etc., etc.
This is plain to see.
The U.S. government has shrunk in two areas, though: gentile control and independence of Israel.
The problem with the internet is that although you can absorb all kinds of info and fine-tune your very very particular ideology in whichever way you see fit, you’re still basically alone, a “fearless iconoclastic individual” sitting there behind the insidious glow of your computer screen.
And that’s exactly where corporate transnational capitalism wants you to be.
I keep a list of posts and quotes that have impressed me over the years: your post above has been added (number 143 or thereabouts).
Thank you; here’s another example of what I keep for future reference.
‘To expect an impossibility is madness. Now it is impossible for ill men not to do ill.’
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, V, 17.
Im not sure Im fully on board here, but can say the quality of the content and commentary is very high. The left seems to be a moribund ediface, at least aesthetically and intellectually for me.
Agree. The lefts online following is boring and trivial at best, and downright pathetic at worst.
The extreme majority of leftblogs are fantastically boring whine-circlejerks with nothing to say about anything, beyond jabbering about how reality offends their cosmic equalito-god.
I agree that our use of the Internet is very clumsy. But the development of Internet blogging software has been a big improvement in the last decade. Before that, I used to go to usenet forums where there was no censorship and the trolls were ruining the conversation. In the next decade, I hope that pro-White Internet radio stations will become popular before western governments crack down on Internet political activity.
Many people like to act blasé about the Internet revolution and are trying to minimize its impact. In fact, it is probably having a huge political impact. We see the same posturing about the Internet as about the Jewish problem. People don’t like to dwell on the Jewish responsibility in the current crisis because it sounds so crude and simplistic. We are more comfortable blaming liberals. About the Internet, many people react in a similar way. The idea that the Internet is going to save us is too simplistic. And it isn’t as romantic as mailing dissident newsletters and having real life meetings. People who don’t like to think of Jews as a monocause don’t like to think of the Internet as a monosolution.
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